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  1. I herd Earth is good in I14.. I might work on accolades for my earth/rad :P
  2. or nothing /ff cuz it sucks...

    /rad /kin / or sonic whould be nice to have.

    PS what up Psyrene and killo
  3. O my good friend you are sadly mistaken, here is why.
    Blasters have little to no resist or defensive powers. The only means they have of surviving is there HP and there ability to refill it. That’s it, there is no other way.

    More HP = you live longer
    Ability to restore it = you live longer

    With that said, hyber noob and HF are un- interruptible ways to restore your health and raze your HP. PFF and Aid self are not. You can get killed in PFF from DOT which stops you from using aid self.
  4. well in zone,, the only way I'll take phase is as a temp power. Look at it this way. Zone is all about gank spikeing. So if you think phase is going to get off before you get ganked your sadly mistaken. Not phase or Pff can stop a good gank. The reason why I still wouldn't take phase, is because you loose out on the leadership pool. Which is much for valuable then phase. As of I13 there’s to many defense based chars running around to not have the + to-hit. If you play like a Nub and run around aid-selfing in pff all day, or phaseing. You won’t get any kills in zone or Arena. If you come out of the bubble or phase, your still not going to get kills because you can’t hit anything. So this is how it works:

    Pff/aid self | phase/*anything = still getting ganked and killed, but with out getting any kills

    Leadership/Ice epic = Still eventually getting ganked and killed, but you should be able to get a kill for your self before you die. Which is better then nothing. Also if your good you can get several kills before you die.

    The choice is yours.
    The choice is DON'T BE A NOOB! LOL ;P
  5. Ready_For_War

    i14 PvP Tests


    O and thanks for the testing info. Its good to see I'll be able to use my rad/psi. Has anyone tested slow debuff and -recharge?
  6. Ready_For_War

    /EM or Mental

    Power boost is very, very good. Boost range is icing on the cake for the /EM set.

    In zone it can really be exploited. U can use it on both Tactics, and Menuv. You can use it to boost Frozen armor and HF heal. I think it still boosts boost range as well.

    But if you don't take EM which is understandable /mental is a good choice I think.
  7. Well lolzone is pretty much a joke anyway. But if your talking about a zone pvp then that’s entirely different. How ever like you said. I'd go with the temp power over wasting a pool, and I still would not take /devices..
  8. Yes and no..

    Phase on a blaster is in fact a sack of failure. The reason is… the majority of the people who are dumb enough to use it. Don’t use it right. With the recharge on phase so fast. They think they can use it every time its recharged. Which is not true. Not only that it has a activation timer. Which leaves it open for DOT. Also it has no recovery trait at all. Which means if you are taking damage and/or have taken damage you have no means of recovering it while in it. Also it requires Stamina to run. Which is why taking /mental is better. Lets say your hit with a end drain debuff. Which a lot of people are using now a days as it works very well. Not only are you using end to maintain stamina and the rest of your toggles while your in phase. But your still subject to the debuff that you got hit bye before you got in it.

    Now lets say your one of these “scared for there life” defensive blasters, and you go with a phase PFF build. Your thinking O sweet I can hit FON and then phase when it drops. Well maybe so but you better be caring some blues because if they hit you with a end drain debuff before you phase. Which is exactly what I would do if I saw some one trying that tactic with me. Your phase is going to de-toggle seconds after you hit it. Which makes you open for kill. Lastly people who use phase and PFF on blaster spend more time running then they do killing.

    In other words its simply to risky and to hard to make phase work on a blaster. Hents why anyone in there right mind won’t use it.

    As for Devices goes. Its not the worst choice. Web-nades can be fun in duels if you pick say the office or the cadge map. But it does not = Win. Target drone is nice for the + acc mixed with tactics you have some good acc+to-hit going. But that’s not hard to obtain with out it. Its not a game maker. I’ve beaten fire/devs ice/devs many times. I personally think */EM */mental */elec are still better choices.
  9. IMO anyone who plays a blaster defensively is going to fail...
  10. Ready_For_War

    PVP IOs and Mids

    man I feel sorry for who ever has been playing this game for 60 months...
  11. Ready_For_War

    PvP Duo question


    1.) if your a emp in a zone or a Team Arena setting you should not be trying to kill anything.

    2.) You can build a */emp troller duel build but not with Arch.
  12. ... PFF suck ballz and even more so in i14. Anyone I have ever seen that has it. Sleeps in it, so why even make that option Available. Force of nature is nice but has a huge psi hole in it. Which most PVPers are useing psi damage.....

    Basicaly good luck dueling a psi/em blaster with a pff/aid self build... or any psi AT for that matter.
  13. fire is just ok, sonic is very good I like Psi better then sonic but thats a personal thing. I dont' know why people think Dev is good but what ever....
  14. um phase on a blaster is epic fail. /Devices is more fail.. so is Ice/* or */ice. I'm not even going to consider Archery for anyone but lol RPVPers. You can how ever give /mental a shot or /elec
  15. O and what up killo long time no see.
  16. Um... */Devices is for Nub Cakes..... Who stand around lol PVP zones waiting to stalkers.

    Sonic/em is still good in i14. If you don't want to roll /em then roll /mental or /elec .

    Also don't get pff like a some queeerosexualz are doing now adayz. Pff sucks in i13 and even more in i14. Take ice epic. I have a few builds with Hoarfrost, which can give you a good HP boost and a Heal you can use like once or twice a match. If your on a team with buffer you can use it 4 - 5 times a match, which is much better then aid self.
  17. TK thrust is Winz os is Drain Psyche. But Power boost and Boost rainge are still worth the EM set IMO + you get the Push for the KB
  18. If any of you freedom SGs want to coalition, hit me up @NextAgent
  19. when downloading a OS beta install. What happens when the beta goes live? do you loose everything? what about activation keys how do they work. Will they go dead when the OS goes live?

    I'm new to OS beta testing as you can see.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Supergroup Name:
    Lords of the Dead - Primary VG
    LotD - Secondary VG

    Website (if any):

    Leader or Recruiting Officers:

    Hades-LotD (Global) - Leader
    Thorizdin (Unruly) - AGM
    Cassius / Ambient - Officer
    Fly / Ransom Collector - Officer
    Kenai - Officer
    Rakshasa - Officer
    Unholy Morals - Officer

    Preferred Method of contact:

    Go to the LotD website, visit our COV public forum, and apply on the official recruitment thread.

    Guild Description:

    Motto: Killing With Style

    Other Guild Information

    Brief History

    LotD was founded in 1995 and has played multiple MMORPG's over the years. The guild is a mixture of hardcore and casual gamers who like to have fun, and due to our rigid recruitment process we only retain quality players. The guild has a good track record in PVP, and I invite you to read our guild history.

    Recruitment Rundown

    Lords of the Dead is a highly competitive guild that focuses on PvP. If you want to make friends with a bunch of great people, and if you are a good player that wants to be a part of a guild that uses advanced tactics and teamwork to excel at PvP, then Lords of the Dead is the right guild for you.

    While Lords of the Dead is highly focused on PVP, we also accept members don't want to PVP a majority of their time. These members can contribute to the guild by leading quests, organizing events, helping out with leveling and character development, and participating in a host of other non PVP related activities.

    We require that our members be fairly active. You can be away for vacation, etc. without anyone being upset with you but we are looking for people who, while not away for vacation or other events, play a total of 10 or more hours/week so that you can be an active part of our guild events. Attendance to all events is not required, but we usually schedule PvP, PVE, or other events every week where having a good turnout is important.

    Voice Chat

    Lords of the Dead uses a program called Ventrillo to talk to one another while we play. Ventrillo is a free program that allows us to coordinate attacks and strategy as quickly as speaking. No more trying to type "STOP!" in half a second to save your group. Instead, you can just say it with one press of a button.

    We are fairly selective as we are an elite, but not elitist. We give most people a fair chance to prove that they belong in the guild, and that they can prove that they can contribute to the guild. Successful applicants will be dedicated, fun-loving, and willing to apply on our forums and to set up Ventrillo, etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I took a look at your site I was unable to find were you would apply. I resgistered with the site, I got no confermation email. Anyways I'd be interested in joining. How ever I will say most of my full built char are on heroes. I’m working on a mind/fire and a Fort. I would love to start pvping on vills side more often. I have a MM I used to use in SC pre i13. But as far as arena goes. I only have heroes. I know this is probably an issue but I figured I would apply anyway. I have years of experience in Test Arena, live Arena, and zone. I’m not amazing but I’m not bad. I learn more every day.

    Anyways if your cool with letting build my Vills with you guys then hit me up. My global is @FarminNooBz. If not good luck to you and your VG

    I'd be interested in joining