Redd Rumm

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  1. I think it will happen one day. MM's will get that an prolly cold too .
    The devs will give Mm's any thing but kin!! My Dream of thugs on speed will never be a reality .
  2. I hear wm/enrgy is pretty and strong
  3. The enrgy primary on the ranged sets fits a lot of my concept toons ....
    But it is just a lame set IMO the knock-back is not welcome on any team
    the damage is alright at best and it is not aoe heavy ,so what is the point ?
    In comics an anime, guys who use some sort of enrgy blast do major damage an if they knock a guy thru a wall or building the guy is hurt .
    This does not translate well in CoX . I have made a lot of toons in this game an i would like to stop skipping enrgy blast . now some exceptional players have been abble to pimp this set out on blasters an those of you that have i think you are awsome ! but for the ones like me who just cant deal with a sub par set but like the concept . HELP! You can count the engergy / corruptors on one hand, an i dont even know if defenders even have enrgy blast as i have NEVER seen one and ive played this game for 4 years lol.
  4. I have noticed that a lot of the fun power sets give me no choice.
    while i would like to stay in the background an blast away , it is not an option ( my blaster is Rad/Fire) i wish irradiate an burn were target aoes , but if wishes were fishes the world would be an ocean
  5. I have two KM toons one a km/fA brute an the other a km/elc scrapper,
    Now the Scrapper is trapped in preatoria at lvl 14 and the random crits are
    getting on my nerves !
    The brute meanwhile is steamrolling on his way to lvl 35.
    now i know that brutes nolonger can out-damage scrappers but.
    why does it feel like the brute hits harder .
    my fear is that ill go with the brute an team on a ITF an see a scrapper hitting for 600's an ill be like "dang" i shoulda kept the scrapper .
    So Really! which AT really gets the most out of KM an im talking with out team buffs
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AWRocketman View Post
    I must say that when I found out about Stamina becoming inherent, rather than being happy about it I was somewhat dismayed. While on some builds it will be very nice for me, I have been working on a number of stamina-less characters and been having fun with it.

    I would much rather see a new inherent that, while not full Stamina, gives +end recovery that makes Stamina less of a required power. I had actually thought very early on in CoH that it would be good to have an inherent power choice you make early on that would give you one of the following auto powers (unenhanceable):

    - End recovery (like 20%)
    - Regen (like 30%)
    - Run speed (little less than sprint ~35%)
    - Jump (like 50%)
    - Resistance (5-10% maybe?)
    - Defense (3%)
    - Damage (10%)
    - Mez Resistance (not mag resist, but time reduction)
    - More?
    Well... my only guess as to why you have a problem with inherent stamina
    is that you like bragging on how you " Have several builds without stamina"
  7. Redd Rumm

    Bubbles please

    I have been on this for a while an here i go again .
    Is there a reaon that corruptors dont have bubbles ?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DireAngelus View Post
    Not a bad name, I prefer "Swurdle" though. Aaaand now that's stuck in my head, oops.
    Swurdle!! FTW!!!!!!
  9. I don't understand why scrappers don't have energy aura. I could understand a scrapper with energy cloak but, who in there right mind wants an invisible brute? also i would like psy for cors and dark blast for blasters
  10. elude is good in pvp but other than that .... well ill put it like this , if your about to die an u gotta pop teir 9 you are already dead elude doesnt really help "softcapped toons " even tho i like the increased speed.
  11. lol i have been "barking up this tree" for the last 2 years , because i really dont understand the blaster secondary . is it, or isnt it, a mele set . if so why does it have all the " meh sets" if blasters would have at least got a port of km I would have been overjoyed . I vote for any thing that gives blasters more secondary options lets see some SS,MA,DM,KM ports
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
    Claws for Brutes is indeed great. I love my attack chain of Follow-Up > Focus > Gloom.
    SHHHH Obi .. we dont speak of claw brutes here ! move along nothing to see here. Remeber "yous aint heard nothin an u aint seen nothin!" (changes the subject) man i hear there gonna nerf doms
  13. I think a plant storm troller would be fun . I wanna make one an name him "Brotha Nature "
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
    The only issue I have with this is that it's not done because the brutes are OP compared to the content...they've been going along for 5 years the way they were. It's that they're OP compared to another class...this nerf never would have happened if not for GR.

    So if brutes were fine for the content before, then one can assume since they were toned down they're going to be "less fine" for the content.

    At least the scrappers and tanks will feel better.
    I agree 100%
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
    Why is everyone excited about melt armor? Most APP melt armor are rubbish

    EDIT: 7,3 -def 11,3% -res on a 200 sec timer? Rubbish
    Well ... let me see .. - Flashfire + melt armor + thorn burst .whats not to like ? or mabey ill open with cinders , melt armor ,fire ball ,fling thorns ? any combo is good times !
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
    When trying to make ATs more in line with each other, You can't ALWAYS buff upward. If you do, then eventually all ATs will be too powerful for the game, and the only way to counter that will be to BUFF all the NPCs.

    That equates to a global Nerf of ALL ATs - why isn't that more obvious?
    I see your point . but all im saying is dont rob Peter to pay Paul.
    you dont have to nerf brutes to make me play a scrapper or a tank .
    i enjoy all the at's for what they bring to the table i can make evil tanks to use the armors that are too squishy for brutes like dark an fire . i can make a scrapper because i dont want to be hidden on a stalker ect.
    Fury ( the most awsome inherent ever) didnt need any thing.I never had any problem building or keeping fury even when i solo av's .they didnt need the" tonya harding "treatment .castle didnt need to hit brutes in the knee caps with the nerf bat so scrappers an tanks could shine .my only hope now is that mabey the incarnite system will help me return my brutes to godhood.
  17. Well I think that puts an end to all the " no reason to roll a tank or scrapper when u can be a brute" threads . Personaly I would rather the Devs buff AT's and content an not take away from the more popular ones.
    Its like if your car is better than mine and instead of fixing mine or buying a new car, key your paint job so we can both suck. Brutes have gotten keyd !! Not completely destroyed, but not as " Pretty & Strong " as they were .
  18. OMG !!! My Fire thorn perma dom with fire ball ,rain of fire & melt armor !!!!!!!!
    I think i luv this game again !!!!
  19. I Would like to have the option to either have all fire sword attacks in fire mele or be "swordless" depending on the theme i got going
  20. I am not much of a "Blue sider" but i kinda like blasters, but i was wondering , what is the deal with em ? is a blasters job just to aggro every thing an then faceplant? thats all mine seems to do . Blaster Primary is ranged an the secondary is what looks like a type of mele ?
    if thats the case why do the blasters got all the meh mele powers ?
    where is MA? SS ? DM? i would really love some DP-MA gun fu action (pew pew +Crane kick FTW ! or a fireball + Ko Blow) for some good ole Street fighter type fun b4 a truly awsome faceplant
  21. Redd Rumm

    Patrons or no?

    Shatter armor from black scorpion = best patron power ever !
  22. Well speakin on "staples " i think that super speed should be more like a set than just a travel power some comic heroes only have super speed an no other powers so i think a secondary " speed " set would be great too. also teleportation, in the movies an comics this is a awsome power. here in CoX its just meh i would like to see mabey a placate effect on tp serves no point to teleporting when every one knows where u are an already have you targeted
  23. Well i have my demon/dark at 42 rightnow an while its a good set . it feels kinda meh to me an now im wishing i was ds/storm. the reason being Demon storm will make you feel like the end of the world on two legs . and the targeted heal is more usefull i think than the dark heal ( that u have to keep your pets in check to use on em ) my ds/dark is no prob on single av's an gm's but its those longbow that make me wanna cry they scatter all about an give me a nice lead shower but if i had a tornado an a storm cloud that would show em
  24. Redd Rumm

    Bubbles !!

    While grinding my Dp/Cold Corr (after my 2nd faceplant ) i started thinking what can i do to minimize my end use an stay a live at the same time an it hit me .. Nothing !!!!! lol . an i figured out what would be a great secondary for a Dp cor . bubbles !! they would allow me to wade in to mobs an use my teir 9 ( i think ) but since corrs dont have FF i will never know. I was wondering Does any one know why Corruptors dont have FF ?
  25. Redd Rumm


    AWWW c'mon!! i just made up my mind that i was never gonna make another mm again ever !! now you do this to me why!?!?!
    (Starts Wiki-ing demon names ) How bout Tiamat for a cool demon summoner name lol. as for a secondary what second got the most stuff in it i can skip mabey demon /storm. oh well looks like i need to buy some more slots