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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    I work at a pizza store so I have sympathy. We also reduce the quality of our product in order to make the employees have an easier time.
    Who can argue with logic like this?

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    DR is a tool that gives a lot more flexibility to designers when they are creating powerful effects. Without it, PVP would just come down to who can buff the fastest to get off their killing blow.

    I understand a hatred towards DR, as it really does monkeywrench a lot of builds, but it does give the Powers team a lot more flexibility in what they are allowed to create.
    All of the silly annoying changes you made to pvp yet people still get 2 shotted, stack inspirations, etc. All your changes did was create more problems rather than solve existing problems. Need to take some time by first undoing castles changes and then really fixing the imbalances to make a system that more can agree on that is fair.

    I hope you are atleast considering the above.

    /sorry to hijack
  3. Awesome Badge Badge BADGE!!! *cardiac arrest* I love the the vanguard pack idea. Always have the issue with wanting vanguard pieces before 35 on new characters. But now you should add additional items to the vanguard vendor to keep people interested in raids.
  4. wait 2 - 1.5 huh? *scratches head* what got nerfed?
  5. It isn't just legacy chain as this happens with other npcs. I've notice that it usually occurs if areas where they were fighting another group and then a ally patrol gets near them. If you setup fights in AE maps this will happen with patrols or other nearby groups that should be allied.
  6. Noyjitat

    More more more

    Originally Posted by Noble Savage View Post
    Hear that, Jay? Make more like this!

    I'll let him know how much you dig it.
    carnies carnies carnies CARNIES!!!!

    oh sorry, hello David.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
    I hardly participated at all in the winter event. The whole thing is just way too grindy and monotonous. "Here, go run and save Baby New Year fifty-thousand times for all the candy canes and badges, then go open two hundred presents, then go defeat one hundred snowmen, then etc..."

    Ugh, no thanks. I just wish it would end already so that I could have an easier time forming teams and such. Right now everyone and their grandmother is partying it up in the Ski Chalet and they won't come out.
    If you can get a good team together, lord winters realm is much more rewarding than bny missions. 20 candy canes and 6 merits per complete.
  8. I would almost tell you to save up the extra cash and just build a computer piece by piece and not go for a quick fix like some do. You're less likely to be disappointed by it and you get to pick and choose exactly what components go in the system so you don't get 2 or 3 low quality crappy components next to high quality components.

    Someone here can probably build you a wish list and then if you don't know how to build it, simply pay a friend or a local pcshop to assemble it for you.
  9. If you're like me, you've probably been working sooooooo much the last 2 weeks that you haven't had time to really work on the event for your characters. Always seems to be a big time squeeze during the week before Christmas and the time afterwards with certain jobs now days, mine included.

    With that said, how about extending the event duration another week or 2? Last years event ran for so much longer and there was more time to get things done. Not like it would hurt anyway to have more stuff to do between waiting on issue 20.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
    Anti-aliasing: 32x
    Anisotropic Filtering: 16x

    Wow. Just.. wow. Turn those down.
    Neither of those should be giving the gtx 470/480 a problem.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Short notice and all, but since I know that there's no way my employers can call me into work on Christmas eve, I think that might be a good time for me to host an MSR.

    I know many will be celebrating Christmas with friends and family, as will I. So, I think a later time might get more interest than an early time. I figure Friday night11:00 pm Central, Midnight Eastern will be a good time for it - late enough so that kiddies are in bed, travelers who didn't go too far can get back home, wrap presents, etc.

    I've never hosted an MSR before, and there's probably some things that I don't know about it, but I can count to 20, and I know how to type "Get rez'd or hit the hospital and come back ASAP".

    The primary purpose of this MSR is to clobber as many baddies as possible. Shards and Vanguard merits (to buy the Grai matter piece) and whatever else you might want to do with Vanguard Merits.

    This MSR should in no way interfere with the one typically scheduled at (8 pm eastern?) on Fridays.

    Thanks, and have a merry Christmas!
    Scheduled raids are fSidays and Sundays at 9pm est. Been quite awhile since we've scheduled them for 8pm But good luck with your raid and I'll more than likely show up for the rikti slaying

    I can imagine its going to be tough to get folks at either time on Christmas eve. But that just means the raids will be less laggy

    -Glorious Girl
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    Hey guys,

    We generally do a "state of the game" address around the anniversary mark for the game (April 28th), and I like to call the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas the "dead time" of communication because everyone is trying to cram 5 weeks of work into 3.

    Yes, we have all been incredibly busy working on I20 and beyond. Those in the I20 Pre-Beta have seen more of us in their private area of the forums than the rest of the forums have, and that's been noted by you guys (as evidenced by this thread). In 2011 we'll try to do a better job in posting outside of the "private" areas as we want to remain visible and communicative.

    That said, the studio is off next week (well, there will still be board moderation), so there won't be much posting ANYWHERE from the devs for a week or so.

    Have a great holiday!
    How about an issue 20 teaser before you leave? maybe costume goodies or a hint on some powerset proliferation?
  13. Since you can't get access to villain story arcs as vigilante and you can't get access to hero story arcs as a rogue there is no reason for them add that functionality to ouroboros.
  14. bah humbug.... I mean Merry Christmas
  15. Good luck man, sent you a farewell pm.
  16. And here's a new bug. You can use holiday cheer on a mastermind pet now which consumes the power and doesn't do anything.
  17. Several of my characters are having this issue as well.
  18. I copied my coh folder elsewhere and deleted my current to install a fresh copy.
  19. The patcher downloaded another patch after the fix to the lord winter realm and that seems to have broken something. I was playing and switching characters just fine during the fix and I left for dinner and then it downloads this patch and breaks something.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    The one I got dropped on a Kahn task force. It had that description as well. I suspect this might be unintended.
    Oh, First I've heard of this then. I've only seen recipes with that description from a vendor.
  21. That is the description of a recipe from Fort Trident or The Crucibles vendor. They all have that as descriptions.
  22. I have to say that bobcat is the only enemy that's ever hit me for 4k+ damage before in a single hit. Figured that might have something to do with the problem.
  23. It could really be a number of things but I'm gonna take a stab.

    What is the mhz frequency of your ram? Have you tried underclocking it to a slower speed to see it if windows loads up? It could be that your ram is damaged or is about to fail and sometimes slowing down the ram will make it more stable and allow you to boot.

    If that works, its a temporary fix until you can replace the faulty ram. I presently have to underclock my 1600mhz ram to 1500 due to a similar problem or windows will not load at all.
  24. I think alot of things got accuracy buffs a couple issues back these included. Sent a few pms to castle about this issue in the past but with no replies. Maybe its his way of nerfing defense without applying a direct nerf. It feels like it sometimes. Luckily I grabbed aid self and it seems to help with alot of this crap.

    I know that if my softcapped sr is having issues than the folks that aren't softcapped must really be going through hell.