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  1. Sorry I hate time differences. When I am able to free up my old time again on sundays I'll pick that part up again. But really its just me that you wont be seeing on sundays. I am but one voice at the shipraid and you folks are the army. Thanks again to ukase.
  2. If that becomes too troublesome for you, speak with velkoth. I haven't been able to catch him ingame to inform him of my situation but he also has been known to lead these when I'm not around.

    Again you have my thanks.
  3. More recent updates posted in BOLD

    update 5/25/2012
    MSRS by @noyjitat fridays at 9:30pm est. When fridays are not possible I may move it to saturday when possible. Quit some of the inactive global channels you are likely in and ./chan_join vanguard operations I'll keep raid times posted there and I usually remember to keep it updated more often than this thread. As always if you show up more than 5 mins late you will not be invited. I do this not because I'm a meenie... But because we want you to be there on time with everyone else. To help with the pylons, not just to show up and get vg merits, bombs and boss badge kills. But to help with all of the first 3 parts of the raid. Pylons, bombs and giant monster

    update 5/3/2012
    I will be attempting to lead msrs once again on Fridays now at 9:30 pm est, forming at 9. When it is not possible for me to be there I will attempt a saturday night raid at 9:30 pm est as well.

    For raids hosted by me and me only (others are free to do as they please) I will be requiring all those interested in raiding to show up on time or very close to the start time of the raid. It's quite simple really. If you want to raid you show up on time or don't show up at all. Anyone and everyone should be there to help with the pylons. It's not fair to everyone else that is on time for you to just show up during middle of the raid just for the xp, and vg merits and badges.

    So please if you are interested in raiding, show up on time and not excessively tardy. I will not be inviting people that show up when nearly half of the pylons are down.

    I don't want to waste peoples time, but raid start times may be delayed a few mins if we are lacking a minimum of 24 players. I intend to run quick, fun and enjoyable raids. While you can easily do shipraids with the minimum of 3 players to spawn the gm and kill him. It tends to go much faster with 3 teams of 8 so you have a good balance of buffs, heals, debuffs and dps. And lets face it, most of the time each team has some lowbies and the occasional incarnate. If the 24 players don't show up after the start time has been extended then we'll delay the raid until a later time that night or the next day when possible.

    Come ready to have fun, benefit from the rewards and maybe even make some friends in the process.

    Update 3/12/2012
    As of now we no longer have a leader on fridays/sundays. I MAY be able to start leading again on sundays I am planning to do so this sunday at 9:30pm est. As of now Friday and Sunday raids are canceled. I didn't miss a single friday or sunday for over a year but lately @ukase has been leading them due to my schedule changes with work and other games. (I am also raiding in swtor) Thank you again man. For now I plan to try and lead on sunday but that may change and may not happen at all. But you should see me on saturday.

    Hello folks,

    Many of you have probably joined me on several mothership raids over the past year or so and I wanted to just simply start a clean thread for the msrs that I host. My schedule has been moving around alot so over the past few months I've had to change starting and formation times. So I will post upcoming raid times and raid dates hosted by me. LB/LFA mods feel free to point people to the vanguard operations channel in your MoTD; Rather than constantly change your dates and times there for it. It will also keep your motd smaller.

    As I explained to a few of you already, I will no longer be recruiting for msrs in lb and lfa. People have sent me complaints about msr recruitment ruining trials and other events so my recruitment spam will be in rikti warzone broadcast channel and the vanguard operations channel. /chan_join vanguard operations. Spread that channel around to all, its public and currently does not silence on join. Keep all non rikti/vanguard/msr recruitment out of the channel but feel free to discuss anything. The 3 rwz taskforces are appropriate.

    New saturday night msrs led by me at 9:30pm est with a formation time at 9:00pm est.

    @ukase will now be leading shipraids on fridays and sunday at 9:00pm for as long as he wishes to do so. I will not be available to lead raids fridays and sundays for quite sometime. Im trying to raid in 2 different games including city of heroes and work at the same time; it is becoming a bit stressful and difficult to say the least.

    I'll return to fridays and or sundays at a later time I expect.

    Thanks for reading.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I'm going to say something which some of you may find unpopular, but there are times where it is my responsibility to stand up and be an advocate for our team. I apologize if my words cause you to be upset, but it is the right thing to say.

    So what about all that feedback that was given back when castle made pvp the worst that it's ever been? Or the global defense nerf, enhancements and powerset nerfs. Reward nerfs from both dev and player created content.

    If the dev team spent more time creating content and less time nerfing and dictating the way people played the game they loved you'd be making way more money than the paragon market is ever going to make for you.

    My hat goes off to you Z, I honestly like you as a person and community leader. And as I've said I believe the developers as people are really quite nice people. But the design decisions that have been made for the last few years were not good for the game. You are slowly turning that around with incarnate trials and such. But its going to take to heal this wound, if it is at all even healable.

    You might consider going back and fixing everything that has been broken over the years from those past mistakes of ignoring feedback instead of just pushing that content to the side. Been awhile since we had a systems upgrade or clean up issue like power spectrum. (which btw never was finished *looks at ancil/patron powers and sighs*)

    Do a few mini issues in between 22 and 23 to fix things like pvp and bases. And slowly fix one thing at a time in mini issues. Perfect way to continue adding new things to the game and also correct past mistakes.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Do you honestly think they could give a rat's behind about feedback these days?

    I'm getting the impression that they are happier getting complaints about their content these days than getting compliments about it.
    They only care when its convenient and a easy fix. When it goes against their design goals they could care less and we just have to either deal with it, or unsub and leave. The power of the nerf bat has been strong for many issues both in the patch notes and undocumented nerfs, (ofcourse all dev teams do that.)

    I laughed recently when one of the devs was saying "we look forward to your positive feedback" at some convention. I think it was for pax. Yeah we want feedback but nothing negative... That positive feedback from the fanboys is so much louder and more pleasing to listen to and or read that the only time they ever listen to negative feedback is when the fanboys are also complaining such as the changes they were about to make to the baf and lambda e-merits.

    It really does suck though because they seem like really nice people. Especially the community team. But this games true potential is being held back by the current people in charge.

    I think this current powers guy has his head on straight with some of the upcoming buffs, but hes going to need to look at every powerset and address the mess that's been made over the years from powerset nerfs and npc buffs before patting on the back happens from me.
  6. Too bad the game doesn't have character and npc voice overs. Man it would of been sweet in this signature story arc.
  7. You have my official seal of approval and my support.
  8. Those cape mantles like statesman, reichsman, etc are something I still want to this day. Give them to us now that hes DYING!

    Updated textures for skin pieces such as briefs so it doesn't look like spray on.

    Masks that eyebrows dont show thru as mentioned above. Options for no eyes. (the bright white eyes often seen in cartoons such as batman)

    Briefs that don't attach to the hips so we can make those one piece tops like what carnies wear. All these corsets and you still can't freakin do it.

    An insignia belt with multiple buckle options (circle, square and triangle up, triangle down, leather, cloth and metal) that can be worn with all costume options with a interchangeable insignia on it so we can use all the current ingame insignias in chest detail, cape detail and tights detail.
  9. Sundays are becoming harder for me to get ingame to lead these. I'll still always try to make friday nights shipraid my top priority thing to do. But more than likely I will not be able to lead tonights shipraid. If I show up its going to be late and likely while someone else is leading it. I'm going to jump ingame now and inform everyone that I probably won't be leading tonight.

    Perhaps valor or ukase will want to lead in my place?
  10. I did not announce this on friday nights shipraid but I likely won't be hosting tonights shipraid. If I show up it will likely be during or after pylons as Im presently busy with other things. Ukase / Velkoth have often times volunteered to lead these. Please seek them out in the event that I am absent tonight. The shipraid start times by me are 9:30pm est with a 9:00pm est form up time.

    I'll see you again in the future.
  11. Its that good ole build testing that they don't do. Been seeing it since freedom launched. Sure they put the patch on test but then they add/remove things from it, just small minor tweaks and don't test that and that's why we keep getting all of these annoying bugs on live.

    This is by far more annoying than the base turrets bug.
  12. With next Sunday being Christmas I'll probably be canceling the shipraid. I'm not 100% sure if I can lead one this Friday or not as well but we'll see.

    Merry Christmas to those of you that I don't see ingame before Sunday.

    On another note. I'll be forming shipraids at 9:00pm est on Fridays/Sundays for now. We'll still be starting the actual raid and pylon killing at 9:30 but we'll be forming 15 mins later now. (up form the current 8:45 formation time)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
    ... aww why did you go and ruin this so early.
    the "salute to statesman" wasn't a big enough hit already?

    Originally Posted by Chrome_Family View Post

    Does this mean that Recluse finally wins??
    I would think even recluse would be sad although he wouldn't admit it. What really makes a hero is his villain and what really makes a villain is his hero. Neither of them are as important if one of them dies.
  14. Its a great idea and it does not hurt requesting it again despite what some posts here say. And it can be done with the current doppleganger technology. All they need is a summon power for it and a way for you to pick what characters you want in it. Could be a future nemesis system like champs has or in this case npc sidekick.

    They could go as far as to make it a permanent long recharge time power and perhaps when you reach max level make it a like a controller or mastermind pet that recharges quickly but while you use it, your damage is reduced slightly and split amongst you and your pet. Whatever balancing factors it would still be cool to have. It would only be available to solo players and the power/s would be greyed out while on teams.
  15. I dunno... the "Salute to statesman" sounds like a pretty big hint to me.
  16. Needs to be a new free vip powerset every month too.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Feedback threads are useful.

    We'll make changes where we are able to, such as the case with the COT revamp. In the event we don't act on it, we still store feedback in the collective data banks for future reference. Just because we don't make an immediate change to something doesn't mean we aren't listening (P.S. We are ), it just means that we didn't immediately act on it, for whatever reason.

    Sometimes things take awhile to change one way or the other. Sometimes they don't change at all. Sometimes they change immediately. It's a part of the creative process when working on live product. We are listening and taking your thoughts into account. Sometimes we just have different viewpoint, and sometimes those viewpoints change .
    No disrespect intended towards you zwill. But the only viewpoints that matter are the players. They are the ones paying or that won't be paying for things. Its time that feedback stops going to collective data banks and is actually acted upon. Not months later either, it needs to be acted upon immediately. You don't have room to keep making mistakes with ToR and other mmos coming up.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Synapse View Post
    For me, ideally I feel that Stalkers should be the single target burst damage kings. Some sets do this better than others and some sets offer some AoE. Your mileage may vary depending on which sets you pair together. However, I'd really like to see Stalkers being able to outperform Scrappers and Brutes in bursts, especially with single target damage. Their trade off as always is survivability.
    I hope you're considering the broken pvp system you have right now with making stalkers extra overpowered in it. You might consider giving other ats love in that department if you're buffing them as well.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    It got pushed live because they wanted to have something to counter the launch of Skyrim.
    They launched Issue 12 about a week or two too early to give us Cimerora to counter Age of Conan as well.

    Our Devs have a bit of a history of pushing out patches as "responses" to other games for a while now.
    Yes and an even bigger history of pushing out content terribly broken because of it. Id rather wait on additional content to be bug free then see it rushed out broken like this. That is the whole point of the beta and test server after all.
  20. You know it would be smarter to simply roll back the existing patch instead of rushing out broken bugged content.
  21. Not quitting the game. Just reducing my time in it until things pick up again. I'm by no means ready to quit.
  22. I'll be cutting down my coh time for a bit for a few reasons.

    At first, I thought I was getting burned out... But in reality most of the things that kept me playing are gone now.

    I had a good group of buddies to play with over time on liberty and slowly they all left for other games and then I met some other people and really started to have fun again but alas they are also gone now as well. Either to other games or they have moved to exalted (good job devs, good job)

    I'm not gonna list all the reasons that led up to me making this decision. But I knew it was coming before freedom and the changes that came with freedom certainly didn't help matters.

    You'll still catch me hosting shipraids as often as I humanly can and I'm sure you'll see me on some of those new incarnate trials coming up.

    For now I'm reducing my time in coh and refocusing it elsewhere until this problem corrects itself.

    Some of you know my xfire or the vent/teamspeak servers I hang out on. Give me a shout.