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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Okay, first off:

    Post the info back here.

    So you've gone into Add/Remove programs and uninstalled pretty much ANYTHING that says AMD/ATI on it?

    Links to current Catalyst drivers for HD Mobility 6***M series.

    64-Bit Windows Vista/7:

    32-Bit Windows Vista/7:

    If you're on XP (which may be the issue), the ONLY place to get drivers is from the laptop manufacturer (which may be out of date).

    If you can get the original drivers to reinstall, you can set up the launcher to just ignore the "out of date" warning. It's simply a detection routine to tell you your drivers are technically out of date. It doesn't mean the game isn't still playable.
    I'll give that a shot..im on windows 7 actually..64-bit.
  2. I've been having problems with my video card and coh the last couple of days.
    I have an AMD Radeon HD 6650M.. out of nowhere now, for the last week, the game gives me a red letter warning that my driver is outdated since 2010 (?)
    so I go to update the drivers and the websites I use say they are updated already..so I go to play..two times..both times not even ten minutes into playing, my computer blinks off. no warning, just instantaneous shut off.
    a friend suggested yesterday uninstall the video card and reinstall..this takes all day as everytime I find a link to reinstall it, its a website where they want me to buy something...finally I call the laptop manufacturer, explain everything...their answer: its obvious its the games fault! I explain, AGAIN, I had NO problems playing until this week..now he wants me to do a complete system reboot. so i have a lot of stuff to save to discs before i do this though.

    Is there any help you guys you can give me?

    oh, also, I downloaded a catalyst control center, but it gave me an error that it couldnt find a proper graphics adapter.... *sighs*

    sorry for any typos, grammar, spelling errors, not much sleep the last week.
  3. I missed last years
    Hopefully I can make it this year!
  4. March 16-19!! March 2xp Madness!! Start getting ready!! As usual, I'll be posting my 2xp thread on progress through the weekend and I'll be doing a '2xp Weekend Survival Thread' in the next couple of weeks!! All input is welcome!!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FeyDuex View Post
    First person to call me wench gets sent to Davie Jone's locker!
    I thought that was a given.
  6. Avast me hearteys and ye landlubbin' scurvy scoundrel mongrel curs!! It be that wonderful day o' th' year again!
  7. Sadly Im having carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand this Monday and wont be able to play for almost two months.

    Good luck with the itrial night and the new one. Sounds like fun. If I do log on itll be just to chat.
  8. oooooohh!! I was busy with a family emergency, when I got home I forgot all about it AND I had a character that wouldve been perfect for the event!! ah well.
  9. Huge Dresden fan and love the books! Sadly, I was disappointed with the tv series, sorry. I met Jim a few years ago at I-CON up here on Long island..I doubt he would remember me because the woman in front of me- really cute redhead, gave him a cool gift- she made him a trenchcoat like the one harry wears in the books! It fit Jim perfectly!
    I was like 'wow, cool! and ..great can't compete with that..' So I had him sign a book for a friend I worked with who introduced me to the Dresden Files.

    Good luck with the SG..Would love to RP with Jim one night..If I may be allowed- you all, including Jim, are more than welcome to join us on our 'Rookery' thread! it's a loose rp thread with ongoing stuff. but its mostly mayhen and fun.
  10. Since me and Becky were the only two people to guess within the time frame of the contest, and it looks like we were correct, , we shall split the prize money. So, puppeh owes us each 50 infl.

    Now, do we guess in human years or puppeh years?...
  12. Pogothulu

    Goodnight, Irene

    I live on Long Island. Luckily my area was ok. however, there are areas that, according to LIPA our monopolized power company, may not have power back on until September 28th.
  13. Since yesterday I have been unable to purchase anything from the store AFTER it asks for all my info too!!
  14. I'm glad you put ' *averaging one level per day* '..Ive been able to, by just doing solo missions mind you and not hardcore playing, and not during 2xp weekend, get characters from 1 to mid-20's almost 30 in a weekend. But that's me..I wish you the best of luck and can't wait to see your updates.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
    Charas is the name given to a hashish form of cannabis which is hand-made in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal and India. It is made from the resin of the cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa or Cannabis Indica). The plant grows wild throughout Northern India, Pakistan and the Himalayas (its putative origin) and is an important cash crop for the local people.
    this thread takes on a totally new meaning!
  16. I'd like the power to choose who lives and who dies. Instantly..None of that philosophical stuff either just 'you! you die NOW!'. I wouldn't abuse it...just to have the power and people know I have it..And of course I couldnt be killed either..cause with that kind of power you know there would be a huge target on me.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    If you've never really played one, how can you not like them and want them to get revamped?

    Correction, I haven't played one in years. I remember they had something like, depending on the makeup of the team they were on they would get benefits. Where as with VEAT's they GIVE benefits to the team they are on. Also, VEAT's don't have guys with a special gun that you are incredibly susceptible to (void stalkers).
  18. Aaaaaand..I have no idea because I really haven't played one.