Storm/Psi, thoughts anyone?
Mental blast is just horrible, terrible activation time and will kill any chances of getting high dps. Take the slots out and use them somewhere else. Subdue is a far better low end blast, i'm suprised not to see it in your build, but not as suprised as not seeing TK Blast and Will Dom!! If you want any kind of single target dps you need these for sure.
Dear God, didn't even take a look at the activation time of Mental Blast. *shudder*
New build will follow in a moment
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
Main problem points and how I'm trying to compensate for them:
a) No good attacks on low levels, meaning this needs to be done as a respec build (taking and slotting subdue and mental blast until respec)
b) Too many powers that need some loving (Thus taking the teleports, they're useful powers and they don't need extra slots )
c) No Aim power in /Psi, which means besides Power Build Up, no way of increasing burst damage other than slotting/inspirationing.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
Name: Mental Joe
Level: 50
Archetype: Defender
Primary: Storm Summoning
Secondary: Psychic Blast
01) --> O2 Boost==> Heal(1)
01) --> Mental Blast==> Acc(1)
02) --> Snow Storm==> EndRdx(2) EndRdx(3) EndRdx(3) Slow(5) Slow(5) Slow(7)
04) --> Psionic Lance==> Acc(4) Dmg(7) Dmg(9) Dmg(9)
06) --> Steamy Mist==> EndRdx(6) EndRdx(11) EndRdx(11) DmgRes(13) DmgRes(13) DmgRes(15)
08) --> Hover==> Fly(8) Fly(15) Fly(17)
10) --> Hasten==> Rechg(10) Rechg(17) Rechg(19)
12) --> Hurricane==> EndRdx(12) EndRdx(19) EndRdx(21) TH_DeBuf(21) TH_DeBuf(23) TH_DeBuf(23)
14) --> Super Speed==> EndRdx(14)EndMod(25)
16) --> Swift==> Run(16)
18) --> Health==> Heal(18)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(25)
22) --> Thunder Clap==> Rechg(22) Rechg(27) Rechg(27) Acc(29) Acc(29) DisDur(31)
24) --> Psychic Scream==> Acc(24) Acc(31) Dmg(31) Dmg(33) Dmg(33)
26) --> Tornado==> Rechg(26) Rechg(33) Rechg(34) DisDur(34) DisDur(34) DisDur(36)
28) --> Psionic Tornado==> Acc(28) Rechg(36) Rechg(36) Rechg(37) EndRdx(37) EndRdx(37)
30) --> Recall Friend==> Range(30)
32) --> Lightning Storm==> Rechg(32) Rechg(39) Rechg(39) Dmg(39) Dmg(40) Dmg(40)
35) --> Telekinetic Blast==> Acc(35) Acc(40) Dmg(42) Dmg(42) Dmg(42) EndRdx(46)
38) --> Will Domination==> Acc(38) Acc(43) Dmg(43) Dmg(43) Dmg(45) EndRdx(50)
41) --> Power Build Up==> Rechg(41) Rechg(45) Rechg(45)
44) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(44) Rechg(46) Rechg(46)
47) --> Total Focus==> Acc(47) Acc(48) Dmg(48) Dmg(48) Dmg(50) DisDur(50)
49) --> Teleport==> EndRdx(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Vigilance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
(STEALTH EDIT: Noticed the bugger of a builder had planted me 3 enhas on heal... completely reslotted the build
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
I think you're overdoing it with the end reductions in your toggles. I have a Storm/Rad and a Rad/Psy, and going from my experiences on those, I really don't think you'll need anywhere near that many. Even before Vigilance was added in, I wouldn't have slotted that many. And since Vigilance came in, I've really found my Defenders to be quite light on end - I considered not picking up Stamina on my Rad, but kept it for soloing and AV fights. And keep in mind, I almost never slot endurance reductions in my attacks, so I especially doubt you need that many in both the attacks and the toggles together.
As it stands, in my Storm/Rad's current build (a recent respec after player her for 20-odd levels), I'm planning on putting two endurance reductions in Snow Storm and Steamy Mist, and one in Hurricane (which uses less endurance, according to everything I've read on it - does seem that way). Honestly, I could get by with less (I find that the more powers I have, the less time I leave any given toggle running), but I like to plan for when I'll need to be in a long fight and have all my toggles running. I'd pop one of those slots into Stamina instead - the third slot makes a reasonable difference, and you're better off with it there, and helping you in all situations, rather than just benefitting one power.
Past that... I don't think I'd bother slotting Total Focus with disorient duration, but hey... personal preference. I wouldn't bother rushing to slot Snow Storm with slows at a low level - it's good out of the box, and extra slows are nice, but I'd say it's less important than getting other things slotted early. Fine for a respec build, though. If you find you can spare more slots for Psionic Lance (interrupt reduction, maybe even a recharge?), I find that as a Stormy I can often get away with sniping quite a bit. It's always satisfying to do that much damage on a Defender.
Oh, and I want a Storm/Psy now, just so I can have Tornado and Psionic Tornado at the same time.
I think you're overdoing it with the end reductions in your toggles.
[/ QUOTE ]
Could be. I'm overtly careful when it comes to Endreds in all my builds, and looking at my hypothetical attack chain It will run out eventually even with these endreds going. Might drop one from the 3-endred-slotted and putting them to snipe...
Past that... I don't think I'd bother slotting Total Focus with disorient duration, but hey... personal preference.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would slot it with more damage if at all reasonable And I really feel like 6-slotting it to get most fun out of it for the endgame. Have quite a lot of disorient going anyways so I guess part of my subconscious plan to stack it a lot...
Fine for a respec build, though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, also will be going for a couple of more slotted attacks, skipping fitness getting Superjump for easy movement and then respeccing to this somewhere past the mid-twenties.
If you find you can spare more slots for Psionic Lance (interrupt reduction, maybe even a recharge?), I find that as a Stormy I can often get away with sniping quite a bit. It's always satisfying to do that much damage on a Defender.
[/ QUOTE ]
Leveled this to lv 5 now and I'm loving Psionic Lance. As said, the damage is surprisingly big and the range, combined with snow storm's movement slow makes fighting even +2s or +3s enjoyable
Oh, and I want a Storm/Psy now, just so I can have Tornado and Psionic Tornado at the same time.
[/ QUOTE ]
Guess what was the reason for the combo
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
ZOMG... get and slot Freezing Rain ASAP!!!
Subdue is good strong attack, should try to fit it in. Also, freezing rain is one of the 3 main storm powers, get it, slot it, love it.
From the build above, what would you suggest switching to Freezing Rain? (<- total Storm n00b, total Psi n00b. )
Oh, and which will I switch to Subdue - Will Dom or TK Blast?
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
I would work in snow storm, freezing rain and hurricane by lvl 12 and get 4 slots in each asap. They are the three powers in storm that are must-haves. You can get away easily with 1 Endredux and 3 Slow/Recharge/ToHitDebuff in each one. The -Def on FR is fierce even unslotted and I've never felt the need to add enhancers to that.
EDIT: I have fly on my ice/storm with 3 fly SOs in it. I'm not sure why anyone would need endredux in fly as it's a travel power and the only thing you might want to travel with is steamy mist. You can have fly (with no endredux) and steamy mist (with 1 endredux) active with 3 slotted stamina and fly indefinitely.
Well, now that I have real time and some more insight I might as well start thinking of a "non-respec" build One thing I've noticed with running just Steamy Mist and Snow Storm at lv 6 is that my endurace is going like crazy. This will naturally be improved with stamina and endreds, but makes my "out-of-end"-phobia more sever...
Making a new iteration soonish.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
First re: Fly slotting. Have it 6-slotted on some high-toggle characters, it is a damnedly big endurance hog if you skip hover. But not going to take fly on this char.
But on to the next version.. This one has more or less accurate levels for slots of powers in too.
(The number of iterations this character is going through Shows how much experience I have in playing a non-"pure empath" defender ...)
First of all, Storm/Psi/Power seriously suffers from the "Too Many Cool Powers" -syndrome. *mumbles*
Dropped Teleport as it's pretty useless in the build. Wanted to keep Recall Friend as it's a perfect "non-slottable power" to get Total Focus fully slotted.. and no-one ever complains if someone has it. TP would have made up for the lack of immob prot on the character, but something had to go. Hover is still in quite early, to get vertical movement, but moved it up a few levels. Not slotting it until I get SOs, so it stays unslotted up to 21. Primary movement power is Superspeed.
Freezing Rain, Hurricane and Snow Storm in as soon as possible. Freezing Rain, combined with Tornado and Psi Tornado should keep most people off their feet with Tornado and Thunder Clap providing some stacking Disorient.
The actual attacks come in at later levels, Psi Scream as the first one at 30 (Been longing for a multi-target attack ever since I got snow storm, so taking it first), Subdue and TK Blast later at 35 and 38 - chose to opt out of Will Domination because of all the stuff going on that will disturb the sleep, and because the two attacks have faster recharge rate than WD.
Still fully slotted Total Focus in the end. I'm skipping the nuke, but I'm really wanting to have one high-burst attack in case something gets pear shaped. Plus the Disorient stacks with the previously mentioneds, so nothing bad about that, right? Switched Disorient Duration to Recharge to get to do it again if necessary.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Mental Joe
Level: 50
Archetype: Defender
Primary: Storm Summoning
Secondary: Psychic Blast
01) --> O2 Boost==> Heal(1)
01) --> Mental Blast==> Acc(1)
02) --> Snow Storm==> EndRdx(2)Slow(3)Slow(3)Slow(17)EndRdx(45)
04) --> Psionic Lance==> Acc(4)Dmg(5)Dmg(5)Dmg(17)IntRdx(46)
06) --> Steamy Mist==> EndRdx(6)EndRdx(7)EndRdx(7)DmgRes(19)DmgRes(19)DmgRes(46)
08) --> Hasten==> Rechg(8)Rechg(9)Rechg(9)
10) --> Freezing Rain==> Rechg(10)Rechg(11)Rechg(11)EndRdx(15)EndRdx(50)
12) --> Hurricane==> TH_DeBuf(12)TH_DeBuf(13)TH_DeBuf(13)EndRdx(15)EndRdx(46)
14) --> Super Speed==> EndRdx(14)
16) --> Hover==> Fly(16)Fly(21)Fly(21)
18) --> Swift==> Run(18)
18) --> Hurdle==> Jump(20)
22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22)EndMod(23)EndMod(23)
24) --> Thunder Clap==> Acc(24)Acc(25)Rechg(25)Rechg(42)Rechg(43)DisDur(43)
26) --> Tornado==> Rechg(26)Rechg(27)Rechg(27)DisDur(40)DisDur(40)DisDur(43)
28) --> Psionic Tornado==> Rechg(28)Rechg(29)Rechg(29)Acc(37)Acc(37)
30) --> Psychic Scream==> Acc(30)Acc(31)Dmg(31)Dmg(31)Dmg(33)
32) --> Lightning Storm==> Rechg(32)Rechg(33)Rechg(33)Dmg(34)Dmg(34)Dmg(34)
35) --> Subdue==> Acc(35)Acc(36)Dmg(36)Dmg(36)Dmg(37)
38) --> Telekinetic Blast==> Acc(38)Acc(39)Dmg(39)Dmg(39)Dmg(40)
41) --> Power Build Up==> Rechg(41)Rechg(42)Rechg(42)
44) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(44)Rechg(45)Rechg(45)
47) --> Total Focus==> Acc(47)Acc(48)Dmg(48)Dmg(48)Dmg(50)Rechg(50)
49) --> Recall Friend==> Range(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Vigilance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
Personally, I'd drop thunder clap, which would give room to take either will domination or the nuke.
Personally, I'd drop thunder clap, which would give room to take either will domination or the nuke.
[/ QUOTE ]
When picking sets there usually is a power, or combination of powers, that make me think "I want that". Thunder Clap was one of those "Cool Powers" that made me want to take Storm set (along with Tornado and Lightning Storm), so even if it means losing a good attack, it's staying in.
The lack of nuke is conscious as said - have toggles running and I feel like keeping them running without need to retoggle after every second group. I'd be firing it too much, knowing my love for nukes.
Would love to get Will Dom in, but don't really want to get it slotted "half-way", meaning I can't get it as my lv 49 "filler power". And Immob and Knockback both outdo Sleep when it comes to secondary effect usefulness. Plus Subdue and TK Blast both have faster recharge, so won't be switching either of those for it...
Switching Psi Lance for Subdue could be an option (and putting Will Dom in place where Subdue is now), but Psi Lance has the inbuilt accuracy that makes it more usable with less slots. And Lance great range, which combined with the slows make it a safer power to use. Just doesn't feel right somehow.
Can't just get Will Dom in anywhere
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
I'd take Will Dom over Subdue if you're having to pick, they're both secondary sleeps, Will Dom has a faster activation time and a higher base damage.
The immob is scramble thoughts, and personally I hate it, although YMMV.
Ok, Hero builder gave me Scramble as Disorient, Subdue as Immob and Will Dom as Sleep.
And yeah I agree, Scramble Thoughs has nothing good about it, even in theory - 3 second activation, 20 sec recharge, very short duration, damage that could be described with "pants" and bigger endurance cost than Will Domimation... The good thing is that there is a power in the set that can be skipped as easilly as Flurry.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
I'm pretty certain it's a sleep, although it's been a while since I had it on my build - Will Dom won for damage anyway, since I was always going to have dominate for a nice ST hold.
Easiest way is check if it takes sleep or immob enhances, although can't for a couple of hours since I'm in work.
Nofuture lists it as an immob too, I'm probably misremembering.
Nofuture lists it as an immob too, I'm probably misremembering.
[/ QUOTE ]You are, subdue is definitely immob.
Nofuture lists it as an immob too, I'm probably misremembering.
[/ QUOTE ]You are, subdue is definitely immob.
[/ QUOTE ]
It was I3 when I last used it, I have trouble remembering last week, never mind last year
Not sure how much it applies to storm/Psi, but I've found scream-tk blast-will dom-psi lance to be a pretty effective minion/lt killer, with dominate to knock out the partner mob.
In 3 man spawns, will dom will lock down 1, dominate the other, and you've just about got enough time to use lance straight after TK blast if the knockback takes.
One thing I've noticed with running just Steamy Mist and Snow Storm at lv 6 is that my endurace is going like crazy. This will naturally be improved with stamina and endreds, but makes my "out-of-end"-phobia more sever...
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, my Stormy was like that at low levels, and I freaked out and made a build for her with three end reds in all my toggles, until Syn leaned over and pointed out how little the third one was really even helping, especially in Hurricane.
With Stamina, SOs, and Vigilance, I honestly don't find Storm to be the horrendous endurance-hog I was convinced it would be, and that it seemed to be for the early levels. Yes, you'll run out of endurance eventually if you leave all your toggles on and spam all your attacks, but you may well find you don't use everything all the time. Obviously, everyone's playstle is different, so in part this is just going to be a matter of seeing how it plays out for you, but I'll often find I don't need Snow Storm at all, or go through an entire mission without turning Hurricane on once (especially now that it pushes mobs about twice as far as it should). Or I'll find myself so busy debuffing things that I don't really attack a whole lot. Either way, before I can get anywhere near running out of end, everything's usually dead.
Of course, maybe you'll find some way to run Storm/Psy into the ground. I've had people telling me they don't find Ice/Dark Corruptors bad for endurance use, when I can regularly be found practically sobbing over how bad mine is - perhaps Storm/Psy will be your Ice/Dark.
-If you're going o2, I'd say, however pathetic, it's worth slotting for heal.
-TClap, 2/2/2
-Tornado, the recharges aren't necessary, but it depends on how you want to play. In case you didn't know, with hasten, it comes back before it's over, unslotted
-Don't need all the travel powers! And TP should have 3 range 2 End Rdx
-I have Total Focus with 3 dmg, 2 acc, 1 rch, but I have an extra stun power, so...
Everything else seems in order
-Don't need all the travel powers! And TP should have 3 range 2 End Rdx
[/ QUOTE ]With 3 range, it doesn't need EndRdx
Max is right, don't bother with an end in teleport. I used to have 2 range 1 end and then 3 range and now just 1 range since a recent respec. I teleport around mid-fight quite aggressively to get my hurricane where it's needed fast as well.
Freezing Rain is an amazing power in storm, good Def and Dmg Res Debuff, it's necessary, and has a good holding technique.
And if you're using TP for inside missions, no need for End, but for getting to missions a long way away (where TP is best) the End Rdx are teh roxx.
And if you're using TP for inside missions, no need for End, but for getting to missions a long way away (where TP is best) the End Rdx are teh roxx.
[/ QUOTE ]I can TP from one end of IP to the other without stopping to rest on the way, with 3 range and nothing else in TP.
Ok, after tanking and blasting for a weekend I think it's time to do something else...
), but has more than enough attacks to stand on it's own I think.
Pay no attention to the levels the slots are taken. Didn't take the Nuke as there are toggles I want to be running. More team oriented than a solo one (notice lack of Gale
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Name: Mental Joe
Level: 50
Archetype: Defender
Primary: Storm Summoning
Secondary: Psychic Blast
01) --> O2 Boost==> Rechg(1)
01) --> Mental Blast==> Acc(1)Acc(3)Dmg(3)Dmg(5)Dmg(5)
02) --> Snow Storm==> Slow(2)Slow(7)Slow(7)EndRdx(9)EndRdx(9)EndRdx(11)
04) --> Psionic Lance==> Acc(4)Dmg(11)Dmg(13)Dmg(13)IntRdx(15)
06) --> Steamy Mist==> DmgRes(6)DmgRes(15)DmgRes(17)EndRdx(17)EndRdx(19)EndRdx(19)
08) --> Hover==> Fly(8)Fly(21)Fly(21)
10) --> Hasten==> Rechg(10)Rechg(23)Rechg(23)
12) --> Hurricane==> EndRdx(12)EndRdx(25)EndRdx(25)TH_DeBuf(27)TH_DeBuf(27)TH_DeBuf(29)
14) --> Fly==> Fly(14)Fly(29)Fly(31)EndRdx(31)EndRdx(31)EndRdx(33)
16) --> Swift==> Run(16)
18) --> Health==> Heal(18)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20)EndMod(33)EndMod(33)
22) --> Thunder Clap==> Acc(22)Acc(34)Rechg(34)Rechg(34)Rechg(36)EndRdx(36)
24) --> Psychic Scream==> Acc(24)Acc(36)Dmg(37)Dmg(37)Dmg(37)
26) --> Tornado==> Rechg(26)Rechg(39)Rechg(39)DisDur(39)DisDur(40)DisDur(40)
28) --> Psionic Tornado==> Rechg(28)Rechg(40)Rechg(42)Acc(42)EndRdx(42)EndRdx(43)
30) --> Recall Friend==> Range(30)
32) --> Lightning Storm==> Rechg(32)Rechg(43)Rechg(43)Dmg(45)Dmg(45)Dmg(45)
35) --> Scramble Thoughts==> Acc(35)
38) --> Teleport==> EndRdx(38)
41) --> Power Build Up==> Rechg(41)Rechg(46)Rechg(46)
44) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(44)Rechg(46)Rechg(48)
47) --> Total Focus==> Acc(47)Acc(48)Dmg(48)Dmg(50)Dmg(50)DisDur(50)
49) --> Super Speed==> EndRdx(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Vigilance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]