seriously...we need epic music




So, I had this other idea, admittedly not as well thought out as the other few ive posted in the last few days

I love that part in ITF when your just getting to the top of the oracle hill and that dramatic music sets in, and then the huge fight between you and the romans and all the dark dwarfs breaks out, IMO one of the best moments in the game.

The part i like best about it though honestly, is the addition of music. Big fights in games are *always* accompanied by it, and it just makes it that much better. is it too much to ask for some background music playing in some more missions or tf's? even only in the room where you have a boss fight, i would love to see (erm..hear) a slow buildup of some dramatically epic music.

And i think this would definitely be a great addition to AV fights, they need a little more dramaticism involved. <brain sputters to halt>


I dont have a siggy.....sad huh



/So signed

Dynamic music

Dynamic music is a fairly simple concept, and works on an 'Intensity' scale. A perfect example of this is used in the PS2 game, Transformers (the Armada version);

The scale;

'Idle'; This is the base music. Nothings happening, really. It's calm, steady, it sets the scene.

'Potential'; Somethings looking like it could be happening. A mob has been spotted (more likely to work mechanics wise, it has come within a certain radius that will count as 'spotted' or 'within range').

'Confrontation'; Something is happening. Its not too major yet. Say a few minions, maybe an LT. Nothing too bad, but it's still a scrap.

'Major Conflict'; The peak. This isn't a confrontation, this is a whole mob or two, and you/the team are in the thick of it, busting heads and taking names. As far from idle as it can get.

'Boss theme'; A little add on, worthy of EB's and AV's, maybe tailored to the map, with unique versions for signatures like Positron, Serefina, Arbiter Sands, Nocturne, States and Recluse, etc.

Map specific; Outside of the main city zones, the music would be tied to the map itself. We already get certain entry music on things like Arachnos bases and Sewers and such, along those lines.
Theme examples;

Arachnos base 1
Arachnos base 2
Rikti Cave 1
Troll Cave 1

Etc. Obviously more than that, with variations for different map sets which are similar but not identical, to avoid it all being the same.

Anyway, just examples and ideas.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
/So signed

Dynamic music

Dynamic music is a fairly simple concept, and works on an 'Intensity' scale. A perfect example of this is used in the PS2 game, Transformers (the Armada version);

The scale;

'Idle'; This is the base music. Nothings happening, really. It's calm, steady, it sets the scene.

'Potential'; Somethings looking like it could be happening. A mob has been spotted (more likely to work mechanics wise, it has come within a certain radius that will count as 'spotted' or 'within range').

'Confrontation'; Something is happening. Its not too major yet. Say a few minions, maybe an LT. Nothing too bad, but it's still a scrap.

'Major Conflict'; The peak. This isn't a confrontation, this is a whole mob or two, and you/the team are in the thick of it, busting heads and taking names. As far from idle as it can get.

'Boss theme'; A little add on, worthy of EB's and AV's, maybe tailored to the map, with unique versions for signatures like Positron, Serefina, Arbiter Sands, Nocturne, States and Recluse, etc.

Map specific; Outside of the main city zones, the music would be tied to the map itself. We already get certain entry music on things like Arachnos bases and Sewers and such, along those lines.
Theme examples;

Arachnos base 1
Arachnos base 2
Rikti Cave 1
Troll Cave 1

Etc. Obviously more than that, with variations for different map sets which are similar but not identical, to avoid it all being the same.

Anyway, just examples and ideas.
Now THIS ^^ is a good idea. It gets you more involved in the game and sets you on edge. It would also add some Variety.

Can't remember what part but it Steel Canyon there is an obivious rip off of Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix. i can't stand it, we don't need modern music.. we need epic music



Baldur's Gate had great dynamic music.

As for epic music, I hope that in Praetoria they'll continue with a similar style to the one they used in Cimerora.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



This would be nice and I also wish that at the very least that the signature hero and villains would someday be voice cast. Maybe have them speak while fighting you or being your ally.

Backalley brawler on the forums has a forum attitude that is very similar to the characters attitude ingame. Dunno if thats just the way he happens to be, he just roleplays when he posts or hes just that big of a bad ***. Hmm probably all 3? They could probably have some of the current developers do some recordings for ingame voices rather than pay someone else to do it. I guess they already have statesman and the new characters covered if they use the same voices from the going rogue trailer.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



I cannot agree enough that the addition of awesome epic music would seriously rock.

As to the idea of voice acting that Noyjitat brought up, go look at the voice acting that Champions Online had. Now realize that that's probably the best that anyone could do. Comic book dialog just sounds stupid when spoken out loud. This game should never have any of it, it would ruin the feel and just come out sounding cheesy and stupid, and if you change the dialog to be less cheesy, it loses the comic book feel.

Epic music: Hell yes!
Voice acting: Hell no!



Originally Posted by NarfMann View Post
I cannot agree enough that the addition of awesome epic music would seriously rock.

As to the idea of voice acting that Noyjitat brought up, go look at the voice acting that Champions Online had. Now realize that that's probably the best that anyone could do. Comic book dialog just sounds stupid when spoken out loud. This game should never have any of it, it would ruin the feel and just come out sounding cheesy and stupid, and if you change the dialog to be less cheesy, it loses the comic book feel.

Epic music: Hell yes!
Voice acting: Hell no!
I agree with that. About the only MMO that shows promise with voice acting is The old republic, and its not even out yet. Adding voice acting to comic book dialogue i think would cheapen this game, make it feel more kidish.

However i do think dynamic music is a must have, AT LEAST for big boss fights

I dont have a siggy.....sad huh



I'll see your "comic book dialogue sounds pants when read aloud" and raise it with "Kevin Conroy = Batman"

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Epic music would be awesome. if they could do something i nthe style of tomb raider music (focusing of TRii here) that would be brilliant =D

ps: i love how tomb raider 2's disk doubled as a music cd =P




I started playing another MMO and they have this type of music and it creates a whole new experience. Its vmuch more fun and intense to play.

Global: @Fire Beam



Originally Posted by Pyroguy View Post
So, I had this other idea, admittedly not as well thought out as the other few ive posted in the last few days

I love that part in ITF when your just getting to the top of the oracle hill and that dramatic music sets in, and then the huge fight between you and the romans and all the dark dwarfs breaks out, IMO one of the best moments in the game.

The part i like best about it though honestly, is the addition of music. Big fights in games are *always* accompanied by it, and it just makes it that much better. is it too much to ask for some background music playing in some more missions or tf's? even only in the room where you have a boss fight, i would love to see (erm..hear) a slow buildup of some dramatically epic music.

And i think this would definitely be a great addition to AV fights, they need a little more dramaticism involved. <brain sputters to halt>

I was actually thinking of posting a suggestion very similar to this. This game hits the FLOOR when it comes to music. It's not that the music in game is bad, but it's implemented in the least dramatic fashion imaginable.

I mean, area changes? Really? That's what constitutes "setting the mood" in Paragon City?

I was running an orenbega mish the other day, and noticed how freaking -epic- the area looked, and realized that I just wasn't feeling it that much, because there was no music They could've had something nice and tomb-raidery there, and I would've really felt like and adventurer, but nope.

And when we do have map music, it's always gated at the beginning of the map.

When used effectively, music can DRAMATICALLY intensify the emotional content of a game. The music should reflect the emotion you want the player to feel at a given point.

This only -rarely- happens in City, and when it does happen, it's -usually- an accident.

As it stands right now, this is kinda my only major problem with the game.

Jason Heavensrun
Swift : Freedom Server
Check out my first Architect Arc, "Bring Up the Sun", arc #339507, and let me know what you think!



Originally Posted by Heavensrun View Post
As it stands right now, this is kinda my only major problem with the game.
pretty much agreed. What were your other thoughts in the idea you had?

I dont have a siggy.....sad huh