1279 -
I always laugh when I see characters with the impenetrable mental defenses and they're Invulnerability, a set known for its complete lack of any psychic protection. Bonus points if they then go on to point out something else that the set does cover that's a weakness of theirs.
For me, the same kind one of my characters has. Any humanoid form, IE anything I can manage to make in the character creator.
I always get a kick out of completely ICly challenging people to arena fights, and watching them scramble for some reason why their supposedly all-powerful level 1 character couldn't possibly fight me in the arena. And I know that's metagaming to some extent and possibly makes me a troll, but screw it. It's funny.
On the topic of stealth, though.... I have no problem with you seeing through my stalker's stealth, just show me your +perception power(s) or give me a decent (read: not godmoding) explanation of how. Oh, you have neither? Then you can't see me, sorry.
And one other little thing that always bugs me. It's 'godmoding', not 'godmodding'. There is only one d in it. -
Personally I think I'd go with teleportation and/or psychic powers. Or maybe shapeshifting.
Why would you delete them all now, rather than when the changes go live? What're you going to do until then, go mess around in beta or something? No offense but that just seems like somewhat of an oversight to me. I mean if you remake them all now then in the strictest sense the ones made now are still disadvantaged compared to ones made after Freedom goes live, due to two weeks of playing without all the new shinies. While if you don't remake any of them now, since you've already deleted them, you have nothing to play until Freedom goes live. And if they delay Freedom for whatever reason you're going to look kinda stupid.
I still have a couple of characters with leftover base salvage, I think. Mostly cause I'm lazy, but still I doubt I'm the only one holding on to some for whatever reason. What I would support however is setting the tab such that it doesn't show up unless you actually still have some. Having a perpetually empty tab just taking up space in the UI makes no sense at all.
While they'd never say for sure and thus this post is merely speculation, I believe the unofficial stance on it is they'd rather we didn't, but have no outright problem with it unless we're exploiting some bug or quirk of the system to do it. Things like the older farm maps and even the newer AE farms are breaking no rules, thus we don't get smacked for it. In the latter case they had to fix a lot of exploits to get it to the state it is now (And in many cases, annoyed a lot of people who used the same feature for legitimate reasons), I doubt they would leave it alone if they thought there was still something definitively wrong about it.
You could slot it into that just fine and they'd stack.
One other thing I'll point out... you know the trainers you go to talk to? They do have actual dialogue in those windows that pop up when you click on them. In the one you get before training to level 2, it specifically says you get Rest, Walk and the fitness powers that level. You know, if you stopped to read it rather than just clicking the button at the button. The information is there, it's not really the game's fault if people don't read it is it?
Likewise, I could be misremembering but I think the powers window is shown in the tutorial at some point or other. -
I like the idea of making them spawn based on the previous wave's defeat rather than a static timer, personally.
Just adding my two inf here as well: NO. Selling power is bad, period. I could get behind extra slots as a reward for a taskforce or whatever thing done ingame, maybe, but NOT in the store. It doesn't matter if I'd buy it or not, if one character is forever going to be stronger than another character simply because one player has money to spend and the other doesn't, the game may as well be dead already.
Quote:To be honest, I'm pretty sure that's half the reason the ouro portal goes to IP in the first place.
Of course, theres always the Ouro portal... -
The only bug I want fixed ASAP is the one where teammates randomly don't show up as in the zone in my team window despite being right next to me. It's infuriating, especially when playing a character with buffs of any kind.
Also if you look closer at the server status page, it lists the last update as having been sometime in June. Think the page is bugged again, it still has the notice about the patch on the 20th of July there too.
I could see doms getting a new set after I21 despite getting elec control with going rogue in I18 which is still relatively recent. Considering there's something new for I think literally every non-epic archetype except doms in I21 if you could the paid sets. Two new sets for some, even.
The problem with -end is that enemies outright have more endurance than us. Only minions have the same 100 maximum endurance as players do. Lts have 200, bosses 400, and AVs 800 if I remember rightly. It's why end drains works so much better on players than on mobs, they have less to burn through than we do.
All of these except I think the first and the last come under 'selling power', which is a big part of why so many people hate free to play games. I can deal with things like powersets or whatever being paid cause those are balanced against everything else anyway, at least in theory. Stuff like this, though, this is a straight power boost to somone who paid that someone who can't or won't pay can never get. I'll happily pay for costume bits, small QoL things like the remote auction house, even the aforementioned powersets, but please never ever sell straight power boosts.
I will however say that I could get behind all of them as rewards for things ingame. Just not as paid additions. -
Personally I'd like to see cloak of darkness in there somewhere, it'd make getting into a spawn to use soul drain less suicidal.
Personally I would prefer not crashing over being able to zoom in the tailor, if it had to be one or the other. But that's just my opinion.
I could get behind this idea, though I'd suggest making the reward something that doesn't expire or at least expires later than level 11. A lot of people can and do level past that pretty quick, I'd rather have something I can keep using rather than something that I'll throw away after an hour or two of running missions. They could have it be a source of those new AT-specific sets we saw, maybe. Since they're supposed to level with you, it makes sense to get them at low level. Or at least it does to me. Note: A source, not the only source. Especially if you can't exemp down and run it with a higher level character cause that'd kinda suck.
Personally I treat the insistence on using the website rather than anything at all ingame as a sign that this is a group I won't like and move on. Hasn't failed me yet.
Boosters aren't really applicable, since in the new system you're still going to need to buy those if you don't have them. But an extra reward token or some free points for having bought CoV way back in the day and GR more recently would be nice.
Regarding the comments on the wings looking low res on the first page, I may have an explanation. Assuming they're implemented as some form of particle effect, similar to how the glowing aura bits on the ascendence armor are, then they're go blurry when looked at against a distant background. It's something to do with how the game blurs objects in the distance, I forget the technical term for it. But it applies the same effect to auras when view against a distant background, for some reason. Try it yourself, put the ascendence radiance armor on a character and look at the aura against the ground in front of you, and against the sky. Against the sky it'll appear blurred, and against the ground it appears much sharper.