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I think one good way to make a boss fight more satisfying to to draw it out and make it into something more than just a simple beat-down of an enemy. A good example of this would be the fight with Marshal Blitz in Who Will Die #3. Instead of just one quick battle, there are stages. First you have to take down the thingamajigs that make him invulnerable. Then you fight him directly for a while. Then he gets in an aircraft and you have to shoot it down. Then he gets out and you beat on him some more until he falls.
I know some players hate this kind of set up ("how many times do I have to kill this same guy?") but it avoids the situation where a boss fight is over surprisingly quick. I think Marshal Blitz was a tough fight, but even had he been easy, the battle would have been pretty memorable because there was a lot to it.
I think they tried to do the same thing with Wade at the end of #7 but for me it didn't really work because you're really just fighting his minions until he comes down and faces you himself--at which point I took him down way faster than I expected to. -
Are you talking about your master account or the Paragon market?
In your other thread where you talk about having problems resetting your password, you mention being anxious to buy staff fighting, which implies you're trying to get on the market. I've never had to re-enter a password to access the market when I'm already in game, I just click on the icon and it takes me straight there.
Are you doing something different? -
Quote:Since not everyone is aware that all devs have "NCSoft" in their names, I think it very possible that someone might mistake the OP for an empoloyee (granted it would take a fairly gullible person, but there are plenty of those). However, since the OP clearly doesn't intend to take advantage of anyone, that's not really the problem.Oh, on topic: I'm pretty sure all of the devs have "NCSoft_" in their names, so there's no actual mistaking you for an actual employee of Paragon Studios.
The problem is that someone might mistake the OP for a non-employee deliberately masquerading as an employee (granted, it would take a fairly oblivous person who didn't get the pun, but there are plenty of those too). Any time someone gets a name reported, there's a chance it'll get genericized. Having to rename a character isn't the end of the world, but it's something the OP should at least be aware of (and maybe think up some replacement names ahead of time). -
Honestly, I do think the name is potentially problematic and you may have to change it if it gets reported. I doubt there would be any other reprocussions unless you actively tried to impersonate a real staff member, so I think you could just wait and change it when/if you have to instead of rerolling. Alternately, you could express your concerns to customer support and see if they will give you a rename token now.
Quote:As far as I've seen, they haven't said yet what will determine which sets are pay and which are free for VIPs. Nor do I recall hearing anythiing about "nech tech" being the deciding factor.I'm definitely appreciative of the amount of powersets we've seen since the launch of Freedom. I, personally, am not complaining about having had to pay for Staff Fighting, but I remembered it being said - and I could be remembering incorrectly or once again fabricating memories - that VIPs would have to pay for sets that included "new tech."
Logically, I would asume that they'd want the more popular powersets to go on the market (for obvious reasons). It's too early to say, but so far that looks to be the way things are going. Based on that, I'm therefore guessing that "new tech" sets will probably not be VIP freebies too often, but I don't think they've necessarily ruled that out either. -
Sounds like the OP is having all the same problems I did first time through arc #7.
I found the door at the end of the cave but clicking on it didn't send me to the temple. Had to resent the mission to get it to work right.
Then the last ambush of Rularuu wouldn't spawn and it just kept cycling through endless waves of apocalypse beams. I'm sure there was a critter stuck somewhere but I never found it. Once again, reset the mission and it worked right.
Glad to see I'm not the only one to have these problems. -
Quote:Character concept is important to me. Usually it doens't interfere with creating a character that is also useful on teams and has all of the "expected" powers for a given powerset. However, I do have a few characters for which certain concept choices have limited that character's effectiveness. My solution is simple: I only use those characters for solo play.You know, I've never taken whirlwind on a toon. Never. I honestly couldn't tell you if it's good, bad or whatever. I've never taken it because I've seen the way it flings baddies around in a Frostfire mission and thought, "Good thing I'm on a blaster and don't need to chase those down." That, and the complaining from the melee on the team sort of made my mind up.
The best example I can think of is a character for which I took Whirlwind. That character is a Djinn, and I felt that whirlwind was the perfect power to take. But I also know that other players, especially those with melee characters, hate knock back, which whirlwind delivers in spades. So I don't use that characer on teams. -
I've taken 2 blasters, 2 masterminds, a scrapper, and a defender through the Praetorian content and didn't have much trouble with any of them.
Probably a better question is which AT not to take through Praetoria. There are many ambushes in those missions, most of which target the character and can see through stealth, so Stalkers are at a disadvantage. I haven't tried a stalker there myself, but I remember many complaints from stalker players. And I know my primal Stalkers always hated those kinds of ambushes.
I also seem to remember many players complaining that Dominators had a rough time with Praetorian content, but my friend, despite being a very casual player, had no trouble with his in Praetoria (and I see the last poster said his Dom did the best) so I don't trust that particular warning. -
I'm pretty sure a VIP has to be a member of a group (at least temporarily) to pay the rent. I'm not sure why it was suggested that non members can pay rent, but that doesn't sound right. As two of us have now noted, even members may not be able to pay rent depending on the permission settings, so non-members with no rank whatsover shouldn't have an option to do it at all. Not even sure how that would work if they could.
Just remember that there is a permission setting that controls who can pay base rent. I believe the default setting allows permission for only the highest 2 or 3 ranks for some reason. A lot of group leaders never change the default, and so lower ranking members are blocked from paying rent even when the base is powered down or closed due to non-payment. So make sure the permission setting is low enough or your VIP friends are promoted high enough that they CAN pay rent when needed!
Well, there's always the option to transfer. I believe VIPs have been getting 1 free transfer per month, so hopefully you've saved up a few?
I've never had this problem on my computer, but my friend does. Every time I've played on his computer I've had to force close with taskmanager on the first attempt and then it works fine the 2nd try, exactly like others are reporting here.
I thought he did have it set to auto close the launcher, but I'll check. -
Quote:I don't know, seems like there is already a lot of complaints from soloists that the game favors teaming too much. Upping the rewards for teams will only add more fuel to that fire (see the recent debate over incarnate rewards in the new Dark Astoria soloable content vs itrials).It seems teams aren't as popular as they use to be. I have a couple ideas that migth encourage teams and team building. Perhaps the Devs would give a bonus or larger drops or some sort of reward to players that are on teams of 5 or more. I know you get more xp on larger teams but I think the incentive needs to be recipes or influence or something else that you only get while on a team. Plus, I think you should bonus the team leader a bit more than the rest of the team since they built the team and is running it, etc.
As for the team leader bonus, I might point out that the player with the star is not necessarily the one who built the team or in some cases even the one actually running it. -
Quote:I wasn't trying to argue that vanity pets are as important/useful as costume sets, just answer your question regarding what people use them for.A costume is customizable and you can wear it everywhere. You can't customize pets and you're certainly not going to have them out in trials. I can see it for character concepts but it fits to such a limited concept and some people may THINK it fits their character concept when they're just trying to force a way to impliment their character to every new thing that comes out.
Just because you can't customize a pet doesn't mean that the pets don't fit some player's character concepts as is. Even with all the costume customization available, I still can't always give certain characers the right look. Other times I find the parts that fit a character to a T with little tweaking. For some I'm sure its the same with pet choices. Who am I to tell some one who thinks a particular pet fits their character concept that they're wrong? That's silly. It's their concept, only they can judge.
Athough now that you suggest it, customizable pets would be awesome and might induce me to actually buy one for once. -
Quote:I assume the vanity pet adds to the character concept, much the way costume parts do. I guess you could ask "what do people actually do with costume parts besides pose and take pictures with them?" It's not really what you "do" with it, it's how it completes your character--if that kind of thing is important to you (which for some it definitely is)I'd like to know what people actually do with the pets besides pose and take pictures with them.
I've never bought a vanity pet, but I often get more excited about the release of a new costume set than the latest power set. -
Quote:Odd, the trend for the several years seems to have been to make new contacts as obvious as possible, either by having other contacts give you an introduction mission (Dave Wincott, Jim Tremblor for example) or by auto-adding them to your contact list (Keith Nance, Dean McArthur for example). I haven't had to actively seek out a new contact in forever. I guess I need to use the "search for contact" button more often. Either that or pay more attention to the release notes.Don't remember if he's one of the ones introduced this issue or not - if not, then he's one of the ones you just "walk up and shake hands" with. (Found Linda Lockhart and... bah, the art museum guy... the same way heroside.)
And thanks for the heads up about the two heroside contacts. That was the other question I forgot to ask--whether or not there might be other new contacts I've overlooked. -
I just did Bane Spider Ruben's arc this weekend for the first time and I have to say I really enjoyed the story. The final mission especially was very cool.
Curiously, though, I only found this arc by chance. I logged on to a villain I hadn't played in a while and wasn't sure what I wanted to do, so I hit "search for contact" just to see what would come up, and I got Ruben, who wasn't on my contact list. Certain characters and references in the story make it clear this is recently added content. Seems like most of the newer contacts are added to my active contact list when a character hits the appropriate level, and is indicated by a pop-up, but this guy never was. I checked some of my other villains and none of them had Ruben on their active (or for that matter, inactive) contact list, although they also could get him by selecting "search for contact" if they were in the right level range.
Is Ruben normally introduced by another contact? Or by completing a mayhem? I looked on Paragonwiki but there's almost no information about this contact yet. -
Quote:But also don't forget what was said about your difficulty setting. It's clear from the info you gave that the mission was set to +1 or +2, which was almostly certainly part of the problem (especially since you indicated you are a relatively inexperienced player). Sounds like you were doing okay until you had to face bosses (the "purples")--which is the real test of whether or not you can handle a given difficutly setting.It sounds like my problem isn't new/unique, but might be limited to First Ward and related....someone should put some signs up by the entrance....
First ward (like a lot of the newer arcs) has some comparatively challenging content and the mission we all think you're talking about in particular has some tough ambushes and tough bosses, but I believe if you set the difficulty to a more appropriate level, you will probably be able to handle it just fine--you may still go down occasionally, but not feel overwhelmed by enemies that are out of your league. -
Quote:Seeking personal gain without regard for morality? What you describe as "neutral" sounds an awful lot like most of my villains. With the exception of a couple demonic characters, none of my villains do evil simply for evil's sake--I thought that kind of one-dimensional portrayal of villany in comics mostly went out of style with the Silver Age. Most of my villains are villainous because they are not motivated by reasons other than morality.A morally neutral story is one where something needs to be done and the means by which it must be done is relatively straightforward. Say a new zone shows up that has riches hidden in places. It has a series of story arcs revolving around finding a huge vault full of riches, and the story isn't about saving people or hurting people so much as about gathering clues. Why you're after the riches is never addressed. This is perfect for co-op content as far as I'm concerned, because it's content characters will involve themselves in for reasons OTHER than morality.
But I can't argue with your main point--content written for both heroes and villains is almost always written for heroes with only a token attempt to give a "villainous" spin for redside. That much is pretty obvious. I really thought Who Will Die did a pretty decent job of letting villains actually be villanous (you get to kill Miss Liberty, and aid Darren Wade against the heroes, at least in the early arcs), but in First Ward they weren't even really trying to give the arcs a logical angle for villains. -
I've noticed the wards not showing up in the Scintillating Prism area, where Heather Townshend is. I thought maybe there was a reason, but now I imagine it's just a bug.
Edit: I seem to recall that a player logging onto a character in a particular spot can sometimes cause certain non-enemies to despawn just like they were enemies (the target dummies in the Vanguard base in the RWZ come to mind). Maybe this is whats happening here? I'll have to log out at a ward location and log back in to see if this happens. -
I thought he was just being a jerk. You sure his lawyers didn't just come up with that spin?
Quote:Well, that would explain why I got credit for Sister Solaris' arc, even though I completed it before I talked to him, while the earlier arcs I did were not counted.That's not true at all. He counts every arc you do, regardless of how you've done it, whether you've talked to him or not. The first time I talked to him, I already had two arcs crossed off his list.
He doesn't count any arcs that you completed before he was added to the game, but he started counting the instant he was added.