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  1. Well... sorceress... could be more or less anything.

    Sorcery is, typically and classically, malign magic. The archetypal sorceress would be Circe, who specialised in turning men into beasts. 'Sorceress' tends to invoke images of the femme fatale magic wielder, perhaps some form of mind controlling Dominator.

    Really, though, it's magic and your options are just about anything.
  2. You look at a 'You know you play CoX too much thread' and think "I remember when they used to be funny."

    Seriously: When walking through the local mall on the upper floor, you see a shop on the floor below and have to stop yourself just hopping over the barrier because, well, falling damage doesn't hurt that much.
  3. Paragon Times, Morning Edition, Januray 5th 2011, around page 2
    Praetorian Terror Stalks Atlas

    Information obtained from a source within the PPD indicates that the explosion in Atlas Park yesterday did the city a favour. Documents found at the scene have suggested that the three men in the flat were from the parallel world known as Praetoria and that they had been secretly infiltrated into the area in order to attack certain important facilities.

    The men were killed by a nail bomb, presumed to be of their own making, at around 4pm Tuesday. Unfortunately, seven other people died in the explosion and a further two have succumbed to their injuries over night.
  4. Paragon Times, Evening Edition, January 4th 2011
    Explosion Rocks Atlas

    The Hyperion Way district of Atlas Park was shaken this afternoon as an explosion ripped through an apartment building killing seven and injuring a further fourteen people. Police and fire department responded to the detonation just after 4pm, preventing further loss of life.

    A statement released by the PPD indicated that the explosion took place in one room of an apartment, immediately killing the three men in that room. Four more people died in the apartments below when the ceiling collapsed on them. At this time, police are working on the theory that the three men were killed by a bomb of their own devising, but are not stating why this is the operating theory.
  5. Has been suggested, often as a Base addition, for centuries. Yes, that's since before the computer was invented. We went back in time to retroactively suggest it!

    The reason you'd want the cooldown to be relatively short should be obvious: if you want to edit more than one costume slot at a time, each slot constitutes a different tailor invocation. If there's even a 5 minute cool down, it's likely to annoy people.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    That's a pretty big understatement.
    Sam's posts usually rub me the wrong way for some reason. They're generally well reasoned and to the point, but... I dunno.

    Whatever my normal feelings: Damn right, Sam!

    I'm enjoying this game currently, content and roleplay, but a set like this would force me to quite for at least two months until all the jackasses who just have to try every new power set have stopped bringing this nightmare to roleplay meets. I'm afraid as suggested, it isn't even a good joke.

    I've actually noticed less 4th Wall breaking recently. I haven't noticed that annoying Hellion talking about Influence recently; I can't help wonder if they decided they'd gone a little too far and backed down on it.

    And, yes, I assumed the OP was joking. He was actually more serious about it than I thought.
  7. Rei was what you got if you took a girl who likes a bit of rough sex and people's normal appetites for pleasure, wealth, and getting their own way, and then you removed all the normal moral limits on that kind of activity. She would kill or maim people because she was bored, or they looked at her the wrong way, or they didn't suck up to her just right. What she really loved was torturing people to death over the course of several days. She didn't want to take over the world, or destroy it.

    Was she evil? Haven't a clue. She wasn't very nice. I think various people would have hated me if I hadn't let her get caught and 'cured' because she would eventually have got to Paragon and made some people's lives hell.

    My one EVIL character is Lilith Pendragon. I barely ever play her. Her father was a dragon and her purpose is to spread misery, and gather the forces necessary to return the dragons to Earth. She fits the corporate villain mold. Generally works behind the scenes. Her ultimate goal, however, is the destruction of the world as we know it, so I guess she's pretty Evil.
  8. I'd go Natural. The powers are all natural to the entity. Natural covers aliens as well as 'skilled humans.' on't forget that Peacebringers are Natural.

    Tech is IMO, meant for gadget powered types, battlesuit wearers, etc.

    Science is the same as Mutant, except that mutants are born with aberrant abilities, science types get them due to chemical accidents, exposure to weird radiation, being bitten by a radioactive elephant, etc. Note that Nictus/Warshades are Science since they have altered themselves and are no longer natural Kheldians.

    (Mutants are different from Natural 'aliens' by virtue of their powers not being common to the base species.)
  9. Paragon Tattler December 14th 2010

    Who is the Gunwitch?
    The streets of King's Row, a place to watch your step since the Depression, are just a little safer these days. Few are the heroes who pay more than a passing interest to the former industrial hub of the city; they get sent here to arrest a few Skulls, or while passing through to Independence Port in search of bigger fish. Arrow Azure can be seen on the streets of the town at times, clad in his familiar blue and black suit and riding a fold-away bicycle, of all things, but the number of heroes who frequent King's are few.

    But now they have increased by one, and it is quite a glamorous at that. Her name is the Gunwitch and reports suggest that she has been cutting a swathe through the criminals of King’s Row for over a month now. Her weapons of choice are a pair of custom pistols firing bullets which turn in the air and follow thugs around corners. She is hot, dressing like a street ****** in black, snakeskin corset, skirt and boots, a collar around her neck. She is almost always seen wearing dark glasses, but beneath those her eyes are blank orbs. Some say she is a blind witch, others a genius technologist. No one seems to know for sure.

    Strangest of all, the Gunwitch seems to bare a striking resemblance to recently disgraced and redeemed heroine of Galaxy City, Nitoichi. They could easily be sisters, and Gunwitch was seen at Nitoichi’s trial, lending moral support.

    So, who is the mysterious Gunwith? Where did she come from? All we know is that she is going up in popularity around King’s Row, and with looks like that she could become a city-wide phenomenon.

    (Article by the Tattler's hero and Criminal Activity reporter, Tanya Bismuth.)
  10. I don't think I really have any objections to you doing this, because it's quite simple to ignore. You seem very much to be aiming for doing some IC missions, really, which happen all the time and if that's your bag, more power to your elbow. (Except in fairly good circumstances, I find IC missions fail to work well, but that's my problem and it's not like I don't do them.)

    Your title seems to suggest something grander, but an IC Mothership Raid is hardly a global or uncommon occurrance. *shrug*

    Originally Posted by A_Random_Thing View Post
    to spawning Kronos Titans in City Zones
    The idea of spawning this in PI is probably acceptable. If you do it in lower level zones that Founders (which it regularly spawns in) you risk being reported for griefing. In fact, considering that it was considered griefing to pull GMs over to PI mainland, I'd be very careful about regularly spawning the Titan anywhere on purpose.

    but if any of you want to complain about taking part, easy enough your character can have other things as equally important or that are more important to their perspective.
    You know, you could have managed to get through this entire post without a snarky remark like this...

    But to deal with the aftermath?
    What aftermath? The Rikti drop nukes all over the city and there's no aftermath. The Kronos Titan regularly marches over FF, hell, three Paladins march around King's without leaving a scratch. Those not wishing to worry about it are highly unlikely to contact those who care, so there's no need to worry.

    Please, if you want to do things like this, obey server rules, post for people to join up, and enjoy yourselves. Don't worry about the people who don't want to take part.
  11. Dante, dear chap, do you mean comic-book evil or really evil?

    Comic-book evil is anti-social. As demonstrated by the time people bring comic-book villains to GG, it simply doesn't work very well in a social RP setting. In an evil social RP setting, demented works, evil just makes everyone else want you dead.

    Really evil is different. Really evil can be perfectly social. Nitoichi's evil personality, Rei, ran a night club. She had devoted followers and a henchman who was fairly hooked on her. She could be perfectly good company. She also enjoyed taking hours or days torturing people to death and would pick random people off the street to do that to. She felt she was letting people down if they died too quickly. She would kill people for breathing at the wrong moment, but I'm quite sure she'd function perfectly well at one of these meetings you mention. Aside, perhaps, from thinking everyone else there was a moron.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remaugen View Post
    So if the name changes, change the key. I guess I had always just assumed that it was keyed on an account number though.
    No. The reason you aren't allowed to just randomly go around changing your global name is so that you can't harrass other players, make a total pain of yourself, and then just change your global so they don't know who you are, rinse and repeat.

    I guess they could hand out global name change tokens if they also implemented a mechanism to maintain a history of name changes. Likely a rather amusing thing to read in some cases, so I would approve.
  13. I also thought it worked rather well and the introduction and play through worked nicely with current events. I even got to see mobs I've never seen before, like a Scorpid.

    Despite having my settings currently at -1/x1 there were tight moments so don't assume it'll be easy, especially on a relative squishy.
  14. Trial Day Four – December 2nd 2010

    Paragon Times

    The conclusion of the Nitoichi trial today is bound to stir controversy. The jury finally delivered a verdict of “Not Guilty on Grounds of Temporary Insanity” at lunchtime. The judge handed down the sentence in a twenty minute statement after a break for lunch. Nitoichi is remanded to the custody of the Unity Vigil for psychiatric evaluation over the course of the next six months, continuing indefinitely if required. The judge stated that her work in the War Zone and other areas was too valuable to be restricted and the Unity Vigil, with its work under the MYRS program makes it a suitable group to handle this responsibility.

    Conservative lobby groups have already issued statements that the sentence was too lenient. The prosecution, however, issued a statement that the judgement was fair. Longbow gave a similar statement late in the afternoon. The families of the two murdered agents were unavailable for comment. Vanguard leader, The Lady Grey, commented that a valuable resource in the fight against Earth’s enemies had been rightly freed to continue her efforts.

    Miss Barrington refused to comment on the judgement on leaving court. She was collected by two Unity Vigil cruisers, accompanied by Mrs Zorielle Rolando and the UV Security Chief.

    Paragon Star

    It comes as no surprise that the self-confessed murderer known to the public as Nitoichi has walked scot free from court today. Two people are dead as the result of this woman’s actions, their distraught families can feel no sense of justice in this decision, and yet another psychotic, cape-wearing killer walks our streets because her mutant friends closed ranks around her and kept her safe.

    No one can feel safe on the streets of Paragon City with the likes of Annette Barrington walking free.

    Paragon Tattler

    The Unity Vigil certainly knows how to put on a show! At the end of a relatively short trial, Annette Barrington, up and coming model and actress, was whisked away from press, friends and well-wishers by two very classy Vigil cruisers. It must be said that Michael ‘Storm Sapphire’ Preston, Security Chief of the UV looks much more sexy in his costume, but both he and Zorielle ‘Zortel’ Rolando gave a good impression of “distinguished and reliable” as they rolled up accompanied by a contingent of Zortel’s famous androids in full dress uniform.

    Spotted amongst those watching Miss Barrington leave were Anastasia Kade, her manager and former Playboy model, and the mysterious Barrington twin we mentioned in yesterday’s article. The two were together and speculation mounts that this new girl is Mrs Kade’s latest find. Enquiries made to the Paragon Pets Modelling Agency produced only a statement that the agency hoped Miss Barrington would be available for work soon, but her return to the limelight had not been formally discussed. No “twin” is on their books. Who is this mysterious stranger?
  15. For those who haven't seen the email, the appropriate section is:

    The Praetorian War Begins!

    The armies of Praetoria invade Primal Earth in the newest game update of City of Heroes®, Issue 19: Alpha Strike!
    • Arch-Villains, Goliath War Walkers, and an army of Clockwork have razed Steel Canyon and King's Row. The Freedom Phalanx has already fallen, and only you and other new Incarnates can protect our world!
    • Get swept up in three new live zone events in Praetoria.
    • Among the many game enhancements, the Fitness power pool is now inherent, slottable, and available at Level 2.
    You'll note that there's no mention of the TFs which are the only place the first bullet point is actually true in.

    I have never been a great fan of the idea of MMOs using level-based story progression. That works fine in a single-player game, but MMOs are cooperative. If your view of roleplaying is that "I am playing a superhero character so I am roleplaying" then you might as well be playing a single-player game. I found it one of the more annoying features of LotRO. Unfortunately, it seems to be a concept that game designers can't get past.
  16. Actually, the more I hear about this, the worse it gets.

    I got a mail last night which stated that our heroes were facing off against the invading forces because the Freedom Phalanx had already fallen. Now, considering what these War Walkers are supposed to be able to do, that is a really, really, really bad thing. (I won't insert the spoiler.) And yet there is absolutely no sign of anything changing in the game world itself. Everything is carrying on as normal.

    I think we essentially have to ignore the TFs in their full canon sense because the implications of them are actually as wide-scale as the Cataclysm expansion over in WoW, except that we are seeing none of it.

    My hope at this point is that I20, with its signed NDA, is actually going to be a pretty drastic change to the CoX multiverse. Something along the lines of Cataclysm. Something which will really shake things up.
  17. Trial Day Three – December 1st 2010

    Paragon Times

    The jury have decided to take their time deciding the fate of Annette Barrington, aka Nitoichi. After a short summing up of their duties by the judge, the jury of metahumans and registered heroes retired to their jury room to begin their deliberations.

    On hand to wait with Miss Barrington as the day dragged on were friends and colleagues of various degrees of fame. Doctor Richard Huntington III chose today to accompany Miss Shanna Connell to the courtroom, along with his sister, Samantha, and several other members of his household. Questioned by reporters regarding his presence, he said simply that he was there to lend support to his friend. Mrs Zorielle Rolando attended again, sitting beside a young woman bearing a striking resemblance to Miss Barrington. Neither were available for comment.

    By 4pm, with no sign of the jury reaching a decision, the judge called them back into the courtroom. Finding that they needed more time to decide, he ordered them sequestered for another night. The case continues tomorrow.

    Paragon Star

    So, a bunch of cape-clad so-called heroes get another night in luxury accommodation at the expense of the tax payer while they drag out handing down a ‘not guilty’ verdict in the case of Annette ‘Nitoichi’ Barrington. We all know the murderer is walking, so why wait? Got to make a show of it, that’s why.

    Mercury Herald

    As the jury continue to decide the fate of Annette ‘Nitoichi’ Barrington, speculation has turned to the likely sentence handed down if, as many now suspect, the jury will accept the insanity plea.

    The judge would be quite within his rights to have the defendant locked away in an asylum. Indeed, most persons who successfully plead insanity as a defence spend more time in incarceration than they would have done if found guilty of the crimes. However, no less a person than Sister Psyche has indicated that Miss Barrington is now in full control of her faculties.

    There is precedent for a hero in this position to be remanded into some form of program requiring psychiatric evaluation while ensuring that they continue their work as a hero. The Unity Vigil has a long association with the city’s youth rehabilitation program, the MYRS, and Vanguard has considerable experience in working with people on both sides of the law.

    Paragon Tattler

    A considerable treat for court watchers today as the Huntington household descended upon the trial of Nitoichi. With Shanna Connell and Samantha Huntington attending, as well as a bevy of other Huntington Harem beauties. Famous clubber, Sam, was dressed in her in an outfit fit for a stripper and looked awesome in it. Her playboy brother, Richard, who has been romantically linked with the foxy defendant in the past, also showed up, as did Internet fanboy favourite Fanservice Girl who made a brief appearance.

    One mysterious lady seen seated beside Zorielle Rolando bore a striking resemblance to Nitoichi, though she hid it carefully behind a wide-brimmed hat and dark glasses. The Tattler plans to investigate since two hot Barrington heroines is just too good a future to hope for!
  18. I have to agree it's lazy and it leaves me a little bothered since one of my characters lives in King's and is Praetorian.

    I think I'd prefer the option of 'tension is increasing and heavily armed Praetorian incursions have begun,' at least until there's more detail on exactly how Primal forces are reacting to the situation.
  19. Trial Day Two – November 30th 2010

    Paragon Times

    The trial of Annette Barrington, aka Nitoichi, continued today with the prosecution giving him simple, but damning, account of the crimes. The defendant sat, stony-faced, through the description of the injuries sustained by Longbow Agent Keys, and the defence did not cross-examine the witnesses having acknowledged the facts of the case.

    As its final act the prosecution called Miss Barrington to the stand. She was questioned on the murder of Agent Keys, confirming the facts of the case. Throughout the interrogation she remained calm, though she appeared pale and showed considerable contrition.

    The defence began their case after a short break for lunch. Detective Marion, a psychic with the Paragon Police Department, and Sister Psyche testified that, at the time of the crimes, Miss Barrington was under the control of a personality calling herself “Rei.” Sister Psyche further testified that Rei had been destroyed in mental combat with a number of other heroes. Jason Caine, a teacher of magical history at the Salamanca Campus, testified that Rei had been created as the result of a misfired magical effect following an attempt by an unknown assailant to assassinate Miss Barrington.

    After the technical witnesses, Ms Liberty and The Lady Grey were brought to the stand, in turn giving testimony as to Miss Barrington’s character prior to the assassination attempt. Ms Liberty also stated that Miss Barrington had given herself up voluntarily to face trial, which she stated to be further proof that the Rei personality was no longer in control.

    The closing statements were short and largely a summary of the crimes and the given explanation for the plea of not guilty. The judge ordered that the jury be secluded to start deliberation in the morning.

    Paragon Star

    A host of heroes came to testify at the Nitoichi trial today with Sister Psyche herself giving evidence that Nitoichi was, in fact, off her rocker when she brutally murdered two Longbow agents. The defence did give a good account of itself, but the description given of the death of Agent Keys left several in the courtroom reaching for the sick bags. No one should be able to get away with horrific crimes like this, least of all someone calling themselves a hero.

    Paragon Tattler

    Page 2

    Current favourite of the paparazzi, Shanna Connell, visited the trial of Nitoichi today. She kept up her normal (read ‘skimpy’) mode of dress, though with a slightly sober edge as befitting the occasion. She made a hasty, if discrete, exit during the afternoon, no doubt called back to the Huntington mansion where she currently lives. Lucky girl.

    Page 16

    In an article yesterday it was implied that Anastasia Kade was almost forty. Mrs Kade celebrated her thirtieth birthday this year.
  20. The problem is you're looking at finding a realistic solution for an unrealistic circumstance. The kind of axe you're talking about could never, reasonably, be used one-handed by a human. It would be slung on the back, or more likely would never be 'holstered' at all.

    So, you have a huge man using a huge axe. Sling it where you feel comfortable and don't worry too much about the details. Fea's description is likely as good as anything.
  21. Trial Day One – November 29th 2010

    Paragon Times

    Today marked the start of the trial of one of Galaxy City’s best known heroes, Nitoichi, accused of two counts of murder and one of bank robbery. The day was taken up with jury selection and opening statements. The defence’s case is that Nitoichi was temporarily incapable of acting in accordance with the law.

    The defendant, who gave her name as “Annette Barrington, also known as Nitoichi,” spoke only to confirm her name and give her plea, “Not guilty on the grounds of temporary insanity.” She was dressed in a relatively formal skirt suit and represented by a small team of lawyers. Notable in the audience were Zorielle Rolando and Ellie Stoneberg of the Unity Vigil, and Anastasia Kade, Miss Barrington’s friend and manager.

    More to follow in tomorrow’s session.

    Paragon Star

    Today it was revealed that yet another so-called hero, Nitoichi, has gone bad, been caught, and wants us to believe that she was insane at the time she murdered two defenceless Longbow officers. She is to be tried by a so-called jury of her peers. Yeah, like a bunch of other cape-wearing metas are going to convict her!

    Mercury Herald

    In court today on charges of murder and robbery was Nitoichi, a well-known member of Vanguard. She is claiming temporary insanity as a defence. Well, at least that is a different plea from the usual, “I was mind-controlled.”

    Galaxy City Messenger

    Nitoichi, a hero well known to this community, today stands trial for murder. The Messenger understands that Miss Barrington handed herself over to Ms Liberty herself and has spent much of her time in prison in solitary confinement at her own request. Utilising the Insanity Defence, Miss Barrington is steering a difficult course. If found not culpable, she has still admitted to the crimes she is accused of and must live with them, and her popularity will surely take a hit. Only time will tell how this turn of events will affect her.

    Paragon Tattler

    Annette Barrington, star of English men’s magazines and rock videos, as well as the sword swinging “hero,” Nitoichi, of Galaxy City and the War Zone, was in court today. Frankly, she looked terrible. The short, blond hair doesn’t sit her and she looked pale and a little drawn. She probably hasn’t been getting enough sun in a little cell with no windows. The suit was totally not her best. The girl has legs, no point hiding them under a knee-length skirt! And not even a hint of that famous cleavage. Seriously, girl, play to the audience.

    Now, Anna Kade in the audience, she looked hot! Her signature purple was looking a little more subdued than usual, but that girl still has it, even if she is pushing forty!
  22. Cool. If no one has grabbed it by Sunday night, I'll be in touch. Louise should be back on Earth by then.
  23. Paragon Times, morning editions, November 26th 2010

    Peacebringer Assassinated in Galaxy City
    Police were tight-lipped yesterday evening over the death of the Peacebringer Ascendent Corruscation while attempting to bring down a Skull drug laboratory in a warehouse in Galaxy City.

    This reporterwas able to talk to one of the Skulls who was arrested for the death of the hero. He claimed that it was not his gang who did it but, "a guy in a black outfit. Had lots of weapons on him. Trapped the squid and then shot him up with a big rifle." Police have made no comment on this, but Sunstorm did provide the following statement. "It is well known that the enemies of my people are willing to use mercenaries and weapons of terrible power to destroy us. Ascenendent Corruscation will be deeply missed."
  24. Approximately where in the city does this mission take place? The Infamy plot seems like it's vaguely suited to Gunwitch (so far), but she's somewhat limited in her area of operation.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    Sometimes, the Spirit of America talks to him. Once, it even took him over to warn a Praetorian.
    Which just so happened to be my Praetorian, Gunwitch...

    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    The weird one would be technology or science Incarnates. I suppose in that sense, you just don't play it as an actual Incarnation of whatever other being.
    Who is likely to be hitting 50 and going Incarnate sometime later this year, and is a Technology origin. It won't be weird in the least, she simply won't be doing anything more than she normally does, building better gadgets.

    Thing to remember, I think, is that one of the devs (I believe it was War Witch, could be wrong, she stuck her oar in) has already pointed out that the player Incarnates are not the same as the existing ones. They are not incarnations of some being (or need not be).

    Going for massive personal speculation...
    I think, essentially, that Incarnates tap directly into the Well, rather than accessing it indirectly through the Origins. This is why I have trouble with the argument that "I'm not using the established arc because my Origin isn't Magic." I could happily have Gunwitch develop ultimate cosmic gadget powers by coming to understand a magical ritual or artefact. The Origins are just lenses we view the Well through.