BBI Base Spotlight




There are many threads where you can see pics of someone's proud achievements, and there are always call outs in the BBI channel for people wanting to give a tour, not to mention fellow builders with tons of input/suggestions/ideas. This thread will be for all of the above.

Each week, I will endeavor to make a post spotlighting one base in particular with a list of things I like about the base as well as some screenshots. I'm really only doing this because I miss the base spotlight section from the Paragon Times. In my opinion, it really was the only section worth reading (like the funny pages of your local newspaper).



First off, we have the Liberty server Villain group "The Drow" owned and designed by @sblamphere

This man was really proud of his vehicle designs, as well he should be. He has several "big rigs" and "urban assualt tanks" around, as well as "gooney bird" planes and what appear to be helicarriers. The big rigs use torches to make it look like flames coming out of the exhaust ports. He also had several "spider machines" which i think looked more like AT-TE's

the thing i really liked about this base though was the empowerment station setup. For some folks with all the crafting badges and WW badges, salvage is pretty pointless. Just about everything you have in inventory shows up as 5000 for sale and 0 bidding (at least for me) so I just use all my salvage crafting empowerment buffs and vendor trash the rest. The empowerment station is a rarely used, highly valued commodity in my opinion. I think the markets might even level out a bit if more people used the buff stations instead of placing thier stuff at WW. At least then, maybe someone's common salvage would sell for more than 10 inf



Next up, we've got L.A.W.L.E.S.S. which is a villain group on Liberty server owned and designed by @Niaflyte

The thing I liked about this base was the symmetry in certain rooms like the entrance and the medbay. In so many bases you see, stuff is just thrown wherever it will fit with no care for how it looks at certain angles. When looking at some of these rooms head-on, it's almost as if there is a mirror down the middle and I really appreciate a base that shows that level of design. The other great thing about this base is the lighting. It's a dark, brooding motif that uses indivual room lighting to accentuate the design. The entrance really sets the mood for this base as a whole because it's dark and lush, almost as if you were going to take a walk at midnight in the spooky woods. You half expect a fog to come rolling in as you zone into the base. The base overall is a delicate mixture of arcane and tech. Another nice highlight is the personal vault. The vault in this base is simplistic yet clever. Niaflyte filled in one square on the plot and then placed the vault door on it so it looks like the vault is built into the wall and adds depth to the room. The vault isn't just slapped onto a wall, it's carved out of the room.



This is the villain group Glass Dragon, also on Liberty server. The designer/owner is @Cale Westmarch

If you're going to see the base, make sure to leave a trail of breadcrumbs. The whole concept of the base is "density," which means it's not a very large plot but there are rooms within rooms within rooms within rooms within rooms. I give props to anyone with that much patience for stacking. It's hard to capture the scope of this project with just screenshots, so it's really something you need to see in person to appreciate. The other great thing in this base is the attention to detail. The designer RPs as an arsonist, so there are fire hoses and extinguishers all over the place. Proper safety is important considering he also has a forest on site.



I approve! ^_^

Excellent Presentation and excellent Bases for the spot light.

I haven't been in the editor for quite some time and sadly my base isn't what it used to be in complexity compared to the Bases that are being built now.

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Wow i wish i was good as the ones showed here. I'm the base builder of a 2Man SG/VG and he loves what i do to the base's, our VG is almost done getting its face lift, i had been putting it off a few... months >.>

I kinda want to show off my work but i dont think a lot of people would like it but i like it and my SG/VG mate likes it so im happy.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Originally Posted by Nogard_T View Post
Wow i wish i was good as the ones showed here. I'm the base builder of a 2Man SG/VG and he loves what i do to the base's, our VG is almost done getting its face lift, i had been putting it off a few... months >.>

I kinda want to show off my work but i dont think a lot of people would like it but i like it and my SG/VG mate likes it so im happy.

Same here! I just scrapped my tiny SG for a facelift after a year of 4 of us pecking away at prestige. Not anywhere near as good as some of these guys, but still very proud of the work I am doing. It is great to get out, tour some of these base's as it helps sparks idea's for my own.



don't be shy. no base is too big and no base is too small. everyone spends hours upon hours tweaking and making things look just right. I'd be happy to take a peek and spotlight anyone's base, even solo or duo SGs/VGs. In fact, all 3 bases pictured above are fairly small in size and roster.

If you want yours showcased, just send a tell to @Carlos Spicy Weiner in-game or PM me on the forums. Please be sure to include the designer's global name, the server, and whether it's a hero or villain base. Please keep in mind though that to limit the amount of forum space used, I'm only going to post 4 screenshots of each base I tour. Tell me what you like most about your base and I'll do my best to make sure your voice and enthusiasm is represented in the post.



Originally Posted by Nogard_T View Post
Wow i wish i was good as the ones showed here. I'm the base builder of a 2Man SG/VG and he loves what i do to the base's, our VG is almost done getting its face lift, i had been putting it off a few... months >.>

I kinda want to show off my work but i dont think a lot of people would like it but i like it and my SG/VG mate likes it so im happy.
Well show us anyways. I'm sure many of us would lve what you have done. This goes for the person who posted below you as well.

Enjoy your day please.



This is a great idea, I so miss the base spotlight.



I am willing to show off my vill base but I need to put back some things that I had to take down to redo the layout. Anyone want to give me a date to be finished by...I think I do good with deadlines?



April 26-27 would be a good day to be finished by. Issue 17 releases April 28th and I'll be pretty busy running the Posi TF and the new story arcs, as well as badge hunting.



mixed feelings about upcoming issue and expansion, but I'm glad to see this spotlight back. let me know if you need help or any general assistance with it.

HEROS: NiaFlyte-Emp/Psy Defender*Mass Transfer-Fire/Kin Controller*Snowflare-Fire/Fire Blaster*Synoa-PeaceBringer*NyghtSide-Dark/Dark Defender
VILLAINS: NyghtFlyte-Necro/Dark MasterMind*Karmagedon-Widow (Fortunata)



First off, I'd like to apologize to the first 3 bases that were spotlighted. I updated my photobucket albums and the pictures were lost. However, I will work to get those pictures back and update this page again.

Secondly, of all the designers that have requested to have their bases spotlighted, none are ready to have it done yet as they want to tweak out a few more things beforehand. With that in mind, I present to you some more of Liberty's bases. I'm not being biased because Liberty is my home server, it's just that only Liberty designers have contacted me with bases they feel are ready to showcase.

And so without further ado, I present to you a Liberty Hero base called Playmates of Paragon, designed by @untouchable

Most of us have a base within the city, but these folks have a city within their base! They are a roleplaying SG full of playboy bunnies so naturally they have a stripclub and tanning salon (not featured). But don't be fooled because these bunnies are tough on crime, as evidenced by the prison with an electric chair (also not featured). I instead spent most of my time in this base marvelling at the miniature buildings they created.

oh, and a basketball court, because bunnies gotta stay in shape



I recently had the distinct pleasure of visiting A.W.O.L. which stands for Agents Watching Over Liberty. The designer is @ssimpson and this is another hero base on Liberty server.

The single greatest thing about this base is the excellent architecture. Many designers use a bunch of random objects to create the illusion of form and function, but there's no illusion to this base. Each of the structures is clean cut and form fitting. When asked what he loved about this base, one of the members stated that it's functional for both RPers who come for the sights and non-RPers who just hit the base for storage or travel. The use of rounded corner desks at the edges of some of the buildings really makes a smooth aesthetic. And the base makes good use of pillars for structural support. Everything in this base fits so well together that the interior of the structures has a natural flow when running around inside.



This week's spotlight is on the Virtue villain group named Hedonistic Diversions, built by @Body of Straw

The designer stated that the theme for this base is "a Mansion on an Island," and a mansion it certainly is! The plot for the base itself is only 3 rooms (including the entrance), and 99% of the design for the base went into 1 room. This is a roleplaying group and the base serves only RP purposes, which means there are no teleporters or medbays or storage. And without any of the functional items of a base, there is no need for energy or control generators. Now that's what I call hardcore RP.

From overhead, the base has a very "dollhouse" look and when I asked @Body of Straw about that, he said "I had a friend ask me to build her a house...and I built a 3D one for her as I have schooling in architectural another friend saw it and asked me to build him a mansion the same way. I designed it with no ceiling and a gap between levels for better camera angles for scenes and RP."

The single greatest thing about this base is the attention to detail. There is a window overlooking a beach, a bar (several actually) with taps, and the hallways between rooms show a nice overlay of the dark and light bookcases to make a very excellent "chinese paper wall" look.



Hmmm I'm seeing no pictures

Enjoy your day please.



Okay, I cannot for the life of me figure out how that light-wood-with-dark-squares thing was done in the last picture. Anyone willing to share the secret?

The Sixth Column

"Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue."
Izaak Walton



I got to see that base up close last week...a very nice job.



Originally Posted by Leiter View Post
Okay, I cannot for the life of me figure out how that light-wood-with-dark-squares thing was done in the last picture. Anyone willing to share the secret?
I think they overlapped the light wood bookcase inside the dark wood book case (then need to face each other when you overlap them)

And to the base builder, bravo, it is refeshing to see a base so unique and rp oriented. bravo!



Hmmm I'm seeing no pictures
Banshee, I apologize. I updated my photobucket albums and lost the pics of the first three spotlights. I am still working on getting those pics back and will update the posts when I can. However, the last 3 spotlights should have the pictures as I embedded them using the IMG code so they are not links to the album itself. If you do not see the pictures for the last 3 spotlights, it might be a technical issue out of my control.



Those walls are easy, stack two dark bookshelves on one side, and put a tall light bookshelf in the same space facing the other way. Thanks for the good comments. However the mansion is on an island, not in the sky. :-)



Originally Posted by EvulOne View Post
However the mansion is on an island, not in the sky. :-)