2 Blaster Choices
I don't see why you wouldn't mix them fire/devices is amazing. but i would go with archery/devices over fire/ice because devices are great in pvp.
But don't listen to me, I'm a nub at pvp
Probably should have explained why better: I am such a comic book nerd, I need my characters to be thematic.
Fire/Fire is more thematic than Fire/Ice, but the latter is thematic as well.
I don't see why you wouldn't mix them fire/devices is amazing. but i would go with archery/devices over fire/ice because devices are great in pvp.
But don't listen to me, I'm a nub at pvp
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Against a competent pvper devices is useless. He can easily avoid the mines and if teleported, you simply hold down jump and you'll clear the mines before they damage you. Heck, you can even jump onto them and just barely touch them without getting stuck in the trops and detonate them without taking damage!
Ice Manip really has nothing going for it for pvp. Slows were nerfed in I13, mezzes are mostly useless now too and the more attractive sets will give them to you anyways for the occasional offensive toggle dropping.
Neither of the builds are very good for pvp but if i absolutley had to pick one, i would probably pick dev for the targetting drone. I wouldnt reccomend either one though.
So Energy Manipulation or Mental Manipulation?
Against a competent pvper devices is useless. He can easily avoid the mines and if teleported, you simply hold down jump and you'll clear the mines before they damage you. Heck, you can even jump onto them and just barely touch them without getting stuck in the trops and detonate them without taking damage!
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Ummmm no. No competent PvP'er would even take trip mines. Devices is good because of targetting drone and webnades...that's it. But that makes it very good.
Has everyone forgotten the third reason devices is good....Cloaking device stacked with a stealth IO and people with no perception can't see ya. You would be surprised how many that is.
Any decent PvPer will have some kind of +perception, even if it's just the IO.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Any decent PvPer will have some kind of +perception, even if it's just the IO.
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Ya there is alot of knuckle heads I agree
Has everyone forgotten the third reason devices is good....Cloaking device stacked with a stealth IO and people with no perception can't see ya. You would be surprised how many that is.
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That's not really a big deal. Most blasters take concealment anyway to get phase, and stealth is the same thing as CD.
um phase on a blaster is epic fail. /Devices is more fail.. so is Ice/* or */ice. I'm not even going to consider Archery for anyone but lol RPVPers. You can how ever give /mental a shot or /elec
um phase on a blaster is epic fail. /Devices is more fail..
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That's a joke right?
I think so.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Has to be.
Yes and no..
Phase on a blaster is in fact a sack of failure. The reason is
the majority of the people who are dumb enough to use it. Dont use it right. With the recharge on phase so fast. They think they can use it every time its recharged. Which is not true. Not only that it has a activation timer. Which leaves it open for DOT. Also it has no recovery trait at all. Which means if you are taking damage and/or have taken damage you have no means of recovering it while in it. Also it requires Stamina to run. Which is why taking /mental is better. Lets say your hit with a end drain debuff. Which a lot of people are using now a days as it works very well. Not only are you using end to maintain stamina and the rest of your toggles while your in phase. But your still subject to the debuff that you got hit bye before you got in it.
Now lets say your one of these scared for there life defensive blasters, and you go with a phase PFF build. Your thinking O sweet I can hit FON and then phase when it drops. Well maybe so but you better be caring some blues because if they hit you with a end drain debuff before you phase. Which is exactly what I would do if I saw some one trying that tactic with me. Your phase is going to de-toggle seconds after you hit it. Which makes you open for kill. Lastly people who use phase and PFF on blaster spend more time running then they do killing.
In other words its simply to risky and to hard to make phase work on a blaster. Hents why anyone in there right mind wont use it.
As for Devices goes. Its not the worst choice. Web-nades can be fun in duels if you pick say the office or the cadge map. But it does not = Win. Target drone is nice for the + acc mixed with tactics you have some good acc+to-hit going. But thats not hard to obtain with out it. Its not a game maker. Ive beaten fire/devs ice/devs many times. I personally think */EM */mental */elec are still better choices.
Phase from the power pool maybe, but phase from Warburg as a temp power and no wasted power pools/picks. eh may as well
Well lolzone is pretty much a joke anyway. But if your talking about a zone pvp then thats entirely different. How ever like you said. I'd go with the temp power over wasting a pool, and I still would not take /devices..
Sorry that I didn't clarify, but I was talking more fore Zone PvP.
But you definitely helped a lot so far, RFW.
In zone PvP Phase is better than Hibernoob to get out of sticky situations (for now), especially when you're outnumbered. Hibernoob will just let you sitting there and when the 30 secs are up you better make a run for it. The only situation where Hiber is a better escape tool than Phase is when you get tagged with HE and are running low on end.
I do agree with you as far as devices goes though, while nades and targeting drone are good, Boost Range, BU and Total Focus are better.
well in zone,, the only way I'll take phase is as a temp power. Look at it this way. Zone is all about gank spikeing. So if you think phase is going to get off before you get ganked your sadly mistaken. Not phase or Pff can stop a good gank. The reason why I still wouldn't take phase, is because you loose out on the leadership pool. Which is much for valuable then phase. As of I13 theres to many defense based chars running around to not have the + to-hit. If you play like a Nub and run around aid-selfing in pff all day, or phaseing. You wont get any kills in zone or Arena. If you come out of the bubble or phase, your still not going to get kills because you cant hit anything. So this is how it works:
Pff/aid self | phase/*anything = still getting ganked and killed, but with out getting any kills
Leadership/Ice epic = Still eventually getting ganked and killed, but you should be able to get a kill for your self before you die. Which is better then nothing. Also if your good you can get several kills before you die.
The choice is yours.
The choice is DON'T BE A NOOB! LOL ;P
So I asked earlier about some Brute, Defender, and Blaster builds and after trying a Brute, I went on to Blaster.
So far I love the damage dealing potential.
I have a Archery/Devices Blaster at level 20, and I do like him a lot (cool costume, too).
My other consideration was a Fire/Ice Blaster, because I know Fire/ has a lot of damage and Ice a lot of soft control abilities with some solid damage mitigation. Also considered Fire/Energy for awhile, but I didn't think that concept was as neat.
I want my Blaster to be pretty beefy in PvP, and I was wondering what would be a better PvP build? The Archery/Devices Blaster or the Fire/Ice Blaster?
Archery is really cool looking and deals solid damage, but Lethal is well resisted. Fire, however, isn't as well resisted and deals incredible damage.
All help would be appreciated!
By the way, I'm not considering mixing Fire/ with devices or Archery/ with /Ice. It's pretty much Archery/Devices or Fire/Ice.