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  1. Agreed.

    Who was it who suggested nuking Paragon when the Praetorians invaded to halt the problem in its tracks?
  2. Slight amendments...

    The reason Sorrow's Kiss was assigned the role of Chairperson (and did it very well) was because Zorielle more or less demanded someone do the job and SK offered to do it. Some heroes are capable of organisation.

    Psyan, resident psychic at the UV, suggested the obvious plan and everyone immediately agreed. Though, yeah, what else are we going to do.

    There were a fair few people standing at the back and saying nothing. No one seemed to want to ask whether any of them had any inside knowledge on Praetoria... like where the Rift generator is...
  3. I am a pessimist. I find life throws me far fewer situations were I am horribly dissapointed that way.

    On this basis, I will be pleasantly surprised if Union still exists by the end of the year. (I could really care less about the other servers. Sorry, people on those.)

    If I'm not, I shall take pleasure instead in seeing the people here currently saying it'll never happen saying instead how wonderful it is that it's happening. Find good in bad.

    (The main problem with my attitude is that the world keeps finding new ways to smack me around the head in bigger, nastier ways. I keep working on it. )
  4. Midnight on a Friday... that's actually doable! Of course, it'll be a level (low) character and I probably won't do anything, but I can probably log on.

    Seems like poor Freedom is losing out. Chances are that their invasion, brief that it is, will be an enormous lag-fest with the delights of a server crash high in probability. Sorry, Freedom users.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    Please note Global Server Access has now been reschedule dto May 10th!
    Could I get a clarification here please Avatea?

    The times listed are downtimes? So, basically, the EU is getting no in-game access at all on May 10th? The servers will be down from midday to midnight? I'm hoping I'm reading that wrong. It doesn't actually say 'downtime.'
  6. That made me giggle on a boring afternoon at work.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Sounds like a mountain's being made out of a mole hill. **** happens.
    Congratulations. You get the award for usual reaction from someone unaffected by the majority of the issues.

    Generally we've found that people come out with these trite comments right up until the point where several hours of downtime happens in the middle of US primetime. Suddenly it's terrible.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I work in software and I'm used to bugs cropping up when you least expect them. However, there's a basic principle to follow: Under Promise, Over Deliver. Currently we are getting a very large amount of big promises which are turning into flops.
  8. Sorry, but this kind of thing is now becoming far too common.

    This kind of thing being incompetent public relations.

    Recently we have had:
    • The buggy I20 release which necessitated extensive downtime.
    • The resulting backfiring joke "we have no downtime today." it was funny but it was followed by:
    • A planned downtime which was originally placed right in the main European play time on a Friday evening. This had to be backed down on and moved earlier in the evening.
    • The announcement of the list merge, which then had to be cancelled because you hadn't tested it. You gave no better notice for the new time so why didn't you wait before issuing the announcement!
    • And now this over-hyped, basically rather dull, 3 hour 'invasion' with a badly thought out badge.

    Seriously. What's happening lately guys? The ball didn't just get dropped, it bounced twice and then fell off a cliff!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    OOC: I'm at work and get back at 5.50ish. I know FFM's at work too.
    *nods* I do wish people would try to remember that people work. I could arrange to be home around 5:30 on that day, but not really before then, and that's because I'm a lucky sort who finishes work at 5pm and doesn't have to commute much. Many folks will be hard-pressed to get in game before 6, and considering the probability that this is going to be a striking washout, I'm going to have to say I don't think I'm that bothered about being in early.

    Once again, our community has done a massively better job than the company we rely on for the game.
  10. Do We Need a Witch Hunt?
    Paragon Tattler, May 5th 2011
    Next week the Senate Subcommittee on Emerging Alien Threats will sit for the first time. Branched off from the Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, this new and important wing of our government’s highest house will sit to discuss the threat to our great country posed by aliens of all types. By ‘alien,’ Democratic Senator Maynard Price means those threats which come at us from space and through the barriers between dimensions. Senator Price is the chair of the subcommittee and is quite clear on the course he wants to steer. “When travel to other dimensions was first discovered, we felt we had complete control over it. Back then there were relatively few aliens here on Earth, whether from extra-planetary or extra-dimensional sources. Then the so-called Peacebringers came to Earth, bringing not peace, but their war against the Nictus. In the past year we have started seeing more and more refugees from the Praetorian dimension coming here. We simply wish to assess the kind of threat having a large quantity of potentially dangerous aliens in our midst represents.”

    Here in Paragon City, where many of these aliens end up, and many of these alien attacks hit home, we have an example of just the kind of thing Senator price is worried about. Tiger White has long been a black sheep among the Peacebringers, noted for excessive violence and an out-spoken proponent of the destruction of any and all Nictus she comes across. As reported in the Tattler, she is now in a firm, same-sex relationship with the Praetorian immigrant, Gunwitch. They represent a microcosm of the threat we see every day and can only hope never worsens. After all, can we really be sure that these saviours do not bring the problem to us in the first place? Would the Nictus be here if the Peacebringers were not? Would there be threatened Praetorian invasion if we did not harbour criminals escaped from that world?
  11. Anything which reduces the rediculous complexity of the existing 'system,' and the total pricing out of non-league progression can only be considered a good thing.
  12. Other entities will be getting vibes. Nitoichi is an aspect of war and though she doesn't know what she's sensing yet she knows something's coming. She's going to be gone for the duration, however. She has a job to do elsewhere (there will be fiction).

    Point is, I suspect Priest won't be the only one getting the feeling that bad things are coming, and that's besides the Phalanx handing out warnings of exactly what's likely to be coming our way.
  13. Once upon a time, many years ago, a heroine known as The Prize gathered a group of heroes together and made a little speech saying that the Council needed to be taught a lesson. She took a group to Striga and they kicked butt.

    And from that meeting, the Galaxy Girl meets grew.

    I kind of liked the (apparently) improvised nature of that. The whole idea of a 'plot' surrounding this event kind of bothers me. I'll have personal plot based around certain characters, I don't think we need an encompassing plot.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
    Question..are you planing to run this just from the Primal side, or will Pro Praetorian factions have a roll ?
    And then there's the people who are 'actively neutral.' This is probably 'make your mind up time' for Gunwitch and similar characters who have tried their darndest to stay out of the way and try to keep a lid on everything (though I suspect that this will be about as solid as the Rikti Raids and despite hordes of IDF running through the area there will be no signs of visible damage).

    Such people aren't going to turn up to this meeting, I suspect, especially if they know it's being run by the Priest. Moderation isn't something anyone is likely to want to hear.

    So, third faction to consider.
  15. I probably shouldn't do this, but you did ask.

    The piece starts out reading like an in-game bio. "A few years ago..." Not a beginning for a story, it's more like you're listening to the hero describing his past. And then it's a story suddenly with a different tone.

    That big paragraph... ouch. Unreadable, sorry. I think there are several people talking in there. Always, always, always (did I say 'always') start a new line (or paragraph, preferably) when there's a new speaker. I have a suspicion that the big paragraph is a formatting problem. I hope so.

    Tenses. Keep to one. There's at least one slip from past to present tense in there.

    You need to start coming up with aynonyms for 'A.I.'

    As an aside, Malta Gunslingers have names like Alpha-Bravo-Echo' or 'Delta-Nine-Black,' not 'GunPlay.'

    ETA - the only way you'll improve is to read a lot and practice, so do both.
  16. Love Boat, Love Nest
    Paragon Tattler, April 29th 2011
    It seems that Tiger White and the Gunwitch may be more than good friends. Reports indicate that the Gunwitch has moved out of her apartment in King’s Row and seems to have moved onto the Tiger’s yacht moored in Founders’ Falls. It seems that Tiger White has set up her new romantic interest in a little love nest for easier access. The Tattler wonders whether what Tiger White’s long-term partner, Grav Mistress thinks of this arrangement.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
    They're getting the server list merged(eventually) that should be enough to hold them over. But we American's live in a "instant gratification" world, and I want my free stuffs now!
    I don't want a server list merge. I want my little robot and I wantz it NOW!!!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    We do - and we're getting more of the same in I21 too
    Everyone has their delusions, GG. I'm glad you like the inconsistent mythology and biased progression system.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    And when I first saw the carnage in Skyway I was seriously taken aback - I was like "look what the bastards did to our home" - and that could be a serious story breaker because Skyway is fine the moment you come out of the mission. But now, players into RP would want to take the Skyraiders apart so we have a situation where the players are encouraged to move the story forward but unable to.
    If you're serious about roleplaying, making a distinction here between roleplaying and playing through the content as a character, then you've already stopped doing any missions as RP. They make no sense and make interactions with others plain silly.

    My last 50, completed about 3 weeks ago, did none of the content in character, including the Praetorian storyline. It just doesn't fit what I wanted from the character.

    So, while I agree with Zortel and others about the enormous plot holes, I no longer care about them. The devs can do what they like with their dumb plot. Until it actually affects places in the game and doesn't just take place in TFs and Trials, it is not happening. Most of the players write better storylines than the devs have since day 1 anyway.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think it might be more to do with almost 7 years of 50s building up, combined with frequent requests for an endgame system, and the form that I've heard players can fill out when they cancel their sub, stating why they're leaving - the pressure for an endgame system reached a point where the devs would be silly to ignore adding one.
    Well, when we get an end game that seems to fit in with the rest of the game, I'm sure it'll be awesome. Currently, we don't have an endgame.
  21. Ravenswing

    Nice weather

    Originally Posted by Bull Throttle View Post
    You old grump!

    This is me, sunbathing on your lawn.
    I have no lawn.
  22. Ravenswing

    Nice weather

    Thunderstorms tomorrow and/or Saturday.
    Already talk of drought.

    Also, we get one or two weeks about this time every year. Then it goes right down hill and we have a sucky summer.

    So, no. I'd prefer some nice weather in the summer, when the reservoirs are full and they're expecting good weather, and the farmers aren't expecting it to rain so the crops will grow.

    People have such short memories.
  23. IMHO, thugs or demons.

    Thugs being human followers turned from the good.

    Demons, well, that should be obvious really.
  24. Praetorian Threat?
    The Paragon Tattler, April 18th 2011
    Sources within the Paragon Police department have brought to light a previously unknown factor in the recent murders, including that of Erica Mitchell. Found among the effects of the murderer was a badge from the Praetorian Police Department, suggesting that the killer was Praetorian, and a member of their police force.

    Neither Longbow nor Vanguard were available for comment on the threat posed by the multitude of Praetorian natives currently living in Paragon City. A statement from the PPD stated that “the infusion of Praetorians into the city’s populace over the last year has not resulted in any noticeable increase in criminal activity.” The Tattler considers that a non-statement. It certainly says nothing about the potential threat of having thousands of potential spies and fifth columnists under our roofs.
  25. Oh, they've explained why it's at such a stupid time and the reasoning is, unfortunately, about as good as it's going to get. It so happens that this timing destroys Friday night for the EU.

    I suspect that the most amusing part will be that, unless this fails over and takes long enough to significantly affect US play time, we won't see any 'compensation' for it.

    ETA - not that I usually want the compensation. More zombies or chalet openings is not compensation for what must now be days of lost game time on this one, very badly handled, Issue.