Claws SR/Elec??




I've been seeing noise lately and im curious what people would recommend. I’ve played SR before and liked it; I can see a lot of set opportunities. But I need to understand the new Elec craze, can anyone let me know in their opinion what would be better?




The two sets will play completely differently. SR is defense based and Electric Armor is resistance based. Most would say that SR would fare better than elec armor is much of the game. Sure, Elec has great resistance to energy based attacks, offers great endurance recovery, has a Quickness clone built in, and has the new fancy Energize power. SR has tons and tons of defense- so if it is built well, nothing much will be hitting you anyway. I personally don't care that much for SR and its occasional cascading defense failure and RNG love hate relationship, so I would rather roll an Elec Armor. If you have already played SR, try Elec Armor for something new.

I wouldn't say, however, that one is flat out better than the other.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Lots of good arguments can be used for each of the secondaries, in my opinion it generally boils down to this :

SR = better defense.
Elec = better offense.



Neither, really.

Both SR and Elec have an auto-power that increases recharge/run speed, which isn't as needed on the claws set as others. In addition, claws has a built-in endurance bonus, so Elec's benefit isn't as noticeable.

With that said, claws/EA or Claws/Dark work well, simply from an IO slotting standpoint, one because S/L defense stacks well on claws/dark (though it is expensive, and because claws/ea seems to fit claws a little better than SR.

As for the elec craze, dark/elec is a decent option for PvP, but other than that, it's a little silly. (I'm speaking as the owner of a dark/elec, elec/elec, SS/elec long before elec was popular the second time)



Claws/SR is simply easy mode with moderate IO usage and a beast with really good slotting. Claws/Ela I think is fairly decent earlier on with the heal, also with pools and IOs it can be a very sturdy combo. I wouldn't quite expect Claws/Ela to do all the things an SR can at the highest levels, but if you aren't attempting those types of things (Av soloing) either choice should be fine.

Poisonous Ice 50 Ice/Rad
Icy Jax 50 Ice/SS
Jaxon Penn 50 Shield/Mace
Cpt Clax 50 Thugs/Dark
Lady BlackIce 50 Dark/Cold
Lady Black Ice 50 Dark/Ice
Bella Jax 50 Storm/Sonic
Operative Jax 50 SoA
Level 50 Trick Arrow Alts
Level 50 Claws Scrappers



Originally Posted by Post_Apocalypse View Post
I've been seeing noise lately and im curious what people would recommend. I’ve played SR before and liked it; I can see a lot of set opportunities. But I need to understand the new Elec craze, can anyone let me know in their opinion what would be better?

The only thing that I see in common with these two sets is the passive +recharge powers, Lightning Reflexes and Quickness.

Elec is resistance, has more offense (with its damage aura), and has powers to keep your endurance bar full. It's recently become more popular because one of its powers was turned into heal+regen boost+recovery boost combo power, and keeping it up does wonders for survivability. This set was boosted at the same time that Claws was brought over to Brutes, so a lot of people started using both of these "new" sets together when making a new character.

SR gives great defense that makes softcapping easier, but you have to take almost all of its powers in order for it to work properly, and some people like to branch out. SR is one of the two most commonly paired powersets with claws, the other being Regen.



One more point to consider is that SR for brutes tends to be a bit endurance heavy compared to Elec armor. We don't get the same benefit from patron pools that our scrapper cousins get like Conserve Power or Physical Perfection. Even with good slotting, I find that on my /SR I am a little thirsty. Even more so when I compare it to my /WP or a /Elec. In my eyes, just having the endurance to keep fighting means a lot.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



i made a claws /elc brute an it was just a hard road to travel for some one like me that is used to pwning every thing in a mish wit a def based brute. i found it confuseing when buying io's ( where are all the sets that add to smash /letha resit? ) on a def toon its simple ToD's add mele def & mako adds ranged def obliterations add mele , scirocco adds aoe steadfast proc adds 3% to all thats so easy . on elec armor you gotta go look every where for bonus' some times in the strangest sets like knock back an taunt sets whitch kinda makes it hard ( for me any way ) and no matter what you invest in a resitance based toon will lack some where.either your fire proof an bullets kill you or your uber cold master an negative makes you hide in a corner . on the up side when one of my def toons does get hit ( thanks to the to hit buff the critters in this game got ) its curtains for me unless i got a bunch of greens or a healer



I personally don't care that much for SR and its occasional cascading defense failure
There is no notable cascading defense failure possible in SR once your defenses are slotted. An even passingly well slotted SR build will have met the 95% Defense Debuff Resistance cap, at which point even if something hit you for a 75% Defense Debuff you would only be debuffed by 3.75%. Assuming you're capped at 45%, your defense drops to 43.3%.

I just chose 75% for a high number example, but I'm pretty sure in PVE the worst you're likely to run into is 30% at one time, or the ITF as a whole. My Claws/SR can stand in the middle of a full aggro cap worth of Traitors and even when hits go through my defense numbers only flicker -after- the decimal point, not before it.

Granted, I'm talking about mid to late game, but that's mostly what I play. I suppose it's more of an issue earlier on.