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  1. Huh, weird.

    I'll wait for forum confirmation, given NC's seemingly endless trouble with hackers.

    well, I see Zwill posted a thread here, so looks legit.


    I don't get why they'd "shut it down" given the track record of older games with devoted fanbases carrying on in perpetuity.
    But then NC has made any number of bizarre decisions over the years.

    Glad I came back when I did and got to experience Freedom in all its glory.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    I suggest that it is time for another character name wipe.
    Suggest away!

    But it is a terrible idea that won't happen as per Dev statements.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
    Not sure how you managed to think I was talking about paragon points.
    You TOTALLY missed my intended point......
    this one?

    No worries, it came through loud and clear.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Is it someone known, or unknown? >_>
    it's an old prestige grinding 'pal' from back in the day- if you remember a rather contentious thread about how UNFAIR it was of us to burn inf for prestige instead of "earning" it like a REAL sg, you'll know who.

  5. tonight I made a new character to run through the tutorial, as my son requested we fight "the laser rock guys".

    Whipped up a quick energy/energy blaster, which he incongruously saddled with a Huge model with every slider maxed- "I want him a little FATTER, dada..."

    I let him scroll through the prefab costumes...he settled on a bondage theme- chest straps, nipple rings and a cornucopia of chains wreathing every available limb.

    "With all those chains, the bad guys can't hurt him!"

    So it took us a good 15 minutes to make it to Blue Quasar, or whatever his name is, because we had to "help" the multitude of other heroes doing the tutorial fight the Laser Rock Guys. Eventually though he decided we should go see the "BIG GIANT Laser Rock Guy", so we helped out Blue, leveled and hit the Zone Event.

    Plenty of other heroes, which he loved, so we made short work of the critter, which he was a little disappointed with- he really likes dodging the meteors & when our "arrow friends" (Longbow bombers) come and light up the Laser Rock Guys.

    Paused at Lady Liberty to check out all the other heroes, then hit Habashy because he wanted to "go in the Cave" and then "wear a disguise." It's been quite a while since we ran that arc, I was impressed he remembered that stuff.

    We leveled in the cave, and on our way out he said "that box made our purple bar go BOING! BOING! BOING!"

    Then it was time for books, but we parked under Atlas and I promised him we'd play some more tomorrow.
  6. I'll made a deposit in the INFcinerator tonight after I collect my winnings.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    And you never miss a chance to peg me in a way that makes you look good.
    You post, I reply.

    If that's not working out so great for you, maybe re-think what you're saying.

    Not sure why you're surprised slapping at a porcupine gets you a hand full of quills.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    So you're basically here to tell myself and other posters that we're indignant. Fantastic.
    Indignant: feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base.

    You never miss a chance to play the victim, do you.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The thing is that this shouldn't really cost anything to accomplish, or at least not cost much. Even if our writers aren't as knowledgeable as rabid lore hounds and can't quote contact dialogue off memory, that's what ParagonWiki is and, worse come to worst, that's what Beta should be for. Seriously, why not post a storyboard for an upcoming arc and run it by Beta-going players to make sure you haven't gotten any of the canon completely wrong?
    I agree writers shouldn't mess stuff up out of ignorance or laziness- anyone writing for a game should be conversant with the applicable universe.

    But when that doesn't bother me particularly. I never notice it in-game and probably wouldn't notice it at all save for the indignant forum threads.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
    It really -is- a smack in the face ....
    yes, not getting as many Paragon Points as you want is such a tremendous insult.

    I'm not sure how you endure the indignity.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Moon Dog View Post
    Currently, Devices is pretty bad.

    It's pretty much the red-headed stepchild of Traps, at this point: it's ugly and hard to synergize thematically with primary powers, and it's very rarely, if ever used, due to the gimmicky, circumstantial powers and the lack of a build-up.
    While Dev has many shortcomings, a lack of thematic synergy isn't one of them. "My utility belt holds many wonders!" is a concept with wide application.

    And while I agree that it falls short performance wise, that hasn't stopped *anyone* from using it over the years. These days I do see more /traps players thanks to proliferation, but /dev is far from a rarity.

    1. Web Grenade: Add a lethal DoT as the super-thin strings cut into skin and armor to bring it up to speed with other secondaries' immobilizes.
    While I wouldn't kick about a little damage in Web Grenade it is a terrific little power, by far the best of the single target immobilizes at higher levels. The recharge slow and the -fly are quality secondary effects.

    2. Caltrops: Fine as-is. Caltrops is always pretty badass. Maybe change the animation to the one used by the heal in Poison, which looks better than the current "fling your arm out like a tool" animation.
    Caltrops is a fantastic power with an appropriate animation- I see no need to change anything about it.

    3. Taser: Alternate animation when using a weapon powerset, such as DP, Beam Rifle or Assault Rifle. Fires the taser leads directly from the weapon.
    I'd love it if they did this, but only if they first made Taser worth wasting a power choice on.
    I have it on my ar/dev, but only as a set mule.

    4. Targeting Drone: With blasters getting an instant snipe in i24, maybe make this a toggle that gives you just enough to-hit to facilitate that instant snipe, as well as some +range. Increase endurance consumption to compensate. If not, make it similar to Focused Accuracy with an extra +range component.
    TD has always been a good power, with the changes in I24 it becomes a TERRIFIC one.
    I don't see it needing any more help.

    5. Smoke Grenade: Turn it into a ground-targeted area of effect that lowers enemy perception and increases ally defense inside the area of effect.
    Smoke grenade is underwhelming as is, a little bit of a team buff for it beyond the -perception would be nice.

    6. Cloaking Device: Cool as-is.
    I24 makes it terrific again.

    7. Trip Mine: Get rid of this, as it does not fit the thematic image of the powerset and it is not fun at all to spend five minutes planting a giant stack of landmines (which, I'm pretty sure, was never the original intent of this power and was only kept in because everything else in Devices is trash) when you could be doing something useful like using your primary powerset instead. Ignore all the crybabies who want to keep their gimmick power that they only use because all the other powers in the set suck in comparison. Replace with either a concussion grenade (ground-targeted AoE knockback, ideally used to corral enemies into a firing slot) or a flashbang (targeted AoE sleep and -tohit.)
    I am not a fan of trip mine and don't have it in my ar/dev's current build, but saying it ISN'T THEMATIC is ridiculous- it fits in perfectly with the whole 'gadget' vibe of the set.

    It is also a very effective power that many people quite like- I ditched it not because it doesn't work well, but because I got tired of the gameplay style it imposed. But you can do some crazy things with trip mines and any crusade to get rid of it or materially change how it works is going to run into a stiff headwind from annoyed players.

    8. Time Bomb: Get rid of this, as I can't recall a point in time when anyone ever took or used this ability in serious gameplay. Replace with a standard build-up power, stick it lower in Devices. Maybe call it "Tactical Focus".
    Time Bomb is pure, hot garbage.
    Happily, a recent Red Name post informs us a change is on the menu possibly as early as I25.

    9. Gun Drone: Fine as-is. Maybe lower the damage and add a -def or -res component as the barrage of gunfire eats away at enemy protections.
    Gun Drone doesn't suck any more, but I'd hardly call it "fine".
    Eliminating the cast time made it worth taking, but it still does piddly damage and self destructs way too fast.
    I could go for leaving the damage as-is while adding a -def & increasing duration, or even just making it a better aggro magnet- give it a little taunt and a few extra HP or something.

    It's 'okay' right now, but could use a little something to make it shine.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Illuminatis View Post
    Kirby was a great storyteller, I just don't like his art style. Same with Carmine Infantino.
    Kirby is as close to divinity as a comic creator can come. I didn't like him when I was a kid because I had a misguided hangup on guys who drew "realistically", with Neal Adams being my gold standard. Nowadays I respect his line and his style nearly as much as I respect his unbelievably prolific creativity. But I can understand not digging his style- it's very personal and he took it all the way to its logical conclusion.

    The weird thing about Carmine is that while I absolutely hated his superhero stuff my buddy who owns a comic shop turned me on to some of his western comics from way back and I was really impressed. At some point he consciously changed his style, and it's that adopted style I always hated.

    One thing about all those old school guys- even ones I disliked like Infantino, Gil Kane, Curt Swan....they flat out knew how to draw, and they knew how to tell a story. I flash back to the comic racks of my youth every time I run across one of those "hot new talents" who use lots of lines, lots of computer shaded coloring, and who have absolutely no idea how to convey a story in a sequential way, no concept of human anatomy, no notion of panel composition.
  13. Very disappointed the list author didn't open it up even further by adding a few more qualifiers like "didn't get free popcorn", "failed to revive my love life" and "too many people checking Facebook on their phones in audience".
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    I love how your retorts are either hollow one-liners or "nobody does/says this because I say so."
    Hey, at lest when I post threads I manage to get them in the appropriate forum.

    You don't need to be such a jerk about someone disagreeing with you. Are you mad at us for talking about the Skulls? Did we offend your sensibility somehow?
    The pretense that these kinds of minor 'lore' alterations have any impact on the playerbase beyond a tiny minority is ludicrous, and yes that does offend my sensibilities.

    By all means sound off about it, but don't expect me to rise and cheer your vital commitment to upholding the ONE TRUE WAY as embodied by Jack Emmert's grease-stained folder of original notes.

    The notion that current developers should be beholden to 'canon' in any but the most general sense is silly. Silliness surpassed only by the notion that anyone cares about this stuff enough to quit teh game over it.

    Please note that I am not saying storytime frou frou isn't important to the ambiance of a game world and isn't one factor in the greater accumulation of Player Enjoyment. It is.

    But if strict adherence to 'canon' made any difference to the bottom line the devs would pay MUCH closer attention to it.

    They don't, so I'm comfortable with continuing to assume that reality skews in favor of my position over the lore contingent.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence, bud. Doubt you'd care even if I handed you their personal phone numbers and told you to call them up yourself, though.
    Sorry, I've got enough imaginary friends of my own to keep in line.
  16. all my oldest characters are on Triumph.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Bad storytelling can easily drive away customers. I actually know a multitude of friends I used to SG with that just can't get back into the swing of the game and immerse themselves into it anymore because of just how badly the quality of storytelling has sunken.
    Yeeeeeeeah.....sure they couldn't.

    Other folks I know that still play don't even bother running official dev-written arcs, and instead will only stick with things they, or friends, have made in AE (which is something else the devs don't focus much attention on). All because of how badly written the game lore has been.
    Uh huh.

    Hell, I went Premium recently and the main reason I'm not going back to VIP is because I think all the Incarnate Praetorian storylines are so poorly written I just don't think it's worth it to pay money to run them. The iPowers are fun enough, and I think the iTrial gameplay-wise cool, but the storyline in and of itself is enough to turn me away from the endgame.
    Well, your personal motivations are yours alone to know.
    It's more plausible than your previous two assertions, anyway.

    Lore may not be the sole reason people flock to CoH. But that doesn't mean it's not a reason at all.
    It's great how people keep people keep pretending I've said things that I've never said.

    Good storylines are a hugely important part of video games that people keep saying doesn't matter because it's not actual gameplay.
    Yeah, well, except nobody's saying that.

    Window dressing and storylines are important.
    They are vastly *less* important than structural game systems, and much more flexible and resilient. They can tolerate major changes without the bulk of the playerbase even noticing.

    And like I mentioned above, they have actually lost money because of the quality of their writing.
    And I'll opt to continue not buying your highly implausible story about the "multitude" of friends who "just can't get back into the swing of the game" because of how deplorable the writing has suddenly gotten.

    As if it's ever been Pulitzer material.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by goodnightmoon View Post
    I don't feel like that would be very safe, especially at low lvl's.
    a slotted up FF defender turns a blaster into a tank-mage.

    I'll co-sign the fire/fire/fire damage machine.
  19. just a thought I had seeing this thread title again:

    One of the reasons I play CoH is so I don't need to bother defining 'player skill'.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Because all of DC's ideas are being cribbed from Marvel these days. It's becoming increasing evident there are too many cooks in the kitchen, which is just as bad as having a single someone with complete control.
    I googled it and it was JUST as stupid as I thought it would be.

    As someone old enough to have followed most of those characters in their own titles (other than Shade- I hated Steve Ditko's art with a passion back then, ditto for Jack Kirby....what can I say, I was young and stupid), let me just say UGGGGGH.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Metaphors don't confuse me. My reply was made as a jab to other posters who belittle my own comparisons and metaphors when I make them, and constantly throw out the "apples to oranges" argument when I do so.
    Then maybe save it for them?
    I generally try to restrict the context of my replies to the person being replied to.

    You don't need to talk down to me just because you disagree with me and can't take a joke.
    I've a well developed sense of humor, but I'm not much of a mind reader.

    I suggest entertaining the notion that a "joke" requiring an encyclopedic knowledge of your post history is perhaps slightly too obscure.

    Slick had it right: you're not doing anyone any favors by posting this self-righteous garbage about how you seem to know best and how we all need to stop discussing things we have an interest in.
    Again, your interpretation skills are questionable.
    But you're super talented at making things up and pretending someone else said them!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    I hang around for both, actually. I know several posters in this thread who hang around for both. Your definition of 'nobody' is a little flawed.
    My definition is spot on.

    Let me repeat:

    Nobody who doesn't enjoy the gameplay will stick around only because of the story.

    Are you sticking around only because of the story?
    Are the "several posters in this thread" sticking around only because of the story?


    In a game, gamplay is primary.
    The devs can do pretty much whatever they want with the Skulls, or Hellions, or Rikti, or any faction, without losing a dime over it.

    As for the rest of your post, since I continuously get this whenever I use a comparison:

    Game =/= Home decor.
    Since metaphors seem to confuse you, let me state it in less abstract terms:

    Structural elements are vastly more important than cosmetic ones.
    While they may enjoy and appreciate the cosmetic elements, people decide to stay or go based on the structure, not the appearance.
    The cosmetic elements are therefor much less important and more malleable to the creators than structural ones.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    It should be noted that Paragon Studios themselves asked what they could do to make being a VIP seem more valuable at the Pummit. That says to me this is likely something they feel is an issue and that they want to improve the VIP experience.

    Therefore, while I do not agree with the OP, I am guessing enough people do that Paragon is concerned.

    They don't need to be "concerned" to keep an eye out for ways to improve the value of being a VIP. The system's been in place for a while now, and with an MMO everything is in a state of perpetual flux and (hopefully) improvement.

    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    In my opinion, this can done, broadly, in one of three ways.

    1. Move more existing features behind VIP status. I see this as a non-starter, as it would almost certainly aggravate existing Premium players.
    2. Variations on giving VIPs more points. This includes making things that are purchase-only cost less for VIPs, giving VIPs more (existing types of) things for free, etc. This is risky, because it risks reducing revenue, because the increase in Premiums compelled to upgrade to VIP might not offset the loss in spend by VIPs currently paying out to buy points.
    3. Add new features that do not yet exist and fully gate them behind VIP status, the way Incarnate content is. It's difficult to speculate what these features might be, since I'm not particularly aware of what new features might be on the horizon.
    I agree #1 isn't likely.
    #2 is also unlikely for the reason you note. Points are basically $$$, and the stipend amounts to a discount on your sub. It seems quite generous to me already, I'd be surprised if they fiddled around with it.
    #3 will certainly happen just by evolution. It doesn't even need 'new features' other than the ongoing expansion of incarnate content. I see the Incarnate system continuing to grow until it become a whole other game beyond the VIP gate. Right now the incarnate system is at an early stage of development, rather like CoH in the early days- it doesn't constitute much except grinding to get your junk so you can grind more more and get the next level of junk, etc etc.

    The DA revamp points a way forward- new or repurposed zones full of incarnate story content, filling out a 'new game' beyond the VIP firewall. When that vista becomes grand enough it will be a magnetic draw for subs.