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  1. I only had 4 arcs open but I had not actually completed the Silos "get computer information" mission that officially made me a member of Ouro. Once I ran that very short mission, Ramiel sent me the notice that he wanted to see me about the Incarnate arc.
  2. I have the same issue following GR. Yet, I am able to log into the game and play fine AND I can log onto the forums fine....but if I need to change a card, or cancel my acct (not gonna happen) or, as the case was for me....purchase the new GR items pack....I can't because for some reason my user name and password "cannot be verified".

    I sent a request for help but it's been 2 days without a response beyond the auto reply that says it's been accepted.

    I am still functional but I am concerned that my acct information is NOT accessible by me and I need this fixed quickly especially if the information has somehow been compromised.
  3. Count me in


    I'll be on Savage Blade
  4. I still have this issue as well. Very frustrating because I find it rather difficult to see the items in the windows otherwise. Hope this gets addressed soon, as it has been around for quite some time.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Balorn View Post
    I suggest this.

    Set one of the G-keys to something you don't use, then make a bind of that key to what you want.

    For example - set the G-key to Ctrl-k, and type this in-game:
    /bind ctrl+k beginchat /send "channel" -[$name, $level]-
    That way you don't have to worry about timing or if you've already hit enter or whatever else can mess up a long G-key bind like that.
    That was the fix that worked for me. Several issues ago all my G-keys on my G11 stopped working and I still haven't discovered why or how to make them work the way they used to but the above was a decent workaround.
  6. There are several costume pieces missing. The braided buns on females for example...was from the ninja pack but they're gone now.
  7. I can confirm that there are "build-a-holics". I am NOT one of them, however, I do love the inventions system and think it has greatly enhanced the game. I have SG mates that LOVE working with mids and creating builds. When I'm ready to move from IOs to sets, I just ask and they whip up a build for me and I can start the process of purchasing and building the pieces.

    Also, I've found that simply using IOs is enough boost to get by for most things but if you pvp or arena, you'll never be able to keep up with the power gamer/builders who have their characters totally loaded with uber expensive purple sets.

    Facing the EBs was always much harder on squishy characters but it might be harder now as the game has evolved to maintain a challenge to the power gamers and the casual gamer has suffered for it...there is no doubt about it, but not so much that you can't overcome. I know the frustration you speak of though...I've been there.
  8. Yeah, I tried that. On one character that uses the metallic set, his top and bottom had been reset to tights...and when I reselected metallic, it was the new super shiny version.

    I tried that with the Valk stuff but it's still really dull.

    thanks for the reply though. Just trying to find out what the deal this a bug, something that got missed or the new permanent way things are going to look.
  9. I've been looking around for any sign that I'm not alone on this. While I do see a very nice new effect on the "Metallic" sets and the metallic shoulder skulls reflect just fine...several other items seem to be considerably dull post i17. Specifically, my Valkyrie sword. (the whole Valkyrie set actually) It used to be wonderfully shiny and chromed. It was my favorite sword. Now, it's a dull gray with no sheen to it at all. None of the swords are shiny. Many of the metal armors are a dull matte gray when set to white.

    I've read up on all the settings and have mine maxed in Ultra mode but still no shine. Is this a known issue? Does anyone have shiny Valkyrie sets?

    thanks in advance
  10. Star Strider Forces Registry
    Name: Cold-Shot
    Global Contact: @Cold-Shot
    Level of Classification:50
    Origin: Mutant
    Super Rank & Super Group: Sub-Chairman of the Concrete Gurus
  11. my money would be on crafted temp power
  12. ColdShot

    They do exist!

    Get the MekMan. Then you can call him something like "Jose Mekman" or "Alfred Mekman" something that rolls off the tongue.

    (this thought comes from an episode of Friends where Chandler explains how to pronounce SpiderMAN instead of Spiderman. "Because he's a spider MAN. He's not Joel Spiderman"