So...I'm a beginner...
Energy's issues - well, I'll let others get into that. Opinion may change on it whenever we get our buff after I15. We'll see.
Leadership...I'd say it's kind of early to even worry about. Pick a travel power and get its prerequisite, figure out if you feel you'll need Stamina or not (possibly not, depending on Domination.)
One thing I'll say you should do, if nothing else just so you can get ideas on where you want to go with the builds, is to go and grab Mids planner from the titan network. Also, go to and bookmark the Paragon Wiki and look at ... well, just about any question there, first. Good reference in general.
leadership probably isnt a good thing for you to get so early on, its something that should be looked at in the late 20s at the earliest IMO unless running a superteam formation (basically a superteam all get leadership buffs and they stack from being small to awesome)
there isnt really anything bad in dominators, /psi is pretty weak untill level 38 but thats about it, energy isnt awesome but you will get by easily enough.
I would recommend this though -
reroll your dominator, level 10 is easy enough to get to
for pool powers you want to take a travel power (speed, leaping, flight, teleport) at 14 (you need the pre-requisite to get the actual travel power, hasten for example which incidently is awesome) and aim to get stamina from the fitness pool by level 20 (you need 2 prerequisites for that)
I'd recommend Leaping for a Dominator. It's a nice travel power on top of giving you two things which a Dominator can use a lot (Combat Jumping to get out of Immobilizes and Acrobatics for Holds).
Go plant/thorn! Energy is too single target to take advantage of the confusion control in plant (which is it's main control). Thorn has 2 attacks with kb and does really good AoE damage. You'll NEED stamina on every character excluding ones with /psi and/or powersink.
Best to get out of Energy before it's too late. After the Dom buffs Energy will be worth a second look, but right now I'd reroll if I were you.
And don't pick Psi as a replacement.
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Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

Psi really isn't horrible, but Energy is. Reroll, and if you want to go /Psi, go for it. I know I love the Psi secondary.
Okay, granted I haven't even looked at the Dom board in a really, really long time (Read: My second character was a Dominator after CoV came out, but I couldn't get into the playstyle), but wasn't Energy FoTM for awhile back then? What happened?
Not that I'm not appreciative of the warning myself. I'm about to make a new Dom based on a great costume idea from the Magic pack and Energy was on the list of possible secondaries, so I'm mostly just morbidly curious
While I am no expert on the subject, I believe when people spoke of Energy as FOTM they were referring to melee. Energy Assault was never quite the same thing. (We don't get Energy Transfer...)
Leadership isn't really a great pool for Dominators. Like Blasters, they don't get a great benefit out of it. If it's your concept, then go for it, but if you're trying to get some defense or something you would be better of with Tough, or even better think of your holds as your defenses.
Okay, granted I haven't even looked at the Dom board in a really, really long time (Read: My second character was a Dominator after CoV came out, but I couldn't get into the playstyle), but wasn't Energy FoTM for awhile back then? What happened?
[/ QUOTE ]
It was for Stalkers and Blasters, most certainly... not doms, as far as I can recall.
Energy was popular when everyone thought it was good and its attacks were mega detogglers in PvP. Everyone realized it actually sucked when Arcanaville crunched the numbers.
Leadership isn't a bad idea on a dom with powerboost. You get a mini-elude when you use powerboost then vengeance, not to mention it gives you a mini-aim in powerboost with tactics on.
Leadership on a dominator isnt a bad idea. Leadership is a bad idea as a power choice in a pre40 build.
Leadership on a dominator isnt a bad idea. Leadership is a bad idea as a power choice in a pre40 build.
[/ QUOTE ]
You have support for this? I don't see what 40 has to do with anything.
Leadership on a dominator isnt a bad idea. Leadership is a bad idea as a power choice in a pre40 build.
[/ QUOTE ]
You have support for this? I don't see what 40 has to do with anything.
[/ QUOTE ]
Do you like a tohit bonus and a damage buff?Tactics and Assault provide those powers nicely. Leadership isnt a waste on a dom but many Dom builds benefit more from filling out the prim//sec, then travel, then fitness for stamina before picking up aux's. Duh? Why in the world would I need to back up frakken common sense with "data"?
You want "data" go to City of Data. You need the link? Don't waste my time with stupid questions. The only reason any dom would pick up the nonnecessary aux's pre 35 would be for pvp. Who does THAT anymore?
On another note. If you like your character, Op. Then play the character. If you have temp travel powers to make your levelling journey easier and like having Leadership early on then keep it. Point is that you can have your fun anyway you like. If it works for you and you are having a good time? Go for it !! Happy playing!!
Ah, -that- explains it.
Also, to actually contribute, I've been doing exactly what Ditzy Blonde suggested with one of my villains. Right now between the first two mayhems and a mission from Marshall Brass she has two jetpacks and a jump pack.
At 22 she's still good for another 2 hours or so of flight time, with the full jump jet's timer to go, which made Leadership an easy pick. Ironically I originally was going that route since I planned to try leveling purely through AE, but that lasted 'till about level 10...
It's really hard to mess up a Plant/anything build..
Seeds of Confusion + Power Boost is a very potent combo. You'll have solid AoE mob control earlier then many, many other builds.
My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi
Energy was popular when everyone thought it was good and its attacks were mega detogglers in PvP. Everyone realized it actually sucked when Arcanaville crunched the numbers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Can't say I recall this for /eng doms. Energy melee and energy manip were largely considered the best for pvp. EM because you could two shot with TF+ET and E Manip because of boostrange, and pb with toggle dropper BS providing incentive to blap players. But the most effective /em blasters have always focused on ranged damage.
/eng for doms was never renowned for its toggle dropping, that was /fiery with blaze not only being omg good, but also the set's toggle dropper while everyone else had a melee one.
Hey welcome to CoH. listen, im going to tell you right now that when you've played this game as much as these guys you become a "hardcore" player that thinks that certain sets are worse than others. I play a Gravity/Energy Dominator and you know what? it works perfectly fine for me, energy's damage isn't so bad that its hindering my abilities and when I team with people, nobody complains.
So i'm going to warn you right now scrub, the people on these forums spend more time on these forums than actually playing and experimenting in game so you gotta ask yourself "what do these people really know?" and include me too because sometimes i feel like my ideas on certain powersets are superior to others too.
(P.S. not everyone but a large percentage of them and those who do know who they are)
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
Thanks everyone for the help and sugestions. I'm enjoying the character overall. Switched to the second build to experiment with some things. My biggest concern is the chronic inaccuracy I've been suffering and from reading around, it seems like that's simply due to my level and not the AT.
Yep play what you want and what you enjoy. There is plenty of time to focus on min/maxing on future toons, or this one down the road.
As for your accuracy issues, slot the power with mostly acc TO's (training origin) or DO's (lvl 12+ dual origin) enhancements. It will make a difference.
ime hitting say 90% of the time compared to 75% of the time is the difference between having fun and being hella frustrated.
Also be sure to fight enemies that are close to your level when you are a low level. High conning enemies (ie +2 and more) are harder to hit and take longer to kill. The combination of missing them more and more hp to chew through can be frustrating as well.
yes, slotting with 2 accuracy enhancements is pretty safe when it comes to accuracy, although some powers have an inheritant worse or superior accuracy but those are rare.
just like Dombegone_ said, when an enemy is higher level than you it also reduces your accuracy by a small amount per level higher.
and No, dominators do not have any accuracy problems so don't worry about it.
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
..and I picked a Plant/Energy Dom. Upon reading a few things on the forums I see it's generally felt that Energy is bad. While I'm actually sort of enjoying the knockdown abilities, I'm more or less asking for suggestions and advice on move picks for Energy and recommended Enhancement types.
Of note, I'm level 10, my current Power Pool is Leadership, and in other ATs my highest character is level 20 and I've only been playing for a month overall.
Mission Architect Handyman