Powerset for a Chameleon?




I'm planning on making a chameleon hero that is a martial artist, sadly the secondary powersets turn me off quite alot, so I was whondering if I take reflexes, am I totaly screwed on the higher levels?



Reflexes, afaik, is one of the BETTER powers at high levels



as _Finn_ said /sr is quite strong in the higher lvls, its the lower lvls you gotta qorry about

@EU Brimmy - Union and Exalted servers



Exactly. As soon as you reach SO level (or if you use the upcoming IO stuff) you are made.

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.



/SR is a great set the only problem is that you can still be unlucky and get 2 shotted at any time even at higher lvls, but theres nothing like jumping into the middle of a big group and not getting hit.
And Evade is great, another group gets aggroed no problem hit evade and dive in it works so well you can solo 2 big 8 man spawns on +3 before it drops.




And Elude is great, another group gets aggroed no problem hit Elude and dive in it works so well you can solo 2 big 8 man spawns on +3 before it drops.

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Qoute for fix

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!




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Fixed, lol Sin



A tip if you're going to play as a Super Reflexes is to try get the medicine pool into your powers, as Aid Self is incredibly good for a secondary like SR since it has no self heals, and you probably will be dodging some stuff, but there will always be those things that you wont be able to dodge, so Aid Self to the rescues