CoV Contact & Storyarc Guide (I7)




Aweome job man, added to favorites!!! Thanks!



Wow! Thanks a lot!

Do you have one for COH?



CoH Contacts arent NEARLY as structured as CoV, and contacts are origin related in CoH. There is also far fewer storyarcs in CoH, there are quite a few guides out there if your looking for CoH storyarc info.

Cryptic learned the proper way to do contacts in CoV, I think if they had to do it all over again the current CoH contact scheme would be scrapped in favor of the CoV way. Here's to hoping they can do this in the future. It would renew interest in CoH content!



A GREAT CoV/CoH site for contact/story arc/souvenir content is this one:

Red Tomax's Guide to City of Heroes/Convalescent's Guide to City of Villains

This is actually my fav CoX site out there! (It's down for some reason right now - my guess is that The Convalescent is busily loading up the new content for us )

[/ QUOTE ]

Site is gone. Been down for 2 days now Freaking GREAT Site too.

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Red Tomax's site is BACK UP!! Just got word from the man himself, checked, and sure nuff...back in all its glory!!



Nice - very nice - Kudos on the work.



Nice update to a site that I refer people to often. When you are next updating you need to change Seaweed badge from Golden Roller to Lorenz Ansaldo.

regards, Screwloose.
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I'm in the middle of the Terrance Dobbs missions, and I think I'm at the choice point where I could get Arachnoid Appetizers or Building a Better Vermin.

I *want* Building a Better Vermin, for the Temp Power, but am not sure which mission to follow to get there;

My choices are;

Speak to Regent Korol

Stop Arachnoid Invasion (I think...)

Anyone done this and have a hint as to which one I need to pursue to get the Building a Better Vermin story arc?

Thanks in advance!



There are no choices with stroyarcs. Dont worry he's not offering you the 3rd storarc yet. When you have a choice between to 2 missions, and 1 starts an arc that mission should still be availible after you do the other mish.



So a noob question: when I have the choice between 2 contacts, is there any possible way to eventually get them both as contacts and run their story arcs? Or is it a once-and-for-all sort of deal?



Finally ... someone provides it. THANKS!



So a noob question: when I have the choice between 2 contacts, is there any possible way to eventually get them both as contacts and run their story arcs? Or is it a once-and-for-all sort of deal?

[/ QUOTE ]
From a broker? If so, once you do the missions for a broker, and then do the mayhem mission (fail or succeed), you get to select your next contact.

Pick whatever one you want, and now you can do this new contact's missions, any other contact's missions, or more broker newspaper missions. Once you do 3 or 5 newspaper missions and another Mayhem mission, the Broker will offer you another contact if he has one available to you; it will be one of the ones you didn't choose last time. Can go ahead and pick one of these now.

Contacts are offered based on the level of the missions they give and if you are within that level range.

It's not a "pick one and only one forever" type of deal.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Awesome, that's what i was thinking. Thanks for the confirmation



Dmitri Krylov is listed as a 10-15 contact with two story arcs.

I am level 15, and just finished his Vahzilok arc (started at level 14)

He won't give me any more missions period, which means no Spetznaz story arc (his other arc) for me.

Peter Themari, another 10-15 listed contact WILL give me his second arc AT level 15.

Also, thanks for putting the work in for this guide, I use it along with Red Tomax's to make sure I try not to miss any arcs and badges.. yours has more Arcs listed for certain contacts than the other, so I missed some with my first villain.

Both have really helped a lot and people do appreciate it, so thanks.



One of the best out there.

Thanks so much!



What are the "souvenirs"?

I've finished Kalinda's missions and moved on to Mongoose and didn't seem to get a souvenir.




Souvenirs are a 2nd tab under the "clues" window. The souvenirs are awarded after completing an entire "story arc"; story arc being a usually longer string of missions from the same contact.

Clues are dropped during missions and may or may not be part of a story arc; story arc clues are much longer and give a summary of what you have done/learned so far in the story arc.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Thank you, I'll have to take a look at that.



The Shadowy Figure does give out a souvenier.

Zag security badge.



Also Doc Buzzsaw is at 693 -1342, not 693 1342.



Lorenz Ansalado stopped giving me missions when I levelled from 24 to 25.

I Dinged in the Seawitch/Seaweed badge mission, and when I went to talk to him, he wouldn't offer me anything else. He never offered me "Bust up the Dockworker's Strike"...

You might want to adjust it to reflect this, looks like he (And perhaps the other 20-25 contacts listed) are only 20-24.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Contact Number 204 location should be (roughly) 2486 -284 1404

I've already forgotten about most of you



Trekain, your contact guide is AWESOME. But a correction: you list the Bad Luck badge as being awarded in Hard Luck's "Get the Unlucky Artifact" mish, but it's actually awarded via Hard Luck's "Steal Artifact from Tavaris" mish.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.