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  1. Nos482

    More Cap Pics

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    When I first heard of the Cap Movie way-way back I thought it would be a self-glorifying farce.
    Ah, so you´ve seen the first Cap movie. =D


    G.I. Joe anyone?

    Pre-Skull Red Skull holding the Cosmic Cube
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    That's like saying that because he makes lots of money, Michael Bay must make deep, meaningful and restrained films that cater to all audiences.
    What can I say, I just love big a$$ explosions...not to be confused with big butts exploding^^
    And, yes, I will try and do better. When I get to the top, I will buy a megaphone and shout back a hello, k?
  3. Yeah, you´re probably right...but it would still be cool if we´d get a Monstrous with Pants option.
  4. Maybe Tobey Maguire simply sucks at Spideys trademark fast talking.

    Hmm, characters that make stories more interesting...
    Deadpool and Lobo... nothing´s better than unpredictable wildcards, prone to unecessary violence and with a crude sense of humor.
  5. Well, as I already said/wrote here...
    The costume editor needs more pouches
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
    "STF needs emp, debufs, stoner"

    Back to topic... No I don´t miss them much, but I´d really like to see some Hydra-like content for Praetoria. Maybe stopping some burrowing DEs from entering Praetoria via the sewers. Sonic Walls should be pretty inefective when you can dig your way around them.
  7. In theory there should be two more missions after the one with Gorgon... at least Paragon Wiki says so.
    One against Cockatrice and a "moral"-mish with Belladonna Vetrano.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
    yeah. I'm quite eager for a red cap like "burrow underground and erupt from below in a new costume" type emote
    You are eager?
    What am I supposed to say?

    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    Those two on the left were drawn by Rob Liefeld, weren't they?
    OK seriously now, why do you guys hate Liefeld so much?
    Yeah he has the tendency to go way over the top, hide the feet and can´t keep deadlines... so what?
    He´s still one of my favourite Comic Artists, and gave us two of Marvel´s most iconic 90´s Heroes: Cable & Deadpool.
    I mean all that hate and ****... does that give you something or what?
    Can you draw better than Rob? If yes, why is he succesfully drawing and publishing comics and you not? If not, cool your engines, stop criticising (<- that word looks wrong, is it?) and try to actually become better than him.
    And finally, maybe you should have a look at This.

    Red, out!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
    I also would kill to be as ripped as Jackman's made himself for this role.
    So you´d rather kill anyone instead of some training?
  10. Nos482

    Big patch?

    Originally Posted by Aleksandros View Post
    With the hot-fix still ongoing, 30 minutes past time now, playing today may not be an issue :\

    Dr. Horrible, entertain me!
    No idea where you live..but for me it´s 1:06 am.
    There´s quite some day left.
  11. All but two of my toons aren´t (demi-)gods and except my MM ans main will stay "mortal".
  12. Nos482

    Big patch? bandwidth
    That´s gonna be fun playing today -.-
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
    You can "adjust" arm and leg length in Champions and it still looks like crap.

    I´ve made this toon during CO beta and doing the beastly run he actually looked pretty awesome...despite the fact that he has too many fins (while CoH has to few).
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazmatter View Post
    Yashida clan drama! Fun!!

    Yes, I fully expect to see Silver Samurai and/or Sunfire in this movie.
    But with his AoA "costume"...please, the original looks just plain stupid.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
    I think, you would change your mind after seeing these cutscenes hundreds times
    I´ve seen Ghostbusters at least a hundred times...and it´s still funny.

    Dear Devs,
    please leave the cutscene where it is.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    I always thought that the normal beast-run looked bad in Champions, but loved the way the shift-run "sprint" looked with that leaping, stretched out look.

    And if we ever get that hidden demorecord-armslider it will look great in CoH. But as it is, the human body just wasn´t made for that style of movement...our frontlegs are just too short :P
  17. Continental sized storm WTF?
    Keep the heads down guys and don´t get blown away...oh, and good luck with the inevitable flood.
    • Costume Sets
    • Head
    • ??? Upper Body
    • ??? Lower Body
    • ??? Weapons
    • Back Detail
    • Auras

    That would kinda make sense, wouldn´t it?
  18. ...or at least were on a Chaos mission, to smash those puny cars.

    Originally Posted by Yydr View Post
    ... when you get a new toy and the first thing you do when you get it home is make an alt based on it.
    That happened only once...OK, twice. And they´re both deleted by now...damn altoholism.

    You know you play CoH/V too much when,.... spend your time off crating CoH-based sigs and wallpapers, instead of that Spore-Adventure you planned to do for months.
  19. Which one?
    I Err... just want to check if it´s really the CoH music

    Now I know who stole the global chat-handle I wanted.
    Besides, I have your Avatar tattooed on my shoulder... well, the non-psycho version
    Sabbat?! Really? Doesn´t your freedom mean anything to you??
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Furio View Post
    Bodyguard was not in at the launch of CoV. Outside of their AI issues (most of which can be worked around) what would they *need* to look at MMs for?

    Killer Clowns!

    ...and at least one of ´em needs a chainsaw.

    And if it´s not too much work, somebody please stop my Demons from calling me Hero.Gender ...That´s more than just a bit irritating.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
    You got 'selected'?
    No, but I´ll get in with the last wave (pre-order/purchase)...and this way I only have to patch the game then.