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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    i16 is NOT Going Rogue. I thought that had been made clear. Going Rogue is a separate, not-free, expansion. It doesn't have an issue number.

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    It was made clear but I guess no one is smart enough to comprehend the differents in issue and expansion.

    There is Issues 1-16 witch are FREE

    Then there is expansion City of Villans and Going Rouge witch COST money.... 50 dollars : )

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    Actually. . .for SEVERAL people City of Villains was another free issue. . .since not to long ago it was granted to ANYONE who had an account whether they had purchased it or not. . .also, it wasn't an expansion, it was a seperate stand-alone game (which an expansion isn't)
  2. Really, it is personal opinion, but I would have to say Cap, it is the only zone redside that has acess to EVERY zone (PvP excluded)

    Mercy through the black heli line, port through the port ferry, and every where else through the rogue isles ferry.

    Also it was said, even the smallest telly room can hold 4 locations, so you really shouldn't have to much trouble. Make one to mercy, port, GV and Riktiwarzone.

    Mercy and port because they are the most bothersome zones to get to, GV because it drops you off RIGHT BY THE FERRY so you can get to most zones not in your base quickly and without much hassle from there. Rikti warzone because it is the one zone that is sorta a bother to get to from GV (or at least more so than others)
  3. Nights_Eclipse

    Double Doorways

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    Just what we need an even bigger space we can't decorate that will help disrupt the flow of our bases.

    No thanks.

    I'd change my mind if we could decorate doorways tho.

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    Actually, IMO it makes it easier for the flow not to be disrupted when you don't have the bottle neck, Similar to a completely opened living room/dinning room/kitchen, you just use furnature to "Seperate" the rooms. . .*shrugs* it seems to work.

    Thought that is something else I was requesting, the ability to decorate doorways =]
  4. Nights_Eclipse

    Quickest Damage

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    Hot-tubbing hasn't been mentioned?

    Tyrant's lava pools. Grab some friends* and plop yourselves down in Tyrant's lava pits**. It's been a while since I've done any large-scale hot-tubbing, but with the right numbers*** a Scrapper or Tanker - don't use anything with a passive +HP power though - can rest in the lava to significantly increase the damage they take, and add a targeted heal to the mix and just about anyone could rest in the lava.

    And then you're working on everyone's damage badges, and the Defender's/Controller's healing badges. Only downfall is that it requires a fair amount of people to get a good hot-tub party going.

    However, you can set it up for just two people, but the Defender/Controller would get no credit on their damage badge. Just have the toon you want taking damage in the lava and leave a Defender/Controller out of the pool with a single-target heal on auto**** with the other toon targeted*****. I've used the method for two toons recently and discovered that using a level 50 map, I could plop my Regen Scrapper in the pool at level 40 while my Emp Defender of the same level healed her and there was no death, so you can start on it before level 50, but if you're going to make a party out of it, try to keep it to level 50 just in case.

    * At least 3 Defenders/Controllers of the Empathy or Radiation variety (or probably thermal too, they have an AoE heal, right?) who have their AoE Heal power well-slotted.
    **Probably obvious by this point, but this is generally a level 50 activity, except where noted later.
    ***I think it's 5 AoE Heals going, but I could be wrong. Trial and error will tell you the right numbers.
    ****You could also substitute a Peacebringer who has taken and slotted Glowing Touch
    *****And if you're not controlling that other toon, make sure they know to keep you targeted and not click on their friends list or anything or you'll probably come back and find yourself dead.

    Sorry for all the end-notes, I had it in parentheses within the writing and it made it too choppy to read in some places >.<

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    That hasn't been mentioned for 1 reason. It no longer counts :P

    Dmg from lava, pain crystals. . ect. . .none of it counts that was changed like 2 issues ago, or so I thought
  5. Nights_Eclipse

    Double Doorways

    We will see, we need more people talking in here though, come on people, don't you want double doorways back!?
  6. Nights_Eclipse

    Quickest Damage

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    This is of course not taking into account any regeneration.

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    Which in rest you will have capped

    [/ QUOTE ] No kidding.. I was simply pointing out the value of the hp and how much credit you should get for each strike of damage. Factoring in regeneration would skew the number depending on the regeneration rate and how much time had passed between each of those attacks in the example.

    I was explaining my interpretation of my findings regarding the mechanics of the badge credit.. not the method of badge farming. You still get credit for the badge, even if you are not farming.

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    yeah I know, I was just stating =]

    As for the farming methods, yeah guids are great for squishies, but behomeths work better for high HP characters (Scrappers, Tanks, Brutes)
  7. Nights_Eclipse

    Double Doorways

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    I want double doors back, I have a base with a double door still in it that I have to be very careful when editing, already lost two other double doors in it.

    I also wish that door placement was a little more intuitive than it is right now. I can move a room and have a perfectly viable door location set up in both rooms, but if it's not in the square that the builder wants to put the door, I can't move the room. I've found a way around this by using one-wide rooms to force door placement, but then sometimes moving the other room back runs into more door troubles. It is really rather annoying.

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    also annoying when you have a fully double/triple stacked room and you suddenly want to attach a new room to it, or move it.. . you often can't because of the check *sigh*

    Only thing I can see an issue with implementing double doors is the rooms that have ALL of their sides filled to make the room 1X1 square bigger. . . .but even then you can't put anything in doorways (I would also like to see that changed even if double doors weren't allowed, so we can decorate them, having them so plain is. . .UGH! =])
  8. Nights_Eclipse

    Quickest Damage

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    This is of course not taking into account any regeneration.

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    Which in rest you will have capped
  9. Nights_Eclipse

    Double Doorways

    Really, noone else wants double doors back. . .ok, in that case, is there anyway I can delete my post I hate looking like such a fool *sigh*

    *cleverly disguised shameless bump?*
  10. Nights_Eclipse

    Quickest Damage

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    And then it doesn't count as 801dmg, it counts as 1, because you went 1 point over the bonuses.

    The dmg taken badges work STRICTLY off of the base HP value (so if you have a stone, or a invuln, I'd advise against using the auto heal, you may think you are getting more DMG, but you are probably getting less. However, it is fine on a Regen, or a WP stalker)

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    From my own experience, I tend to believe that the credit toward this badge is an ALL or NOTHING kind of thing. If the resulting hp falls below the base hp value, you'd get full credit for that attack. Using your example, you will still have to exceed 801 points of damage, but you would still get credit for the full 801, not just 1 point (if the 801 was inflicted in 1 shot).

    I tested this back when most of us were using the Rikti Captor to farm this line of badges. I found that putting Dull Pain on auto to increase my HP actually netted me significantly more credit per hour.

    Note, this would only be useful for large blows of damage. Using DoT like a lava pit wouldn't benefit from +hp bonuses.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Maybe not with dull pain and earths embrace, I will admit I HAVE NOT verified that. . .but I can prove it on my WP brute. . . I have logs saying it has taken around 100mil points of dmg on hero stats, but um . . . I still don't have the 10 mil badge *sigh* (that is needed for an accolade >&lt

    Edit: I reread more carefully what you said, I suppose that could be the case, but I know the first 799 HP wouldn't count for a fact :/ though, you could be right, but either way I still wanted to put that out there =]
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    Dang, didn't know it had a zero-second recharge. I thought it was at least a second or so.

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    Nope. All travel powers are 0.0s recharge.

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    Inertial Reduction? :P I don't count it as a travel power, but several people do on kins *shrugs*
  12. Nights_Eclipse

    Quickest Damage

    Please note how ever with the rest trick they told you. . .

    If you are a WP, or a Shield, or anything of that nature that has a +HP bonus, or if you are slotted with IO sets for HP bonuses. . .


    in otherwords, if you have a base of 1800 hit points, but from other accolades, sets, and powers you are up to 2600 you have to take 801 dmg before it counts!

    And then it doesn't count as 801dmg, it counts as 1, because you went 1 point over the bonuses.

    The dmg taken badges work STRICTLY off of the base HP value (so if you have a stone, or a invuln, I'd advise against using the auto heal, you may think you are getting more DMG, but you are probably getting less. However, it is fine on a Regen, or a WP stalker)
  13. uuuh, did you get all of the zone exploration badges. and I do mean ALL of them? because if you did, while in SG mode, you should have it. . .
  14. Nights_Eclipse

    Double Doorways

    Sooo. . . which button do I push to make it happen *looks at the big, red "do not push, unless emergency server explosion is needed"* is it that one? that must be what posi means by that right? it translates to "Push this when you want something" right!?
  15. Nights_Eclipse

    Double Doorways

    Ok, so really, this is the only feature (that I can think of) that we lost acess to due to the removal of raid pathing. is there anyway that his can be made to be allowed? the double doors look GREAT IMO, and really, what is the worst that could happen by allowing them?

    Honestly. . .back when raid pathing was enabled, it made more sense to not allow them then, for the use of bottle necking. . .oh well

    I would just love to see a code put in place to allow this =]
  16. Really I don't see the Captive interaction with a glowie being that hard. Currently if you lead a captive out you do have to lead them somewhere. . .so say we have a captive that interacts with a glowie, you just have to change where it goes. . .I don't see it being a huge problem, I suppose I could be wrong though.

    But from my perspective, it is the same thing, just at a different spot.

    Oh, another thing I just thought that might be cool to have is the find mission exit objective
  17. Ok so I have a couple of things.

    I would like to ask why don't we have these:
    [*]Captive Interaction with Glowie[*]Key to Unlock doors[*]Find Mission Exit Objective

    and then follow up by suggesting that we get these in AE, I mean why not? they are used all over the place, in the RSF, cap strike force, Heroes entry missions to Midnighters, Statesman Taskforce. . .why can't we get these?
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    Let's say you only have one defensive power. Can you five slot it with all Luck of the Gambler Global -Recharge? I know you wouldn't get the set bonuses, but could you still get all the -recharges?

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    One of each IO from a set in any indivisual power, so this is not possible.

    [ QUOTE ]

    In the case of LotG -Recharge and things like it (performance shifter chance for +end), what difference does a higher level IO make? Would a lower level one be more valuable so it still works at lower exemplar levels?

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    For IO that offer a global set bonus type effect like LoTG, the lower ones significantly more valuable.

    A proc (or proc 120s) functions the same no matter the level as long as you actually have the power at the exemped level. lets you see which is which.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not 100% true. while it is with a proc, it isn't so much so with the LOTG 7.5 (but is with most others. . .) the LOTG 7.5 unlike most others does not just give the 7.5 recharge bonus. It along with a few others (steadfast res/def comes to mind) have the stated bonus, and one that changes with relation to level.

    In the case of the LOTG it is Defense, on the steadfast it is the resistance. Other than that, yes the lower levels are generally better.
  19. Let's also consider the level difference. . . we all know AE is being used to PL. Now if you could start power leveling at 1 instead of 35. . .that would be my guess personally.

    My point is say that someone has NEVER played one side or the other, and only has friends in a common position. If they have high level villains they'd be able to powerlevel their heroes starting at level 1!

    How it is now they must wait till 35 to be powerleveled (or at least make new friends that will. . . or pay for it. . .or any number of other things, but still!)
  20. I honestly can't say what a record would be with the new MA. . .or even if we were only doing 1. . .but on the very first double xp weekend (long time ago) we got 4 50's in the last 3 hours of it before servers went down. . .
  21. the offered free subscriptions to anyone who could beat the RSF? when was that done? If I would have known I'd have a free sub right now beat it the second day it came out :/

    And I have done the masters WITHOUT the vengbait trick (which was fixed) :/ I know that they can be fought seprately, but they are actually set up NOT to be. . .they will chain unless you get lucky :/

    and actually as far as the ITF goes. . .the brutes I see (and my own.. .) actually have more troubles with the cims than the AVs O.o
  22. Another little note. . .yes before we could go on just SOs I'll agree. . .but also note a couple of things.

    1.) there didn't used to be ED
    2.) Defense and Resistance caps!?
    3.) The release of several new villain types*

    *IOs were released fairly shortly after villains was**

    ** With villains came the Longbow (sonic grenades, and then wardens which can have pretty much any debuff), Arachnos (PSI dmg used to be called 'rare' before these guys, who have it starting at level what? 20?). Then came vanguard. . . then the cimeroreans. These are all particularly NASTY groups for the solo player, a small team, or poorly prepared large teams!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    In my experience, it's true. Noticeable, perhaps, but necessary? I do fine against reasonably-sized PvE spawns with just SOs and regular IOs. My friends who PvP more than I do have told me that's all I really need for most of this game. I don't need an Indy car to go to the supermarket.

    Now, if you're the sort of player who's frequently out there on the edge of what you can handle, in PvE or PvP, then yes, you are going to want and need more. But then, as I said, I submit that you are not a "casual" player; you are a "serious" player, and should expect to put in the time and effort required to improve your personal skill and equip yourself properly.

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    key word, reasonably sized. . .say you are the lead brute (BRUTE NOT TANK!) on something like the ITF or RSF with an 8 man team. . .sadly with plain IOs you will be destroyed, unless of course you have several buffers capping everything you have, or one healer dedicated to only you.

    And honestly. . . most of the PvPers I know don't use purples. . . they use other things to get the defense bonus (which only what. . .1 purple set gives?)

    *please note EVERYTHING I POST is my opinion, or noted from my personal observations! please don't go shouting about how wrong I am. . . everyone is entitled to their opinion. On that note, please also don't take offense to anything I respond on your posting about =]. (now I know the sarcasm will ensue. . .)
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    I submit that "casual player" and "purple IO" are not meant to go together.

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    Define casual player?
  25. [ QUOTE ]
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    Pretty happy with it myself. Its made my purple purchases prior to I14 much more valuable. Its made my regular farming much more profitable

    Its made it so much easier to IO out new characters that there is no excuse for anyone not to.

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    Really, more profitable? I didn't see the price of purples inflate (just the common salvage. . .) I just saw their avaliability drop like a rock :/

    And as far as padding stuff out. . .personally I'd rather team and I don't think that should decrease the chance for a purple drop.

    I don't care if I'm not the one who gets it, so long as someone gets one. . . if every 10 missions I pad for 8 and run solo I get one, I think every 10 missions that has 8 on a team SOMEONE on the team should get one, I don't care who. . . . .

    Again, maybe I'm in the wrong here, but. . . .IDK

    I have the purples I need. . .so it really doesn't bother me either way to be completly honest, but *shrugs*

    I just want to help, if no one agrees, feel free to say it and have the post removed =]

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    Yes, the high demand purps have increased in value since i14, just not at the same rate that everything else devalued.

    Padding doesn't increase the chance to drop other than provide more enemies for the possibility. You said you run with 4 to 8...when not running the full team, try to find more people to fill just to map the zone so that there are more possibilities for the drop. When loot is determined for each baddie, it determins what loot exactly and then randomly who in the team recieves it. More mobs on the map means more chances the RNG to hit the lotto. If you are running the full is a mute point. Understand better?

    As far as your earlier comment regarding 200 million being enough.....that is a matter of personal perception. Enforcing something like would just be putting a pricecap on something. An item is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. That is the nature of the market. It really depends on if your patient enough to wait for one to be in your price range or have a want it now mentality.

    I recommend checking the market forums for similar topics. There are many discussions on how to aquire things from the market, even purps, if willing to wait it out.

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    Agreed. . .to make a point I'll put a 1billion infamy on a random purple, I'll post back if I get it by the end of the week :P if I don't *shrugs*

    I idk. . .I wasn't trying to put a price cap on it, as I said before, just trying to make a point =]