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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    [*]Do you believe that character diversity is an important part of this game in general?
    A little different spin for me is that the character diversity of toons I play. Before Incarnates, I just logged on amy toon an played. A TF forming, just grab one I haven't played in a bit. Lowbie needing some levels, log it on and get on a team.

    Partly due to RL and my kids getting much older after 6.5+ years, I am starting to hit a time crunch, and the game is losing out since family will always come first for me. So I have focused the WST's just on a couple of toons so get shards/notices and such. I like those toons, but find myself playing them over and over now repetitive and forgetting toons and concepts that had me so interested in this game for years. Heck, I have over a dozen 50's I didn't even bother to respec with the new fitness or get slotted for Incarnate, and no intention too (I can't even imagine bothering getting shards and stuff just to slot them). I have lowbies sitting for weeks untouched because I want those last couple of shards for the next alpha slot to craft.

    So overall diversity I think still be there since so many players (yeah, even on Victory), but less diversity for me.
  2. PennyPA

    Dumb IO question

    I don't change mine if they are 25 or higher. The exceptions are certain uniques that don't matter on level, some procs, and to replace with purples or HO's. I just don't see enough performance difference to matter or care about uber maxing.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DanZero View Post
    So, you want a challenge that isn't so... challenging?
    That is my question for the OP as well.

    Did this 4 times last night and we averaged about 30 min per run and single digit deaths. Move attack move attack, etc., collect reward. Oh and not instant death. Even one of my defenders got caught in the blue and just popped some inspirations and moved on to the next attack.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    She's going to yell at me for your lewd comment
    Well had one about Voo "doing 4 in one night" and his dreams, but thought better of it...

    Will just yell at him later.
  5. Stormy,

    What game are you playing? Seriously, it not this one since it is ridiculously easy. You o obviously think things like tanks/brutes are needed or that you have to have a healer, etc. I truly feel sorry for you with your limited scope of the game. There is so much in it and you are missing it.

    And what is the point of your diatribes here? You are not making any as far as I can tell.
  6. Fun time last night. Glad we got 4 in. Not sure how much time I will have this week. Want to get more toons in.
  7. Ele/ stalker. Didn't get mine high enough to be PvP worthy since I rerolled as KM/ stalker instead for the animations. But it was fun.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Make it so, please.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
    without sets genious.. i'm tired of people getting sly on this foruma dn thinkign they are smart and thought of somethign I didn;t when if they would have read the posts so far they would have seen I'm trying to Give Auto Power set bonuses NO SETS REQUIRED.
    Insults aside, but where is the balance? You aren't suggesting any. How is this fair to some powersets - say storm or rad? Should an archery blaster be less resistant to an AR blaster but more than a DP blaster? What about regen - what are they resistant too? Healing?

    What will be the penalty if you don't balance? You are suggest free bonuses and then claim they will be optional. Who in their right mind will say "no, I won't take this bonus, just because"?
  10. PennyPA

    Global friends

    WB ChaoticBolt. Remember to join the global channels in case you weren't in them (Victory Forum, Victory Badges, Victory Badges 2009).
  11. Fascinated by this league play and the new challenges. Nice to see more S/TFs but wished a few more SFs to balance red side depending how WST keeps going.
  12. Yadda, for Tuesday, but most likely not for Wednesday.
  13. PennyPA

    Tin Mage.

    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    The suspicion is that the D11 fight was balanced against Incarnate Abilities that have yet to be exposed to the player-base.
    Good point.
  14. PennyPA

    Tin Mage.

    Pains me to say, but the above poster is pretty much how I have seen it done. Get pets and such like nukes, buff up, spawn the mob, hammer down ASAP.

    On a side note, normally, I believe the devs have reasons for doing certain things in the game, and accept it as part of their design. But if it comes to light that the players can find no other way to get this badge and it is required/expected for us to use temps/pets to get the badge, here is a case I find it wrong since those things are optional (as are badges it could be said). Maybe they want players to go into PvP zones and pick up the powers and/or burn merits for VG pets. But I find that a far stretch. I guess time will tell if other ways are possible.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
    even fire tanks seem to stick to fire damage type maps, in other maps even the best have died.
    Since when??? My friend's fire tank goes to whatever map the mission is set for. My ice tank fights whatever mobs on the map. My WP brute fights whatever mobs on the map. In neary 7 years, I have never once heard a tank say they would not go on a map because the right element mobs weren't on the map. Total exaggeration you are making.

    fair is fair, you are what you are, if you wanna use your advantage you'll have to stick to a map that uses that damage type (thats what maxes it a game)
    So a stone tank should say "sorry, wrong type of mobs in that STF or ITF, I can't join it." A DA tank should say "sorry, can't join that LGTF, wrong type of mobs." Riiiiiiiiiiiiight....

    if you mean the difference between a ice/ice blaster and a ice flame blaster:

    ice ice would get 40% res to cold. ice fire would get 20% to both.

    thats the balance.\
    I mean, if you read, that for example, my corruptor's PRIMARY is ice, but my defender's SECONDARY is ice. How is they get the same resistance since one is primary and the other secondary? With AT modifiers, how does a blaster fit in? Don't they do more damage? Shouldn't their "ice" be better than a defenders, therefore, more res?
  16. With the others, /unsigned. This works for the min/maxers and makes little sense to add now.

    It would also favor sets much more than others. Just how many rad using mobs are there compared to S/L mobs? Or ice vs. energy? How about my grav controller vs. a fire controller? Yes, mobs exist that use fire and ice and gravity (like LB wardens), but certain sets would see little benefit whereas others get a bonuses most of the time.

    And how do you balance? Should my ice/ corruptor get more res than my /ice def? There are both using ice blasts, so they should be the same? Where do ice blasters fit in?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
    So if the TF requires you to have 8 folks, and you lacking a Rad for the TF, then instead of asking players to switch alts or wait for another hour for a Rad to volunteer, just pick-up the mercenary that fits your group needs. hour...for a rad??? /BOGGLED!!!

    Why not just grab a player and go? Reading your post gives me the impression you are limited to a certain style of play and can't think outside of the box.

    Anyhow, for the OP and my 2 inf, I support reducing the TF size. I have a few friends that we would like to duo/trio some of the S/TFs and trials. However, I still believe task forces should be teamed events since they were set up by design for teams. I am aware they can be solo'd, but those are extremes IMO. We don't know if other TFs will get the Posi treatment and redone, balanced for teams. There is a tremendous amount of content that does not require teaming and any player can access.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
    The problem with PBs in my opinion, is they are way too weak to Solo effectively, and in a team, regardless of what mode they are on,
    Provide your data. PBs solo just fine and I have teamed with many PBs on. They contribute like everyone else. Again, another unsupported claim because not every AT solo's +4/+8 all the time like you expect.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post

    I see aggroe stollen all the time, and I seen healers stealing it. In fact, there is a TF, want to say STF, were several experienced leaders had adviced Emps to not use their max heals or they will steal aggroe.

    And yes I was playing my Psi/Emp Defender and was providing my weak heals to the tanker holding LR enterteined, a spider crawled over my keyboard, which I immediately rproceded to freak out and scream, but my son valiantly ran to me and disposed of the hairy yucky critter. Unfortunately by then, my charge, the tanker was about to die, barely alive by a hair's width, and I went pow with my strongest heal and taking damage to myself in the process, next thing I know I am dead. LR took insult of my denying his impending kill and took it out on me, with the all too common one-shot-kill.

    While I keep being told, there is no anti-healer code, I keep seeing healers getting aggroe and getting of course auto-killed since they are overly-fraggile. If there is no code, there must be instead a combination of events or circumstances, that does a great impression of such an imaginary code.


    I'll second Aett and, as always, want to see the data (you have a history of never showing anything). Prove there is healer aggro.

    Empathy is the PRIMARY - trying learning the AT before spouting nonsense. My emp/psi defender has done multiple MSTFs (as well as MITF, MLGTF, MLRSF, MApexTF, MTMTF) and never, ever once taken aggro from LR (or other AVs in the other TFs) using any of my heals. As far as I can tell, this is another fantasy of yours regarding support ATs.
  20. To the OP, no. As with the others, seeing leadership pool all over the place now.
  21. Eh, my bots/storm MM doesn't have Group Fly or Whirlwind, otherwise, no issues teaming.

    Looks for the many KB-hater posts to follw.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Another MoLRSF?
    Actually a really awesome Apex (Mo). I am really bummed missing last night. And March has stuff going on for, so may miss a few more weeks.
  23. There is a real problem? LOL! Because you say so? You are playing with words that you didn't say it was broken but then say there is a real problem. There is no griefing, it is your perception.

    I have 2 crafters that I use to keep the SG bins filled. I place a bid for what I want and will pay for, go play, come back to get the stuff, and craft. Been doing it for years win no griefing, just impatient players whining.
  24. Isn't I20 the 1st week of April WST?