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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
    More on Noble Savage on Thursday, July 8th. Stay tuned...
    Looking forward to it.
  2. OmniNogard

    What to do...

    All great stuff, but got Computer back just now. Power Supply was all that was friend but a week without CoH felt odd since im use to getting on at least once a day to talk to SG Mate.

    /End Transmission
  3. Alright i give Wendy, which Elton song you talking about?
  4. OmniNogard

    What to do...

    When you cant play CoH/V for days?

    Back story: Had a big Lighting Storm about 5 days ago that fried my Computer (ether Power supply or motherboard). I'm slowly heading into withdraws of NOT be able to get on to work on base or alts.

    So what is there to do when you cant play CoH or watch TV(DVR Fried) or go outside(got sun burned badly going out to a festival). Well i do have my moms laptop for the time being but my computer kinda had all my stuff (im highly forgetful so i got lot of links and 'notepads' to remind myself of things to watch or do).

    I guess this shows i play CoH to much if im going into withdraws already.
  5. My Claw Brute is the reason why im getting this pack and if they add Claws to this its a Minute i see it sold(depends if im awake/home when its open to buy).
  6. Loaded up my Lv40 PB to test and tested this just now and it stops working in Shapeshift modes.
  7. I think the change came when they put her as a contact in Sharkhead(so people who dont have base's can start it)
  8. OmniNogard

    Hide the Doorway

    Wow Forbin Project, wonder if i can pull off a hidden thing or two when i do a face lift to the hero base.
  9. I am here to ask you, my fellow heroes and villains to help me to help my mom to find a new simple and useful Router.
    Not to long ago, the Wireless Router my mom have been using stopped working. She has asked me for some help but i know nothing about Routers.

    About a week or so ago we had a few(4 or 5) power surges(no big deal since the next few months may be full of them, Hurricane weather) and i believe the Power surges killed it.
    The router is a WRT300N Wireless-N(A old model i think). The Router was hooked to my PC while mom used her wireless Laptop while i had used the wireless for my PS3.

    So what is a Good/Best Router that is simple to setup for a few things, Moms Laptop(and a Desktop rarely), My PS3 and my PC.

    If your wondering whats wrong with the router. the 4 'yellow' ports are odd, one will give my PS3 online but not my PC or moms laptop, we tried all 4 Ports they ether gave only one of the 3 Internet or none.
  10. I too is looking forward to this. I shall follow this thread.
  11. Wow i wish i was good as the ones showed here. I'm the base builder of a 2Man SG/VG and he loves what i do to the base's, our VG is almost done getting its face lift, i had been putting it off a few... months >.>

    I kinda want to show off my work but i dont think a lot of people would like it but i like it and my SG/VG mate likes it so im happy.
  12. Listened to all 3 Podcasts(0-2)while base editing and will say i will tune in when i can(if im awake).
  13. Welcome back Nyghtfal, with i17 some time this month it might hold you till GR/i18 then i19, and i cant wait to hear what they got planed for i20, i16 was tons of win(can color powers) i17 moving tails Ultra Mode, GR take a hero to the dark side and a villain to the light.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ravenous33 View Post
    An undo Last!~ oppps I didnt mean to move that, or mmm maybe I did like it there *clicks undo last and it goes back*
    Just waking up almost made me not realize that you meant a undo button, at 1st i thought since you where quote'ing me it had to do with what i said. A Undo button would be nice(would have been useful last night.
  15. What i like to see is 'Real' water(since slow fields only in some places) and waterfalls, NPCs would be nice(custom or ones you find/unlock). im the base builder of the 2 Man SG/VG im in. SG/VG mate love's what i do to the base. typing this as i work on the base.

    He would like to see more plants and windows/glass walls to saw that's its a underwater base.(current theme for our VG) a classic villain base next to the Volcano base.
  16. This you BPebbel?

    Found in a mission, wont say which (since i forgot, sorry.)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darkelven_Vixxin View Post
    I'm calm
    < twich>
    perfectlly fine
    no problems here
    , <sharpens the blades on her hot pink Chainsaw>
    <Screams and revs the motor>

    Think i'll try with a twist to that.

    I'm ok
    Nothing wrong
    <sharpens beastly claws>
    Give me BETA!!!!!
  18. Not sure if this counts as worst but a rip off of someone from Futurama

  19. OmniNogard


    I would think i would learn to stop posting since i can NEVER make any thing clear. That and everyone just seems to hate me.

    Not to remove the Powers on the List but the [NoPhase] that keeps form working agian for 120s. 2 ways to get rid of NoPhase.

    1.Make the powers on list not be affected by +Rech(on the icer its 120s). Oddly [NoPhase] wont let you [Rest] ether.

    2.Make the Recharge longer by a bit(ill let the numbers people find that one out).

    and @M Raid the +3/4s are when im on teams as the only tanker(sadly)*.

    Being the only tanker means if someone dies they blame me(the ones who are dumb enuff to get them selfs killed one way or another), i rarely team anymore so my Diff settings never go higher then +1/2 since tanker dmg is hurtfull low any higher then +2s(for me anyways).
  20. OmniNogard



    I find it a problem for a Icer haves to 'warm' up for 120Sec's to use its last 'fail safe' again in big battles(+3/+4 EB/AVs).
  21. OmniNogard


    Any chance we can get rid of this at the very least for PvE, If I remember right it was put in BEFORE the I13 PvP rules to 'balance' PvP.

    Or would taking it out Unbalance PvE somehow?

    List of Powers with a 'Phase'

    -Blaster(Cold Mastery)
    -Tanker(Ice Armor)
    -Controller(Ice mastery)
    -Corruptor(Leviathan Mastery)
    -Dominator(Leviathan Mastery)

    -Phase Shift

    as well as one or two Temp Powers.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I have no idea what the devs have planned for this incarnate system. The more I consider it, the more I just smirk.

    However it turns out, Bill Z Bubba will continue to be min/maxed to hell and back and continue leaving a path destruction where ever he does roam.

    Power creep took over this game a while back and I see no change in course. I fully expect that come 2 months after I-19 goes live, I'll be able to drop Bill into an aggro cap of +4/x8 arachnos and go have a cigarette.
    I think i know how you feel there, my main (Hero) 'Omni-Nogard' a Ice/Fire tank with 40% Def to S/L(not done slotting at this time) would love more Dmg/AoE.

    Plus there's my Fav Concept toon 'Action Star' MA/Regen who can adapt to just about anything Concept wise.
    So I'm looking forward to how the Incarnate System works for all ATs.
  23. (QR)

    Is it bad that when i saw the title of this i thought of this Video.

    If shes single and you find more about her and like(maybe love her) go for it dude! I wish ya best of luck.
  24. A Training Room aka Shooting gallery(think Vangaurd) so people can test there powers a tad after training up(with the NPCs idea of Geiest and others).

    Would love NPCs in the 2 man SG im in(I'm the builder) my 'Bro' love what i do to the base.