Base Request Thread




Dear Players and Development,

I wanted to post this thread to try to organize base suggestions. Post your ideas and requests that have to do with supergroup and villain group bases. If one of the devs could occasionally post some feedback then that would be fantastic! If not then I just hope they read it a bit in order to update and improve our bases for our groups.

Thanks for reading and please keep comments constructive and polite.

Be sure to drink your



To start it off, my first suggestion is in base NPC's. With the use of NPC's in the Mission Architect, I thought it would be very nice to have access to the same list of characters to put in our base. That way there is someone to greet you at the door if you like, or perhaps someone to tell you directions. Or maybe just fun little things like a guy standing behind your bar or people dancing in your social area.

A few specific things I would like to accompany this are:
A standard emote (idle) for each NPC, a proximity trigger for text and/or emote so they can say or do something when you walk near, and a click trigger for text and/or emote so they say or do something when clicked. I would also like to choose where to put the NPC of course but it would also be nice to have the option to make them wander like a patrol.

Standard NPC's as well as all enemy and hero groups would be preferred just like we have in the AE. If we could also get an option for custom NPC's that would be awesome! I know that the base is not coded and structured like the AE but if there is a way you guys could do this it would be very cool and fun!

Be sure to drink your




Better Inf-> Prestige conversion rate?

Base Item: Remote Wentworth's Access. (A laptop set for Ebay and a pnuematic mailing tube?)

Base Rent Autopayment option?



NPCs would be interesting, could put humanoid NPC models at the computers to make it look like your base is actually active, even just making like 2-3 NPCs just walk around your base with no aim or purpose would make it more lively (kind of like how midnighters walk around in midnighters club), the only part that would be hard if they walked around is pathing, but NPCs just standing around would be fine.

my suggestions:

  • auction house interface
  • more uses for the mish computer
  1. ability to call sg registrar from the computer to pay rent, ect
  2. access task/strike forces from the mish computer (how silver mantis is now) in some sort of sub-menu
  • an AE room, that can have an AE hologram contact and green circle and interface tables put into the room to run AE from sg base
  • items of power and cathedral of pain trials - but do NOT relate it to base raiding
  • more base details (the current ones are kind of...old and limited in choice)
and i also support BBQ in the fact that the inf -> prestige conversion at the registrar needs to be more balanced



A Training Room aka Shooting gallery(think Vangaurd) so people can test there powers a tad after training up(with the NPCs idea of Geiest and others).

Would love NPCs in the 2 man SG im in(I'm the builder) my 'Bro' love what i do to the base.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Shared Recipe Storage Racks.

Global Account storage items (1 storage for all, or seperate [recipe, enh, salvage]). Only Toons from the same Global Account can access them.

Nameable Salvage Racks/Enh Tables.
Ie: "Science Enh & Natural Enh", "Magical Salvage", "White Salvage".



Originally Posted by cybermitheral View Post
Shared Recipe Storage Racks.

Global Account storage items (1 storage for all, or seperate [recipe, enh, salvage]). Only Toons from the same Global Account can access them.
i like these ideas too, you get /signed



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Dear Players and Development,

I wanted to post this thread to try to organize base suggestions. Post your ideas and requests that have to do with supergroup and villain group bases. If one of the devs could occasionally post some feedback then that would be fantastic! If not then I just hope they read it a bit in order to update and improve our bases for our groups.

Thanks for reading and please keep comments constructive and polite.
Base requests thread. The developers ARE aware of it and have been since Issue 12. There are updates with Issue 13 in that thread too. Nearly every item requested above has already been covered in that thread.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Thanks CapnGeist and Snow Globe, I did not find those threads in my search. I noticed that the there has not been any posts in the base construction thread since last year. Hopefully this thread will draw new and fresh ideas to other threads. I want to combine these threads all into one so feel free to post any others you find, thanks.

Great ideas guys, I have heard a lot of these requests from fellow players in game, hopefully if there is enough demand they will be implemented in a future issue. I love the interactive ideas like AE contact, Wentworths Rep, SG Registrar (could be a in-base secretary), level trainers and a respec contact, store contacts that sell enhancements or inspirations, etc.

The influence and prestige ratio does need tweaked, but it is a tricky line since it is so easy to make some big bucks from certain drops.

I heard some talk of being able to send influence and possibly recipes, enhancements or salvage through in game email in a future update. I cannot confirm this, it is just what I have heard. When I find official info I will post it here. This should lower some of the need for global storage that is connected to transferring money or recipes to other characters on your account. As for recipes, perhaps they should be integrated into the enhancement storage bins in the base.

Be sure to drink your



I would really like some different kinds of floor tiles that don't have SG symbols on them, and it would be great if you could put them in the doorways too!

Be sure to drink your



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Thanks CapnGeist and Snow Globe, I did not find those threads in my search. I noticed that the there has not been any posts in the base construction thread since last year. Hopefully this thread will draw new and fresh ideas to other threads. I want to combine these threads all into one so feel free to post any others you find, thanks.
Given that we -had- a red name responsible for bases and that red name is no longer red...

As to why that thread hasn't any posts in the last year is because while players want to see changes to bases, they've been on the back burner for so long that a lot of the base builders have moved on (some issues have persisted since Issue 6). There are two threads dedicated to requests for in-game existing items for decorating use for pity's sake. Or like one of the base designers in my group told me recently: "as long as players can have access to the basics (TPs, Workshops, Medical, Ouroborus pillars) then they don't care about anything else."

Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Great ideas guys, I have heard a lot of these requests from fellow players in game, hopefully if there is enough demand they will be implemented in a future issue. I love the interactive ideas like AE contact, Wentworths Rep, SG Registrar (could be a in-base secretary), level trainers and a respec contact, store contacts that sell enhancements or inspirations, etc.
I suspect the reason the developers don't have interactive ideas like these is that it would further isolate people, making the city zones appear even less populated.

Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
I heard some talk of being able to send influence and possibly recipes, enhancements or salvage through in game email in a future update. I cannot confirm this, it is just what I have heard. When I find official info I will post it here. This should lower some of the need for global storage that is connected to transferring money or recipes to other characters on your account.
Red Name (pohsyb) post. Or you can look at the Issue 17 overview.

Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
As for recipes, perhaps they should be integrated into the enhancement storage bins in the base.
Recipes were specifically banned from storage due to market concerns. While I don't agree with those concerns, being able to email recipes will somewhat change the need for this.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Auto pay for rent... or at least a way to do so remotely. Why do I have to haul my 50 level who leads from PI back to Atlas just to say "I want to pay the rent now" Time travel aside the game supposedly exists in real time so it's 2010... ever heard of on line banking or even PAY BY PHONE. Hey it could be as simple as a slash command /sg_payrent

I also saw the in someone else"s post .. better exchange rate Inf to Prestige. 2000 presitge per million, even at today's standards is rediculous. So a 50 level with 350 million decides to donate it all to the Sg and nets his or her group a total of 500,000 prestige which isn't even enough to total build an 8 by 8 plot sized base?

Definately agree with remote access to Wentworth's or the Black Market... We have remote access to the IO storage vault, remote access to the University invention system computers and even remote access to time travel so why not a small terminal that allows us to buy or sell from base?

Base building tools...

How about, instead of spending hours playing with "magic desks, a series of platforms with stairs that allow us to quickly create a 2nd floor? this doesn't need to be huge just 2 by 2, 2 by 3, 3 by 3, etc to match the varied room sizes.. give us a tech version, arcane version with maybe a few varied floor styles.. or make it possible to edit and use any of the existing ones alrerady in game.

Water.... it exists in game and how many bases are there out there with swimmin pool using a blue carpet design to "simulate" something that exists in game?

The abiliy to decorate doorways. It's listed as a room type so why can't we have banners or chairs or posters? whatever and set the floor, wall and ceiling design however we like?

More furniture options... again not asking to recreate the wheel but how about giving us access to more stuff we see in game like the privacy screen from the Mother Mayhem's asylum map (I set up a hospital in my infirmary and the patient's are NOT entitled to a screen between their beds?) more chair and couch syles and how about a bed that does NOT include tie down straps for the living quarters a lot of us create.. right now we either design one or have the option of a wooden cot or straw floor may?

NPC characters.. A doctor and/or Nurse for the Infimary, technicians for the generator room is jumpsuits similar to what the prisoners from teh zig wear but in some other color, Technican for the control room in suits or women's buisness attire, a security guard for the entrance, workers in hard hats for the warehouse, and maybe even a few generics that can be placed anywhere. Give the place a lived in look and make it feel like a headqaurters with an operations staff.

Here's a radical idea.. A door in real life is just a hole in a wall with a swinging piece of wood, metal, or whatever. Why in this game is it an actual 1 by 1 room? allow us to place rooms next to one another and simply pick the location we want to create that HOLE. The smallest plot in game has 8 x 8 squares (or 64) but the best we can currently hope for on that plot is nine 2 x 2 room for a total or 36 usable squares meaning almost half the map is wasted space do to requuired hallways (NOT doorways). The builds we see in game don't seem to suffer from this problem so why do we continue to do so?

Grass (for floors) Flowers (in pots or vases and even possible a floor design).. many bases have small garden areas and the best we can do in this area now is fill a spot with potted plants and say.. "That's my garden'"

How about windows? Or is every hero base in COH and Villain base in COV some underground bunker? Give us a few options for view like Skyway City view, Steel Canyon view, Founders Falls View, Grandville View, etc. How about even an outer space view? or a jungle/forest view?

Area rugs.. the technology exists, ie floor matting, so why can't we have a small area with a a rug covering a portion of the floor?

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Base Raids with old PvP rules plxplox



Base raids with old pvp rules will probably never happen man, there are reasons they changed pvp and I doubt they are going to take a step backward.

All of those other ideas are great. I would love rugs, doors, being able to decorate doorways (even if it is just flat items on the wall ceiling or floor) because a base has to follow fire safety codes they cannot have too much stuff cluttering up the doorways lol.

Be sure to drink your



I also highly agree with a lot of the items that we should have, like beds without straps, water, and many objects that exist in game. I can only hope that with Going Rogue will come some changes and/or additions to our bases.

Windows would be great! Even if they don't really see out to anything big. Just a wall item, with an image on the other side. For arcane some stained glass would be cool!

Some things that I would like to see in my arcane base:

More plants, espescially strange or mystical plants like the tree of wonders. And please make these placeable in decorative rooms. I have a castle and a courtyard in my Great Room and I would really like something more than a couple potted trees in the courtyard garden.

Our doorways are VERY PLAIN, boring, and make base decorators angry at the poor aesthetics! A couple small things could really make them decent. The first, and simplest solution for doorways that we have somehow been missing for years...DOORS! OMG what an innovation!make them clickable or just free swinging. Second, more options for the frame of the door, an arch at the top would really help. If you put these two things together then that is twice as good! Isn't that amazing? lol.

One idea that is functional as well as pleasing to the eye is concerning salvage racks. The problem started with people always putting salvage into the wrong bins, thus, mixing up the common, uncommon, and rare salvage. So I thought it would be nice to have 3 different salvage racks for each tech, and arcane. This would help to keep them organized a bit. On top of that, I noticed that the arcane rack has a lot of non-arcane objects sitting on it. Like a riot shield, a little old crappy tv, and a speaker. These are salvage racks, not junk storage. Why not make a cool looking shelving unit, with actual arcane salvage pieces sitting on it. The common rack could have some Alchemical Gold and Silver, Ancient Artifact, fortune scrolls, rubies, luck charm, etc. You get the idea.

And please, more arcane furniture, how about a cool stone desk, with more than just a book on it. Think scrolls, and a quill, and a little jar of ink. Some arcane medical stuff would be cool too, they didnt have xrays but they had drawings of organs and anatomy. What about some wall racks with mystical potions on them, or vials of odd liquids like demon blood and bone dust. I could go on for pages and pages. I hope that gives you guys some more ideas.

Be sure to drink your