Not a observation, and a question
I have also been playing since launch.
I never pvp, so that kind of balance is never an issue for me. I can honestly say that without the invention system, I'm not sure I'd still be here. For me, it added a lot of depth and customization to a game that offers little else to do besides missions. I love crafting now, and the current state of both WW and the BM allows me to make enough money to create all the builds I can envision.
I wonder if that means there might also be "buildaholics" out there who love the invention system so much they would do sets and builds for those of us who don't want to be involved in that end of the game. I'd certainly be willing to work for it, running missions and story arcs, and to pact with the players' new toons to get them some levels.
Just a thought...

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
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go into the archetype section and PvP section of the forums and there are all sorts of builds there to work with.
and yes, PvP is completely different from PvE now thanks to the i13 changes.
go into the archetype section and PvP section of the forums and there are all sorts of builds there to work with.
and yes, PvP is completely different from PvE now thanks to the i13 changes. |
I would be very surprised if you went the appropriate archetype forum that you couldn't get extensive build help if you ask nicely. Though often it's considered more polite to post a tenative build for people to comment on rather than asking for a custom build from scratch.
My Characters
Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012

The only problem with my posting a prospective/tentative build is that I have NO idea what enhancements and sets there are, where to put them, or what they do. I would have NO way of posting a prospective build without spending umpteen hours researching and learning the invention system, which is what I DIDN'T want to do in the first place. I joined CoH six years ago specifically because it didn't HAVE that type of time sink in it.

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
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Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet
I agree with the fact that NEW missions that have been implemented since the launch of inventions have steadily become harder (although is all honesty still perfectly doable without IOs).
When I first made the transition to inventions I was a lot like you, I had no idea what I was doing, what sets to grab, etc. To this day I still hate even trying to make a build, especially with market prices the way they are right now. However, once I generally put my mind to it, the builds and toons are fairly easy to create, especially when you have a super group to help out whenever you need. The supergroup I run with just recently helped me out a lot by supplying me with several pieces of Kinetic Combats, a highly sought after set. I would suggest asking your SG mates for help on getting the inventions you need once you have your final build.

The only problem with my posting a prospective/tentative build is that I have NO idea what enhancements and sets there are, where to put them, or what they do. I would have NO way of posting a prospective build without spending umpteen hours researching and learning the invention system, which is what I DIDN'T want to do in the first place. I joined CoH six years ago specifically because it didn't HAVE that type of time sink in it.
What character are you trying to work out a build for? What kind of budget did you have in mind?
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
I can confirm that there are "build-a-holics". I am NOT one of them, however, I do love the inventions system and think it has greatly enhanced the game. I have SG mates that LOVE working with mids and creating builds. When I'm ready to move from IOs to sets, I just ask and they whip up a build for me and I can start the process of purchasing and building the pieces.
Also, I've found that simply using IOs is enough boost to get by for most things but if you pvp or arena, you'll never be able to keep up with the power gamer/builders who have their characters totally loaded with uber expensive purple sets.
Facing the EBs was always much harder on squishy characters but it might be harder now as the game has evolved to maintain a challenge to the power gamers and the casual gamer has suffered for it...there is no doubt about it, but not so much that you can't overcome. I know the frustration you speak of though...I've been there.
I agree with the fact that NEW missions that have been implemented since the launch of inventions have steadily become harder (although is all honesty still perfectly doable without IOs).
1) Have exactly the right powers.
2) Employ tactics.
The average player, who is used to stomping the Council every day and twice on Sunday, is going to get beaten like a rented mule against this guy.
I had a scrapper ask me for help against Protean. I had soloed him on my scrapper. We went against him, at a higher level than I had done it, and the fight went like this:
1. Hit him, hit him, hit him.
2. He activates his big power.
3. I move out of range and the other scrapper gets nailed.
4. Go to step 1.
Finally, an enemy where "Wade in and beat him down." is not a viable tactic.
NB: Unless, as I noted, you happen to have the right powers. For pretty much every enemy in the game, there is some combination of powers that will let you walk all over them. For the other sets, they need tactics.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
The only problem with my posting a prospective/tentative build is that I have NO idea what enhancements and sets there are, where to put them, or what they do. I would have NO way of posting a prospective build without spending umpteen hours researching and learning the invention system, which is what I DIDN'T want to do in the first place. I joined CoH six years ago specifically because it didn't HAVE that type of time sink in it.
I'm sure you'll get more advice than you know what to do with, all without you knowing anything about IO's.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
When the invention system was installed, we were told it wouldn't change gameplay for those who chose not to use the crafting system. Unfortunately, it HAS changed it for me...big time.
Before IOs and sets, I could take my characters into the arena against my SG mates to train and spar with them. Now, my characters are so gimped compared to theirs that I stand no chance. Before IOs and sets, even though I am not a PvPer I could take my characters into PvP zones to run missions and know I could give a good accounting of myself even if I was only trying to get in a couple hits and get away to make it to a mission door. Now, I can't do any of that.
Also, story arcs lately seem to be overpopulated with EBs. Some of my characters have little problem with them, but the squishies can be pure fail with a side of suck sauce if the EBs' powers match up in such a way as to make my attacks and/or defenses less effective.
I still love the game, and I'm proudly among the six year vets, but I miss the "no crafting" game I joined way back when. Am I the only one?
Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
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Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
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