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  1. Tom_Turbo


    I was wondering if spines/dark would be a survivable combo. My playstyle as a scrapper is to wait for the tank or whoever else it is that wants to take the agro to take it and then I jump in and blast the whole group to atoms^^ I heard spines/dark does great aoe and that the cloak of fear is divine. Any thoughts?
  2. I've come up with a hero concept of a construction worker, his backstory in short is that he got hit in the head with a radioactive brick, and his powers, well he uses his tools: shovel, wrench etc I'm thinking about invulnerability since at 50 it's quite stable, but before then it's just a pain, and the gaps in the defences are quite annoying. Willpower seems amazing, protection against holds and all that stuff, and the fast regen of health and stamina is luring aswell.

    What do you think, inv or will? Pro's / Cons?
  3. I'm running low on slots, only got one left and I love all my toons so I can't delete anyone, and I find it tricky to find a suiting power for my newest creation Major Marvel, I was gonna make him into an ss/inv tanker, but I already have one and find it very boring to play under level 40.

    And I think both Broadsword and Dual Blades looks very fun. [And powerfull.], so my questions would be: Whitch is the best one for dealing damage with the combination of invulnerability? Perhaps hearing about the pro's and con's of both could be good for making up my mind?
  4. Was just wondering if Fiery Aura and Ice Melee would be an alright combo. Heard alot that Ice Melee stinks so I thought I would ask.
  5. Planning on a new tanker and was whondering what was the most fun, super strength or energy melee, already have a inv/ss tanker on 50, but I found ss to be quite enjoyable, atleast at 40+. Never tried energy, the animations and effects seems a little..Eh.
  6. Tom_Turbo

    Super Reflexes.

    Was just wondering how Super Reflexes are at level 30+, if I would have a hard time with it not protecting, etc?
  7. Was planning on rolling an ice/rad troller and I whondered if it was any good.
  8. I would like too try a sonic/sonic defender, but I'm pretty much afraid too since everyone says it sucks and almost nobody wants them in a team. Any sonic/sonic vet's wanna share their experiences?
  9. Tom_Turbo


    Cheers, and I tried Youtube, only found clips of trollers and other random things, but not much for tankers.
  10. So there I was writing on my superhero stories, as always, my awareness of what I am doing dissepears and I just type, and this is what I came up with:

    Pedro Gonzales, a hard working man hired all the way from Spain too help out rebuilding Paragon City, he was working along in Faultline when it happened..A hero with the power of radiation was duking it out against a monster nearby and accidently shot Mr. Pedro with a high doze of radiation while he was holding a sandbag. His cells were spliced with with the sand molecules, and his body became a mass of a sandlike substance. He would soon realise that he could control and manipulate the earth around him, and so, he became – *****!

    And the combination I am thinking of is earth/radiation. Would it be an alright combo?
  11. Tom_Turbo


    Was just curious if there was any showcases out there where one could view clips on how the melee powers of the different sets looked like. I'm planning on making an stone armour tank and I am torn between super strength and stone melee.
  12. What is the better and more fun to have as a primary, ice or fire?
  13. I'm making a female magician that I call Miss Spell, and I was wondering about a couple of builds, if they would fit a magician and what the pro's/con's where.

    Number 1.

    Number 2.

    And I know these ones are for controllers, but I would still like opinions.

    Number 3.

    Number 4.

    Number 5.

    Number 6.
  14. Just whondering over the pro's and con's over storm/elec and storm/energy.
  15. I'm planning on making a chameleon hero that is a martial artist, sadly the secondary powersets turn me off quite alot, so I was whondering if I take reflexes, am I totaly screwed on the higher levels?
  16. Tom_Turbo

    Kheldian naming?

    Oh, thank you! That was of great help! =)
  17. Tom_Turbo

    Kheldian naming?

    I still have around 11 levels to go untill my main hits level 50, but I am taking a few names that I will have when that time comes, so far I have: Captain Zodiac and Captain Eclipse for the Warshades, but when it comes to the Peacebringers, I have absolutely no idea on names and was hoping for a few tips, maybe some site with space stuff or just some name suggestions.^_^
  18. I just made a Storm/elec tanker, and when I got him to level 10 I noticed he was sort of overpowered. So, my question would be, is this build any good on PvP?
  19. Tom_Turbo

    New on Stalkers.

    That is not really relevant. But, I was mostly thinking of claws/ninjitsu or claws/energy.
  20. Tom_Turbo

    New on Stalkers.

    I'm planning on making a robotic stalker, and my question would be: what are the pro's/con's of the powers in PvE/PvP?
  21. After about 1 year I have decided to go back to Villains and for concept reasons,the only powers I could use for my brute is:
    Primary: Super Strength/Energy/Electric
    Secondary: Invulnerability/Energy/Electric
    So, what are the pro's/con's with these powers and how are they in PvE/PvP?
  22. Tom_Turbo

    PvE/PvP build

    Thank you ever so much!
  23. Tom_Turbo

    PvE/PvP build

    My basic idea is a samurai. I'm thinking either Super Reflexes or Invulnerability. I simply refuse to take regeneration becouse it does not fit my concept.

    So, my question is. What are the pro's/con's of the scrapper shields?
  24. Tom_Turbo

    Inv/SS in PvP

    Was just whondering if a Inv/SS tanker is any good in PvP. =3