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  1. I'm still waiting on a simple option to change the colors of my bane cape. Whats the hold up on that or the issue that kept it from being included with VEATS in the first place?
  2. I had expected the prices to drop after the nerf to AE since people would be back to doing normal farms and farming for purples. I know purples drop way more now too, since they fixed that loot bug but why are the prices not getting any lower?

    It seems that with a higher supply and more suppliers (people farming normal content instead of AE again) that the prices would take a hit by now.
  3. EMP is nice if you plan to farm praetorian clockwork or psychic clockwork as it has a nice damage bonus versus robots. I guess it may work on sieges robots too.
  4. I feel that endurance cost as a whole needs to be re-evaluated on all click powers and toggles. Some things just use way too much endurance. Or the base and maximum recovery caps needs to be increased.
  5. Acid mortar and poison trap causing some AVS to run. Noticed the clockwork king and infernal running from it.

    Irradiate causing mobs to run around like you just threw caltrops or a burn/ignite patch on them. I don't recall this power ever doing that before

    Venom Grenade and poison ray for Arachnos soldiers and banes still causing certain mobs to run around.

    If anyone has noticed any other weird issues post them here. Hopefully this will get sorted soon as its very annoying to have mobs running around like idiotic werewolves.
  6. I personally would like to see some of the current self buffs from cosmic balance inherently added to you as you level as well as a damage buff for human form. Once this is done take cosmic balance and turn it into a buff for team mates where you give your team mates buffs for standing near you. If you have blasters you give your team mates damage resistance, etc.

    Team mates would get all of the old buffs that you normally would have gotten. These are team mate buffs only and not buffs for you. Since you will be getting a moderate inherent buff from the old cosmic balance buff values.
  7. If someone is unwilling to pay 15$ a month they are very unlikely willing to play 10$ a month. That's just someone that doesn't like paying per month to play.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
    I see Newsie standing handing out papers all the time, and Mr. Activist has been doing the same thing. As it stands now, they serve no purpose. They occasionally spout something about the new issue (I've been hearing them talk about Shields and Willpower a lot) but that's pretty much it. I think they should actually DO something instead of just standing around all day.

    I propose the Newsie/Activist be actual informants. For example, I click on them, and a window will appear similar to the gmotd window. This window will have information on latest events, new issues and what-have-you. This could be a way for returning players to find out what's changed since they've been gone, and for beginning players to get a grasp on the new stuff.

    Since villains currently don't have anybody like this, maybe there should be a shady guy lurking around major city-zones simply named "Informant." Similar to the Black Market's "Looks like he knows something" character.
    Either your idea or make it a place for players to input information about events that they are hosting such as Hami raid coming up, etc. It would be limited server wide rather than across all servers.
  9. Should change oro to only send you to the zone with your oro mission in it. And ONLY oro missions / flashbacks.

    Shouldn't be used as a lazy way to travel and I suspect that's what this thread is really about.

    You do know thats the whole reason why it still hasn't been expanded right? 95% of the people using ouroboros aren't even doing flashbacks or missions. Its just a super mario brothers warp zone.
  10. I think its a combination of everyone being on the same forum now and people resubbing for the events and issue 16. The forums are getting a workout. Oh and yes I have noticed it but its not nearly as laggy as the ubb forums were.

    I expect that they probably still need to do some adjustments here and there.
  11. I wouldn't merge servers but at times I think it would be nice to have a free server transfer to leave some of the more inactive servers.

    But then they would need to make it so you could move your allocated purchased character slots and a system to allow you and your sg to move without losing all of that hard earned prestige.

    Not likely to happen though...

    Id wait until going rogue is released before making any changes. Because it will probably revive some of the lower populated servers.
  12. Id like a graphical update myself mainly for characters and clothing. But you'd have to make it optional because some still play this game on 10 year old computers that would basically blue screen and flip them off the minute they tried to play the game.
  13. MY only assumption would be to keep people from pulling more than 10 enhancements out during a respec.


    I don't see why you would limit what someone could keep after a respec. Once you put your enhancements in your character, they are there forever... until you respec. Then you get paid back a ton of money for the ones you didn't keep. They are already giving us a huge refund if we DON'T keep them... why would it be any different to keep a few more? Especially with the addition of invention origin enhancements. If I happen to have the +Stealth run enhancement, but I respec into Flight or Super Jumping, I have to get a whole new one, so what am I supposed to do with it? They obviously don't have a problem with us getting paid back for our old pre-respec enhancements, so would it be so bad to return that +Stealth IO to Wentworths and get paid back for the enhancement I no longer need? (Oh, on a side note, how much are you compensated for IOs when you don't keep them after a respec?)
    "OOO Luck of the gambler prices are up and so are purples. I'll quickly respec and sell them while prices are up then I can buy them back later and a cheaper price. Profit!"

    ^This is basically why^
  14. Things i'd like to see someday for heroes:

    Traps and poison for controllers
    Fire blast, Thermal Radiation and poison for defenders
    Super Strength, Battle Axe, War Mace, Energy aura, Stone Armor, Ice armor and Energy Melee for scrappers
    Dark Blast, Thorn blast (new set) for blasters
    Martial Arts, broad sword, spines, katana, and Energy Aura for tankers

    Things i'd like to see someday for villains: (will add more later)
    Poison and Force Fields for corruptors
  15. Thanks. Whoever it was that decided to sell that on the WW. Wasn't expecting that to happen so quickly
  16. Seems to be a sudden shortage on these... Doesn't matter what level range it is. I've bought 1 of these already and need another to complete a set.
  17. Noyjitat


    Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
    /No thanks.

    I'd like to NOT have to relive the pre-travel power days of my characters whenever I go to the Hollows, Perez, or other low-level hazard zones.

    And do Villains get anything? Everything to them is a hazard zone, since they don't separate the two.
    It isn't a forced exemplar its optional.
  18. Im up to 2 years now. But this is one of the many reasons I'd like to see the vet reward system get a complete overhaul. Costume pieces should be made available to everyone ingame. Either thru unlocks or big packs in micro transactions like our super boosters.

    Vetrewards should be limited to nifty temp powers, respecs, AE slot tokens, character slots (hey i've received 2 of these already) Closed beta access, Salvage, auction and recipe increases, etc.

    It's kinda stupid that you have to wait up to 51 months to get costume pieces. I doubt this will ever change though.
  19. Noyjitat

    hospital upgrade

    As nice as this would be, Id rather see the medical stuff in supergroup bases upgraded to sell all inspirations instead. I often spawn at my base and I've wanted this for quite awhile myself.
  20. Noyjitat


    To exemplar down they should allow you to visit zone security chiefs or the npcs that describe hazard zones to you as you enter a hazard zone (can't think of what they are called)

    This should not only allow you to fight enemies and still earn the xp/inf/prestige for them but it should also allow you to complete old contacts. And could be another option for the mission owner to earn the ouroboros badges as you would be presented with the challenge settings. But only the mission owner. If your team wants to earn the badges then you have to goto ouroboros and enter the taskforce ouro mode and do the arcs from the beginning to the end.
  21. Noyjitat

    Update the Bases

    I'm hoping issue 17 is a new base editor with WAY more options than we currently have.
  22. They would have to put a limit on things so you couldnt take multiple nukes as an example.
  23. I would like to see the animation times decrease in the future. Overall I can't really complain.
  24. The search function never has been bug free from what I can tell. Which really that doesn't make sense being that these are vbulletin forums which are usually excellent.

    With this bug and the annoying timer for performing searches really does making searching tedious and not worth the effort. Which is why you see so many duplicate threads.
  25. Why would you want cloaking device and hide though?