Freedom Villain Groups
Supergroup Name:
Lords of the Dead - Primary VG
LotD - Secondary VG
Website (if any):
Leader or Recruiting Officers:
Hades-LotD (Global) - Leader
Thorizdin (Unruly) - AGM
Cassius / Ambient - Officer
Fly / Ransom Collector - Officer
Kenai - Officer
Rakshasa - Officer
Unholy Morals - Officer
Preferred Method of contact:
Go to the LotD website, visit our COV public forum, and apply on the official recruitment thread.
Guild Description:
Motto: Killing With Style
Other Guild Information
Brief History
LotD was founded in 1995 and has played multiple MMORPG's over the years. The guild is a mixture of hardcore and casual gamers who like to have fun, and due to our rigid recruitment process we only retain quality players. The guild has a good track record in PVP, and I invite you to read our guild history.
Recruitment Rundown
Lords of the Dead is a highly competitive guild that focuses on PvP. If you want to make friends with a bunch of great people, and if you are a good player that wants to be a part of a guild that uses advanced tactics and teamwork to excel at PvP, then Lords of the Dead is the right guild for you.
While Lords of the Dead is highly focused on PVP, we also accept members don't want to PVP a majority of their time. These members can contribute to the guild by leading quests, organizing events, helping out with leveling and character development, and participating in a host of other non PVP related activities.
We require that our members be fairly active. You can be away for vacation, etc. without anyone being upset with you but we are looking for people who, while not away for vacation or other events, play a total of 10 or more hours/week so that you can be an active part of our guild events. Attendance to all events is not required, but we usually schedule PvP, PVE, or other events every week where having a good turnout is important.
Voice Chat
Lords of the Dead uses a program called Ventrillo to talk to one another while we play. Ventrillo is a free program that allows us to coordinate attacks and strategy as quickly as speaking. No more trying to type "STOP!" in half a second to save your group. Instead, you can just say it with one press of a button.
We are fairly selective as we are an elite, but not elitist. We give most people a fair chance to prove that they belong in the guild, and that they can prove that they can contribute to the guild. Successful applicants will be dedicated, fun-loving, and willing to apply on our forums and to set up Ventrillo, etc.
SuperGroup Name: Society for the Advancement of Robotic Suffrage - S.A.R.S.
Website: Currently underground for fear of detection and/or infiltration, ha ha
Fodder Bot - Leader and Ideological Founder of the robotics' rights movement
Robot Army
Zinc Oxide
NeoAlamut Templar
Krappi Trapomatic
Preferred method of contact:
PM here on the forums to Reformed_Hero, send message to global @glupo, or bug any of us that you see on.
SuperGroup Description (We aren't a guild, heh heh):
Please Note: We are a Villain Group of Old Farts, so we have a policy of generally only admitting members who are over the age of the 30.
Founded by a group of mellow-age computer tech hippies in Silicon Valley who love cheesy science fiction, we've dedicated our lives to proving that old people can still kick butt!
We're an active Mid-Sized Villain Group on Freedom (Just a little shy of making the top 100 VG list) dedicated to the rights of Artificial Intelligence everywhere! You don't gotta be a Robot to join, only support the rights of toasters to vote!
Basically we're robots fighting for our right to vote (and no one else, heh heh). We've structured it around several Sci-Fi themes (we're all adult computer geeks who grew up with Sci-Fi books and such). Sorta a combination of Philip K Dick (When Robots Dream A.K.A Blade Runner the movie) and the writings of Asimov (The Three Laws of Robotics, like in I, Robot and the Foundation Series). Basically we're a band of rebel robots who have taken the Zeroth law a little too seriously and have adopted the position of protecting Humanity from Humanity, heh heh. Or simply escaped Replicants like in the movie Blade Runner. This basically leaves it open to any AT, and any costume (Humaniform Robots and Replicants look completely human after all), although most of our toons are Robot MM's with robot bodies. Anything is OK as long as you have a good story behind it (For Example: I have a Metal Golem with a magic Origin, heh heh).
We're a decent sized active VG who like to team together, or just hang out using TeamSpeak to chat about the good old days when we used to seriously OWN at Pong!
We have a fully raidable base and are just starting to do insta-raids. Our members cover over 17 time zones all over the World! Always someone on somewhere.
We help with leveling, with the purchase of SO's and DO's, and of course the changing of your Depends Undergarment.
* Supergroup Name: Malicious Multiplicity (All Mastermind VG)
* Website (if any):
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Acid Queen
* Preferred Method of contact: Website; Global Channel:Repeat Offenders; Global: @Evelyn Spider
* Guild Description: We are an all Mastermind Villain Group - We currently have a functional base: Teleports, Medical, Mission Comp when needed. We are not PvP focused and the base is not raid ready at this time. We are on coaltion with the other groups in the Repeat Offenders Network of VG/SG.
Rules: Be a mature adults. Most of our members are adults. Respect people in the SG and outside of it. Use our coalition heavily to build teams if needed. Run in SG mode until level 25 and then when its good for you to do so. Last but not least have fun.

* Supergroup Name: World Domination Inc
* Website (if any)
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Cutthroat Douglas, PointSource
* Preferred Method of contact: Website; Global Channel:Repeat Offenders; Global: @Evelyn Spider
* Guild Description: We are a Dominator & Stalkers villain Group - We are on coaltion with the other groups in the Repeat Offenders Network of VG/SG. We are working on our base. We are not PvP focused and the base is not raid ready at this time.
Rules: Be a mature adults. Most of our members are adults. Respect people in the SG and outside of it. Use our coalition heavily to build teams if needed. Run in SG mode until level 25 and then when its good for you to do so. Last but not least have fun.

Supergroup Name: Fated / Fated Heroes
Leader & Recruiting Officer: @Linna, @PwyllT
Preferred Method of contact: in-game e-mail, SG forum
Fated are originally a SWG guild. We escaped to CoV when the NGE was announced in November 2005. By now, we have a solid CoV/CoH membership and a full CoV base. We're still working on the CoH side base, but we're getting there.
Traditionally, Fated are a mixed guild, supporting both PVE and PVP. Whatever you like playing, go for it, as long as you're having fun. The guild is there to help you do it. Please note that the guild leader and several of her cronies are hardcore pvpers, and WILL try to seduce you to the dark side...
Evil Transcendant (all 3 guilds)
Gorath's Most Wanted
Seven Deadly Sins
All new Fated have a 2 week probation period. During this period we will determine whether or not they fit in. Usually this is no more than a formality, so don't worry about it.
Our rules are very simple, but I do expect them to be obeyed:
- no griefing or harassing. That means no stuff like intentionally teleporting people into drones or mobs, training mobs on people or teleporting new players to inaccessible places. Use your common sense. There is no need to deliberately spoil someone else's playtime.
- no scamming or exploiting. Meaning serious, gamebreaking stuff like speed hacking, and intentionally defrauding other players.
- no trashtalking, either in spatial, tells or forum. Thinks like 'I pwn yoo' are childish and reflect badly on the guild. Taunting people for no other reason than that they are on the other side or in a certain super group, will only create unnecessary bad feelings. Swearing at people, or insulting their parentage or sexuality is not just heavily frowned upon by me, but CAN get you banned by NCSoft. /ignore is your friend, as is /petition. Creative insults in PVP are ok, but keep it both creative and clean.
- don't simply stop logging in without warning. Apart from the fact that I am a worrywart, the SG limit of 75 toons means I will have to kick you eventually to make room, unless you've given advance notice of absence.
- this is not a democracy. I value input from everyone, but the final say is mine.
- Problems with other SGs can and WILL be solved in game. If any action needs to be taken in the forums, I will be the one doing it, followed by my officers. If anything happens in-game that needs dealing with, you tell me, and we will find a way of dealing with it. THERE WILL BE NO RETALIATIONS UNLESS I GIVE THE GO-AHEAD. It is VERY important that SG leadership knows exactly what is going on and why.
- If you have a problem with another guild member, work it out in private. Don't drag guild business or personal conflicts out into public forums.
Depending on the seriousness of the infraction, I WILL kick you out of Fated if you break these rules.
I am quite frequently in tell hell, because I get asked stuff from all sides at once. There is no way this can be prevented for other-SG contacts, but please, fated, don't contribute to the problem. If it can wait, mail a question. If it can't wait, ask in guild chat. The last thing I need when pvping or fighting mobs is tells.
We have none. Fated are both on the Villain side and on the Hero side. We will fight our own in pvp, and switch to whichever side offers the most fun at the time (whichever side has the fewest, in most cases).
I don't hold with promoting on the basis of prestige earned, if only because it discriminates against people who join at high level and people who temporarily switch to another SG for raids. Those guild members who play a lot and help out other members, risk getting the right to tag up other people. Other than that, it's entirely a matter of my whims.
Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the �equivalent� powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.
* Supergroup Name:
The Mann Brothers Corporation
* Website (if any):
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
X Factor X, PentaGraham, Toasty Toad
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
Regular Email:
* Guild Description: (Motto, membership requirements/guidelines, and any other information that might help a hero decide whether or not to apply to your group.
We are a friendly and villainous SG that excepts all players. We love to team together. Our only rules are to play in SG mode, and log on once every 20 days.
Villaingroup Name:
Sins of Omega
Sins of Omega
Leaders and Recruiting Officers:
Silver (Overlord) - @Crisalis
Bane of Warlock (Overlord) - @Fiery Warlock
Nocturnal Slumber (Officer) - @nightsbladex
Spirit Reaver (Officer)
Rogue Jounin (Officer) - @Blazebabe
Preferred mode of contact:
(1) Check out the team website Sins of Omega and there is information regarding the application process.
(2) Contact one of the Overlords or Officers in-game
(3) Leave a forum post on the site with your name and basic information
(4) Email in-game
Villaingroup Description:
Sins of Omega was started October 20th, 2005. We are a collection of powerful villains on the Freedom server in the game City of Villains. Our villaingroup values dedication, participation, skill, and experience. We are a very close knit family.
Sins of Omega (SoO) was created as an extension of Team Omega (TO), a supergroup on the game City of Heroes. SoO is the darker counterpart to this hugely successful supergroup. Many of our members particpate in both SoO and TO as we coordinate base raids, pvp zone fights, etc. Omega Medic is the leaders of Team Omega. Meanwhile, Bane of Warlock and myself are in charge of Sins of Omega.
The group has a wide range of activities each week. We have weekly pvp zone nights, meetings, scheduled base raids, arena challenges, occasional RP events between our hero group and villaingroup, costume contests, etc.
Our members in SoO are mature players who know how to play their villainous toons. We appreciate members who show dedication, passion, and a certain level of maturity. Along those same lines, powerlevelers need not apply. In order to foster an environment filled with the best players, we feel learning your toons through pve content is an invaluable lesson. As a result, our members are pros at both pvp and pve. We love blasting through +4 level baddies in missions.
If you have any questions about our organization, feel free to ask on our website! In our world it's kill or be killed... but we're always willing to lend a hand in the killing. Bwahaha!
Please use this thread to post details regarding your Villaingroups (CoV) on the Freedom server.
Include the following information:
* Supergroup Name: The Inquisition-
* Website (if any): none
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Esinhorn
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific) contact Esinhorn here or ingame
* Guild Description: (Motto, membership requirements/guidelines, and any other information that might help a hero decide whether or not to apply to your group.
[/ QUOTE ]Purge the Unclean,too many villians do not deserve the new World we are establishing.We must fight until those who are truly worthy still survive and the bone of the weak crush beneath our feet.We are a ventro/Teamspeak group but it is not necessary at first.
Supergroup Name: The Nth Legion
Website: The Nth Legion
Leader: Godstorm
Prefered Method of Contact:
1. Send me a PM here.
2. Sign up on the web site web page
3. Send any member listed on the roster an in game tell.
Supergroup Concept:
We are a group who's origin's reach far back into history. To a time when greed, corruption and the thirst for power split the late Roman Republic into a series of civil wars. The Nth Legion was formed in shadow and secrecy by Gaius Marius, the Third Founder of Rome. This organization of his allies among the powerful families of Rome and his most skilled and loyal Generals strived to fulfill the prophecy that he would sit as Consul seven times, securing for themselves profit and favor. Then, during the madness that consumed him in his final days, Gaius Marius unleashed The Nth Legion on Rome itself. A slaughter that horrified the ancient world and still resonates through the centuries.
After the death of Gaius and the defeat at the hands of Sulla, The Nth Legion retreated to the shadows and during the age of the Roman Empire emerged as an unseen puppetmaster operating in the background and manipulating the fortunes of Rome. Bidding there time. Waiting for the time to come when they would emerge and bring about a new world empire.
That time has come. The Nth Legion has risen
* Supergroup Name: Heavy Assault Warriors Coalition (H.A.W.C)
* Website (if any):
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Siege Girl (played by Pentawolf)
* Preferred Method of contact: ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum
* Guild Description: Victory through strength! This SG is designed to help its fellow members in whatever manner they need. (short of Powerleveling.) Roleplay is certainly encouraged but not required. Rank procurement is merit and time based as opposed to prestige or level based (which is unfair to those of certain levels.)
* Supergroup Name: Plenary Union
* Website (if any): In Development
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
Professor Ragnarok
Taekwan Fudote
* Preferred Method of contact: in-game email or private tell
* Guild Description: The Plenary Union is a roleplay oriented VG. The VG concept is a loose coalition of villains uniting to destroy the alien (Rikti, Peacebringers, Warshades) menace so they can rule the Earth for themselves. It is similar to the Mankind Liberation Front in Kingdom Come, the conspiracy against the Justice League in the DC Elseworld's limited series "The Nail", or any number of comic book crossovers when villains gather to exploit the latest crisis afflicting the heroes.
The Plenary Union considers itself to be the official worldwide government of Earth with plenary powers. It considers any ally of the alien Peacebringers and Warshades to be collaborators with the alien invaders.
The VG theme allows a variety of character concepts. To support roleplay, characters can remain "general members" or align with one of the various factions within the Union. We have utopian dictators, crime lords, assassin brotherhoods, and hate mongers all united in a common goal - to rule the world.
While we are roleplay oriented, we encourage player discussion when people have questions or need clarification. Players are very friendly and top members always lackey or malefact to help new players out.
We are an excellent VG for working professionals who have only a few nights to play during the week, players who love classic supervillains of the Silver and Bronze Ages, or who like comics roleplaying in general.
While we do not want to discourage anyone, we are probably not the best VG out there for people who PL their characters fast, people who play during normal working hours, or don't like in-character chats.
The Plenary Union has an active membership base, an established SG base, and coalition partners (mainly other RP oriented VG's). We are a solid mid-tier VG which has potential to enter the top 100. We are consistently growing.
More information will be provided upon request. We promote players based on contribution to the VG. Active play, organizing events, and recruiting more players lead to promotion. Players can even create their own "faction" (similar roleplay themed characters) with enough support.
If you are a small VG frustrated by not earning enough prestige for goodies, you may want to consider joining us. We offer strong benefits, friendly help to new members, and are willing to promote the leaders to high ranks as a new faction leader. We can accomodate many RP concepts as long as you are "anti-alien."
Join the New Order! To save the world, we must conquer it!
* Supergroup Name: WRATH
* Website (if any): - Changing soon to represent our interests in multiple online games.
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
Bayek - WRATH Councilor of WAR
Baci - WRATH Guild Leader
Chrystian - WRATH Communications Officer
Reead and Crespo - WRATH Public Relations Officers
Shibby (ms wang) - WRATH War Officer
* Preferred Method of contact: Ingame e-mail, tells or visit our site.
* Guild Description: WRATH is a MMORPG Player Association. In City of Villains we are devoted to the cause of Evil on the Freedom server. We are a group of dedicated players who enjoy doing our part in the Galactic Civil War as well as enjoying 'all' aspects of the game. The PA is led by a group of six experienced gamers called the Council of Six who work hard to make WRATH one of the best Player Associations in multiple games but also to make sure WRATH is an enjoyable atmosphere for every member.
WRATH is a dedicated guild to our cause, allies and our members. We place a lot of focus on PvP and team work. WRATH uses Team Speak as a primary source of communication and to build the atmosphere we seek. WRATH is very selective in our recruitment process because we want it to be the best fit for you and us. If you have any questions please contact an officer of the guild.
Supergroup Name:
X Syndicate
Frost ( @Frost ) Not going to list the recruiting officers in case that changes. Check our website for the most up to date information
Perfered Method Of Contact:
Please post on our recruitment forums, or contact someone through a PM/in game tell if you have questions
X Syndicate is an established mid to large sized Hero and Villain supergroup which has been around since CoH Beta. We enjoy running missions including scheduled Task/Strike Forces, Trials and badge hunting events. Our goal is to promote long-lasting friendships between members that arent forgotten when the game is over. And have a really good time doing it while were at it.
While some of our members enjoy PvP, the hardcore PvP following in X is pretty small. Theres currently only one or two members who really spend any great amount of time in PvP zones outside of badge hunting. As such, while the occasional PvP event may happen, PvP is not our focus and at the current time I cant foresee being heavy into the Item of Power base raiding scene. Some instant raids might happen from time to time though later down the line. Most of our members spend a majority of their time on PvE content though. Just being honest
We have few rules and a very relaxed organizational structure. The most important rule being that we request that if you join X, you move all of your alts into our group as well. Were trying to avoid attracting members who have 8 different characters in 8 different supergroups.
Were looking to add a few new players who are interested in creating friendships with a sense of humor who realize that its just a game that were playing and to not take things too seriously. We are not looking for players who spend a significant amount of time power leveling, nor are we looking for players who join up and never say a word on our global channel or forums. Theres no level limits for recruitment purposes. The enjoyment of nachos is a plus. However, muffins will work too in a pinch.
For more information, check out our website. Theres a large post in the recruitment forum explaining more about the group and how to submit your application.
Supergroup name: The Dark-Angels
Leaders and Recruiting Officers:
Listed by Global Chat Handles
@Rand Al' Thor
Recruiting Captains:
@Tempest Shocker
@sweet sensation
Preferred Method of Contact:
Visit our website,
Send an email to ,
Send an in game /global tell to any of us,
Post in the "Access to Forums" section of our forum
Any of these methods are cool!
Description: We are a medium sized SG/VG that have been around since CoH beta. We have a hero and villain faction. There are no requirements to join. We are not a PvP or RP group, although we do not discourage either. We generally just like to team up, have fun and form friendships. We run SG events like Alt night, Dark Angels of the month, ect. and eventually base raids. Come check us out!
I'm in the Super Villain Group---Fat, Angry, Retarded Team...or "FART" for short.
We like Hostess pies and Mid Priced Vodka. We try to fight another SG called The Blumpkins as much as possible.
Thank you.
* Supergroup Name: Supreme Hydra & A.I.M. (a coalition of two groups)
* Website:
* Hydra & A.I.M. Leader: Baron Von Strucker
* Hydra Recruiting Officers: Dr. Steel, Evil Linda, Gortoe.
* A.I.M. Recruiting Officers: Madame Hydra, Korook, Hydra Dreadnought
* Preferred Method of contact: Contact us in game, or by posting in our forums.
* Guild Description: We are a coalition of two super groups with many active members. We are interested in both PvE and PvP.
For more information please visit our website.
Supergroup Name: Forged in Evil
Website (if any): N/A at the moment. Check back later.
Leader or Recruiting Officers: L) Somus/Nucleonis
Preferred Method of contact: Ingame email or tell.
Guild Description: FiE is a new (as of 5/20/06) SVG. We are currently actively recruiting as much as possible. We ask that all of our current and new members remain active. There is a strict activity policy in effect. Mains are removed after five days and any ALTs pertaining to that main. An ALT is removed after eight days if the main is still active. Notice beforehand can prevent such removal.
As said before, we are new. We have approximately five members and a small base. We are looking to expand in both of these areas. If you seek an already well established SVG then FiE is probably not for you. If you seek a ready, willing and able SVG that promises to be one of the best SVGs in the future, then we are most assuredly what you're after!
FiE is a mainly PvE (Player vs. Environment) SVG, however PvP (Player vs. Player) is most definitely not discouraged. However you seek to play the game, we seek to help you reach that goal.
If you have any concerns, questions, inquiries, etc... please feel free to contact me ingame at any of the names provided at the top of this post.
Somus, Leader of Forged in Evil.
Supergroup Name: WRATH
Website (if any): (temporary, being changed soon)
Leader or Recruiting Officers: Bayek, Baci, Shibby, Reead, Crespo
Preferred Method of contact: Post on WRATH Forums or PM.
Guild Description: WRATH loves you.
Supergroup Name Togakure Ryu
Leader or Recruiting Officers Takeru, Wormfeast, Hezurek, Bloody Raw, Walking Dude
Preferred Method of contact In game PM
Description Fairly established SG. We have a good core group of players but are seeking more active players to help expand the SG into other areas of the game. Namely PvP. We also use Teamspeak when grouping and are slowly making it a requirement to use, however, you don't have to talk if you don't want to. We require you to have a good sense of humor and above all else, just enjoy playing. Promotions are based on how well you are helping the SG advance (not to be read as how much prestige you've earned). So, if your an active player and looking for a SG that's doing it's best to expand and make a name for itsself....Togakure Ryu may be just what your looking for. May the sky bleed red!
Villain Group name
Goraths Most Wanted primary
Oppression secondary (teleporters and overflow)
[/color] [color=#330000] Goraths Most Wanted
@XgieroX Giero
@Flypygmy Jah
@Buckshots Revenge Buck
@Vikacis Raxious
Recruiting Officers:
@Abbygayle Abbey
@Touretts1 Molotov
@BustInCaps At Deaths Door
@Sirius Snake Snake
Interested in joining? Go to the website and visit the recruitment forum. All players accepted go through a probation period. We require you to download Ventrillo, a communications client. Inactive players are kicked after 30 days.
We are a PVP oriented guild that likes to go out and have fun. We are a group of ex-SWG players that have come to COV in the hopes of the next best PVP. We are a mixed aged guild that accepts all ages, just dont be stupid. Immature okay, stupid we are full on. We are a large guild with a raid ready base. Teleporters to every zone are in the Oppression base. Leadership is very laid back, but the Overlords all started the guild, you will be promoted at random and all can invite into the guild. Just know you will catch the crap for a bad recruit.
Current Coalitions:
Interested in a coalition stop by the website or send a tell
Supergroup Name: WRATH
Website (if any):
Leader or Recruiting Officers: Bayek, Baci, Shibby, Reead, Crespo
Preferred Method of contact: Post on WRATH Forums or PM.
Guild Description: WRATH loves you.
[/ QUOTE ]
Update: The WRATH Website is now
Leader: Colonel Venom
Motto: Poisonous to those who oppose us!
Now actively recruiting - All levels
Roleplayers are encouraged to apply, but open to everyone who wants to join a team and work together to enjoy COV and become the most powerful villains we can be. We seek mature, repectful members please.
Send an in game email or PST Colonel Venom is he's around.
* Supergroup Name: Kin-Dread
* Website (if any): note: we are presently shifting from a WoW guild to a multi game guild, the site should be updated to reflect that in time. Also the most active part of the website is the forums (link on the left).
* Leader or Recruiting Officers: Kestral2040 (leader), others to contact about membership include Duchess Adriel, Capt. Chernobyl, Azander, X-483
* Preferred Method of contact: Honestly any form of contact is fine. We will ask new members to register and say hello on our forums when joining so that may be ideal. In-game contact is fine as well, however.
* Guild Description: We are a group of people that have played together across multiple games (and over multiple years). Plain and simple: we play to have fun. As a note most of our guild members are over the age of 17 and ideally we try to recruit members to adhere to this more mature atmosphere. We would like to get more involved in the PvP scene and really go nuts with our base, however, that will only be happening if we increase our member base. As a final note we have a vent server for voice communication.
Super group name:
Unjustice League - Main
Unjustice League's Finest - Second
Pink Avanger - UJL leader
Noonian Soon - UJL leader
Honey Bee - UJL leader
Jack Dempsey - UJL leader
MUR - UJL leader
Dephile - UJL Leader
Mad Killa - UJL leader
Contact any of the leaders for recruitment.
Guild Description:
We are the destined supervillian group to rise to the top and conquer Rogue Isles.
PvE, PvP. We are an established SG and are very active. Currently in the TOP 10 SG's on the freedom server for prestige. We use Teamspeak.
Please use this thread to post details regarding your Villaingroups (CoV) on the Freedom server.
Include the following information:
* Supergroup Name:
* Website (if any):
* Leader or Recruiting Officers:
* Preferred Method of contact: (ingame email, regular email, Forum PM, SG website, this forum, etc. Be specific)
* Guild Description: (Motto, membership requirements/guidelines, and any other information that might help a hero decide whether or not to apply to your group.