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  1. I blame you for causing anal lube related nightmares.
  2. I blame you for blaming everyone and creating fault.
  3. This is some funny stuff.. Im actually wiping tears from my eyes.
  4. Pure_Massacre

    How to complain

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    Fantastic post...

    That will unfortunately most likely get ignored by those best served to read it and take it to heart.

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  5. Does dark obliteration suck or is it not necessary with the build? I have a SS/Fire and Went GW, grabbed tents and was planning on grabbing Dark Obliteration next.. is it not worth the slots?
  6. Why is everyone so excited when this basically screws anyone that didn't keep an active account for 1-2 years? Thanks again Devs for widening the gap between causal and Power gamers..

    HAHA!! J/k This is very good and implemented in a great way. Thanks for showing you care about your players!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Just when you thought the somic powers couldn't get more annoying... now you can put up a sonic bubble and watch this scroll endlessly across the top of your screen:

    WubbaWUBBAwubbbaWUBBAwubbaWUBBAwubbaWUBBAwubbbaWUB BAwubbaWUBBAwubba...

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    LMAO I imagined that and laughed until I cried... man, that would be hilarious..
  8. [ QUOTE ]

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    Hmmm.. WAAASPOOWW!! KRUNJ! KAJOOOOODDDD!! Oh yeah, lookng forward to this....

  9. Hmmmmm.. Spines/Fire scrapper? Name.. Mr. Hot and Bananna. Ax brute.. yummy.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    because anything else hinges on the frequency one eats at McDonald's and not simply a single visit.

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    Dude... when was the last time you hammered down two sausage, egg and cheese McGriddles and a coke?

    It's so good goin down... but 20 minutes later you feel like you had ingested a 5th of drano with some shots of paint thinner.

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    That goes to portion sizes. If you had ate half of one of those sandwiches and an 8 oz coke, you probably would have been fine depending on your tolerance for grease.

    However, seriously Bill, McGriddles? Ugh... The person who thought up making a sandwich with pancakes and syrup needs to be shot.

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    Very, Very seldom do I eat at Mc'D's.. But Mcgriddles are freaking awesome.
  11. QR

    Yeah, this seems... very, very pointless. I can appreciate the amount of time and effort you put into this but.. No need to do that, especially at such a low level. Just play the game normally and sell your drops, or use them whatever.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Sorry but anyone looking for customization or even an I9...

    Marvel MMO+Microsoft Vista Endorsement=No new issue that has any real worth in new content. They just don't have the time and the money Microsoft is paying them is just too good.

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    I don't buy this. Don't you think crafting is a pretty big dreal to be adding to the game? I doubt if the coding has been in place for a few issues amd it just needed to be "switched" on. I may have this wrong.. but doesnt MuO have a totally different set of devs? Im thinking just the same publisher or whatever it is.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    lol it's not nuclear science. Brutes are so popular simply because they're the strongest AT in the game. as in overpowered. just like every other 'popular' AT in the game. once they get balanced, it'll stop. City of Blasters was stopped, City of Scrappers was the next wave, then it got stopped. City of Tankers happened. Got stopped. Hard. Now we're currently in the City of Brutes stage. Guess what's comin'?

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    dude, quit nerf herding. you called for nerfs in another post, and from a previous one that you deleted, you dont even own the friggin game and therefore have absolutely zero grounds in which to claim that they are overpowered.

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    you're only upset because you know it's coming.

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    Heres to the forum poster that lives up to his name!! Now run along, there is no food for you here you silly nerfherding little troll.

    The devs shouldn't nerf brutes... if for any other reason that fury is still broken in PvP. Brutes are no more overpowered than scrappers. I don't see it happening. Oh, I thought you quit the game Supa? Ohhh... must have just been a deliriously happy dream I had that you were banned for life..

  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    burn is borked so hard to tell.... it sticks to where ever you first used it so when you move (even past 100') you reburn the first spot used.

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    I didn't see this at all on my fire tank. Burn dropped where I was standing every time I used it in my mission (about seven times). My fire brute doesn't have Burn yet, so I can't check that aspect of it.


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    I tested some on my /fire brute and didn't notice a problem with burn. And yes, the healing flames boost is great. I may not play my /fire again until it hits live... yep, its that yummy.
  15. QR

    Me and Silver just tested a bit on this.. and Silver will correct me if I am wrong. The fury gain is faster, the decay seems the same. We did notice the fury bug. Silver could use any Gloom or Dark obliteration and their fury shot up to 100%, and if they cycled gloom.. it stayed there.

    I used my SS/Inv brute for a bit, and couldnt repeat the bug without GW's PP's. (hehe, Gw's PP's :P)

    Anyways, sorry I don't have any hard numbers.. its tweaked, but not "fixed".
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I broadcasted in all 3 pvp zones and found noone there. Ran around each too.

    Tommarrow I will try again

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    I can log onto test at just about anytime and would love to help test the fury fix. If you could send me a tell @Pure Massacre we can give it a go. Hehe.. Ill be the punching bag even!
  17. I thought this thread had died. I PMed _Castle_ A little while back and haven't heard anything. Would be a great christmas present.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    As I sit here I reminisce about the halcyon days when CoH was a noob. When it was inexperienced. When it had never known the joys of my presence.

    And then... I arrived.

    It took the game a while to adapt and adjust to my playstyle. There were times of learning... and times of relearning.... and some things that need to be relearned again. When I was displeased with my ice blaster I spoke with statesman about sending the development team north for "re-education" until they understood the nature of ice, and of what an ice blaster should be.

    Still, I wouldn't call the game a stupid noob. How could it anticipate dealing with someone of my caliber?

    The short answer? It couldn't.

    Understanding this I was reasonably patient with the devs and the community at large. I would dispense intellectual beatings as I saw fit, and the community would thank me and ask for another (Why do you think people troll my threads. No, really. Think about it.).

    So, I have to say I have no stupid noob story to relate.

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    Wow.... I actually hope this is a joke. But something tells me it isn't.
  19. I will help test this is anyway I can. I have a 50 SS/Inv brute with hurl on the test server. My global is @Pure Massacre if anyone wants to try what _Castle_ mentioned.

    Hmm nut if may be better if there is a faster ranged attack.. That way we could maybe give _Castle_ the best case scenario numbers.
  20. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to do some Photoshop stuff to my main villian. I just kinda want a nice shot for the background on my desktop, and maybe for use in an avatar. If anyone has time, I could compensate with influence or infamy.

    My global is @Pure Massacre, I play on Pinnacle.
  21. Big Red Ball FTW!!! Man, ugggh, this would be insanely fun and addicting... I can see it, the server crashes because of all the LOL's and LMAO's being typed in broadcast...
  22. Aweome job man, added to favorites!!! Thanks!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Should re-title this thread to "how to not be an annoying newbie". As for this post making you avoid ineptness, well i was told not to spam chat channel, and told not to blame others for my mistakes. What other advice, that is useful, could i use as a noob? You know things such as what powers to pick to help me down the line, types of groups to make to go on team missions, you know helpful kinda stuff?

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    You can learn all that by following alot of the afore mentioned things, because, if you follow these, People will not think you are an idiot, and will gladly answer questions. All those other things are covered all throughout the forums.
  24. We have all been new to City of Heroes/Villians. We have all asked questions. We may have been dumb to the mechanics of the game, but when our questions were answered by a more experienced player, we probably heeded the advice. I felt it neccessary to make this guide, due to an influx of new players, and to get us prepared for I7.

    1. When you are level 5 in the Hollows, and you spam the broadcast or request channel.. "Level 5 Looking for Team", don't expect a great team. Mostly because people at this level don't have many great powers at their disposal, not many slots in said powers, and training enhancements. You get what you get basically.

    2. When you join this team, and the leader selects a mission, it is sometimes very difficult to get to the missions. Very rarely someone may have teleport, such as a warshade that can teleport you to the mission door. If you die on the way to the missions, please do not spam the team channel with "HELP! I NEED AWAKEN!", in all capital letters. If someone on your team is close, and there are no extremely high level enemies around, they may give you an awaken. But, they may not. When the team says they have none, go to the hospital and make your way back. DO NOT spam the team channel with "I NEED HELP!".

    3. When you make it to said mission, and for example, are on a team of 5, but only 2 members of the team are there, DO NOT use your defender as a tanker and make all the enemies you can see chase you to the door. The other members of the team may be loading the mission and not see the angry trolls you just dragged to the entrance.

    4. When number 3 happens, and someone suggests, "Lets wait for the team." And your response is "HELP! I NEED AWAKEN!" Don't expect one, unless you explain that it was an accident that you made 73 trolls extremely upset.

    5. DO NOT threaten to quit team when you are defeated, unless you are a victim of #3, or, are tired of the moron spamming the team channel with, "HELP! I NEED AWAKEN!". After explaining that you have none.

    6. If you are new to the game, it is sometimes advisable to say in broadcast, "Level So and so, looking for experienced players to team." Generally, there is someone who can answer questions and/or team with you that can teach you a few things that will greatly increase you and your teams survivability.

    7. When you do find enjoyable/good teammates, DO NOT automatically assume they want to be global friends with you. It is always much more polite to ask if they may be added. It is generally better to just add that particular hero to your server friends list, team some more, and ask later.

    8. YOU WILL GET DEBT! After level 10, if you are defeated, you will occur debt, which henders your experience gain, and thereby generally slows the leveling of your hero/villian. It is not always the teams fault, though sometimes, refer to #3.

    This is just a small little guide that can hopefully help with the first few levels, especially the hollows, which can be a tough zone at times. Hopefully, someone will read this and adhere to it a bit.

    Pure Massacre
  25. [ QUOTE ]

    1 1/2 cups Medium Dark Roux, see How To Roux, recipe follows
    2 cups diced onions
    1 cup diced celery
    1 cup diced green bell pepper
    1 tablespoon finely chopped garlic
    2 quarts shrimp, crab or chicken stock
    1 pound andouille sausage, sliced into 1/4-inch thick rounds, browned in a skillet, and drained on paper towels
    2 bay leaves
    1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
    Dash hot sauce
    1/4 teaspoon cayenne
    1 1/2 teaspoons salt
    3/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    2 pounds medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
    1 teaspoon cajun spice
    1/2 pound lump crabmeat, picked over for shells and cartilage
    1/3 cup green onion tops, chopped
    1/2 cup coarsely chopped parsley leaves
    2 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme leaves
    1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil leaves
    1/2 cup file powder, or to taste
    Steamed White Rice, for serving

    Heat the roux in a medium-sized heavy stockpot over medium-high heat. When hot, add the onions, celery and bell pepper. Stir mixture until onions begin to brown, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and continue to cook for 1 minute. Slowly pour in stock, whisking constantly to prevent lumps from forming. Add the browned sausage, bay leaves, Worcestershire, hot sauce, cayenne, salt, and pepper.

    Bring gumbo to a boil, reduce heat to medium and simmer until gumbo is slightly reduced, about 50 minutes. (Gumbo should cook long enough for the roux flavor to mellow and for any floury taste to dissipate.)

    Season the shrimp with the cajun spice in a small bowl. Stir in the seasoned shrimp, crabmeat, green onions, parsley, thyme and basil. Cook until shrimp are cooked through, about 5 minutes. Taste and adjust seasonings, if necessary. Sprinkle in file powder and cook, stirring, 2 minutes more, or pass file at the table for guests to thicken as desired. Remove bay leaves before serving.

    Serve in warmed soup bowls over steamed white rice.

    How to Roux:
    3 cups vegetable oil
    5 cups all-purpose flour

    Place a heavy, iron Dutch oven, (or iron skillet with deep sides) over medium heat and heat the oil until just smoking. Whisk in flour, a little at a time and cook, whisking constantly, until roux becomes smooth and thick. Continue to cook, constantly stirring with a wooden spoon and reaching all over bottom of pan, until roux darkens to desired color. Be careful not to produce specs of black. The roux must remain an even color throughout process. If specs appear you must start over.

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    Dat some good fine eatin yeesuh! AYYYYEEEE!