Make Respecs Less Time Intensive
I think it's something that's definitely worth a look at, especially with inherent fitness and returning players.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
"Take all the IOs off" isn't going to happen, at least by stated dev stances. Of course, they don't tend to need replacing all that often, as opposed to gear-based games with replacements/repairs/etc.
Part of the complaint you seem to have about respeccing, as well, is personal preference (mids/market/IO) - I tend to use a second build and SO it (which works just fine, thanks - did the incarnate arc on a few,) and if I have to tweak, do it there - then either transfer it (which uses most of the same IOs) or start working whatever new sets, etc. I want into it. (No, I'm not one of the multi-billion-inf folks. But I am patient.)
Plus, look at the characters and figure out if they "all" really need a respec or not. Is the build perfectly fine with regular Fitness? Then why respec? It works just fine - I'm leaving a couple of characters with it alone, because I'm happy with how they are now.
Some of the other games out there - no, haven't run either you've talked of - can afford to be "more lenient," as they have fewer powers to go with the gear, or they have other restrictions (Guild Wars - only 8 powers available at any time, swap them out in town, for instance.)
Now, there are some tweaks that could be done to the process - like remembering what sets were where, or setting up "templates" to apply, or just letting you swap slots around, absolutely. But along with that, I'd say consider why you're actually respeccing and if the specific characters really "need" it.
while i have to agree with Memphis Bill on some points such as the no way we will be able to take everything off
i do agree the current respec system is very cumbersome and i also hate to respec my toons because of it
my biggest complaints with it are:
- a huge PITA if you only want to change out 1 or 2 powers or just move a few slots around
- extremely annoying when it finishes by throwing every temp, inherent, primary, secondary, and pool powers into your power trays

I think they should just use the current Mids setup as a basis for Repseccing. The current setup is long, laborious and dull, dull, dull.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
and if they could fix the part where it dumps everything on your trays, that would be the best possible thing i think they could do with it
Not saying I like it but I think that's working as intended because they have always had a specific /command to clear the trays. If it was broken they wouldn't have had the foresight to create the command.
"Take all the IOs off" isn't going to happen, at least by stated dev stances. Of course, they don't tend to need replacing all that often, as opposed to gear-based games with replacements/repairs/etc.
Part of the complaint you seem to have about respeccing, as well, is personal preference (mids/market/IO) - I tend to use a second build and SO it (which works just fine, thanks - did the incarnate arc on a few,) and if I have to tweak, do it there - then either transfer it (which uses most of the same IOs) or start working whatever new sets, etc. I want into it. (No, I'm not one of the multi-billion-inf folks. But I am patient.) Plus, look at the characters and figure out if they "all" really need a respec or not. Is the build perfectly fine with regular Fitness? Then why respec? It works just fine - I'm leaving a couple of characters with it alone, because I'm happy with how they are now. Some of the other games out there - no, haven't run either you've talked of - can afford to be "more lenient," as they have fewer powers to go with the gear, or they have other restrictions (Guild Wars - only 8 powers available at any time, swap them out in town, for instance.) Now, there are some tweaks that could be done to the process - like remembering what sets were where, or setting up "templates" to apply, or just letting you swap slots around, absolutely. But along with that, I'd say consider why you're actually respeccing and if the specific characters really "need" it. |
No I dont have to respec. Many other games offer easier tweaking of your characters. I find it fun in most other games I play. Here its a chore. You even hit another one I cant stand, restoring all the powers to the same spots on tray.
And frankly I dont care if the devs said "NO WAY CANT TAKE ALL IOS OFF THE TOON IN ONE RESPEC" (no offense). Just saying this paying customer (and I know Im not alone) wants it hence using the suggestion forums. Id like to change IOs and builds like I change clothes. I think it would be alot of fun. Allow me to expiriment with IOs and crazy builds without penalty. Instead we get locked in to choices, I dont enjoy that at all. I dread it.
while i have to agree with Memphis Bill on some points such as the no way we will be able to take everything off
i do agree the current respec system is very cumbersome and i also hate to respec my toons because of it my biggest complaints with it are:
I appreciate yours and cartwhoorgs (and others, just bumped into bill and cart over time under diff forum names) input although especially with respecs weve had differing opinions over the years. I dont have the time or patience to invest in regullarly tweaking my toons. Planning out a new spec, playing the market for months, getting what I want exactly how I want it... Then power changes and gotta spec it out and start over again. All of that time Im not enjoying the content this game offers.

At least that's my approach. I know others want to be at or near their max from day one. Different strokes.
And frankly I dont care if the devs said "NO WAY CANT TAKE ALL IOS OFF THE TOON IN ONE RESPEC" (no offense). Just saying this paying customer (and I know Im not alone) wants it hence using the suggestion forums. Id like to change IOs and builds like I change clothes. I think it would be alot of fun. Allow me to expiriment with IOs and crazy builds without penalty. Instead we get locked in to choices, I dont enjoy that at all. I dread it. |
No one "has" to respec just because Fitness became inherent.
With inherent fitness, more people are using the respec system, and therefore more dev attention should be spent looking at the respec system.
Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
Where did I say you have to respec?
With inherent fitness, more people are using the respec system, and therefore more dev attention should be spent looking at the respec system. |
I merely pointed out that people don't need to respec just because Fitness became inherent. The devs didn't change how the Fitness Powers work. Swift, Hurdle, Health, and Stamina still work the same as they did before I19.
I'd also argue with the idea that just because someone is returning to the game doesn't mean that they need to respec their characters. If they are happy with their builds they can leave them as they are.
Now this doesn't mean that it wouldn't be nice if the respecs were adjusted to make them easier to use, it just means that I think they aren't very good for making a change. We can come up with better reasons than that.
Really the thing that keeps me from playing this game regullarly, and frequently letting my subscription lapse is respecs.
Its a PITA. Frequent power changes have led to frequent need to respec my toons. Everytime I take a break from the game and come back, its to half my toons needing a respec. Depending on how long Ive been gone It could mean multiple specs to change out HOs, or IOs.
Many games (most MMOs these days) are much more lenient with their reselection of powers and gear. My complaint is it just takes to long to respec my toons. I dread it, and it generally causes me to stop playing altogether for awhile.
My suggestion is to look at how games like WoW, or Global Agenda handle reselection of powers. Make it easier, less time intensive, and allow me to take all my IOs/Gear off.
I resubed for a month, and Im dreading respecing my toons. The all need it once again (inherent fitness, alpha slots...). Ill probably fiddle around for a month and just let my sub lapse rather than spend the time in hero stats, in market, and in port oakes respecing my toons. I find this time sink most aggravating because it negates alot of work (especially collecting, crafting/shafting IOs).