Come Roleplay your Iincarnate arch with me!!

Black Zot



(Im sorry if i bounce around alot in this post. I wrote it last night off line and im too tired to correct stuff.)) Keep in mind...that this was done at 8x4+ and with only 2 people. What im telling you is best how i could describe what went down trying to do the first part of the incarnate story arch. I need to work on delievering rp as well. so thats why im posting, gotta learn. Some how. Its like the second mission or what ever where you have to go ALL the way down to the bottom to a reactor or something. My goal here is to start some of our own cannon. I dont see why we cant have our own cannon just because we aren't a "main character". I mean its still within the mechanics of the game, we "exisit" in the same reality as them so why not feature your story. Id like to turn this thread into an official. But the key to this is going to be that it has to ACTUALLY happen IN game. So you need to be able to recal true events. I mean if you think about it in gamer-terms i pretty much trained and entire map. or herded or whatever. I want epic experiences on this thread only. Not that your story isnt epic or couldnt be but you get what Im saying.
Id like to start a player events team. Like they did in the matrix online. But ran by players instead of dev's. Let me know what your thoughts are. Just highlight anything that you wanna talk about when your about to reply if u feel the need.

Maybe a whitness or two would be good. The other thing is. Is that if you would actually like to see me do this...Just email me at Bishop King and ask me to run that mission if you have it. But you have to be starting a new incarnate for me to do it more then once. If you have invisable or fulcrum shift, you can watch me run through this freakin gauntlet. Im sure theres been a few who have done the same thing. Its what i think...the dev's way of show-casing what a fire tanker can really do! Heh.)

Bishop King's Memuars: A member of the Teseract Castle(The Teseract castle is a fun creative group of oddballs whom of which roleplay frequently and are never TOO seriouse about it. :P We just like to have fun and do things that others woudln't normally. If you'd ever like to. Hit me up because id love a chance to roleplay with everyone that likes to get involved with great stories)

(Chapter 1)
The mysteries of the Incarnate astound me. Ive never seen such power before. There was so much fire; I felt like i was running through a burning maze. I mean I know what it feels like to be on fire but come on. It almost killed me; running past these fire weilding people...i didnt even look to see what or who they were. Maybe some vampries or something i dont know. Or circle...I dont remember because i couldnt see anything but flames... All i know is that there must have had been 100's if not at least a thousand. I was being set on fire constantly by fireballs and god knows what else.

I dont know what kinda fire that was. See the thing is about fire is that most people think theres only one kind of fire out there but there are many. I still dont know how to quite explain it. But its almost it depends on your emotion. If your feeling love you burn on a different frequency then you would if you feel hate. Its really ***king cool. The to let your emotions run wild. Thats the easy part when your a villian. But its extreemly over bearing as a hero. I can now honestly say that i really know what its like to be both and imbetween. So with that said It brings me to my next point. Man did I make a lot of enemies. From both sides. So Its really hard to keep friends and lovers.
It was almost as if you were being flung into hell on a one way stop. Nothing got in your way.

Getting to the bottom was the easy part. (Keep in mind that i was with a friend who had Fulcrum shift. ((haha i almost typed fulcrum sh*t while writing this last night)) ) Then we went into the future... I was so powerful! I took down every single famous hero i could imagine. They dropped like flies! As an incarnate the surge of energy was imense it was almost overwhelming as my heart pounded i felt as if it was going to explode. It felt swollen as my heart ached it palpeltated. Its almost like when you turn your neck to fast and it kinks, **** i hate that.

When I arrived at the front alot of them were standing there waiting. Im also saying all of my enimies even ones that ive defeated before came back for a piece of me. Just to try and help reassure that i did not reach the well. Thats the kind of power thats meant to be guarded, never exacted upon others. But sometimes...just sometimes it gets in the hands of the wrong person. And that was me. They got word that i Knew about the secrets that no one was supposed to even think about let alone talk about. It was taboo and thats why there were so many that were a day late and a dollar short. But always searching. Always hungry for.

Of course that didnt last too long but it still felt awesome to kick some serious ***! I crave that power again. I must have it! Thats why im on this rush for the secrets of the well. Its almost like how the humans once experienced with the Gold Rush. I see other Super powered beings going after the same thing. Im no where near the strength or the ability of some of these other people but im learning. If i could just get there ((i need IO's)). Im still a young guy. Considering some of these people are thousands of years old id say I do pretty well...



I just really wanted to see if there were any people out there with altitus that wanted to do the incarante arch from the menders with me. I love that mission and rp'ing runing through a barrage of enmies like that. if you'd like we can get into more detail in oroborus.



what are your thoughts?



bleh you guys...WAKE UP its not that early



Im running the mission right now if anyones interested, /tell me at Bishop King



Patience, young padawan. For your target audience it's currently most likely somewhere between 8am and 11am. On a sunday morning.

Yes, most people are probably still in bed.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



What the crap, man?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



lol? what?



5 posts in less than 2 hours? Message boards are not chat rooms, don't try to treat them as such.



your face...



What's this now?

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now