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  1. What, no Longbow love? This is my Longbow character who continually gets griefed OVER and OVER by folks who mistake him for an NPC. I love it! He has added another couple costumes by now, which I have to get screenies of, the "Sergeant"(?) costume with white banded boots and gloves and the door guard at the D with helmet and cape.

  2. That's it, I quit reading this thread right now!

    *goes AFK, plops down on the couch, and cranks up some AC/DC*
  3. [QUOTE=BBQ_Pork;3244310]
    Name: Baxter a.k.a BBQ Pork

    Le Swoon (@ BBQ Pork)

    "Kissy Kissy!"
  4. *sigh*

    I just wish I would have had a chance to participate in the most recent contest. I've had a military costume on one of my characters for a while and it would have been perfect for the contest.

    Does anyone know what was going on with all the mapserving? I logged in a character who was parked right next to a vendor at the base of the statue near Ms. Lib and mapserved over and over without even getting a chance to move him. I didn't manage to stay connected until I was able to keep a different character logged in, but by then the contest was over.

    Oh well... Congratulations to all the winners. Please do another military contest sometime, Legion folks!
  5. If you have "classic" style heroes (Golden Age and early Silver Age), check out the link in my .sig for the Golden Age Heroes SGs. We also have a good coalition and there are folks on at all hours.

    Best of luck!
  6. Thanks to the Legion for putting on the event. I only wish I could have been in the patriotic costume contest with my main, Liberty Eagle. Unfortunately, I have kids to get into bed around 8pm, and I wasn't able to be online until just after 8:30 Eastern. I can only imagine the number of folks in the western time zones who couldn't be there as that contest started at 5pm Pacific.

    In the future, could the "main" theme costume contest perhaps be set later in the function, to allow more folks to attend? I believe it would make a lot of difference to a number of folks, as I noticed other players also showing up asking if they had missed the patriotic costume contest, for a while after I arrived.

    Many thanks!
  7. I hadn't heard of this before, but I can't say I'm surprised the admins would do such things for players. I came to CoH after a stint with Horizons: Empire of Istaria, where the customer service was totally absent. It's been over six years and I can't see going anywhere else.

    BTW, thanks for the beta invitation to GR, Dev Team! And thanks for being there for the players when we need you.

  8. As someone who mostly solos anymore (that is, when I even get a chance to play), this reward is totally useless to me. Good luck to the SGers who get the boost. Wait... Didn't they make SG bases less expensive a while back, so most decent sized SGs already have more Prestige than they can use? *sigh*

    What about some new chest emblems for the vets (gold Praetorian Loyalist star and Resistance emblems, anyone?), or some costumes such as Longbow and Wyvern...or something else for QoL without changing game mechanics, to keep us old fogeys interested another three months?

    Just a thought...
  9. Hello, I'm @Power Play, and I'm an altoholic. Six years plus and only two level 50s.

    *hangs head*

    I've been around since right about launch day, although my first year plus was spent on Guardian. My guildmates from Horizons/Istaria (Clan Stormblade for life) ended up dropping the game one by one and only I kept going.

    I came over to Virtue for the RP, since I had heard a rumor that MMORPG actually had the initials RP in it somewhere. I hooked up with the Golden Age Heroes (Gods of the Golden Age, Young Gods, New Gods, et al) and have been here ever since. For most of the past two years or so I haven't been as active as I would like due to family and health issues. Someone decided they were going to hit our van on the interstate highway and flip us four and a half times. Neither my wife or myself have fully recovered, although she is having a much rougher time of it than I, lately.

    Still, CoH is my escape, and you can find me hanging around here and there, always checking out the good characters I see. I'm a sucker for a well crafted costume and backstory.

    Feel free to say hi ingame. You can usually find me on as Liberty Eagle, Power-Play (was Power Play on Guardian), Stars 'n Stripes, Longbow Rifleman, or Vergeltungswaffe (stalker, redside).

    Just remember folks, never faceplant in the sewer!
  10. Power_Play


    Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
    I'm such a geek, I'll probably have to take a sedative the day before the new expansion launches or I'll be bouncing off the wall in my bunny shorts.

    There is a wall in your bunny shorts and
    it's large enough for you to bounce off?
    Your bunny shorts are extreme in size.

  11. If you go wee wee instead of going p...stand closer.

    Ugly strikes one in three. Look to your left. Look to your right. If you don't see it, guess what.

    Don't eat that. You don't know where it's been.

    (alternately) Don't eat that, because you DO know where it's been.

    Think of how dumb the average person is...then remember, half the people are dumber than -that-.
  12. The only problem with my posting a prospective/tentative build is that I have NO idea what enhancements and sets there are, where to put them, or what they do. I would have NO way of posting a prospective build without spending umpteen hours researching and learning the invention system, which is what I DIDN'T want to do in the first place. I joined CoH six years ago specifically because it didn't HAVE that type of time sink in it.
  13. Hmmm...

    I wonder if that means there might also be "buildaholics" out there who love the invention system so much they would do sets and builds for those of us who don't want to be involved in that end of the game. I'd certainly be willing to work for it, running missions and story arcs, and to pact with the players' new toons to get them some levels.

    Just a thought...
  14. When the invention system was installed, we were told it wouldn't change gameplay for those who chose not to use the crafting system. Unfortunately, it HAS changed it for me...big time.

    Before IOs and sets, I could take my characters into the arena against my SG mates to train and spar with them. Now, my characters are so gimped compared to theirs that I stand no chance. Before IOs and sets, even though I am not a PvPer I could take my characters into PvP zones to run missions and know I could give a good accounting of myself even if I was only trying to get in a couple hits and get away to make it to a mission door. Now, I can't do any of that.

    Also, story arcs lately seem to be overpopulated with EBs. Some of my characters have little problem with them, but the squishies can be pure fail with a side of suck sauce if the EBs' powers match up in such a way as to make my attacks and/or defenses less effective.

    I still love the game, and I'm proudly among the six year vets, but I miss the "no crafting" game I joined way back when. Am I the only one?
  15. I'm still somewhat upset from when they reset all the permissions when Test went from closed to open beta. I had leveled a villain up who was in the high 20s, so had gained access to the VEATs. When open beta started, things had been reset and I had lost access to them. Since I rarely play villains and had only leveled one while testing the clone story arc, I now had to do another story arc or such to get access back. I was just over a bubble away from levelling him up once more and getting VEATs back when...well...you know.

    *insert sound of nuke hitting the Test server*

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Commander View Post
    There is no Resistance! Hail Emperor Cole!

    *jots down the name Power Play*

    Don't start your car any time soon.
  17. Just wondering if anyone has thought of doing a group of guerrilla fighters (AR blasters, most likely) along the lines of a radical group such as the IRA...perhaps the Praetorian Republican Army (PRA)? Just wondering if there were any plans or interest. I'm not active enough ingame to run such a group, but I wouldn't mind having an alt in such a group, for RP purposes.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowWings View Post
    I'm sure you realize that CoS/H was all a April Fools?

    Unless you didn't o_o

    To which I say You just got Fool'd :P

    ShadowWings, take that hook out of your cheek. It looks silly.
  19. Hey, to be politically incorrect...

    A disabled teen (aka troll) loves WoW and hates on CoH. How badly can I twist that around and be totally offensive to everyone?

    I know!

    Let's hear it for WoW, the Special Olympics of MMOs.

    Be ashamed if you even STARTED to smile at that, and even moreso if you laughed.
  20. I'm going to echo the question asked by a couple previous posters.

    Are the Dual Pistols closed beta participants going to be the same folks that get into the I17 closed beta, or will it be different qualifications (or random)?

    PLEASE, we would like some official word.

    Thanks, devs and admins!

  21. For this group, I did another alternate Earth scenario. All the genders are reversed. On their Earth, morals are a bit looser and outfits tend to be a bit more revealing...as do the names. Even so, not everyone has the same advantage...being sexay, that is. Can you guess which one I mean?

  22. I used a concept from an old animated Justice League storyline, an alternate universe where the heroes felt they needed to take over and impose martial law due to society being so out of control. The outfits for the guys are more combat-oriented...reinforced and armored. The females are more utilitarian and the hairstyles somewhat subdued. Oh, and the alley that Back Alley Brawler is named after just happens to be behind an army surplus store.
  23. This year, let's see if we can beat our "best prize" so far.

    We had two players whose characters met at the Festival one year. They both joined our SG and became RP partners (characters became a romantic couple, IC). Well, it turns out they became more than RP partners, as their romance has gone RL and they're threatening to happily ever after together.

    Sure beats a few inf, dunnit?
  24. Yeah, that's always been something nice and sneaky to do for someone. If I see someone with a very low veteran time, usually three months or less, who JUST happens to be idle/afk, I drop a level 50 SO or two into their inventory. You can't give inf to someone without their cooperation, but the SOs are handy for doing the occasional "drive by."