171 -
Quote:I was obviously talking about bobcat, Neuron and their friends...Except Cole isn't the equivalent of a "suddenly overpowered Doc Ock". At his base level he's presented as the heaviest hitter on his planet, and his crew (like their primal counterparts) has been consistently presented as a Justice League/Avengers analogue.
By the way, Spidey was involved in the fight against Thanos in the Infinity Gauntlet....he's even on the cover of the TPB
I haven't fought Cole yet. Have you? And being the "heaviest hitter on his planet" doesn't really mean anything...
By the way, in the context of a multiverse sized threat, how epic would a team composed of only spiderman equivalents be? Yeah, spiderman on the cover of the TPB was pure marketing. And don't get me wrong, I love spiderman too... -
Quote:Well, before fighting Galactus, it would be nice to be at the level of Thor or the Hulk. Which is what the incarnate system was supposed to do to our characters.This is actually a very comic book inspired idea. Look at the heavy hitters of the Marvel Universe -- Thor, Hulk, etc. Then read "Infinity Gauntlet."
Or look at the heavy hitters of the DC Universe -- Superman, Wonder Woman, etc. Then read something like "Crisis on Infinite Earths."
Teaming up with 20 - 50 heroes (and villains on occasion) happens in comics for their big event stories all the time. If that's the type of thing COH is headed towards, I'm all for it.
Give me giant robots. Give me a madman with truly godlike powers. Give me something like Galactus to fight.
The way it looks now, is like having a team up of Spiderman, Iron Fist and other heroes of that power-level, uniting against a suddenly overpowered Dr Octopus. Compare that now with something like the Infinity Gauntlet.
See the difference now? -
And not just "to change the pets", delay it to completely revamp the slot. No more pets! I am sure you can find something much better than that. -
Quote:The Nav window has...an awful lot of text on it. Is this an actual new zone, or is it an event/mission map?
Good catch. It looks like it's a new mission. Which would make sense. I would be disappointed if this was a new zone.
Why? It looks too small for a new zone and there appears to be no new art. It looks like indepedance port ships put together.
Great for a new mission, very meh for a new zone. -
Congratulations ArrowRose!
And welcome to the club! -
I have an arc titled "Of feathers and fur...". What more could you ask for?
It's in my sig. -
Ok, the pack is seriously awesome. The heads are gorgeous (Though i agree they could scale better), beast run is cool and the rest is great too.
Only one thing "bothers" me. The fact that you can't use hats or anything else on the animal heads. I put bother in quotes because the pack is already amazing, and I can't wait to be able to buy it...
I'm having a hard time returning to live now.... -
Beautiful! -
My first ever prize in the AE!!!
I am so happy and honored!
A huge thank you to The American Legion for organizing this! -
Willpower and Shields. They both have the Castle touch!
Strictly visually speaking, DP and demon summoning are incredible! -
Thank you, yet again!
Amazing idea. Now bring the animal pack out! -
Thunderstorms...gamma rays...it looks like we need a new Thor vs Hulk thread now that we have more scientific information to back us up.
I vote Thor because he can create Anti-matter! -
Nice article. I particularly liked the following part:
Quote:Were going to have the best character customization out there in any superhero MMOG or any MMOG thats out there right now. -
I want to play too!
Let me submit:
Arc 12647: Tales of Cimerora: Of Feathers and Fur...
Enjoy! -
Hello Glazius!
Don't worry about not answering to what I quoted you about, it's really no big deal.
That being said, I need to reply a bit more...
Quote:I specifically avoided the shield for that reason. In the Illiad, the shield is largely described. I wanted to focus on another part of his armor, which was also created by Hephaestus. What I did wrong, however, is that I didn't publish the Tales' parts 3 and 4 where everything is explained. I blame it on not playing the AE anymore. So I understand you complain.Nah, actually, if you'd chosen the shield, I would have gone and googled "shield of Achilles", seen all the results, and thought "cool reference bro", for while I enjoy the Grecian mythology I am rather pants at the Iliad.
Quote:Classical examples of tragedy are more than just "a sad thing happens in the middle of victory", they're pretty counterpunchy in nature -- you get nailed by the exact opposite of what you were trying to do. Oedipus decides to leave home so he doesn't end up killing his dad and banging his mom and winds up, through no small measure of arrogance, killing his dad and banging his mom, though it takes a while to find out.
Quote:And honestly, trying to get information from the satyrs strikes me as a bit wrongheaded, as about all they could tell you is the location of the nearest a) punchup b) kegger. The harpies... mmmaybe? But they only come in in the first place because we're hunting the satyrs.
Quote:Or leave him to hunt for the artifact until Hades locks the door on him? The whole reason it's okay for me to go into the underworld is because I'm a futureman and Hades can't get a fix on me. Romulus does not have that advantage.
Quote:I guess the issue is that while mind CONTROL is reasonable for ancient mythic enemies to bust out on occasion, mind BULLETS have something of a futuristic feel to them. I couldn't tell you why I think this specifically, but it's probably because weird non-technological powers in science fiction come under the umbrella of "psionics", which incidentally was a word coined for that express purpose, whereas weird non-technological powers in fantasy are just magic.
Your conception of mind bullets is yours only, judging an arc on that is completely wrong. You can interpret it any way you want, it doesn't mean that they are inadequate to my characters.
I really don't want to argue with you and I really appreciate you spending the time on my arc and I have absolutely no problem with my arc being reviewed, I wouldn't have asked you otherwise. The only thing I didn't agree on was that basically everything you complained about in my arc, could be found in any arc in the AE, if you looked for things to find. Inadequate nitpicking based on very personal opinions on very vague concepts.
You reviewed my other arc, From Tartarus with Love.., and it was very helpful. I actually made some changes after reading it. Here, there's nothing I could use, hence the disappointment... -
My dominator, who's now also my new main, absolutely can't wait for the level shift in rare and ultra-rare alpha abilities...Oh the punishing!
Hey PW!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with your list and it being based on your tastes. Like I told you in-game once, I really appreciate the effort you put into helping the AE community grow. The only thing I don't like is that it's stickied when Venture's or Coulomb2's are not. Whatever the reason is, wether it's your amazing formatting skillsor anything else, I still find it a bit unfair to the others. But then again, it's their game.
Regarding the comedy arcs, I tend to avoid them like the plague! Too many were big disappointments, especially the ones that are DCed. In all honesty though, I remember laughing during "The Footstep Initiative" (which is in your list). That was pretty much it.
And where did you get the idea that I had " such high standards"? I don't think I am the only one who didn't agree with your list. If anything, I think I am way easier than most of the reviewers here.
It's a game after all, not a literary circle... -
Quote:Reading things like this and similar notions previously in the thread I can't help but wonder if none of you have ever heard the surprisingly accurate theory that 90% of everything is crap. And 90% of the remaining 10% is also crap. There is however some stuff that isn't crap and people have already done the hard work of finding it, collecting it and listing it in a thread that is easy to find. There's even a link to it in my signature. That list doesn't fix the problem with the AE search engine but nothing is fixing the problem with the AE search engine so far, so the list is still a good start. If the problem you're having with the AE is that you can't find good arcs because the AE search engine sucks, then it seems silly to complain about having to look elsewhere for the good arcs. If something sucks and a better alternative exists: use the better alternative.
That particular list is a collection of arcs based on one individual's own taste. It is in no way a reliable source for finding good arcs.
Just as Emberly said, there are a lot of terrible arcs in that list. Especially the comedy ones.
That a list like that was even stickied by the official team shows how much attention they are paying to the system. In other words, zero. It is, basically, a disguised review thread. (If you don't believe, reread the first post and its "small lines").
While I understand that it was created to help the AE community, it being stickied is somewhat unfair to other reviewers, like Venture, GlaziusF or Coulomb2, to name a few. -
Quote:I completely agree with Olantern's post. The AE community is what keeps me away.It was just a thought, nothing more nothing less. Those "arbiters of artistic perfection" at least wouldn't steer you into a farm, an abandoned arc that was never finished or something poorly written. It wouldn't be a guarantee of "artistic perfection" (or whatever), I'd probably not like some of them as well, but it would be a start.
While it is true and much appreciated that the reviewers (or most "active" member of the AE community) won't steer you into a farm, they are still sending a lot of very good arcs into the 4 star oblivion.
It's funny how they hate it when it happens to them but to do it to other authors in the name of their own definition of "artistic perfection" is perfectly fine....
"Officially" downstaring other authors' arcs for unimportant details is almost as bad, to me, as being a 1 star bandit. It's even more hypocritical.