Most powerful storm summoner?




Hi team,

When you think of awe inspiring mob defeating power, what storm combo amongst all archetypes would fit that description?



Originally Posted by Savage_P View Post
Hi team,

When you think of awe inspiring mob defeating power, what storm combo amongst all archetypes would fit that description?
Plant/Storm would surely be up there, if not tops of the list.



Fire/Storm/Stone tops my list

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Fire/Storm/Mu Controller



I really enjoyed my Ice/Storm controller.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



Storm/Ice Blast Defenders get Blaster level Ice Storm and Blizzard, possibly with 30% extra damage while solo these days?

That may be a contender.



Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
I really enjoyed my Ice/Storm controller.
I enjoyed that for a while, but the low dmg early levels did not make my enemies fear my storm wielding power .

So the consensus is a controller for the ultimate in weather mastery?



I would contend that a Robots/Storm mastermind is very poweful.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Fire/Storm Corrs do pretty nasty stuff - mine's only 36 or something and not well-slotted and she can still rip through mobs.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
I would contend that a Robots/Storm mastermind is very poweful.



Earth/Storm Controller is also very powerful, although the first 30 or so levels are hard to solo.



For sheer power, I would lean towards a controller, simply cos most have AoE Immobilises with -kb, hence allowing you to take full advantage of Tornado. Fire/ and Plant/ are the two which stand out to me.

That said, my Storm/Ice Defender is great fun



Originally Posted by Asha'man View Post
Plant/Storm would surely be up there, if not tops of the list.

Specifically Plant/Storm/Ice would be at the top of my list. With the right build it is a force of destruction. You will not regret it.



The correct answer is Bots/Storm MM.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



I don't know about most powerful, but Robotics/Storm may just be the most fun you can have, at least in principle. You have an army of killer robots and a weather control machine. Go nuts.



Go Green. Plant/storm/stone.



I have most of what is listed, at least the really commonly listed ones.

Plant/Storm/Stone is a beast and a half........and just because it isn't a Mastermind, it still loses out big to any mastermind pairing with storm (I have a Bots and Ninjas, and I prefer Ninjas, fwiw).

The fact mez alone can generally be laughed off by a Mastermind puts it over the top of even an S/L soft capped Plant/Storm/Stone.

I'm not taking anything away from Plant/Storm. That is still the wildest ride to 50 I ever had. It is still one of the funnest team builds I have. And for a controller, it still solos well, even at the lower levels where a controller can be so painstakingly slow. From a thematic, visual perspective, it's easily my favorite combination in the entire game.

You really can't go wrong with anything listed here, but in my opinion, the answer to this question is your favorite Mastermind primary.



I think a plant storm troller would be fun . I wanna make one an name him "Brotha Nature "



I have played a plant/storm and ill/storm to high lvls and my beef with those combos is that i never felt like a master of weather but some other hero with storm powers thrown in. Defenders were always too weak for me after MANY attempts to feel mighty. Maybe a MM will feel stronger if I don't take any personal attacks.



Plant/Storm/Levi Controller IMHO.

Plant/Storm was always strong but since I got Leviathan Mastery it bacame insane.

Creepers+Roots+Freezing Rain+Tornado+Water Spout+Lighning Storm tears through enemies like a horde of spines scrappers xD



Another vote for Bots/Storm. I mostly soloed with mine and let the Bots run loose on Aggressive and rarely had any problem with anyone, except maybe EBs. Never tried soloing an AV though, but if I had played more conscientiously, I bet I could have.



If you want to go more natural than giant killer robots and a weather machine, I'm going to put my vote in for my main, Ninja/Storm MM.

Basically you're trading a really great Tier 3 for a slightly worse Tier 3 and much better Tier 2s. Really, the Jounin are single target killing machines... slap a Achilles Heel and some soulbound recharge on them and they'll actually start putting dents in AV health (of course, they also get one-shotted by AV, so it doesn't really help)



fire/storm corr



I did a Storm/Dark/Elec defender.

Just saying. I have no idea where that falls in.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Originally Posted by Savage_P View Post
I have played a plant/storm and ill/storm to high lvls and my beef with those combos is that i never felt like a master of weather but some other hero with storm powers thrown in. Defenders were always too weak for me after MANY attempts to feel mighty. Maybe a MM will feel stronger if I don't take any personal attacks.
I understand that. Even as good as storm is, it is the secondary, and will feel as such.

A Mastermind feels completely the opposite since all you actively do is manage the storm powers. It feels like a pure Stormy with pets.