How are you archiving your SG info?




I want to save the information about my Supergroups, and am currently using screenshots to do so, with demorecords run inside the bases as well.

One problem I haven't figured out how to handle is that the column for the character names on the SG roster isn't wide enough and truncates the names. Is there are way to fix this?

Note that this last question is in addition to that of the subject title; I'm interested in hearing all the clever ideas people have come up with.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



the sections of the sg window should be resizeable

the only thing i really wanted to save was my sg base with the demo record and most of the poeple that were active in my sg already know about the issues happening



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
the sections of the sg window should be resizeable
How? As far as I can tell they're fixed width and I can't find where to change the font size either.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



there are little draggable sections between the headings where it says "name" and "map" ect



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
there are little draggable sections between the headings where it says "name" and "map" ect
Ah, it only works on the header; got it. (The pop up arrows for sorting were throwing me off there.) Thanks.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Check out Tony V's first post on CoH Titan here...looks like someone created a program that allows you to save all your character info. You will need to take pics of them also.

Sentinel+ Extractor

That being said, here is one example of how I have saved the pic and info on every one of my characters. (I am going to do a similar thing for the bases...)

I used Photoscape (it's FREE and awesome) to combine the pictures and add the frame.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Sentinel+ is what prompted me to ask about SG info. I think Sentinel+, screenshots and demorecord handle everything else. Though I forgot to look in Sentinel+ to see if my biographies are there. One more screenshot per character if not.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Between Sentinel+, Screenshots (remembering to SAVE every 100 or two), and an SS (recording what's listed + related globals) I think I should be good. Can somebody Please point me to the proper way to DemoRec or is that actually builtin to Sentinel+?



Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
Between Sentinel+, Screenshots (remembering to SAVE every 100 or two), and an SS (recording what's listed + related globals) I think I should be good. Can somebody Please point me to the proper way to DemoRec or is that actually builtin to Sentinel+?
the commands for demorecord are

/demorecord demo_name

-can replace demo_name with whatever you want to name your demorecord
-demo is automatically stopped if you change zones



ok, that was easy enough. I've read that it records the base, contents, etc. So does that mean all I'd have to do is be inbase, type the commands (standing still) in sequence, and a minute later have a fully detailed file on the base? Or do I actually have to walk around the base opening everything I can find? I'm sure there's a thread on this, but my search-fu tends to be weak. :-/



Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
ok, that was easy enough. I've read that it records the base, contents, etc. So does that mean all I'd have to do is be inbase, type the commands (standing still) in sequence, and a minute later have a fully detailed file on the base? Or do I actually have to walk around the base opening everything I can find? I'm sure there's a thread on this, but my search-fu tends to be weak. :-/
once you have the file then if you wanted to replay the demofile it would show your sg base

its more for future use because the folks at titan network have been able to decode the random garbled mess that it looks like in a text editor and could use it to recreate the sg base in the future