1546 -
Bah, going back and editing to make more days? Should be good for both.
You are hard to keep up with!!! -
Quote:Then you shouldn't be mentioning "many others", especially when the other poster mentioned costumes and not origins. You obviously have other issues.I don't think you know what "Status Quo" means in context. Since we're talking specifically about "origins" it's pretty clear we're talking about the "status quo" in respec to how origins function in the game. No one has ever suggested in this, or any thread that I know of, that nothing in the game every changes. This very thread is suggesting a change, which, if nothing changes, would be pointless. This thread has ALSO referenced ways that origin effect has already changed (inherent powers, etc.)
My 2 inf.
1) Don't really have an issue, but if WTS becomes the norm in the future, would be nice for a second door for such event that can get crowded.
2) See #1. It happens, but really how often outside of WTS?
3) Don't care either way.
4) As posted before in many thread, totally against. You didn't log on that day with that toon, you don't get the badge. Go find the other threads on the discussion. This isn't the one to rehash them.
5) Brought up in another thread that it would be nice to understand colors better.
6) Tired of linking, but a (former) dev (BABs) outlined the issues. Yes, they know, working on it, etc. It will come, be patient.
Unless you know the code here, SCR applies on how easy simple these are. -
Quote:Status quo - what do you mean by that?THIS is my, and many others, exact problem with the status quo.
Something new like WTS? Or incarnates? Merged markets? GR? New powersets like DP or DS? Changes to Doms/Blasters/Stalkers/Khelds? Changes the colors of powers or proliferation of powers? IOs? New zones like Cim or RCS to RWZ? Addition of CoV? EATs? ED/GDN? etc.
Maybe you missed all that has gone in this game, hardly the status quo after 19 issues in close to 7 years - just under 3 per year if I20 comes out by April.
Maybe you aren't getting it that some people will get quite ticked off that origin means something significant after all this time. Why would the devs want that? I still remember the GDN/ED posts from years ago and the rage. Look at the posts on WTS and people complaining on that. People will complain, I have zero doubt. Unlike what some other uncaring poster is thinking, I am extremely doubtful people will just deal with it.
Make an arc or special contact for some story or such. Sure, sounds great for a new story to read.
Make origins count, completely /unsigned. -
My two friends, Murphland and Iggylove, said they can put their names in for tonight's BSF. -
I have a fire/rad corr and not noticing any issues with it.
And WB! -
Tar pit helps slow those mobs down approaching you.
Holwing twilight is great stun.
Slot up FS and fluffy as best as you can.
And for DP, you using the KB of the attacks or turning on swap ammo? KB is another great form of control to keep those tasers away.
Also, check the difficulty to see if too many mobs or too high level. May need to adjust one or both.
Having level a lot of support toons, red and blue, I know what you are feeling. -
Bah, read that wrong. I will run something Friday most likely.
So many threads on KB before. Still going with KB is great and fine as-is.
Any changes like this will just create situations where people will complain that they are slotted for KB and told that they should have it KD.
Also, KB is a learned skill and a great mitigation tool. Newer players would be just told to slot for KD effect since they will be wrongly told KB is bad.
And I still believe the devs take KB vs KD into consideration when balancing powers. Changing to KD would possibly make some powers overpowered IMO. -
For Friday, is that right 830PM? Usually 930...
Anyhow if two slots open at 930PM, I may have two friends that can fill. Will let you know ASAP. -
Saw the trailer and I liked it. Scrappurr will be getting a new outfit!
Should have no problem joining if you do second run tonight.
Yup, I find this game easy enough and leveling already fast as Forbin pointed out. RMTers could exploit this by getting toons to 50 faster, so less time spent for them and they pass the costs on to the ones that would foolishly use their services.
Plus we get patrol XP for free.
And keep double XP times more meaningful. If people could turn on at any time, it isn't as special any more. -
Sounds good. Will try to make Wednesday again, but will probably get hosed again.
Well, for me at least, lately I have not been paying attention to Origin whatsoever. I do plan out my toons in advance for sets I may want, bonuses, and so forth.
So for them to put something now that changes my toons like a +dam, +def, etc. that I could have chosen at the beginning would be quite upsetting. I should have been magic based instead of tech, and the such. Plus how would EATs work? They are locked in origin, so they would be stuck with what the game designed them as.
So I guess if this was from the beginning, sure why not. But now, at nearly 7 years later? I wouldn't be supportive of it. -
Voo, sorry for late notice but can't make it tonight. Kids having a sleepover (ugh) and will be busy making sure the house isn't destroyed.
Quote:I am totally with Fleeting Whisper (and I have posted elsewhere) that vet rewards are a thank you by the devs. Since you have forgotten, respecs and character slots are also vet rewards. They don't have to give us those since they are loosing money. If it was all about money like you are implying, then they could make more by selling various packs for powers or costumes.edit: Your second line is nothing more than semantics. They are being thanked for spending money. What you said is nothing more than spin, and it is dishonest.
This vet reward is no big deal like some are screaming about. Those that play the market already have inf to spare, those that don't use the market ever or barely won't even care. -
Oh Stormy,
If that was the case, why is not every toon a tank if they are as great as you make them sound? Why isn't this game City of Tanks?
+4/+8 is not the measure of how good an AT is. A tank has to survive that if they are running a full team and increased level. As a consequence, they can run at those same difficulties when solo. This proves nothing. I would love to hear your data on all the teams broadcasting for more tanks or say that if we only had a few more tanks, we could have finished. My MM's can solo at max settings too. But my ice tank can not. Neither can my stalker, scrappers, controller, blaster and VEATs. Obviously, using your standards, none compare to MM's.
Having done TFs and SFs (including STF and LRSF) without a tank or brute, I am skeptical on their importance as you make them. Go to the other parts of the forums and check out the MLRSF by a dominator. There use to be screenshots of a MITF by a solo scrapper. Are tanks doing the same? If so, I stand corrected.
All toons can solo, even those support toons. I wonder how my lowly emp def was able to go blue to full red solo doing tips and alignment missions. Oh yeah, I prepared and played standard difficulty. My support toons, and I have many since it is my favorite thing to play in the game by far, are not fully IO'd out except for generic IOs but survive just fine in this already easy game.