Hide the Doorway




What are some of the ways people have hidden a doorway? I was looking to see if there was a way for like a waterfall but haven't found anything. Some ideas would be great.




I've placed object in front of the door area and made the door area all one color. Not 100% hidden but it's easy to miss you don't know about it.

Also, I have used tall bushes and plants to screen a door. They not only hide the opening, but you can walk through the plant.

Best one has been inside a grand fireplace, if you enter the fire box and look right there's a passage to a secret room.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



I built an entire wall using the modern picture frames to cover a doorway, with a few missing towards to bottom to be a doorway to a secret room, covered up with some techy items. It works beautifully.



Large Banners works best.




Here's a few images from a base I built right after Issue 13 and change to stacking/overlaping items, which shows a few ways I've covered doors.

(Notes: Images were from very early in the base design, as you can probably tell by there only beign 1 room mostly done. And the room lighting would normally be a much darker blue, but had to be lightened to show detail in screenshots.)

Where the actual building structure contacts the doorways I just built a wall to conceal the opening, and included smaller "doors" within that wall.

On the other side I actually constructed a rocky slope (mountain) to cover the entire doorway, leaving a "tunnel" which allowed access to the rooms beyond it.

I've used a lot of things to cover doorways in various designs, sometimes it's only a few items, sometimes, well.... it ends up looking like the screenies above.

I have a tendancy to build structures within the actual rooms of the base, and include a "simulated outdoor area" so often I end up employing a wall of some sort over the doorways, so that there's not just a big gap for no reason.



Those bldgs set inside the "outdoor" area look great pirate. Thanks for sharing the pics.



What is a Firebox? How can I get it.



I just stuck mine in a wall. Sure, you have to use /stuck to get in but it's a small price to pay to get rid of the ugly.



Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post
I just stuck mine in a wall. Sure, you have to use /stuck to get in but it's a small price to pay to get rid of the ugly.

Wait.... were we talking about the Entry Portal?

Cause I assumed Doorway = hallway like room connecting two other rooms of a base together.

I tend not to bother hiding the Entry Portal, though if you're using a tech theme for your base you can overlap it with the Voltaic Station or the tech column thingy (not the pillar, but the one in the Tech items tab), that way it's more of a visual effect for the item than trying to be something on it's own.

I did that for a space station base i built for my VG and never had any issues getting stuck in the decorative items (once I got it positioned properly, I did get stuck testing it once.)



Originally Posted by MLEdelen View Post
What is a Firebox? How can I get it.
You know the metal box inside a real life fireplace where you put the fire?


It's not a base item. I just made one by stacking desks.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Here's my little door.

Not quite done with the whole room yet, but that bit is.

The world is crazy. I offer this as proof; found on a butane lighter: Warning: Flame may cause fire.

You can sleep when you die.



I've just recently started adding "secret" areas to my base. I have 2 now, and am looking for other areas where I can add them. The real fun is when you give a tour and people miss them.

Edit: As of this post, I go from "Legend" to "Renowned". Yeah, baby.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Forbin_Project is the master of secret rooms.

I literally got motion sick (very rare!) looking into all the nooks & crannies of his base.

Thanks Kat.

I'll get started on some pics of my hidden doors and post them, but I've got to admit most of my secret doors conceal entrances going up or down. I use tricks like fireplaces, plants, showers, etc to distract the observers eyes from doorway.



Ok. Here we go. This first pic is the entrance room of one of my bases.

Here I used Plants and Stone blocks to craft the illusion of a garden along the wall and in the corner the leaves cover the entrance into the lower level.


This is the traditional "fireplace" entrance where you step inside and drop to the next level down.


Another fireplace going in the opposite direction.


Here is an example of using base lighting to conceal a secret room built right above the base entrance teleport.


This door is another example of using lighting and to conceal a hidden entrance.


In this pic the door is concealed behind the entertainment center where the plant leaves hide the drop down entrance.


In this pic two entrances are hidden. One going up using base lighting and the other is behind the glowing doohickey (heh I can't think of it's name).


Here I'm using the tree and lighting to hide the door in the corner of the ceiling.


Lastly this is another example of optical illusion. Here I built the door with the wall on the right side of the stairs being farther back than the left side. The gap is the door behind the stairs.

I hope this gives people ideas.



Wow Forbin Project, wonder if i can pull off a hidden thing or two when i do a face lift to the hero base.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



When I make a raised floor/dropped ceiling to conceal a room I go to great lengths to make sure they blend in with the level of the base doorways. The thing that makes hidden doors next to impossible to hide tho is the fact that we have nothing that blends in with the wall/ceiling/floor patterns.

As soon as you see a floor or ceiling that isn't one of the standard textures you know there's a hidden level in that room, and it's just a matter of time before you find the entrance.

This is why I desperately wish the devs would take some time and reskin the white floor tile next to the safe in the base architect. Give it a top and bottom that matches the floor and ceilings. It would also be great if they'd give us some smaller floor tiles with similar skins so we can make floors easier than using hundreds of desks/stone blocks/tables etc.

Oh and for the record, I am no where near the top of talented base builders in this game. I'm the moss under the pedastal those guys stand on.