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  1. What chat channel do people use on beta and do you bother teaming,when I go on there seems everyone is doing their own thing
  2. Prof_Radburn


    Well I did start to work this out on 58 toons it would seem I have logged 9105 hours,there are still some I have not done and quite a few I have deleted in the 20/40 range,at a rough guess time played would be around the 13,000 hour mark.I have played a lot the past year as I have been off work getting treatment for cancer ,and about 4 years ago was out of work for 18 months so played a lot then.Do I consider it a waste of time no I have meet some very nice people thru the game and met up with them in RL too .
  3. Prof_Radburn


    Where do you find that sort of information would like to see waht I have done in the last 6 years
  4. I,m going to miss these video,s of yours this one is very moving thank you for all your hard work in producing these.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    CoH never would have outsold WoW.

    CoH was horrendously marketed.

    To me it's a superhero game, but you can play a wizard, a troll, a mad scientist, a fairy, a cowboy, a soldier, medieval warrior, a space man, or an alien. The character creator was NOT advertised the way it could have been.
    Had they advertised CoH properly and concentrated on the western market instead of trying to get the Asian market to play it,the game would have been a lot stronger,but being shortsighted they thought word of mouth would be enough.Even if they had continued to put the trial disc,s on the front of the pc mags may have help,also they should have got some articles in the said magazines each time they brought out a new issue,but no it was a case of lets hide all this good stuff we don,t want ppl to play our game.
  6. Yes I would be there have to rethink on toons but that would be no problem to an altaholic like me
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    Let me add another theory to the pot: we have less to talk about.

    There is no feedback or theorycraft to provide on new arcs, powers, bugs, balance issues and the like.

    I suppose we could continue to argue how far apart ice blast and dual pistols are in relation to other blast sets, or whether it's fair for your brute to be sturdier than my tank, or whether you can make more profit convert purples or flipping them, or critiquing the finer points of designing costumes with new pieces, etc.

    But since there is no one left to make any changes we propose, we are left with arguing about the best method to save the game, or if it is even possible to save the game, or what new game we should scurry to as refugees.
    Think you have hit the nail on the head even in game its quite and where as before the announcement that the game was closing the prices in Wentworths were sky high they are now well down,a lot of people have already left for pastures new and only a few stalwarts are carrying on.Will just mention tho at 8pm bst on the 18 a group called Save CoH are running the sewers and maybe other stuff after as well.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    When the lights go out, it will be another memory another day in the past, well days to be more exact.

    From the time that I made the first toon, linked up with a blaster, soon joined by a stone tank, and formed an SG. The time that I met the fire tank, and a Mexican concept toon that took over leadership when the founding members including myself left the SG. One went on to better opportunities, the defender had to make some real life choices and me I just retired the blaster in favor of the Villain side.

    Thus Evil Legacy was born. The first redside SG that I made that was purely made up of the first villain and then grew to include many more, each with their own storyline, some that intertwined with each other. Then eventually their storyline started to come to an end one by one.

    The 9th Lost Righteousness.
    A new set of characters, new set of storylines, first group of Virtue server for villain side to be soon joined by a Freedom transplant. Hero side, just a bunch of random toons of no relation to each other no less fun to play.

    The Lost Ones- Based solely on the demon/thermal MM who's storyline was trying to build her own hell on earth to rule.

    Donitz-The lead researcher who experimented on villains he captured. Some say he was morally wrong for the type of experiments he performed on villains but others see it as villains getting their just deserts. He sees it as all part of furthering science and was a needed sacrifice that would benefit many.

    SGA- SGA V1-Obsolete cyborg that wants to live although being labeled as an illegal and dangerous piece of equipment to own. Out lasted all other versions of SGA Versions including V4, V8 V16 and the new and profitable V23. Eventually died of natural robotic causes (battery life ran out) and was found behind the villain base in Bloody Bay and taken to an Arachnos scrapyard and dumped.

    The Point of Despair-Demon/Thermal MM. Finally found a piece of hell on earth but grew bored and returned to the scene to cause chaos for the sake of chaos and collect more souls to forever torment for all eternity. The more souls she collected, the more she wanted. The more pain she caused, the more pain she seek to cause, the more demons she commanded the more she seek to command until she reached the point of her own despair knowing that she will never be fulfilled for all eternity.

    Yet, when the lights go out, all of this will be a memory. They can take the game, take the servers but my memories are mine. As many interesting times with people, the most important memories are my own creations. Even when the lights go out, I still will remember until they are no longer memories. Then something else will take their place. It's like the last call, the last ride, end of the road. The journey has been fun but it's about time to get off. Yet, there is one more roller coaster hill for thrills left and even though the light at the end of the tunnel can be seen, I will enjoy the rest of the way. Not sure about anyone else, but I'm not anyone else so I can’t worry about that, but I'm going to be there when it's closing time and then walk away remembering the good times.
    1 Of your posts I read the other day convinced me you were true to your name,but this has changed my mind you do love this game and the people you have meet in it.Like you I will miss it very much but the memories live on.I can only hope that one day another company will bring out something similar to CoH a game that is family friendly with a community as good as this one
  9. Prof_Radburn

    Billing Issue:

    Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
    This is the most read area I believe at this time, which is why I am posting here.

    A little while ago, I got a call from my credit card company. Apparently some one had started traipsing around the US purchasing stuff with my card. I checked my wallet and my card was still there... The interesting thing is, I haven't used the card in over a month. The ONLY transaction that has gone on that card in the last 30 days (and 2 days before the spending spree) was NCSoft's reimbursement of 5$ and another of 97 cents.

    That just made me think something went fishy with their refunds, and it might effect you other CoH people. I advise yall to check your account that got the NCSoft refund.
    This is disturbing I do hope it is not linked to your refund,glad you have brought this to peoples attention does not effect me as I am not due any refund as I was on a monthly sub and it has been about 2 months since I spent any cash on the game . Hopefully your bank will refund any losses back to you .
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Van_Raye View Post
    Don't believe it. They are telling us that they had “exhausted all options including the selling of the studio and the rights to the City of Heroes intellectual property, but in the end, efforts to do so were not successful.”


    I can't verify it but allegedly, two private investment groups contacted NCSoft with offers to buy the game and NCSoft refused to even discuss a sale, and ignored any and all offers.

    What we need is bad publicity(and we don't need to make anything up, NCSoft is doing a fine job of running their own name through the mud), we need bad publicity where it will hurt. We need to get messages out in Korean media and to the Korean people about how NCSoft operates.
    But they already know how they operate SOP for them
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    I just came upon one of two threads in The Secret World's forums about CoH's closure. In threads like this one: people are pretty much to the point of not investing money into NCSoft anymore because of how many of their MMOs they have shuttered.

    Their reputation is in the toilet. I just question that they're so far removed from us globally and could care less about the west anyway to the point that they may never even recognize what is going on here. I mean, otherwise they would have stepped up to the microphone long ago, you know? Their whole credo seems to be "slash ignore."
    The only reason they have for shutting our game down is they want us to play either GW2 or when it gets here the new game which from what I can understand is like all their other gore fests with the added titillation of scantily clad females
  12. I tried CO a few days ago for the second time played for about an hour but just could not get a feel for the game unlike CoH which is why I have played it for over 6 years,yesterday I spent 7 hours downloading the free trial of Secret World, unfortunately I played it for about an hour and because of the controls all I could think of was GW1.It would seem all that time playing CoH has spoilt me as I just cannot get a feel for either of these games looks like my MMO play ends when CoH does,so I will have to find something else to fill the time until someone brings out something that has the feel of CoH ,even if its not a super hero MMO.Good luck to all in your search for a new MMO home
  13. I have been playing my Fire/Fire blaster on test and I am happy with what they have done,the crash less nuke is fine I can use that when getting mobbed knowing that I can blast anything left alive,with the snip the recharge is a lot faster and the greater range gives you more chance against the guy who takes more than 1 shot,I find my survival is a lot better too shame its never going to reach the live game
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
    This is not on your list but I am going to suggest it anyway.


    Yes, the publisher is NCSOFT, but the game is outstanding.

    Beautiful graphics, wonderful stories...lots of things to do...

    And I, the person who soloed my whole way through City Of Heroes, is finding doing Hearts with others is a whole lot of fun.

    Read up on it on the Internet, watch a couple of the zillion of videos that are out there.

    Only fly in the ointment is NCSOFT, but, if this game, Guildwars2, is the new focus and direction they are taking, then it might be around a while.

    Don,t bank on it
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
    Probably grocery store bagger. I seen a few like that. Or a cop. At least around here in penciltucky anyway.. Frickin' hate this state...

    in the UK people like this have a special title"Jobsworth"
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    hmmm...Well since we are delving into real life here. I'm probably would be considered a bit more "chilly" near the heart in real life than I appear on here. Probably why I'm so good at my job. In my line of work, I dont care about feelings, I dont care about how you will feed your family in the morning, I dont care if someone is going to blow your head clean off if you cant pay up. You did not follow the code and thus according to the code your food establishment will close down right now.

    With people, I help people that I feel woud do the same for me and or have my well being at heart. If they dont seem to care about me in any capacity then I cant care about them in any capacity. I have done it before and not lose a bit of sleep seem someone walking down the road that was acting pretty dang rude to me a few days prior, in the snow with two kids and kept driving with no hesitation. I've been in a situation when this one guy passed out on the sidewalk yet I kept going about my way as usual and didnt feel anything once I found out he kicked the bucket. Just another death out of the thousands that happen everyday. Seen a person that was rude to me in a store line ended up getting into with a few other guys that stabbed him up pretty bad. Of course then all of a sudden he wanted to be nice and pleading me to call 911. I ignored him, got in my car and drove away. Not even sure if he made it or not. I'm sure eventually someone helped him out. So yea, I'd just watch them. The smell of burning flesh doesnt bother me much, although it's not a good scent. I bet some of these guys wouldnt put me out and probably opt to lecture on how well they spell and never make spelling mistakes and etc. So again, why would I put them out?

    And I do not post anything on the web that I wouldnt say in real life to an actual person face to face. You are not the first person to inquire about that subject and probably wont be the last.
    With that sort of attitude what is your real life job Loan Shark comes to mind
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Glad I'm not the only one who see the annoyance in the crazy habit of people waking around like they are the gods of spelling going around correcting people like they dont make spelling mistakes.

    Im with you on that Cherokee, those people wont be missed at all. Even if they was lit on fire on my front porch, I'd sit and watch them burn and call the ambulance when ever I get around to it if I feel like dialing numbers. Well then again I probably wont bother because I wouldnt want them to complain about me not pressing the right numbers. So I guess I'd let them burn.
    This would be a bit counter productive I think,if they are on your porch and on fire there is a good possibility that your house will burn down and you with it as you are quite prepared to sit and watch them burn, and all because someone is checking spelling mistakes,perhaps they are a teacher by profession and cannot get out of the habitI,m awfully glad I use the spell checker and have a dictionary close by when I,m typing messages for the forums
  18. Going to have to pass on this at the moment will have to wait till I get back to work and earning again.Cost of game and subs being 33% more than CoH so may catch some of you early next year,have fun all that go there.
  19. one of the most successful game launches of the year, Guild Wars 2 delivers an unparalleled gaming experience set in a magical world of high fantasy. Like its predecessor, Guild Wars 2 features a subscription-free business model that allows players to enjoy the entire online experience for just one initial purchase.
    Also making it available to Mac users ,so if I read this correct they are doing it F2P as well from the start.Watch out for the closure in about 9/12 months Can you really trust this company.
  20. I had great fun trying to run the Hollows with no travel powers back when I first started,even now I will run the old Posi TF solo on flashback I take my time and enjoy it,and before anyone says it I do not live in a padded room LOL
  21. Yes I got my 550 points also got a token as well but nowhere to put that lolMY sub was on an auto pay monthly so nothing been taken since the payment in August.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I'm trying out CO as we speak. Friend kept prodding me to give it a try, so I did.

    Still here till Nov 30th. But so far it's looking like CO will be the spot. No bugs yet, nice combact system and other things I like. I started to think where every other mission here something gets stuck in a wall or some other crazy bug and have to wait 45-2 hours, and in some cases 3 hours before a GM comes. In CO, not sure how their reporting system works but so far so good and never even had to use it.
    Never had to wait that long for a GM longest I ever waited was about 15 minuets
  23. On the last night I will be in Pocket D raising a glass to all the heroes, and villains past and present who have supported this great game for 8 years.I have spent the last 6 years playing and have put in excess of 12,000 hours playing time,I will miss the game and all the friends I have made along the way.Unless another game comes on the market like CoH my MMO game time is over yes I know people will say that we have those other 2 games out there but I have tried them and they do not compare.So if anyone wants to join me on that fateful night in Pocket D please do so you are all welcome,the Toast will be City of Heroes the greatest game and community on the market you will be remembered.
  24. Sorry to see you go you did a wicked job for all the players,hope you find another job as rewarding as this has been for you.Hope to see you pop up on another forum somewhere especially if its on a game like this be sure to tell us if you find one all the best and many thanks for all the hard work you put in .