Questions about these builds.
I love the idea of a storm/dark defender but its horrible trying to get everything slotted. That's the big con, not enough slots possible, too many good powers. Oh and your damage will probably be a bit low.
Dark/Psi, I guess it workable, I'd rather take a set with better AoEs to go with dark, but Psi is a very strong ST set and should work well
Illusion/storm - Is mostly soft control and agro control
Fire/Storm - very endurance intensive
Ice/Storm - See above
Earth/Storm - Great control, no real damage.
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Number 1.
I have to agree with Cynic: This will be a slot-eating monster and the damage will probably be not that good for all those consumed slots. Other than that it wold fit a magician somehow (although I would like storm/elec better for that 'elemental magic' touch).
Number 2.
Dont't like the thought. Both Dark/ and /Psi are great sets in their own right, but each has sets that would compliment them a lot better. This toon would probably not be bad, but it's missing concept and synergy.
Number 3.
Oh, I have a lvl50 Illu/Storm who is a mighty spirit with the power to control and summon lesser spirits. So, I think the magic theme is easily made plausible with these sets.
Illu/Storm is not that easy to play without making the tank cry, but all-in-all it's a very powerful combination.
Number 4.
If you can somehow manage the huge endurance consumption this combination will actually be quite powerful. On top of that it will have a nice ring of versatile elemental magic (fire, water, air). I like the concept, but until you are loaded on sets you will suffer from lack of endurance.
Number 5.
Yes, the endurance consumption will be similar to Fire/Storm, but for a different effect. You will have less damage, but the sheer amount of control should be awesome. Plus, Ice/ fits very well with weather summoning or air&water magic.
Number 6.
Well, you will have some damage with this combination due to storm, but it will be less than with other primaries. On the other hand endurance will be more managable. Concept-wise I see this as a kind of 'mountain magician' since the peaks of mountains are places where the elements of earth, air and water meet like this.
If I wanted to build a 'magician' toon I would probably go for one of the mentioned controller builds and it's not unlikely that I would choose Illu/Storm if I didn't already have a lvl50 of that kind.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
I always find Earth/Storm closer to Druidic Tradition. Controlling nature and elemental forces.
The nature of the power sets in CoX is that the vast majority of them can be interpreted in basically any way you want.
For a Magician I would be very tempted to go for Illusion as a Primary power.
The powers can easily be interpreted as Magic.
For a secondary you don't need to restrict yourself to only certain sets that that can obviously be regarded or interpreted as Magic.
With this thought in mind I would highly recommend Kinetics as a secondary.
Kinetics may seem to have a non Magic feel to it at first glance but if you look closer you can make the powers suit a Magic character, like the following.
Transfusion - A spell of Healing that restores health to you and your allies, if close to the enemy when cast upon it.
Siphon Power - Quite easy this one. You cast a spell that draws strength from your enemy and allows you to use it for the duration of the spell effect.
Repel - A Ward of mystical energy that prevents enemies from getting close to you.
Siphon Speed - A spell of Slowness that reduces your enemies overall speed of movement and attack and allows you use to use that speed for the duration of the spell.
Increase Density - A powerful charm that, when cast on an ally, frees them from being held or immobilised and also protects them from being smashed, knocked back and energy damage.
Speed Boost - A simple but highly effective spell of quickness that allows an ally to run faster, attack quicker and be able to sustain attacks for the duration of the spell, without tiring.
Inertial Reduction - A basic Travel spell that allows you and nearby allies to leap vast distances when cast.
Transference - A tremendously effective spell that will cause an enemy to tire rapidly when cast on them and impart this body energy to all nearby allies.
Fulcrum Shift - The Jewel in the Crown for your Magician, representing the pinacle of her studies in High Magic. This complex spell will cause your targetted enemy and all enemies around it to lose power - which is magically transferred to you and all nearby allies. The more enemies that are affected by this spell the better. This spell can help to vanquish powerful enemies with alarming speed.
There you have it. Kinetics can be used in a Magical context.
Most powers can be interpreted in many ways, although I would still like to see a true 'Magic' powerset introduced into the game.
There was a thread about that a few months ago, although most people couldn't realy grasp what the OP (not me) was trying to say at the time.
Anyway, good luck in whatever you choose to roll.
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
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I'm making a female magician that I call Miss Spell, and I was wondering about a couple of builds, if they would fit a magician and what the pro's/con's where.
Number 1.
Number 2.
And I know these ones are for controllers, but I would still like opinions.
Number 3.
Number 4.
Number 5.
Number 6.