The American Legion Patriot Day Event 2011

chrome guardsman



1. Name: The American Legion's Patriot Day Event

2. Description: A celebration of Patriotism

3. Date: Saturday September 10, 2011

4. Time: 8PM to 11PM Eastern

5. Location: Galaxy City Freedom Court. (We have backup sites prepared if Issue 21 were to launch thus removing Galaxy City as an option)

6. Requested DJ(s): The dynamic duo of Angel & Crypto if they are available.

7. Musical styles: DJ's Choice with Patriotic music mixed in.

8. Contests/Competitions: Patriot March, Multiple Costume Contests, AE Challenge, Trivia, other contests.

9. Contact information: @Alamo or @Beans or @Stars and Stripe

In addition to the above listed events; the AE challenge will be run throughout the evening. The Arc ID and instructions will be broadcast throughout the event and on Cape Radio. Trivia will also be run sporadically throughout the evening.

*Location may change due to release of Issue 21 making Galaxy City unavailable

Bright and Shiny,
American Wonder



Thanks for posting this Wonder...banner looks great despite your choice of cover models!

I will be posting a timeline of events soon guys! Stay tuned!



He was the only TALer who wasn't busy saving someone or something when I needed a photo! <pokes at Hero>

Bright and Shiny,
American Wonder



Cool....I have a couple of patriot themed toons. Most likely I'll bring the All-American Kid, my SS/Shields Tank.

Edited cuz I've too many toons to remember what they all do....



Originally Posted by DavidJay View Post
Cool....I have a couple of patriot themed toons. Most likely I'll bring the All-American Kid, my SS/Shields Scrapper.
Great...look forward to seeing you there!



The American Legion Patriot Day Event
Saturday, September 10, 2011
8pm-11pm Eastern Time
Galaxy City Freedom Court*

1945: Patriot March begins from Atlas Park near Miss Liberty.
2000: Arrive at Galaxy City Freedom Court.
2002: A moment of silence is requested
2005: The evening's events are broken down and explained to the attendees
2015: Contestants begin lining up for the Civil Servant Costume Contest
2030: Judging for the Civil Servant Costume Contest begins
2045: Judging for the Civil Servant Costume Contest concludes and winners are announced.
2100: Trivia
2115: Contestants begin lining up for the Patriotic themed Costume Contest
2130: Judging for the Patriotic themed Costume Contest begins
2145: Judging for the Patriotic themed Costume Contest concludes and winners are announced.
2200: Trivia
2215: Contestants begin lining up for the Most Heroic Male and Female Costume Contest
2230: Judging for the Most Heroic Male and Female Costume Contest begins
2245: Judging for the Most Heroic Male and Female Costume Contest concludes and winners are announced
2300: Event concludes.

In addition to the above listed events; the AE challenge will be run throughout the evening. The Arc ID and instructions will be broadcast throughout the event. Trivia will also be run sporadically throughout the evening.

*Location may change due to release of Issue 21 making Galaxy City unavailable



Just a few short days until the Patriot Day Event! Get your themed costumes ready and come on out to Galaxy City!



Just a quick note. The Patriotic themed CC is for all patriots. Contestants do not have to be American themed patriots.

Bright and Shiny,
American Wonder



To expound a bit on the themes for the Costume Contests:

Civil Servant: Everyday heroes like firemen, policemen, etc

Patriotic: A patriot themed costume; as Wonder pointed out this does not have to be an American themed costume; we recognize patriotism in all forms.

Heroic: The best overall hero costume from the male and female category.



Originally Posted by Trekkin View Post
To expound a bit on the themes for the Costume Contests:

Civil Servant: Everyday heroes like firemen, policemen, etc
teachers too?



Originally Posted by chrome guardsman View Post
teachers too?
That would be acceptable.



As I am sure most of you have noticed by now; Issue 21 is coming next week!

This Saturday's Patriot Day Event is the 8th event that we have held in Galaxy City over the past several years; and with the imminent bombing of Galaxy it will be a fitting farewell to the Galaxy City zone that has served us so well. So everyone come out; honor patriotism; and honor Galaxy!



next week? i gotta keep up on the news more. will they be running pre-i21 events to set things up?



Originally Posted by chrome guardsman View Post
next week? i gotta keep up on the news more. will they be running pre-i21 events to set things up?
Avatea posted the information on the Announcements section and talks about the giveaways and costume contests they will be hosting. Be sure to check that out.



I'd love to see screenies of the event. Sadly, I gotta work until 9pm EST, so the All-American Kid will miss a lot of the event, if not all of it.



Originally Posted by DavidJay View Post
I'd love to see screenies of the event. Sadly, I gotta work until 9pm EST, so the All-American Kid will miss a lot of the event, if not all of it.
Sorry to hear sure to stop by when you get home; you should at least make the final CC and have a shot at some trivia.



We are about one hour and fifteen minutes away from the Patriot March and then the launch of our event! Hope to see lots of you out there!



I hope everyone enjoyed the event! Winners, etc will be posted in a little bit.



oooooohh!! I was busy with a family emergency, when I got home I forgot all about it AND I had a character that wouldve been perfect for the event!! ah well.

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



Originally Posted by Pogothulu View Post
oooooohh!! I was busy with a family emergency, when I got home I forgot all about it AND I had a character that wouldve been perfect for the event!! ah well.
Sorry you missed out...keep an eye out for our future events!



It was a lot of fun, with tons of things to do. Thank you to the American Legion for taking the time and energy to do this.



Patriot Day Event wrap

Civil Servant Costume Contest

Grand Prize 500 Million: Bob the Rogue Cylon

Honorable Mention 100 Million: John Keegan Tsui
Honorable Mention 100 Million: Commander Britain
Honorable Mention 100 Million: Rose Wonder

Patriotic Costume Contest

Grand Prize 500 Million: American Annihilator

Honorable Mention 100 Million: All-American Lad
Honorable Mention 100 Million: Aerius V
Honorable Mention 100 Million: Commander Britain

Most Heroic Costume Contest

Grand Prize 500 Million (Female): Miss France
Grand Prize 500 Million (Male): NationalGard

Honorable Mention 100 Million (Female): Quasi
Honorable Mention 100 Million (Female): America Angel
Honorable Mention 100 Million (Female): .Sonnet
Honorable Mention 100 Million (Male): Aerius V
Honorable Mention 100 Million (Male): Liberty Eagle
Honorable Mention 100 Million (Male): Fist of Destiny

There were also multiple trivia winners that received either 2 or 10 million influence per correct response depending on which portion of the trivia they answered with the first correct response. 15-25 Million influence was awarded to all who completed the AE Challenge successfully. Door prizes and miscellaneous awards were given and Junior Justice took all interested parties on a tour of Galaxy City; pointing out the various badges and plaques to all who needed them.

I hope you all had a great time...See you around the City!



Originally Posted by Mariner View Post
It was a lot of fun, with tons of things to do. Thank you to the American Legion for taking the time and energy to do this.
I am glad you enjoyed it; thank you for coming out.



I was amazed at the turnout and the number of different activities. All in all I enjoyed myself tremendously. Thanks for putting in the effort American Legion!

I will miss you City of Heroes..



Sounds like a good time was had by all. Aerius V is my SG-mate, so score two for Super Go Force Sector 1!!