Powerset suggestions




(yes, I know that this is an odd forum to ask for it in.)

Okay, my main is a fire/fire/fire tank who, since day one, has had as her backstory that she was an aged sorceress who made a deal with an ancient, forgotten fire goddess. She would let the goddess use her body to try and recruit new followers and regain her powers, in exchange for renewed youth. I've decided that Incarnate status qualifies as sufficient power for the avatar to be able to exist without its mortal host, which leaves the sorceress with her requested young body, a closet full of spandex, and the memory of what it feels like to have godlike powers...

Obviously, she's now going to be obsessed with building her personal power to the point where she can try tapping into the well of furies herself. With her impure motives she will most likely find herself walking the path of the vigilante, or even that of the rogue, though I doubt she would fall as far as villain. (unless necessary for game mechanics, i.e. to have a villain powerset) The question is, what sort of powers does she possess?

The epic archetypes are easily ruled out, as are "device" based sets like assault rifle and archery. She's looking for personal power, so mastermind and controller seem less likely. I don't see her having had any particular affinity for fire before this, but maybe she picked one up. Willpower seems to fit the concept, but that locks me into a melee archetype which doesn't fit so well with someone who is mortal and knows it.

So, any suggestions? I have played and enjoyed all archetypes, although there are only a few poweset combinations I like for stalkers and dominators. And the reason I posted this question in this forum, is in the hopes that the respondents won't pay too much attention to whether the sets that they suggest are "good" or not

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Adam Savage from Mythbusters



Well... sorceress... could be more or less anything.

Sorcery is, typically and classically, malign magic. The archetypal sorceress would be Circe, who specialised in turning men into beasts. 'Sorceress' tends to invoke images of the femme fatale magic wielder, perhaps some form of mind controlling Dominator.

Really, though, it's magic and your options are just about anything.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
Really, though, it's magic and your options are just about anything.
See, that there is my problem. Too many choices. Since the goddess was the one in control, I didn't flesh out the sorceress part much beyond a personality sketch, so controlling plants and tossing lightning bolts around seemed equally likely.

So, one vote for mind control "feeling" right, any one else have a thought?

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Adam Savage from Mythbusters



Having been the host/avatar/whathaveyou of a fire goddess, I'd imagine she'd have residual or granted fire abilities, regardless of her prior powers. So you're looking at a fire secondary/ancillary pool.

Otherwise, I think you'd have to decide if she's the curses/control/trickery style, or the more blasty blasty style.

I'd think a Fire/Dark or Dark/Thermal Corruptor would fit kind of nicely.



Originally Posted by Zengar View Post
See, that there is my problem. Too many choices. Since the goddess was the one in control, I didn't flesh out the sorceress part much beyond a personality sketch, so controlling plants and tossing lightning bolts around seemed equally likely.

So, one vote for mind control "feeling" right, any one else have a thought?
A mind/fire dominator is one of the good combos along with mind/nrg. Fiery Assault would give you the fire powers and doms have Fire Mastery that would give you some more fire-based powers like Rise of the Phoenix, Fire Shield and Rain of Fire.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



So we've got two suggestions of fire, and two of mind control, and the pairing does take care of my reservations about the dominator archetype. /Fire makes much less use of melee that some of the other assault sets and Mind/ has sleeps instead of immobilizes, which would get me lockdown quicker when soloing. Plus, an ancillary set called "primal forces mastery" sounds about right for someone who is trying to get beyond this whole having-to-cast-spells thing and is starting to succeed. (too bad power boost is only in the controller version )

Actually, a Mind/Thermal/Primal controller would fit as well . . . no, I've got too many characters with thermal already, between the three archetypes that have it.

I'll hold off on making the character for a week in case someone happens to get an inspiration that I like.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" Adam Savage from Mythbusters