87 -
My little bit of advice to you is, the amount of accuracy you have in your attacks is overkill for anything but a PvP build designed to land hits on the high end of the defense cap. For a PvE build 2 is more than enough unless you are fighting like +5's on a regular basis.
Me personally with Broadsword I use FA and Tactics 3 slotted with to-hits and so can drop to 1 acc with 3 damage and 2 recharge in the big 3, hack, disembowel and headsplitter, to ensure this small chain cycles as fast as possible with no extra redraw than necessary. As my toon is a regen the heals put away the sword and it can get annoying if you throw in attacks that put it away also, so my aim was an all broadsword attack chain with the highest sustainable damage. The good point about being bs/regen is I can get away with the attack slotting and running both the to-hit powers as well as assault what with 3 slotted QR, stamina and conserve power from the epic pool for emergencies(AV fights/PvP/end drain etc). Also I have the option of turning off the more expensive FA for 99% of all PvE and so conserve isn't needed at all then. Something to think about for the future I guess as you will also have these kind of options with QR and Stamina at your disposal.
(Looking at willpower with its higher amount of toggles, on thinking about it I would try 1 acc, 3 dam, 1 rech and 1 end redux, if going the tactics and FA route and go from there.) -
Quote for fix
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Fixed, lol Sin -
I'd say getting the best two single target attacks in Psi (TK Blast and Will Domination) won't steer you far wrong if you would like to do a bit of blasting. Both have quick animation/cast times which is the most important thing as you don't really wanna be stuck in say a Snipe animation if you need to heal that crazy Blaster before he eats floor.
Both have decent damage along with o.k'ish secondary effects, one has knockback the other sleep so they can be of some use for helping team mates out of trouble or positioning foes back into the fight/debuffs with TK Blast etc.
Usually (before Mental Blast was looked at) most peoples single target attack chain with Psi is built around Subdue/TK Blast/Will Dom. I cannot vouch if Mental Blast is worth using now as I haven't tested it on my Defender yet, but somehow I doubt it.
For Fly I would slot 2 flight speed and Swift 1 or 2 flight speed. IIRC before the new Swift buff, Fly used to cap out at the 3 SO mark pre-ED, so I doubt that has changed due to the technical restrictions. So if you slot Swift for flight speed I cannot see that slotting more than 2 in Fly would do anything much, also the second one in Swift would be very debatable (useful to boost hover if you use it though I suppose). Personally on my Scrapper I just respec'd I went for 2 in Fly and the default 1 in Swift, he seems to nip about very well and I'm most happy with the speed.
Hope this helps. -
I know most people take Hack over Slash, because it deals mroe damage in one hit. However, you can use Slash twice in the time you can use Hack once, and two times Slash is more damage than one time Hack.
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If you just look at it from twice the damage perspecive yes Slash would be better but the unslotted figures from nofuture say that Slash does 125 lethal damage over nearly 2.8 seconds activation time for two applications where Hack does 102 lethal damage over a 1.8 second activation time for one application so you cannot fit in two Slash's in the space of 1 Hack, it's impossible.
Using two recharge SO's in Headsplitter-Disembowel-Hack and Hasten up I can constantly chain these three untill hasten drops. When Hasten isn't up I throw in a Parry or Slice(with one recharge in it) to complete my chain. Until recently I did have Slash, but couldn't fit it in my new build and it was only ever needed when I got hit with -recharge, so now Parry gets its place but using that will drop your DPS down considerably and I will only stack it if I think I'm gonna be in trouble.
My conclusion Hack is better than Slash, and the Headsplitter-Disembowel-Hack chain is the most DPS you will kick out with BS, trust me. -
Ah right neg energy yeah it's the weakest after toxic, as Lecxe says power surge gives you good protection against it, and if you are really worried about it you could slot grounded with an extra res or two and it goes some way to covering it outside of power surge.
If my builder is correct 3 slotting grounded with +3 SO's would give an extra 11.8% negative energy resistance, bringing it upto 35.4% total with conductive shield, still a little short of the 41.3% in smash/lethal, fire, cold and psi but not too shabby. -
I have noticed some v bad thing about /elec thats its weakness for -nrg its really a big killer on the AT so if your thinking /elec keep your eyes peeled for anything -nrg
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Do you mean anything with energy damage? There aren't any specific -res powers so it cant be that, if it's end drain /elec does have resistance to it and it's energy damage resistance is just about the highest in the game afaik outside of tier 9's.
The biggest hole in /elec's defenses has to be no toxic resistance outside of Power Surge, so i'd be watching out for spines scrappers. -
Against the Lords an effective way of dealing with them is to use the 'drive by' method. Run/Jump up to them hit them once or twice depending on how fast your attacks are, then Run/Jump out of PBAoE range and repeat.
Mental blast is just horrible, terrible activation time and will kill any chances of getting high dps. Take the slots out and use them somewhere else. Subdue is a far better low end blast, i'm suprised not to see it in your build, but not as suprised as not seeing TK Blast and Will Dom!! If you want any kind of single target dps you need these for sure.
Yeah tactics fear res works same as sleep res, just shortens the time you are feared, afaik.
Psy side of things:
Mental blast; just a really poo power, no other way to say it, horrid activation time for the damage done and should only ever be used as a last resort (and even then your probably better off waiting for something else to recharge :f ).
Subdue; good power, reasonable damage and a pretty fast animation, has an ok chance to immob but don't count on it, use this inplace of mental blast as your main weak blast.
Psioncic Lance(snipe); the best ranged snipe in the game without being buffed, it's pretty good but at the end of the day it's just a slow activation snipe and it can be forgotten with a decent tk blast > will dom > subdue chain.
Will domination and TK blast; the bread and butter of this set and I die a little inside each time I see /psy without these two. Good damage, 1-1.5sec activation times, the sleep and KB are ok as bonuses, not really useful but the blasts would still be damn good without them.On my rad/psi I have focused on these two as my big hitters, adding as much recharge in as I can with tactics and RI helping for the acc loss, I have hasten and AM to further bolster the recharge making them into a really fearsome chain.
The aoe's i'm not sure on because my rad/psy is/was built for PvP off the bat. The cone just looks like any other cone and the psionic tornado is meant to be ok but can cause lots of Adds(extra agro from other spawns). The nuke is meant to be one of the better ones, again I can't really confirm or deny this.
PS. welcome Vix -
Uber gratz Cambo :E
Here's my rough Lvl50 PvP bias build (I changed order of powers when I respec'd) and I still have endurance problems running everything and attacking for extended periods of time
without conserve the build wouldn't work very well, and it always seems to be there ready when I run low.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: NTrailZ
Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Broad Sword
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Hack==> Acc(1)Dmg(3)Dmg(3)Dmg(5)Rechg(5)Rechg(33)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1)Heal(7)Heal(7)
02) --> Slice==> Acc(2)Dmg(9)Dmg(9)Dmg(11)Rechg(11)
04) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(4)Heal(13)Heal(13)Rechg(15)Rechg(15)Rechg(17)
06) --> Build Up==> Rechg(6)Rechg(17)Rechg(19)
08) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(8)EndMod(21)EndMod(21)
10) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(10)Heal(23)Heal(23)Rechg(25)Rechg(25)Rechg(27)
12) --> Teleport Foe==> Range(12)
14) --> Teleport==> Range(14)Range(27)
16) --> Integration==> EndRdx(16)Heal(19)Heal(29)Heal(31)
18) --> Hurdle==> Jump(18)Jump(29)
20) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(20)
22) --> Hasten==> Rechg(22)Rechg(31)Rechg(31)
24) --> Super Speed==> Run(24)EndRdx(43)
26) --> Disembowel==> Acc(26)Dmg(33)Dmg(33)Dmg(34)Rechg(34)Rechg(34)
28) --> Instant Healing==> Heal(28)Heal(36)Heal(36)Rechg(36)Rechg(37)Rechg(37)
30) --> Assault==> EndRdx(30)EndRdx(37)EndRdx(39)
32) --> Head Splitter==> Acc(32)Dmg(39)Dmg(39)Dmg(40)Rechg(40)Rechg(40)
35) --> Tactics==> EndRdx(35)EndRdx(42)EndRdx(42)TH_Buf(42)TH_Buf(43)TH_Buf(48)
38) --> Health==> Heal(38)Heal(43)
41) --> Focused Accuracy==> EndRdx(41)EndRdx(45)EndRdx(45)TH_Buf(46)TH_Buf(46)TH_Buf(46)
44) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(44)Rechg(45)
47) --> Slash==> Acc(47)Dmg(48)Dmg(48)Dmg(50)
49) --> Stamina==> EndMod(49)EndMod(50)EndMod(50)
01) --> Sprint==>
01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
Slice isn't a horrible power, that would be Slash lol, i've taken it at the end as a filler because I don't have any pool attacks, and it can be useful when Hasten isn't up or when you are slowed, also it's good for taking that last little sliver of HP off instead of using a big attack.
My PvP attack chain, with Hasten up of course, is Headsplitter - Disembowel - Hack. Repeat.
Without hasten Slice will get thrown in next to complete the chain, then Slash only if I really need it.
When taking and using Parry I wouldn't take Slash of course. -
I usually check this thread atleast once a day, don't post on it though, never got anything to say.
Computer says yes :/
Is this build intended for mainly PvP or PvE?
I've gotta say it looks a little strange.
I would definately put a third damage slot in all your attacks. The four slotting of Hasten and Stamina can definately be dropped to three. The slots in Resilience aren't much use unless you stack it with fully slotted Tough from the fighting pool (avoid Weave tho). Dull pain should be fully slotted with three recharges and three heals. Drop the Knockback distance in Headsplitter (yuck sorry). Your gonna have a long downtime on Buildup with only one Recharge in it. Slot tactics two or three to-hits and three endurance reductions, the base accuracy boost on Tactics for a Scrapper is 7%, Focus Accuracy is a much better power at 25% base accuracy boost but will still need three slotting for endurance reduction as it eats the blue stuff. -
One-slotted Resilience and 3 slotted tough comes to about 30% S/L damage resist, well worth it.
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It's 24.6% @ lvl50 according to Sherksilver's builder.
Still is a good combo though, mainly for PvE but it will increase your PvP survivability a bit if you like some PvP action. -
Yeah but atleast it'll make people think about it, then it will get out there and then I hope it gets fixed.
It's not a massive bug or exploit or anything, just weird how these 'holes' are allowed to slip through. -
I'll give clues eheh don't wanna give game away straight away, I'd also like it noted that i've never taken advantage of this in PvP
What's better than having one of something?
There that's a huge clue -
It cannot be avoided per se, but its not like any travel power suppression is terribly restricting either. If youre having a sniping contest here then the first sniper can drop behind some obstacles to break LoS and avoid return fire.. Thats taking advantage of your surroundings.
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Yes Flight suppresion can be totally avoided, I ain't making this up lol, i've told Botty my method, he can confirm. -
"Fly like a butterly, sting like a bee."
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As far as I recall it was "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." wasn't it? Had to butt in to correct sorry.
Incidently from watching a lot of classic boxing fights, Ali's main survival tactic seemed to be holding on and frustrating an opponent over the whole course of a fight, yeah the fancy footwork worked on the outside, with his jab to back it up, but he always reverted to holding and pulling an opponents head down, in-close. He definately got away with quite a lot that just wouldn't be acceptable today
Back in the general realms of the discussion at hand...
Movement in PvP is a good thing, and it really irks me when people say i'm running away on my bs/regen when I just TP one or two jumps away to regen and then come back to the fight (TP is his only travel power atm aswell). It's not like i'm running all the way back to base (or that I just keep running in the arena), I am just playing to the strengths of the Regen set, and if they have not got the tactics/powers to stop me using this strategy even when they outnumber me, it is not my fault. -
Actually its not. Once u see where the shot came from you can turn fast and fire.Remember there is supression after firing and this is what adds up to AR defiance build
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Flight supression can be easily avoided if you know how and have the right things available to you -
Later I saw this same player, moving this time, and lined up buildup and ET, both of these landed, and the person fell over. What was later intimated to me, over broadcast, was that they were being held and I had just caused them debt.
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If you killed him yourself he wouldn't of got any debt and had nothing to moan about. The spectator? his own fault, you did nothing wrong.
I was fighting a MM and a Brute the other day 2v1, I was trying hit and run TP tactics, as I couldn't beat them both together. MM was hitting me with HT and fears then the brute would come whack me, so before they killed me i'd TP off, simple tactics. Then the /tells started from the MM saying I was a coward etc... then on talking with the brute a little asking for a straight up fight, they said no they'd beat me so there was no point, so I said no insps no running away, they replied no as I was /regen and overpowered. So that was o.k. I didn't mind, so then I say, if you two guys had mixed up your tactics you would have beaten me, I couldn't get past the HT and /regen has a big weakness to Fear, at this point the brute goes nuts and calls me a whiner and im saying /regen is gimp and all this other lame s**t.
My point, PvP zones have their fair share of morons, don't listen to them, just KILL THEM! -
I guess I'm still thinking of I4 numbers (I think so anyway), I haven't played my 50 SR in that long... Oh well... If you're gonna take the powers not to slot them, I don't really see the point in taking them at all then, the def buff would be that small.
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Err thought I had already shown that taking a power wasn't too bad cost effective-wise, (all except Weave) but slotting it is a terrible waste. If you don't think what I'm saying is right, and taking defensive unslotted pool powers is a waste, i'm sure most of the experienced players on the forum would disagree with you, especially as Filth points out most would get some naturally anyway, but nevermind.
Just to show you this in practise.
Same level50 SR scrapper with all SR shields 3 slotted with +3 SO's, no Elude.
Melee 27.5%
Ranged 27.5%
AoE 47.2%
Now lets show your 3 slotted CJ and Weave again ontop of that. No Elude.
Melee 36.6%
Ranged 36.6%
AoE 47.2%
Now lets take the first example and add single slotted defensive pool powers to it. Level50 SR scrapper with all SR shields 3 slotted with +3 SO's, Stealth, Combat Jumping and Hover all added with 1 base slot. No Elude.
Melee 36.8%
Ranged 36.8%
AoE 47.2%
So you can see that far from being not worth taking without slots, it proves more cost effective in terms of powers taken and slots used, than 3 slotting CJ and Weave. -
Ok here's some figures from Joe Chott's planner.
Lvl50 Scrapper all SR defenses three slotted with +3 defence SO's, no elude.
Melee 27.5%
Ranged 27.5%
AoE 47.2%
Same lvl50 Scrapper all SR defenses three slotted with +3 defense SO's, no elude. With CJ and Weave slotted with the base one +3 SO defense enhancement in each.
Melee 34.6%
Ranged 34.6%
AoE 47.2%
Again the same lvl50 Scrapper all SR defenses three slotted with +3 defense SO's, no elude. But this time he has Combat Jumping and Weave both three slotted with +3 SO defense enhancements.
Melee 36.6%
Ranged 36.6%
AoE 47.2%
So yes it is a boost but four slots for a 2% increase in only two of the three categories, is that really worth it? I would prefer to take another 1st or 2nd tier pool power to give me more defense rather than slotting the ones I already had.
The same for a lvl40 Stalker. Hide one base defense slot, all SR defenses three slotted with +3 Defense SO's. No Elude.
Melee 36.8%
Ranged 36.8%
AoE 44.7%
Now i'll take every defense pool power I can get. Lvl40 Stalker, all SR defenses three slotted with +3 defense SO's. Hide one base defense slot. Weave, Combat Jumping, Stealth and Hover all one base +3 defense slot. No Elude.
Melee 49.1%
Ranged 49.1%
AoE 44.7%
Now i'll go nuts and three slot everything. Lvl40 Stalker, all SR defenses three slotted with +3 defense SO's. Hide three slotted for defense. Weave, Combat Jumping, Hover and finally Stealth three slotted for defense, all with +3's. No Elude. Totally unrealistic.
Melee 55.2%
Ranged 55.2%
AoE 47.3%
That would be what taking six powers to give a 12.3%/12.3%/0% increase. Adding the ten more slots to the five defense powers you would want to three slot would give a further 6.1%/6.1%/2.6% boost over the base one slotting. I hope this demonstrates how poor the returns really are on slotting 'most' pool powers in this manner and why they would be better used somewhere else. -
So you're saying the extra 5% or so from CJ, and another 5 or so from Weave (when both are 3 slotted with def) doesn't help? That brings you up to 40% def with toggles and auto's (on a scrapper anyway, dunno about stalkers, and I mean the bonus from toggles and auto's not including base def)
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Not quite sure I understand you right sorry. I mean the powers are worth taking but the return for the slots you put in is pathetic, its well known that weave is a terrible power (now) and most wouldn't even take it let alone slot it.
So i'm saying take the powers but use your slots in your primaries and secondaries because they are way more important. Then you can think about throwing any spare slots about into pool powers, most builds don't have space and gain far more benefit from slotting a power with a much higher base value.