Redd Rumm

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  1. I taunt on a few of my Brutes so i can steal all the aggro from other brutes ( brutes with no taunt dont get fed on my team )
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    And hopefully one day Castle will wake up and realize how completely and patently broken this is.

    (And this is coming from someone who has an SR Blaster. And yes, I've already donned my fireproof gear.)
    Why! I never understand why some people ask for nerfs . a lot of people work long an hard to softcap a toon an you want a nerf ?
  3. if your def is already softcapped you dont need elude . unless your in pvp zone mabey. In pve, nomatter if your def is at 45% or 145% i think critter to hit still remains the same ( 1 hit in every 10 attacks )
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gospel_NA View Post
    I almost believe there is, indeed, some sort of conspiracy keeping the powerhouse that is claws/SR under wraps.
    Remeber " yous dont know nothin an yous aint heard nothn"
  5. SHHHHHHHHHHH !!! we dont talk about Claw/SR brute. let every one think its a bad build so we can keep it to ourselves
  6. i just started a Rad /ice blaster an it seems ok for a lvl 10 . i wanted some feed back . is it worth keeping ? does any body have this build ?
  7. Warface Lvl 50 AR/TA cor . Very fun !
  8. Redd Rumm

    New Archetypes?

    would'nt a mele / buff toon be tooo squishy to play ? like a defender with no ranged attacks, or a pet- less mastermind ?
  9. on the red side we have high pain threshold ,invader ,demonic aura ,ect are the blue side accolades the same an if not how sick would it be to have a toon with all the accolades . well here to hopeing that reformed villians can gain blue side accolades once switched over an still keep the red ones !!
  10. Will all my villian badges change in to hero names if i turn a lvl 50 to a hero? or will i be able to get blue badges as well as keep the red ones ?
  11. Redd Rumm

    why no psy ?

    Does any one know why there is no psy primary for corrs?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
    i'm sorta thinking that it might be a carry over from needing rage to hit nems pre-AE farms.

    have you looked at the claw's numbers?
    (SHHHHHHHHH we dont speak of brute claws here !! we dont want "you know who"to take a look at em .)
    Ummm. claws suck!! Dont bother looking at its numbers . Move along nothing to see here !
  13. I saw a WP/EM tank try to farm the other day ......
    It was not pretty . it was like watching a small cute kitten die slowly .
    I wanted to cry as i watched him lumber along slowly trying to kill baddies in the mob one at a time.
    I remeber when the EM tanks would show up in RV,and it was game over the would clean house I hated ET soooo much. I think the devs nerfed ET for pvp reasons the EM tankers ,Brutes an especially stalkers were two shotting every one , but i didnt see a need to nerf it pvp is just one part of the game if u dont like the conditions of pvp dont do it ... dont nerf a whole power set just to balance pvp. Em was a fun set now its just lame in my opinion.
  14. Redd Rumm

    Claws SR/Elec??

    i made a claws /elc brute an it was just a hard road to travel for some one like me that is used to pwning every thing in a mish wit a def based brute. i found it confuseing when buying io's ( where are all the sets that add to smash /letha resit? ) on a def toon its simple ToD's add mele def & mako adds ranged def obliterations add mele , scirocco adds aoe steadfast proc adds 3% to all thats so easy . on elec armor you gotta go look every where for bonus' some times in the strangest sets like knock back an taunt sets whitch kinda makes it hard ( for me any way ) and no matter what you invest in a resitance based toon will lack some where.either your fire proof an bullets kill you or your uber cold master an negative makes you hide in a corner . on the up side when one of my def toons does get hit ( thanks to the to hit buff the critters in this game got ) its curtains for me unless i got a bunch of greens or a healer
  15. Redd Rumm


    Originally Posted by Kibowi View Post
    I've really been having a difficult time trying to figure out a build for my elec/shields brute. There doesn't seem to be too many posts in regards to them. I would like the build to at least contain mainly IO's and probably a few purp sets. I love Lightning Rod and Shield Charge, I think it's a great combo. I'm not sure of what epic powers to use but I wanted to use this brute mainly for farming....I've got about 4 billion to spend, if needed, hah.


    with all that money you should have no problems 3 sets of Tod .1 set of obliteration . 1 set of mako. steadfast proc , gladiator armor proc, numina& miracle procs in health 3 blessings of zeph take soul for a patron get darkest night & obliteration an those poor AE critters wont know what hit em. im posting from work so i dont really have the time to really get into builds but the general idea is to get the "big 3 of your def to atleast 45% " remeber to 6 slot your toggle defs 3 slot your auto's 3 slot your click wit recharge if you can an the rest is up to you.purples are not needed in a def based toon and afeter you fork over a bazillion bucks for a gladiator armor proc you wont want em any ways
  16. Redd Rumm


    Originally Posted by monkey0707 View Post
    Worry about soft capping your defense first. I have an elec/shield scrapper that is soft capped to all positions except for only 43 for AOE and the survivability is greatly increased. It’s not that hard to softcap with weave, combat jump and some IO sets.

    You will need to 6 slot some powers like Buildup and your attacks to get the positional bonus. I also have combat jumping slotted with a Zepher set. You will have to make use of epic sets to help out and may have to take the immobilize power for Enfeebled Operation bonus.

    Don’t worry about purple sets until after you are soft capped. To get your recharge up there you can slot 5 LOTG recharges in your 5 defense powers. This will also help out because you can also 3 slot each of them with a LOTG def and a LOTG def/end for hp and regen bonus, if you have extra slots.

    With Hasten up I have both lightning rod and shield charge recharge around 25 sec. Sometimes faster if force feedback proc fires off, slot it in Thuderstrike, and finish that power with 5 slots of Sciroccos for AOE set bonus.
    Try swapping out one of your obliteration sets wit 5 sciroccos an that should softcapp your AoE def an mabey a full set of BoZ
  17. I dont know what the prob is with Electric Armor /claws brute but i wish mine was SR instead . i have a dualblade / SR brute that is a true killer and i belive if that toon was another primary like claws or SS it would be awsome !!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Yes it will. The downside is that most of the uncommon and rare recipes that you get will be level 49 which tend to have a much lower sale price than level 50s
    i think he means purple recipes
  19. Drops are random. there is no sure fire way to farm them. you may get one by kiling a longbow in RV, or you may go dropless farming 8 man spawns for 6 hours.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    WH is horrible on outdoor maps. Not much to bounce mobs off of. Indoors, especially tight maps like warehouses and offices, you can place mobs in corners all day long. One fun thing you can do outside is sky shot targets. Adds a bunch of time to your control as you launch mobs on a ballistic arc. It'll scatter them for sure, but if you're desperate, it's the right play.
    sure you can. I like to WH mobs into the war walls on outdoor maps an make them get stuck!
  21. Redd Rumm

    PvP Brute

    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    If by threat you mean team up with others and trow web+taunt at targets while they kill them, then yes. If you mean run around like defense sets in I13, soloing an entire zone, then no. You'll be owned by any coordinated team in seconds if you try to roll solo. Unless you do what the best of us do. Phase and run away.
    sigh ( i miss the old days ) do you think a brute will ever be good in pvp ever again ? or are they doomed to forever be "the Scrappers retard cousin " " hey im a brute ill call you names an dstract you while my freinds kill you lol " oh well thanks for the help guys i wont waste my time grooming a pvp brute .
  22. Redd Rumm

    PvP Brute

    lol im not tryint to fightclub or arena . i was just wondering if a brute could be a threat in RV like the old days still an if so i wanna make that build .
  23. Redd Rumm

    PvP Brute

    what is a good power set for a pvp brute these days ? a really fast killer .
  24. so in Rouges will there be Redside blasters an blue side stalkers? If so we wont have to worry about what is "overpowerd in pvp" because we can make whatever we want an choose a side
  25. i would like SF/TF that would let a lvl 50 toon earn a enhancement slot to be placed on any power that is not 6 slotted yet ( think about a lvl 50 toon wit every power 6 slotted) every one would do that no matter how long the TF was even if it was as long as the Dr.Q make it as difficult as u like the reward would be the greatest ever on this game