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I'm taking a break from leading runs on Virtue to report in as promised. Tyrant IS noticeably more difficult during the home stretch, but not too much for a grande finale of a trial. The best way I can articulate the difference between this run and beta is that in Beta, it took a few people who knew what they were doing to succeed. Now it's a full league effort on live.
Tyrant's regeneration stalls leagues even with the Light of the Wells down; previously the only stalling happened when leagues were going after The Really Hard Way runs. The amped up regeneration wasn't even a speed bump, and the only time his health yo-yoed was on a Really Hard Way run.
I personally like the changes, but people should be aware that when they finish this trial they're doing it at nearly the same difficulty as "The Really Hard Way" was on Beta. That may just be because leagues aren't used to the content yet and are making simple mistakes, they're bringing non-T4 Destinies, etc. Rads are a good help as you'd think.
Like The Really Hard Way runs on beta, I can offer some advice on running this trial to hopefully make the Tyrant fight a little more bearable.
1) Save your Lore Pets until you can no longer overcome Tyrant's regeneration. This way you don't waste them getting to as point you could have reached without the lore pets, and instead use them to make a final push. If everyone uses them together, it can make the trial wrap up quickly.
2) Move as soon as "The Air Crackles Around Tyrant" message appears. This isn't a test of character survivability - some melee can survive multiple patches, but half of the league won't be able to. And if there are patches all around Tyrant then the damage those people could have contributed to offset his regeneration is lost.
3) Don't camp Light of the wells. Instead, people should be fighting Tyrant until the lights are about to spawn, and then have a select few people putting the lights out. This is to keep your team from losing out on the damage they can contribute versus Tyrant's regeneration.
4) Let people know that the hit point bar lies. Folks have been conditioned to think "50% health means 50% of the battle is over." That's not the case on this trial, and that misunderstanding can lead to some morale failures if folks don't know what to expect. 30% is about the halfway point of the trial, if that. Warn people not to be discouraged by the hit point tug of war going on.
I hope this helps, and that you have a lot more success over the weekend. -
The only thing I can think of is that you had someone on the league who didn't have Lore or Destiny unlocked and the league leader didn't have league error messages enabled. Otherwise, yeah, sounds like a launch day bug.
Interesting! I'll be sure to pick up plenty of Super Inspirations for tonight's attempts, then. Thanks for the perspective, Damz. I'll be posting my thoughts on the beta to live experiences as well.
I don't mean this to sound abrasive, but what would you suggest? "Do X to achieve y to win victory" is to provide an alternative to the regular bag of hit points encounters, like Reichsman and most of the game. Tank taunts, everyone else does their thing is fine for regular content, but I appreciate the developers adding another layer to the formula for Incarnate Trials - otherwise 24 man encounters would be very boring indeed.
Quote:There's not even that much to learn, if things haven't been changed. "Use Quills on Light of the Wells to one shot them" is a pretty easy learning curve for the Tyrant fight.What, you expected people who've likely NOT already run through the Magisterium enough times to know everything stone cold to succeed?
Edit: On second thought, there is slightly more to it. Bring a full league of 24 for maximum success (Usually a LOT more fun with leagues of 12-16). Don't stand in the lightning patches. And use Quills to give yourself a level shift. -
I'll let you know if his difficulty was changed when I do my Virtue run tonight at 6:30 Pacific. If the mechanics and difficulty haven't changed from how it was on Beta, then it's going to be a problem with the players in your runs.
At any rate, most of the complaints about Tyrant revolved around the fight being anti-climactic and unengaging compared to previous high end trials. If you have an eligible character on Virtue you're welcome to join my run. -
It's official! I23 is going live tomorrow. With the release of the issue we can finally engage Tyrant himself in battle and begin to bring the saga to a close.
I'd like to run this trial a few times in order to both unlock the Hybrid slot for those interested and get people comfortable participating and leading this trial. Compared to Post-Keyes trials, completing this trial and earning its badges isn't complicated.
We'll be forming in Dark Astoria at 6:30pm Pacific. Please make sure your character has up to Lore and Destiny unlocked - otherwise you won't be able to queue with us.
There's going to be a lot of Magisterium trials being run throughout the day/week, so if you can't make tomorrow's scheduled run just keep an eye out in trial channels and Dark Astoria. -
I can only speak for myself, but part of what makes Incarnate Trials fun is the interaction people have during the content. Like with Task Forces, if you're teamed with people who talk, interact, and generally act like a team, it's a wonderful experience. And asking questions is certainly interaction - I enjoy it when people are new to trials on my leagues because it usually means they'll have a few things to say as the mission moves on.
Which means this week is likely to be the last time to run Statesman's Task Force before the mantle goes to someone else. Hurray for I23, but it's sad to see the fellow go.
Quote:Yes sir. Leveling up my main (even if the leveling up is a sideways option to be more versatile) is a side goal that keeps the game interesting for me. It took 6 years to get an end-game going, but it's the best end-game in an MMO I can think of. The trials are still fun even after running them 500 times - Leading the leagues is the key to keeping things active and interesting. Playing a character with active powersets that can fall back and sub for as many roles as possible leaves each experience unique enough to not get boring.You have both T4's in every single tree? Am I reading this right?
All my own opinion, of course. -
I tell you, it's just in time. I finally managed to craft the last T4 two weeks ago, so I'm all set for some new ways to grow my main. Still a little lonely without primal clockwork to go with the name - maybe it's time for another optional Lore update they can slap together?
Or rather than implementing new salvage, maybe they could add T5s to each option?
Edit: All attempts to be pelted with rotten tomatoes aside, the Hybrid slot is unique enough that I'd hope people would expand to slot multiple versions on a single character. If they get the courage to bump up the Support slot some more then each option will be worth getting on a single character. It's even more versatile than Destiny, which is saying something.
I have a feeling we won't be seeing trials stop just because someone reaches one level of T4 Hybrid. That'd be denying your character a vast array of power - the slot that most embodies the "grow sideways" power of the incarnate system to date. -
You're right about Kadabra and Sigil. Positron and Numina seems like a forced decision, though - I don't recall even running across it mentioned or implied in-game that they're a couple, despite it being official lore.
I don't care what anyone says, Valkyrie and Paladin are the OTP. Maybe someday I'll write a silly RP story about it or turn it into an AE arc - I held onto the valentine from Valkyrie under his tips tab.
Outside of the valentines event, I'd say most of the CoH universe exists outside of healthy relationships. I can think of one couple that's got it together, and that's Matthew Habashy and his wife Diana. Everyone else has either no mention of relationships, interests, etc., or their relationships are messed up. The game really focuses on the heroic aspect of super-life rather than the mundane - something which the creators got right, IMO. -
To have the game zone come alive, I'd add a few more buildings that are in zone which you can enter. And then use those buildings in real-time safeguard missions. Have a pawn shop that can get held up, a bank that can get robbed, science experiment breaking out, etc.. Then provide temporary powers, boosts, and other lasting tokens as a reward - something besides influence and experience.
Give something more to do in city zones, inside buildings. Make it a living, dynamic city. And lower the penalty for street sweeping. -
Haven't encountered that specifically. But yesterday I did have to reset my passwords through NCSoft to be able to log into the forums again.
My favorite forum bug is still having everyone log in as me, though. Hilarious even though it only lasted a few hours. -
Replace "pure rage" with "bad writing" and there you go. It's like someone forgetting Spiderman had a Spider-sense or something. Seriously, that scene and Hulk "lifting" it in space are nearly enough to make ME Hulk out and go on an angry nerd rampage.
Quote:Text has a way of speaking in a wrong tone, so I mean this with all sincerity and no sarcasm or spite - I'd like to see those quotes relating to powerset respecs and not just respeccing out of an AT as a whole. About a year ago I had the pleasure of asking Synapse about this in PMs - he stated that the only feasible option would be to limit respecs to Primary/Secondary powersets AND bring characters back down to level 1. But then you'd have to deal with Incarnate Powers, Temporary Powers, etc.Actually the devs have stated before that primary/secondary respecs will not happen...not due to technical reasons...due to balance reasons. I am sure someone will come in here and post the various times devs have said: No to "super" respecs.
It would be a tough sell, especially with Freedom out and server transfers/slots being what they are. Unlocking a whole server full of slots by subscribing is more appealing when you don't have the option to endlessly reroll the same one character while retaining their badges, temps and what have you. It's easier to get bored if you attach the CoH experience to one character than 12-24.
I'm hoping there's a way to implement something like it without affecting subscriptions/player activity, but I'm not that clever. The only idea I would do is add the "reroll with badges, earned details" as an option to subscribers only that was limited to once per account per 3 months. That would keep people from abusing it to test the waters, but give roleplayers/concept players an option while still maintaining their unique badges.
That's my Friday night hypothetical musing anyway. -
They'd have to figure out how it affects things like Incarnate powers and set bonuses. It's not something that's been said flat-out "We will never do this" - that's AT respecing. But there's a lot to consider, it may not be feasible, and if it was possible, it might not even be worth it.
All of that said? I know a lot of people who'd shell out money for their mains/alts to be rerolled without losing their badges.
I will take this opportunity that the Devs have accomplished previously stated impossible goals before (Patron Respecs), so it's not completely hopeless. We've got a team worthy of a game full of superheroes after all. -
It's MSNBC. Really, what did you expect?
I found out the mystery gift, but.. I REALLY don't recommend opening it..
Or maybe [IndyArkoftheCovenant.gif] would work better. -
I use everything I can get my hands on, usually for character flavor. I flashback to get the Rune of Warding, Bow and Arrow, Holy Shotgun Shells, Vitalize, and frequently run Safeguards just for temporary powers. It helps the character transcend the limits imposed by the chosen archetype and flesh out abilities that would make sense on a concept.
Other people have alt-itis. Me? I have temppower-itis. I might as well have based Paladin off of Batman when it comes to temp powers. -
Quote:This is it, pretty much. I'd be surprised if the US Military actively supported something as nebulous as a fictional UN(?) Military Operation inside US Borders. Just doesn't seem like their thing or worth their time.Or perhaps the U.S. Military prefers to help with films that are portraying the actual U.S. Military (no matter the context). As the article stated, they weren't quite sure what the heck SHIELD actually was. It's not like the movie defines it particularly well for that matter.
Note withholding support doesn't mean the same thing as campaigning against it. So lets not overreact. -
I'd still love to see Circlets ported towards male models, along with the crown items you see on female characters. Black Knight armor is a must, too, please!