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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
    In the old (pre-ED) days, it was pretty easy for some toons to slot enough
    range that they could attack mobs from outside their detection range.
    Back in the day my energy/dev blaster was 6 slotted with dam/range HOs. I forget all the enemies that could do it, but there were a fair number of them in the higher levels that could out-range me. Fake Nemesis' for one could actually return fire from outside draw distance.
  2. Honestly I've never quite been able to figure that out myself. I was pretty happy when I saw it on the first blaster ATO set at least, but it really should pop up more than it does.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chazzmatazz View Post
    Quick comment. Elementary=House as police procedural.
    Considering House=Sherlock Holmes as a modern day medical drama that makes sense.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Know who else was in Ice Pirates?

    Ron Perlman.
    Yup. For some reason though I don't get quite the same level of mental whiplash when I see him in a cheesy movie as I do Anjelica Huston. I think I'll blame Season of the Witch for that.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    It has snow. Therefore, the deaths would be caused by Yetis. You just KNOW it would end up like that.
    Well it could alternately be snowbound Nazi zombies, but it's the wrong part of the world for that.
  6. Liam Neeson in Krull always throws me. I love the movie and all, but it's just odd. Also Anjelica Huston in the terribly corny and debatably bad sci-fi film Ice Pirates.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mattwo7 View Post
    So who was it that put the poster there though?
    My guess was that they were submissions for that movie poster contest they had a while back and that one made a decent 'kids movie' poster.

    Also Wildstar is being made by another company that's also under NCsoft; Paragon Studios is working on a second game at the moment that's apparently separate from that.
  8. Even though it was a couple years ago, I'm still somewhat surprised I got the name Pyric over on Freedom.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dusk_LoneEagle View Post
    But, for me as a VIP it only serves annoy me since now powersets and costumes
    are not QL improvements as they have been in the past.
    The Paragon Market has reduced my choices instead of increasing them.
    I find myself confused by this bit here.

    In issues 21-23 they've given several costumes and power sets free to VIPs. Sure they've sold plenty too but we've had access to time manipulation and the dark sets and then the IDF, defense, olympian guard, chain mail and the leather armor all free. Granted that's not an overwhelming amount of stuff, but it's also pretty on-par with what I recall us getting in the past.

    I will admit to being slightly disappointed that Darkness Affinity and Dark Assault are pay sets for non-VIPs though as opposed to freely proliferated.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post

    Yes, yes he does. He has powers with the same name as the 'Shade counterparts, even the same icons and same color of purple. I don't understand why they are different.
    Yea, basically he cheats like a lot of special NPCs do he gets to be BS/WS. Like how Frostfire gets two control sets and the Dream Doctor gets to be ill/staff.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miakis View Post
    Technomagical Set (Think Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha kinda stuff here)
    That strikes me as much more 'Japanese Schoolgirl' than technomage. When I hear technomate I think this, this or even this(that's more mage than anything else though). Not that I'm against those costume pieces at all they just don't seem terribly techno or mage (aside from the staff in the second picture).
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Taceus Jiwde View Post
    I do plan on getting Assualt as well as placing Ragnorak in posi's blast[/COLOR]
    I'd actually suggest putting the blaster ATO in in Explosive Blast instead of Ragnarok or Posi's Blast. There's a decent amount of overlap in the set bonuses it provides and it also gives ranged def and a range boost. That plus putting thunderstrikes in your single target blasts should get you to just shy of 45% ranged defense.

    I admit curiosity as to what AVs you've soloed though. The last time I tried on my energy/dev it didn't go terribly well. Of course that was ages ago ... back before IOs actually and I've never really thought to try since.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    I believe it's 30-35.

    But there are also Incarnate missions there.
    The zone itself is, but I think the story arc in the zone goes to 39 at the moment.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    John Carter wasn't that bad actually. A bit more editing in a few places, better marketing and some people being a bit more educated on the character's literary history before seeing the movie would have helped.
    You know it's kind of sad that I think it's the last part that would have been the least likely to happen. I work in a bookstore and I can't tell you the number of times I've heard people say they're not going to buy a book specifically because it's either going to be released as a movie soon or already is a movie.

    Personally I'll admit to having started to watch the movie before reading the book, but that's pretty much so I don't have to spend the entire movie noticing all the little things it did wrong or important bits (in my eyes) that it left out. The fact that some people see watching the movie as a replacement for reading the book though just makes me sad.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    Don't believe people when they say they hate cheesy puns, because they don't.
    As someone who frequently claims to hate cheesy puns I'll gladly second this comment.

    They're kind of like really fantastically bad movies; the worse they get the more entertaining it is.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadey_NA View Post
    Wait, you can actually toe bomb with it and get out in secrecy? Smoke grenade/Cloaking Device/SS +stealth?
    You certainly can. As much as I'm not a fan of time bomb it's much better used this way than as a damage buff. I mean if you just want a good damage buff for a range-oriented character you'd be better off with energy manipulation. It has a better damage buff in build up and then boost range on top of it. Granted that's dependent on concept I suppose.

    Still, if you're soloing and you have the patience to use time bomb it can do a lot of damage. Or, I suppose you could use it in a group if they're either willing to wait or if you're willing to skip ahead of the group to use the thing.
  17. Oliin

    The Wings

    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    I've heard conflicting stories. Some say they'll be cycled back in, others say they may eventually end up cycled into the general market.
    Originally the devs were saying that the T9 VIP stuff would be cycled back into the T9 VIP slot, but more recently they've been saying they'd be made available through 'other means'. So basically the devs may have changed their minds, and I'm really ok with that as it's (hopefully) a change for the better.

    As a T9 VIP player I'd much rather the costume sets be something I get access to for free in advance of other players than have the stuff be seen as some sort of status symbol or as something awesome and yet hopelessly out of reach.
  18. Oliin

    The Wings

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The poll they sent out via GMOTD actually had this as a question. I forget the exact wording, but I voted that I want to see VIP exclusive items exist, but that these become available to everybody after a certain period of time. I don't know if that also includes T9 VIP stuff since that's to VIP players what VIP stuff is to Freemium players, but I hope it does. I do genuinely want to see T9 VIP stuff become widely available to everyone after a certain time.
    To be honest, I've always thought this was how the T9 costumes should work. T9 VIPs get access to them without having to pay anything extra and ahead of everyone else, then when they're cycled out after however many months everyone else gets a chance to buy them.

    That said, I'm not sure that's what the question on the poll was asking. I read it as asking if they should start adding things onto the paragon market that were only purchasable to VIPs. Personally I'm ok with that only so long as the VIPs are just getting a chance to purchase the items before the premium players.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    Past the early levels, the vast majority of builds have gapless or nearly-gapless attack chains. At that point, more recharge doesn't mean using proportionally more attacks, it just means that your best attacks are a larger fraction of the attacks that you do make. So, roughly the same number of power activations, but lower proc chance = less procs. This is most extremely clear when you consider someone using a specific pre-calculated attack chain - say, Incinerate-Scorch-Cremate-Scorch in Fiery Melee - hitting them with Speed Boost will not change which nor how many attacks they use at all, but their procs will be less likely to go off.
    Oh yea true, I wasn't thinking of that. I'm not really sure what I was thinking exactly aside from how I tend to 'upgrade' to better attack chains on most of my characters as I get more recharge buffs.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Black Widow looks slightly concerned at just what kind of team she's ended up in
    I dunno, judging by her eyes she seems somewhat distracted by either Iron Man or Cap.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    There is a difference between "isn't good" as in, increasing your statistic of Recharge doesn't benefit you anymore, and "isn't good" as in, increasing your statistic of recharge actively hurts your performance.

    Being buffed by another player should NEVER be detrimental to you.
    I know RNGs can be a little streaky, but I don't know that a recharge buff will actively hurt your overall damage under the proposed system.

    That is, of course, assuming the procs fire off with any reliability over a period of time. If they do then when you're buffed you'd get more attacks over X amount of time but generally the same number of procs firing off. Any individual attack in that chain might do less damage than without the recharge buff, but you'd still attacking more for more total damage.

    Of course it's certainly a nerf over the current system where recharge plays no factor, but I don't think that a recharge buff after this gets implemented will somehow lower a character's overall damage output.

    I am slightly annoyed by the 90% thing since I have a couple characters (generally controllers/dominators) that have procs in powers with rather long recharges. If a proc is listed as 4PPM and it's in a power with a 30 second recharge it should really activate when I use the power.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    I'm just not seeing the connection with 'This new power pool has a mez protection power in it' and 'Oh, you guys just want Blasters to be tankmages, Lol whatev'.
    Because (apparently) mez protection == tankmage.

    Personally I don't really know if I want always-on mez protection on squishies, or at least not beyond a couple points of it. I'd much prefer a breakfree sort of power if they gave anyone one.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
    OK so people want blasters to be tankmages I get it. Not going to happen...but I get it now.
    To be fair, I think some people might argue that blasters are currently one of the few ATs CoH has that currently doesn't easily fall into the tankmage category. Unfortunately I'm only half-joking when I say that.
  24. Well, if you define 'favorite' as 'most played' then it's my energy/dev blaster ... so not terribly uber. Of course coming in a close second is a warshade so I guess she makes up for it.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    I like how Blasters just gives up one of their ATO procs to fix something inherently wrong with the class. While scrappers and stalkers get yet another damage buff.
    Well they are technically still in development so I hold out hope that won't be the proc. Of course it probably will be the thing, but I can hope right.

    If it does actually go in like that I really hope people will get upset about it instead of 'squeeing' happily at finally getting some form of mez protection on their blaster. Of course that likely won't happen either, but what can you do.