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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    I wish all restaraunts were open 24/7, every day of the week...
    And then you try working a job. Trust me, I've had a LOT more respect and understanding for food-service staff after that summer job. EVERYONE is due Holidays, especially at Christmas.
    Some poor sod has to 'Work 100% of the time'. And that's all fine and dandy, so long as it's not you working it.

    I worked at 2 for 5 years and it certainly felt like I was working 24/7.
  2. Been awhile since some going rogue information was posted. Can you share anything new with us? Perhaps some screenshots? Nothing new has been shown since hero con and we can't help but be curios. Give us a treat
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Mission: Deliver the Tabula Scuta from Sister Airlia
    AT: Stalker, Claws/Ninjitsu
    Level: 37
    Diff settings: +0/X1 No Bosses, No AV (Standard Diff)

    The end ambush was a ******* level 40 spawn. LVL 40! And, if that wasn't enough, guess what they brought with them? A Ballista. A ******* BALLISTA! With NO warning, NO decent help, seeing as Ghost Widow got obliterated despite being a level 40 AV herself, and NO chance of completion once I died, because the ambush attacked and killed her.

    What the hell, man, what the hell?!

    T'be honest, I think Ballista's themselves need looking at. They are unsoloable, unless you stock up just on purples and greens, and even then your in for a horrible fight. They don't downscale, and they do rediculous damage even with the likes of [Force Bolt] for pity sake.

    (Why is God-damn with no - censored?)
    1 yeah that really does suck that things turned out that way.

    2 Because that combination of words is offensive. Being a christian myself that is one of the few swear words that actually does offend and annoy me when I read or hear it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    difficulty setting has nothing to do with drop rates. you prob hit a bad luck streak with the RNG. try setting your diff to +2/x8 and you should be killing FASTER which should give you a better chance at drops. i have had no problem with drops since the fix went in. also, if you think the drops are borked then gather some factual info and post it here. if you don't then all the responses you get will be to do so.
    If thats true then why do I get way more drops on lower settings than high settings? heh I think the high settings are either bugged or they think you should get less drops since the mobs are worth more inf at higher levels.
  5. I'm just relaying this to hopefully get more interested since its been quite awhile. (the liberty channel message of the day is extremely out of date)

    The raid is being hosted by @Monika Kimera a member of the "friends of ouph" global channel.
    Please contact her for more details but as usual show up a little early to begin forming teams.

    Someone want to point Steele or Valor to this thread? They may be interested since they usually host them on liberty.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
    I honestly did not know Dial-Up was still around.
    Yeah, it makes me sad to know that some areas still only have dial up available. Seems like something the cable companies would want to invest in. New customers, new very very very happy customers.
  7. The fact that 3 servers are down makes me think they're locked (full) rather than down. Although there was a server queue before whe servers were full.
  8. Noyjitat

    Naughty vs. Nice

    Make sure your inspiration tray isn't full. I've notice it helps just like when you want to get more treats during the halloween event.
  9. Same issue for scrappers it doesn't work at all.
  10. Say it with me, say it with me!
    *New base editor
    *base raids
    *Multiple floors and elevators for bases
    *Real walls and floor pieces instead of using desks and bookcases
    *Clickable doors: Arcane (cot) tech (council, crey lab, garage/warehouse) and sewer style doorways
    *base item expansion: furniture, tech, office, etc,
    *X, Y and Z sliders so we don't have to stack items anymore to float other items.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    I disagree. Putting a time limit on sales might help since it would force people to price their items low enough to guarantee a sale in the appropriate time frame. However canceling bids would hurt people who don't marketeer significantly more than people who do. People who are flipping tend to check and refresh their bids on a less than 24 hour basis anyway so it wouldn't impact them. On the other hand people who play infrequently and put in low bids to try and get bargains would lose out. The only downside for marketeers is that we'd have to store excess influence in stock or on alts rather than as bids for level 53 recipes.
    I don't think a bunch of people bidding 1 inf should control / drive up the prices of items. Since you can easily do this and while it looks like 300 people may be bidding on a item. 150 of those bids could just be 1 inf while the others are legit bids that are actually really bidding on a item. Its not flipping that bothers me so much, its the 1 inf bidders. It kinda makes you wonder why items such as luck charms have nearly always had 8000 - 10000 bids on them.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
    And once again, the OP never said WoW pulled this idea and they are the only one that have done it.

    They saw the new PUG system in WoW and would like it here. It is called hey I see that, CoX should have that also.
    /relax, I'm just adding to that of the fact that planetside originally came up with this system. Because I like to see planetside get the attention it deserves. Since only the players care enough to let the rest of the world know that the game even exists.
  13. Check in your system bios and make sure the hard drive is set as the first boot device.

    edit: hmm I re-read your post and I see that you already tried this.
  14. This would be nice and I also wish that at the very least that the signature hero and villains would someday be voice cast. Maybe have them speak while fighting you or being your ally.

    Backalley brawler on the forums has a forum attitude that is very similar to the characters attitude ingame. Dunno if thats just the way he happens to be, he just roleplays when he posts or hes just that big of a bad ***. Hmm probably all 3? They could probably have some of the current developers do some recordings for ingame voices rather than pay someone else to do it. I guess they already have statesman and the new characters covered if they use the same voices from the going rogue trailer.
  15. They could fix alot of the huge pricing issues if Bids would cancel after 24 hours. I believe it use to be 48 hours at one time although I may be wrong. Bids should also cancel on unsubscribed / unpaid accounts.

    Finally I'd like to see a new stat added to the auction window that displays how many accounts are bidding on said item. I want to know if that 1000+ bids is alot of accounts or someone low ball bidding / flipping with all of there auction slots. This would help me decide whether or not to list something for a higher price.
  16. Dunno, I always liked the attitude Arbiter Sands has. He should be a villain side contact for something. I don't think I've seen him anywhere but hero side.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    not to be a jerk.

    Okay, I am with this... but... you seriously think WoW came up with this? BZZZT WRONG!!!

    Planetside had a cross-continent auto-join team feature for, well, couple of years now. In the Planetside system you could setup spots asking for a Medic, an Engy, a Pilot, a Combat Engy, and Advanced-Med, a specific vehicle driver, and so on. You could also state what the purpose of the team was for. Dropping Gens, taking towers, CC holds, Courtyard holds, and so on.

    At the time of it's inception, the Planetside LFT system was possibly one of the best aggregate Looking for Team systems implemented in any MMO. Unfortunately, many of the teaming improvements came after the dev team had successfully chased off the majority of the player base.
    You beat me to it. Yes planetside came up with the amazing Looking for squad tool. Where you can list your squads and people can auto join them. It sends you a request pop up or you can set to auto approve or auto approve for outfits (super groups in this case) only.

    I have soooo been wanting this to be added to coh for quite sometime.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
    Shouldn't take 20 minutes. But, there's a decent chance that a crash could cause one or more game files to become corrupted, which means the game won't function properly. The scan is to check for this and repair if needed. It's actually not uncommon for MMOs.
    He probably has a 10 year old computer or a very slow dsl connection like my friend does. It does take some people forever to verify.

    Thanks for info btw... Sometimes even 20 seconds is too long.
  19. I think nearly all of those heroes with statues of them are dead. I can think of atleast a few of them that died in one of the rikti wars. I'd still like to see them bring those heroes back for a ouroboros time travel arc or something.

    But I have to agree that i'd love to see more of the citizens do more than just walk around talking about your deeds.
  20. While It may not be entirely related to your issue Id flip the C and E hard drives around and make E the new C harddrive (main disk) as that 40 GB is a much smaller, slower and likely old disk. Id also try updating to service pack 3.

    These issues probably have nothing to do with your current problem but will likely help. I am however noticing it says you have 14 % free on you C drive and 1% free on your E drive. Which can't be correct based off the disk space it says you're using. That makes me think you need to run scandisk to correct errors on the hard drives. Which likely occurred from all of your crashing.

    Just a few things you may want to try if you can't solve your issue based off what info others give you here. As a last resort you could try a reformat and reinstall windows / coh. Something thats good to do anyway every 3 - 6 months.
  21. Yeah it finally proc'd for me. I'm just gonna remove it and place it in targetting drone when I get my epic pools. Because it procs way more in the normal toggles
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    The box I got from big lots a couple months ago (um, maybe more like a year ago? haha) had a scratch card in it. I'm looking at it right now, in fact.
    I have both the european and american versions of this and for me the euro pack was a scratch card and the american pack was on the disk cover or manual I can't remember exactly.
  23. I hate when I sometimes fat finger these keys when I spam inspirations resulting in alot of "Run!" spam. Is there a way to change these to "not set" as the key binding?
  24. See it seems to proc quite alot for me in powers like targeting drone, tactics and focused accuracy. But so far I haven't notice it this time around in invincibility.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
    It's also a horrible idea to turn off my KB when I'm trying to use Wormhole to position a new mob into the currently thinning one because it's up and it'll speed the team up. Or when I'm using Force Bolt/Force Bubble to knock foes back into my teammate's Freezing Rain or Tar Patch, or even just into a tanker's taunt aura.

    And I'll quit any team that turns that slider on, because I am not relearning my powersets just because some people can't handle KB.

    Congratulations, you found out that people are flipping morons.

    No it's not. It's lose for anyone that has a modicum of ability to use KB.

    Yes, if they slot for KB.
    Force bubble is repel with a chance to do knockback. You're not going to be running in melee range to use this power anyway. Its to protect you and ranged people.

    Wormhole is a foe AOE teleport power which drops them from the sky with a chance for knockback. Not sure why you brought that power into a knockback discussion because you really don't need the knockback in it. Because when it hits stuff and drops them its already done its job.

    You didn't read my post. Or you would see that I mentioned that he wasn't slotted for knockback and didn't have any abilities that increase knockback mag or sets and the enemies were not clockwork or other enemies vulnerable to low knockback mag. Thus is does happen thanks.