A New Powerset Every Month!




If you had told me a year ago that we would be getting a new powerset every month, I would have laughed at you. Given our past history of new sets, that would have simply seemed absurd.

But here we are, and the Freedom feels fine!

Sept: Time Manipulation
Oct: Beam Rifle
Nov: Street Justice
Dec: Titan Weapons
Jan: Staff Fighting
Feb: Darkness Control
Mar+: ???

Thank you devs, you're doing a great job!

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
If you had told me a year ago that we would be getting a new powerset every month, I would have laughed at you. Given our past history of new sets, that would have simply seemed absurd.

But here we are, and the Freedom feels fine!

Sept: Time Manipulation
Oct: Beam Rifle
Nov: Street Justice
Dec: Titan Weapons
Jan: Staff Fighting
Feb: Darkness Control
Mar+: ???

Thank you devs, you're doing a great job!
When did they say Staff Fighting in Jan?

Last I heard was "New power set every new issue"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Staff Fighting and Darkness Control are both in I22... and I think I22 is closer to March than February.

Still, I got more than enough to keep me busy at this pace!



Wow. Looking at the list, I just realized that the breakdown goes:

1 Support powerset (Time)
1 Ranged powerset (Beam)
1 Control powerset (Darkness)
3 Melee powersets (Street, Titan, Staff)

A little lopsided, hopefully it will balance out over time.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
Wow. Looking at the list, I just realized that the breakdown goes:

1 Support powerset (Time)
1 Ranged powerset (Beam)
1 Control powerset (Darkness)
3 Melee powersets (Street, Titan, Staff)

A little lopsided, hopefully it will balance out over time.
Just a reminder that when they create a melee set; that set can be used for 4 (usually 4) ATs; whereas if they make a control set; it can only be used for 2 ATs (at most).

I, unfortunately, agree with Everything_Xen; I don't think Staff Fighting and/or Dark Control/Affinity are coming in Jan./Feb....probably Feb./March'ish.

But I still have my StJ/Regen brute at lvl 47 and my Time/BR Def. at lvl 30 so I'm good for now

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Last I heard was "New power set every new issue"
New free-for-VIPs power set every issue. Pay-for powers sets released between issues.

Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
Wow. Looking at the list, I just realized that the breakdown goes:

1 Support powerset (Time)
1 Ranged powerset (Beam)
1 Control powerset (Darkness)
3 Melee powersets (Street, Titan, Staff)

A little lopsided, hopefully it will balance out over time.
And before them:

1 Summoning powerset (Demon)
1 Ranged (Dual Pistols)
1 Control (Electric)
1 Melee (Kinetic)

And don't forget they had to add two powers to Dark Miasma to make it work with Darkness Control and will be cobbling together a Dark Assault Set for Dominators, so, let's call that one more non-Melee set.

That makes 4 out of 11 sets melee.

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Staff Fighting is actually coming out after I22, much like Street Justice did with I21. Only Dark Control will be coming with I22, and that won't be 'til Spring. So I don't think we'll be seeing any new powersets for a few months. Which is cool. Focus that time on other sorts of big content.



What's all this Spring stuff? Did the issue release paradigm change when I wasn't looking?

I22 should be 4 months after I21, and that would be January. Even considering the delay from 21.5, we should be looking at the next issue in February at the latest.

If I'd change my predictions any, I would maybe swap Darkness Control with Staff Melee to put I22 in its properly scheduled place.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
What's all this Spring stuff? Did the issue release paradigm change when I wasn't looking?

I22 should be 4 months after I21, and that would be January. Even considering the delay from 21.5, we should be looking at the next issue in February at the latest.

If I'd change my predictions any, I would maybe swap Darkness Control with Staff Melee to put I22 in its properly scheduled place.
Have we ever seen an issue released in Jan or Feb? I assume no as that's too close to the devs just getting back from the holidays.

I do however think we'll see a powerset released before then.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post
What's all this Spring stuff? Did the issue release paradigm change when I wasn't looking?
Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Have we ever seen an issue released in Jan or Feb? I assume no as that's too close to the devs just getting back from the holidays.
I'd say that now that we live in a "post CoH:Freedom" world it's quite likely that the standard paradigm for when to expect Issue releases has significantly changed. We've already seen in the last year or two that the Devs have started to break content releases up into "sub-issues" that don't clearly follow the original "one issue every 4 months" model anyway.

Basically I wouldn't really ever count on a long term release schedule to follow a strict yearly calendar scheme again... assuming it ever really did in the first place.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



For Staff to be Ready for January and for I22 to be ready in February would mean that both would have to be on beta Now. last patch for beta was 18 days ago so I think it's going to be late march at the earliest.

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3



Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
Wow. Looking at the list, I just realized that the breakdown goes:

1 Support powerset (Time)
1 Ranged powerset (Beam)
1 Control powerset (Darkness)
3 Melee powersets (Street, Titan, Staff)

A little lopsided, hopefully it will balance out over time.
Since Going Rogue we have gotten:

Time Manipulation: Usable by Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, and Masterminds.
Beam Rifle: Usable by Defenders, Corruptors, and Blasters.
Street Justice: Usable by Scrappers, Brutes, Tanks, and Stalkers
Titan Weapons: Usable by Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks.
Dual Pistols: Usable by Defenders, Corruptors, and Blasters.
Electric Control: Usable by Dominators and Controllers.
Demon Summoning: Usable by Masterminds.
Kinetic Melee: Usable by Scrappers, Brutes, Tanks, and Stalkers.
Darkness Manipulation: Usable by Blasters. (it's technically a new set, because no one has ever had that mix of powers before)
Dark Blast (Blaster version): Usable by Blasters. (it's different enough it's technically a new set as well)
Ice Armor (Stalker version): Usable by Stalkers. (Again, the changes to the set make it unique)

So, Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, Scrappers, Stalkers, Brutes, and Tanks have all gotten 3 new sets apiece.

Dominators, and Masterminds have all gotten 2 new sets apiece.

Blasters have technically gotten 5 new sets, if you count Dark Blast as being a new set due to the differences. They've gotten at least 4, because the Manipulation is definitely a new set.

The next one slated to be released is probably Darkness Control, Affinity, and Assault. So, Dominators and Controllers will be getting 2 more sets each. That will give Dominators 4 new sets and Controllers will have gotten 5 new sets.

Only Masterminds will have gotten less than 3 new sets by the time the new Dark sets are released, which is largely because their primaries are not shared by any other AT, so they don't get developed as quickly.

It's not really that lopsided at all if you look at how many new sets each individual AT has gotten.

Also, that makes 11 new sets in the last year. That is more than we've gotten in the previous 4 years combined.

I'm expecting them to announce a new blast set soon, and maybe a new MM primary. A Stalker-unique primary set would be nice, but I don't know if that's even in consideration.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Needs to be a new free vip powerset every month too.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Needs to be a new free vip powerset every month too.
Agreed. And we should get a new zone every week, the fact that we don't is proof that the devs hate us.



I don't think we need a new powerset every month, even though it's nice to get new staff... er stuff. Powersets need a lot of work, and I'd rather have a well-done set with great animations in the next issue than something that was stitched together just to be available earlier.

(Also, the lists you all posted show that the developers are adding powersets all across the board, so perhaps there's even hope for another defensive (armor) powerset. We could really use one or more new defensive powersets, but I believe I mentioned this
