Blaster PvP. Have a Q, post it here
... PFF suck ballz and even more so in i14. Anyone I have ever seen that has it. Sleeps in it, so why even make that option Available. Force of nature is nice but has a huge psi hole in it. Which most PVPers are useing psi damage.....
Basicaly good luck dueling a psi/em blaster with a pff/aid self build... or any psi AT for that matter.
force mastery is gimp, i mostly see blasters using the artic mastery for an epic, nice heal, snow storm and hibernate, that trumps force mastery by far IMHO.
@The REAL Chop
My teachers always told me to follow my dreams. To bad they are all Nightmares.
force mastery is gimp, i mostly see blasters using the artic mastery for an epic, nice heal, snow storm and hibernate, that trumps force mastery by far IMHO.
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Hmm, I think you can't really go wrong with either. They will just play differently.
I think cold mastery would allow for a more aggressive play style though.
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
IMO anyone who plays a blaster defensively is going to fail...
1. Force
2. Why would you take something other than force?
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Like others mentioned, you need to edit that part. Cold epic is at least as good as Force right now, and in I14, it will likely be the ONLY feasible epic, since PFF will be useless.
What are the best powers in Cold? Does Snow Storm prevent a Stalker from hiding?
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
What are the best powers in Cold? Does Snow Storm prevent a Stalker from hiding?
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I believe so, it also downs fliers and prevents aid self.
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
Snow storm is an offensive toggle, it's really easy to drop...but it's decent. The main powers are the dull pain clone (huge heal and +HP) hibernate. The shield is also nice, since it gives elusivity.
I guess the AoE sleep power can be used to slot a set of purples, which is fairly cheap compared to other purple sets. But I doubt you'd have much use for the power itself.
With DR affecting +def and +rech, would it be better to focus on +dam IO set bonuses with a blaster?
If you have Aid Self and PFF, and know what you are doing you are virtually unkillable.
If you have hibernoob then you have 90 seconds where you can be flattened in between hibers. That's not much of a window for a good player but it's more of a window than a PFF user is going to have.
Hibernoob is great but it's at a disadvantage to PFF if you've got aid self (and if you don't have aid self with PFF, why bother with it?)
That's in it's current form. i14? Hmm maybe not...
What are the best powers in Cold? Does Snow Storm prevent a Stalker from hiding?
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I believe so, it also downs fliers and prevents aid self.
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It won't stop a stalker from hiding, but it will suppress all other forms of stealth, so as long as you have some +perception power, such as tactics, you'll be able to see them.
And it is possible to slot Aid Self to be used when toggled, but it is HARD to do.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
Well my question is if I have aoe toggled like lighting feild and the stalker takes damage won't he come out of hide? See I have an Ele/Ele build and I love drain effects, buid aim combo, and was thinking of going force for my epic just for added defense, but with at least three toggles on i'm not sure if it's the better soultion.
PvP is still alot of cat n mouse, why run around in PFF and try to kill stuff turnin it on and off, when u can just keep fighting till your down, hit your huge artic heal and pop hibernate when u need to, those that rely on pff/aid self constantly turn it on and off just to use aid self, sounds kinda lame to me.
and snow storm is a great power if you use it on the right people, especially if your goin toe 2 toe with a melee toon, those are lol2funny
@The REAL Chop
My teachers always told me to follow my dreams. To bad they are all Nightmares.
Well my question is if I have aoe toggled like lighting feild and the stalker takes damage won't he come out of hide? See I have an Ele/Ele build and I love drain effects, buid aim combo, and was thinking of going force for my epic just for added defense, but with at least three toggles on i'm not sure if it's the better soultion.
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The answer is yes, he will come out of hide when hit with damage. However your damage toggle is NOT an auto hit. In pvp it has relatively low acc too, unlike PvE where it has very high acc.
I was able to stand inside the lightning field as a stalker for a good minute before the damage actually took me out of hide. You see when stalkers are hidden their defense to AOE skyrockets.
Plus at high levels they have a large array of high damage ranged attacks too.
Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.

That's kind of amusing actually. The Sonic/Devices blaster that I've been PvPing with since I started PvPing (issue 7) is now one of the better combos.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Ok, here are the good sets for anyone who wants to know. They will be organized by tier. This is not the definitive list but i have pvped a fair amount and there are too many people posting here who haven't and talk like they know what they're saying.
1. Psy, Son
2. Fire, Ice
3. Elec, Arch, AR
1. Dev, EM
2. MM
3. Elec, Fire, Ice
1. Force, Cold (Cold in i14)
2. Just go Force or Cold
Couple additional notes. Dev is not only good for mines, most good pvpers dont take them, targetting drone and web nades are what is nice about the set. EM is still a really good set because boost range is so nice and power boosted aid self in pff is basically cheating. Put the placate proc in will dom. Devastation hold procs are nice if you can fit them in. Get PFF, use it to survive but don't hide in it, you can't kill someone if you're in pff.