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  1. there are little draggable sections between the headings where it says "name" and "map" ect
  2. the sections of the sg window should be resizeable

    the only thing i really wanted to save was my sg base with the demo record and most of the poeple that were active in my sg already know about the issues happening
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    Do we just have to click the rating button, or like it with the FB app?

    I clicked the rating button, it turned red, but that doesn't really give any indication of whether or not it's "confirmed."
    pretty sure once it turns red that is confirmed, all of the numbers appear greyed by default

    adding comments and stuff as well as liking/sharing will also help
  4. what i got from the twitch tv statements was that ncsoft would not give the code out for free (no brainer), but they didnt say that ncsoft was outright not gonna sell or anything

    unless an official statement is posted all of the statements saying that ncsoft will not be willing to sell i consider rumors or speculation and thus not eliminating options yet
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post

    A picture's worth a thousand words!

    Everyone at Titan Network, thanks so much for your hard work on this. I don't think there's many MMOs where the players ever had a chance to save their characters like this, even just as a memento of their time in the game before it died.

    It goes without saying, but Sentinel+ can make "sequential backups" if you rename the character file, right? That way, we can snapshot our characters as they are now, but if we play with them and make significant progress on things if the game goes down on November 30, that can be recorded?
    you could always just re-take the snapshot if you make significant progress on something before then
  6. in addition to this which may get some tv airtime is this adult swim bump which a friend made for me last night

    link is here:
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    I'm going to disagree strongly with this sentiment. Refusing to buy any other NCSoft games or merchandise is fine, but continuing to buy whatever CoH stuff they continue to sell will only show them how much we still care about the game despite the fact that it's ending soon.

    What I can't decide is whether to get them now or ask for them for my birthday which is in a month. I don't know how much longer they'll stay up...
    hmm, possible

    i still would prefer custom t shirts with my own characters on it lol
  8. in one of the numerous threads out there i believe someone got a response back from ncsoft about it, they said they would give refund equal to all unused paragon points as well as any sub time past nov 30
  9. We are doing are absolute best to try to save the game, and with our driving force the devs are also not giving up just yet

    they havent gotten anything concrete yet but they are trying to work out a deal with ncsoft to keep the game

    dont give up just yet!
  10. after you click it the number should be highlighted a bluish color

    dont forget to leave comments because that will also help get it noticed
  11. i had 2 characters go through praetoria

    one was a kin melee/ninjitsu stalker which i had named PPD Assassin

    the other was a fire/MA tank named Blazing Resistance

    now guess which sides of praetoria each was on
  12. in regards to my above post, elvnsword has designed a bump that could be aired on adult swim, need poeple to rate it up

    a "preview" of the bump is located here
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Also, if you want Bughunter, submit a bug "Game closing! This will completely break gameplay!"

    hehe, put a smile on my face that did
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Still waiting for The Net to expose himself.
    you sir have just opened up yourself to a terrible joke, however im too tired to actually write it lol
  15. Tonight after watching some TV i realized that there was an excellent opportunity for some possible TV coverage

    this sunday august 9th adult swim is airing the Robot Chicken DC comics special

    i figured whats the best way to get noticed than promote the save coh campaign (video game about comics) in some of their [bumps] while they are airing a comic book special

    so i have submitted an email response and i have some other listed links in my post on the titan forums
  16. ill link to this thread on the titan forums
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Your signature reminds me that I should make a smaller version of that, NT.

    Edit: Done! Will be posting the link in the Banner thread soon. They aren't too tiny, but they are definitely less gimungous!
    i like the big sig
  18. the drivers are slightly dated, and IMO its usually best to download the whole game before starting, sometimes it might look like its stuck since when your in the game it doesnt show transfer rates or time estimation for completion

    and more people on the servers is a good thing, it will show ncsoft that we arent giving up!
  19. Necrotech_Master


    one day i hope i could start in QA somewhere and move into development

    all of you devs are so inspiring and for years i dreamed of some day working with you guys on coh when i finished school

    thats why i will do my darndest to make sure that this game stays alive so one day i could potentially fulfill my dream

    keep the dream alive viridian

    (as for the jokey part: ive only run viridians arc in game twice because he requires so much stuff to be able to run it lol)
  20. this saturday may not be the absolute best time for this

    this saturday at 5 pm is when tonyv is hosting a large unity gathering to garner support

    details here
  21. not yet, although with as many emails as they are prolly getting it might be easier for them to just make a public statement
  22. either were gonna win this thing or go out with a bang, teeth gnashing, fist punching awesomesauce
  23. if anything you could always just copy/paste the code in the macro and just add /macro macroname before the code segement

    then they just copy it and paste it in chat and hit enter and it will make them their own macro
  24. Necrotech_Master

    Villain Players

    Originally Posted by Alpha-One View Post
    How can you take over the world if it ceases to exist?

    Sometimes working with the good guys is a necessary...

    *puts glasses on*


    this is how i see it, them dang riktis arent a threat that requires banding together lol

    but this sort of world destroying thing is the most desperate of times
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    which ones?
    Save CoH Information Masterpost

    theres at least one other which listed it but i lost it among all the other threads im watching but heres the link to the article