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  1. Nethergoat

    My SaveCOH Video

    amazing work Voodoo, two hooves up.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    why all the hate for DCUO?
    it's a mediocre console fighting game that wants you to think it's an MMO.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberGlitch View Post
    ...what would it be?
    Instant Healing as a toggle.

  4. I'm dabbling in CO and actively trying to like it.

    Details are on my blog, for anyone interested.

    Reader's Digest version:
    It simply isn't a very good game, but it's a thousand times better than DCUO so I'm sticking with it for now.
  5. dear everyone who keeps popping into these thread to lecture and finger-wag players expressing their dismay and anger at the corporate execution of the game they love with the excuse that you're just being "realistic":

    Go pancake yourselves.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    In your opinion.
    RP can handwave anything.

    My position has the inherent advantage of not needing it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    Yep the Devs tried this but there were many backwards thinking/moronic players who were against.
    Lets see, I can believe a mental patient, or a game developer.


    In any case, as probably the single most outspoken opponent of in-game advertising the primary 'moronic' thought in your post is the notion there were enough of us to affect the program in any direct way. On the con side were me and a handful of others, on the pro side was essentially the entire generation that grew up in a world with every nook and cranny plastered with advertising, who not only didn't find anything objectionable but claimed ads would increase their game immersion.

    Because nothing says Rogue Isles like a Derek Jeter crosstrainer!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    If you request nicely, I will be happy to edit the post to include quotes.
    The time for due diligence is before posting, not after whining about people who didn't read your mind. I'd expect someone who's been here 8 years to understand how forums work.

    What is 'my ilk' exactly in your eyes?
    Pimping other games on the CoH forums while going out of your way to heckle the people making an effort to save this one while endlessly trumpeting how realistic you are.

    It's great you've spent lots of money supporting the game over the years.
    It isn't great that you've decided your new role in the community is playing Forum Wet Blanket.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    My answers were replies to those in the thread and not to you.
    Well gee, that's not how public forums work.
    Unless you quote posts, which you didn't.

    Anyway, this post in another thread nailed you and your ilk to the wall:

    Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
    Just making counts here.

    There are people that work toward saving City of heroes from closing.
    There are people that work toward making something that'll accomodate the players after City closes.

    And then there are people that are on the forum, barking their opinions sitting on their backside.

    Have fun yapping!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    That said, why is it magically the publisher's job to personally tell you anything all of a sudden, instead of the development team? Why are the people who worked on the game mean nothing to you whatsoever now - and their news of the game shutting down something you choose to ignore? Did you go and thank NCSoft for the issue releases instead of Paragon/Cryptic all these years?
    1: Well, the publisher is the one who canceled the game out of the blue, blindsiding the development team as much as the community. Which makes them the logical source for further interrogation.

    2: See above.

    3: If we were "ignoring" the news we wouldn't be fighting to save the game.

    4: I thanked NC over the years in the only language they care about: $$$.

    Also, the TonyV thing - he's pretty much given up his personal efforts and wants us to contact the gang at NCSoft. There is no 'talks' between Titan Network and NCSoft because NCSoft has so far refused to even give one reply to TonyV and Titan Network.
    That isn't giving up, it's realizing one tactic isn't going anywhere and looking for another route to the goal. The Titan crew are still serving as a hub for the efforts of those trying to save the game.

    I want this game to continue but I'm realistic.
    Now, go play GW2 and let all us unrealistic losers keep fighting for this game.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
    Just making counts here.

    There are people that work toward saving City of heroes from closing.
    There are people that work toward making something that'll accomodate the players after City closes.

    And then there are people that are on the forum, barking their opinions sitting on their backside.

    Lately I'm adhering to an old proverb: if you're not manning an oar, get the hell off this boat!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RogerWilco View Post
    I'm not giving up hope until the servers go dark.

    I'm following TonyV, I think it's the best we can do.
    Congenital pessimist that I am, I find myself agreeing with this.
    I'm following everyone on Twitter, I'm signing every petition that comes my way, I'm joining every online protest I can make.

    If nothing else, it's introduced me to a lot of fantastic people in the community that hadn't previously come to my notice. It's also changed my opinion about a lot of folks around here- that old saying 'you don't know who your real friends are until you actually need them' applies. A guy like TonyV who I didn't get along with turns out to be exactly the sort of person you want on your side when disaster strikes. And all the people in Ultimus' Final Reveal thread, people with no post history but who've been playing for years and grabbed a final opportunity to connect with the wider community.

    Then there's the why aren't you like me, way too cool to form an emotional attachment to a silly game? Also, GW2 is GREAT! contingent.

    I like the crowd I'm running with.
    If we end up bashing into a brick wall, as seems likely, we do it with the finest motives and in excellent company.
  13. Haven't updated in a while because I can't bring myself to log in.
    Silly, I know, but there it is.

    What little gaming I'm doing now is either HL2 Deathmatch, where I can report that my aim has all but vanished over the last few years of MMO-centric gameplay, or poking around Champions with the Earth 2 version of the Goat.

    Their FTP is quite a bit more restrictive on the character AT side, so for now he's basically just a blaster (The Inferno). The game is about as I remember- not terrible, but extremely derivative of WoW on the play side, with a lot of design effort poured into stuff I don't really care about ('freeform' ATs, etc) and with animations that range from 'uninspired' to 'terrible'.

    There are a few things I like, and all the story mission stuff is new to me, so for now it's 'okay'.

    So the other night I introduced it to my son to see what he thought. He climbed up on my lap like he does and we ran around 'bonking' bad guys on the street. He seemed okay with it, but after a while grew restive and said "Dada, can I run around with the REAL guy?"

    Then yesterday he came up while I was playing through a mission and said "Dada, is this guy's name Mr. Baron vonGoatsy?"
    Well now it is, because that's what he calls him.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
    Nice one Goat..troll teh troll? Is that worse, or better? Funny that you call tehm semi literate..yet when I spell checked that post, there was nothing wrong, just a few silly ms word hiccups.
    Get over yourself.
    I refer there to the original spate of trolling, not this post-ban troll-pology.

    But your affection for the troll is noted and my weighting of your future comments has been adjusted accordingly.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lulip0p View Post
    I stand corrected- apologies for the mis-characterization.
  16. note how the semi-literate troll is able contravene forum rules for a self-serving mea culpa.

    And cleverly posted on a Friday evening, too!

    Full marks for wiliness, troll!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
    I'm sure they've had cost cutting measures over time, but that's not something they'll publicize as a matter of policy.
    And why should they, when we have you around to share your incredible insider access with us, the great unwashed?

    Your services to the game only grow more amazing with the passage of time.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    "Blaster" is not an archtype in CO. Wait, it kind of is for Silver players, but then again why would anyone choose to level on the restricted archtypes? It would be like playing CoH without enhancements
    It hasn't bothered me at all.


    Maybe I'll feel different after I apply that 60 day timecard I picked up on Amazon for eight bucks.

    But I don't see the game getting hugely more entertaining for me- I'm not a person who generally appreciates a massive range of power options or perceives character construction as a major game draw. It'll still be WoW in tights whether I'm playing as The Inferno or some other, more involved template.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    That's it in a nutshell, basically. I get to the character select screen and start crying. It's ridiculous. I'm 42. Even reading the forums breaks my heart.

    Best computer game ever made.
    I'm not quite that bad off, but I understand the feeling.

    I haven't been able to log in because now the load screen fills me with despair.

    Which is stupid, it's like not visiting your terminally ill friend because they're probably going to die and that makes you sad.

    Well, not quite the same because the game doesn't care if I play or not, while a friend certainly would appreciate visits...but similar emotional logic.
  20. Well, this makes me mad.

    Yeah they don't care, notice, blah blah blah.

    Whatever minuscule weight my opinion carries on the fate of NCSoft just trundled all the way across to the DIAF Nao! section of the scales of cosmic judgement.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrsAlphaOne View Post
    WHY did we cancel? Well if it were JUST us, we would have started scaling down on food and whatnot...but we have these two beings called children that need to eat a little more than Ramen and KD on a daily basis. They also need clothes (Even consignment isn't cheap) and school supplies, hence why we had to stop "Paying" We still play the game as premiums.
    While I could still afford to play, raising my son left ZERO time for gaming so I took a year off.

    Small children play hell with your leisure time....
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I said "action games" and that's precisely what I meant. "Console games" would be inaccurate, and not just because the artificial division the effete elite try to maintain between PC gaming and console gaming is becoming more meaningless by the moment, but because the mechanic extends to arcade gaming and various bits of shareware one would download off of BBSs back before the WWW was the place everyone got their kicks.
    Like you're some rough-handed icon of the proletariat? *eyeroll*

    But I'm not surprised you could have been one of the derelicts who showed up on my BBS message board back in the day burping 'WERE R TEH FILEZ?!?'

    CO was designed for consoles.
    And while I'm sure arcade console fighters played a part in the genesis of the mechanism, that isn't any sort of recommendation.

    Odd, from Saturday to Monday (during which the double XP was conveniently available) I put in at least 24 hours of gaming without server disconnects, and the only technical issues I had was twice when I alt-tabbed away from the character creation and tried to come back all it would give me was a black screen with the mouse cursor so I had to End Task.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'm with Tenzhi on this one: There's nothing wrong with blocking, and using "console games" like a derogatory term is unfair.
    Not if, as I do, you find them despicable.

    It is a console game mechanism.
    I despise console game-style gamplay.

    Call it 'action', call it whatever you like- it's a concept rooted in gamepads and CO's original hybrid console/PC model, and I dislike it intensely.

    If you don't mind it, that's fine.
    But it is entirely fair to call it a console game mechanism because that's exactly what it is.

    Champions really isn't an action game or a console game...
    Or an MMO. It's a hybrid which, fortunately from my point of view, failed in its attempts to attract console support and so has evolved in the direction of an actual PC game. But which still bears design scars from its misguided PC/Console stages of development.

    It's enough of an MMO to maintain my engagement for now, but that doesn't improve my opinion of the residual design concessions to the console market.

    The biggest thing to remember about Champions blocking is you're not supposed to react to every attack an NPC throws at you.
    You seem to be making the presumption I dislike the mechanic because it is difficult. On the contrary. In practice it isn't much different from those dumb WoW raids with their scripted bosses, only it broke out of the dungeon lair and infected the entire game. And there's no 3rd party player mod to automate your responses.

    It is a mechanism that hails explicitly from console design, and it does not appeal to me in any way.

    That said, I *do* like it as applied to holds. It removes the binary 'helpless/fine' dichotomy of CoH and makes getting free more pro-active.

    However I'd prefer if they'd left it at that.